First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 58

But this is all Zhang Shicheng needs to digest. On Lao Zhu's side, the most important thing is to successfully swallow the soldiers and horses of the four marshals.

Zhu Yuanzhang was anxious, but he was not reckless. He just sent some rice noodles and vegetables every day. By the way, he revealed that the food was in short supply. From top to bottom, everyone was farming.

Speaking of this, no one is a fool. Peng Zaozhu came to see Zhu Yuanzhang and expressed his willingness to farm and support himself.

This Young Marshal Peng was fairly knowledgeable about current affairs, and Lao Zhu didn't say anything specific, but let Zhang Ximeng take full responsibility.

Since it was handed over to Zhang Ximeng, it was equivalent to a piece of fat falling into the stomach.

He first told the four marshals that more than 1 soldiers and horses would definitely not be able to be arranged in one place, but must be scattered everywhere, looking for places with fertile land and sufficient water sources.

Therefore, these 1 people were dismantled into dozens of military settlements, the large ones had 600 people, and the small ones had less than [-] people.

The scattered distribution is mainly concentrated in Quanjiao County. Although it seems that they are not far apart, they are indeed separated by villages, and this is only Zhang Ximeng's first step.

Then Zhang Ximeng said that in order to avoid conflicts with the people who have been allocated land, it is necessary to approve land rights and grant land deeds, and treat them equally to avoid conflicts.

Although a few people were skeptical, it was not easy to refuse, and they felt that the land deed should not be so fast, and at most it would be one for each military farm, as long as it was held in their hands, they still had to obey their orders.

But in just ten days, in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, there were more than 3000 land deeds.

"My lord, everything has been approved tonight, and it will be distributed tomorrow. After that, there will be [-] more copies, one for each person. It's not too late. My lord may work harder, but one land deed can exchange for one soldier!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stared at the mountainous land deeds and gritted his teeth. Although he did everything by himself, he had never seen such a battle... In the past, Lao Zhu sent hundreds of copies at most a day, and his handwriting was already like chicken feet.

Now it is ten times more, and there will be more in the future!

Is this to kill?

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. He could only pick it up to read the content, and then stamped his own big seal, but after reading more than a dozen copies, Zhu Yuanzhang's head became a little big.

Don't waste time, speed up!

Now Lao Zhu just stamped his seal and didn't care what he wrote.But even so, after working for almost an hour, they only solved more than 300 copies.The rest remains daunting.

Zhang Ximeng was still waiting by the side, Lao Zhu looked at him, then looked at the remaining land deeds, and asked helplessly, "What time is it?"

"It's almost two more, my lord has to hurry up!" Zhang Ximeng said worriedly, "It's not that I don't feel sorry for my lord, it's just that if you don't cook the raw rice quickly, the duck will fly away when it's full."

Old Zhu's face darkened, and he barely stamped his big seal. Not long after, the second watch's clapper sounded outside.

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned for a long while, and couldn't help but pause. He pinched and pinched the gold seal in his hand, struggling with regret, and suddenly pushed forward, "Here you are!"

Zhang Ximeng was taken aback, this is not allowed!

"Stop talking nonsense, go and call Li Shanchang and the others, and get all the land deeds approved before dawn, no mistakes are allowed... Let's go to sleep!"

Zhu Yuanzhang let out a sigh of relief and went to find his wife Ma Shi. It would be better to give birth to a son as soon as possible!

Chapter 86 Slowly Claiming King

Li Shanchang, Yang Yuangao, and several other scribes were brought over by Zhang Ximeng... Faced with the mountain-like land deeds, they were completely shocked, not because of the large number, but because the superiors were willing to delegate power.

Looking at that golden seal again, it seems like a world away, it feels unreal!

My God, it can't be the eyesight, right?

Zhang Ximeng looked at a few people, and said directly with a sullen face: "Time is running out, big guys hurry up and check, and reveal the places where the land deeds are stamped, one by one."

Li Shanchang had more ideas than Zhang Ximeng, and hurriedly said: "Bring those tables over, and after verification, put them on the table, revealing a corner of the seal. Mr. Zhang is in charge of stamping, and I will follow suit, and you are responsible for spreading it out."

With Li Shanchang dispatching, the efficiency has doubled.

Several people sorted out the land deeds, and then lined them up. Zhang Ximeng held the big seals in his hand, and stamped them one by one, and Li Shanchang was in charge of collecting them.

Less than [-] land deeds were completed just after the fourth watch, and before the fifth watch!

Li Shanchang pulled the yawning Zhang Ximeng and said, "Mr. Zhang, go and rest quickly. I will arrange thirty fast horses and send the land deeds to various farms immediately."

Zhang Ximeng was indeed sleepy, so he agreed to go on.

Looking at Zhang Ximeng's back, Li Shanchang couldn't help giving a thumbs up secretly!

It works!

Zhu Yuanzhang, who is like an overlord, was never willing to let go of a little power, and he just tore a piece of meat from the tiger's mouth.

While Li Shanchang sighed, he also made up his mind to handle this matter properly, so that Lao Zhu can rest assured, so that he can get more.

This is the way things are, even if they are as strong as Lao Zhu, there are times when they are weak, and as their power grows, Lao Zhu has to grasp the big and let go of the small. Naturally, power will fall into their hands.

This is a matter of course. Like Li Shanchang, he always wants to form cliques and appoint private individuals, but he falls behind.

After showing off his operation, Zhang Ximeng seized the time to catch up on sleep, followed him to hide in the school, and called Zhu Ying and Li Wenzhong again.

Let me make up for you as a teacher, especially Li Wenzhong, who is almost fifteen, if you don't study hard, how can you fight for your uncle?

Lao Zhu hid first and was busy giving birth, Zhang Ximeng also hid, and as his teacher, Li Shanchang couldn't hide, so he had to honestly distribute the land to more than 1 soldiers.

It is still the old rule in the past. Due to the many mountains in Chuzhou, each soldier got five acres of ration fields. In addition to the five acres of fields, they were generally allocated 25 to [-] acres of transfer fields, and there were as many as [-] acres of land. Sang Ma Tian!

When the land deeds with bright red seals were delivered to the soldiers, everyone was excited!

Some people ran to the fields like crazy, and threw themselves on the ground, feeling the warmth of their own land, and some people rushed up the hillside, paying close attention, to see how their mulberry and hemp fields are... There are mountain springs, wild vegetables, and ponds, Fish can be raised in the pond!

Simply wonderful!

Just relying on these mountain products and ponds, it is not a problem to sell dozens of grains a year. In addition to those circulation fields and ration fields, there will be dozens of grains of grain in a year.

By the way, I can also build a diversion canal to lead the mountain spring water to the fields, and the irrigated fields can produce [-]% more... These extras are all my own.

A man in his 30s opened his mouth wide and shouted to the sky.

Look, look, look!

This is our field, our land!

We have the final say!

Needless to say, as long as we work hard for two or three years, we can build a big tile house and marry a wife.While you are not old, hurry up to pass on the family line and continue the incense.

Finally, I don't have to be an extinct family anymore!

"Superior, great kindness, my life is yours!"

As Zhang Ximeng said, a land deed is a soldier who is determined to die.

Those soldiers who got the land quickly turned to Lao Zhu.

The reason is very simple. The land deeds in their hands are only valid under the rule of Zhu Yuanzhang, and they are just a piece of waste paper under the hands of others.

Never had it, maybe it doesn't matter, but after I got it, I never want to let it go.

Along with the issuance of the land deeds, Li Shanchang came in person to put these soldiers on the roster, enter their civil registration, and incorporate them into Lao Zhu's system.

All this took only half a month, and 1 soldiers and horses just fell into Zhu Yuanzhang's pocket.

Peng Zaozhu was still immersed in the grief of defeat. He was young and powerful, and he was the young marshal Peng admired by everyone.But with his father's sudden death, he couldn't support him and had to go to Zhu Yuanzhang.

After falling from the peak, Peng Zaozhu was devastated, drinking heavily for several days, and was unwilling to come out to be a director.

This morning, he was still sound asleep. He drank until the fourth watch yesterday, and not long after he fell asleep, three marshals, Yu, Pan, and Lu, came.

Still sleeping?

They have all become handsome men!

"King Lu Huai! King Peng! Get up quickly! The soldiers are gone!"

Peng Zao lived in a daze and was called up.When I saw these three, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. If you want to drink at night, you will wake up in the morning, and you will have to increase the price of wine!

Peng Zaozhu cursed, put on his clothes casually, wiped his face, then pulled over the chair, crossed Erlang's legs and said, "What's the matter, you look like a dead mother?"

Dashuai Yu was furious, "If Dad dies, I'm not in a hurry!"

As soon as these words came out, Peng Zaozhu raised his eyes. What do you mean?

Bullying my father who just died?

Marshal Yu also knew he had said something wrong, so he quickly said, "I didn't mean that, please don't get me wrong."

The other two also quickly explained, and it took a while for Peng Zaozhu to understand.

"You mean, Zhu Yuanzhang issued land deeds to our subordinates, and they don't listen to us now?"

Marshal Yu said bitterly: "I can't tell, but Zhu Chongba is a thief with evil intentions. He wants to swallow all our subordinates! We should have known that we shouldn't have come to Chuzhou. Just go to Hezhou and join Sun Deya Already!"

Peng Zaozhu was stunned for a long while, and straightened his train of thought.

Go to Hezhou?

Go dream!

Sun Deya had a great fight with Guo Zixing back then, did he really think he was a good guy?Maybe not as good as Zhu Yuanzhang.

In fact, since guarding Haozhou side by side, Peng Zaozhu admired Zhu Yuanzhang in his heart.

At the beginning, he tried to win over Lao Zhu and followed them.

It's just that he has nothing now, if even his subordinates are taken away, how can he gain a foothold?

"Go! Let's go find Zhu Yuanzhang!"

"Find him? What if he kills us?"

"Then let him kill him!" Peng Zaozhu snorted coldly: "He Zhu Yuanzhang is a man, Guo Dashuai treated him like that, and he didn't do anything to Guo Dashuai. I'll go over now, and if he wants my head, I'll give it to him! Take a look! What will the people of the world say! How can Zhu Yuanzhang still gain a foothold?"

Peng Zao held his breath and walked outside, got on his horse, and rushed to Chuzhou.

The remaining three handsome men look at me and I look at you, and they have no other ideas, so let's go together!

Let's see what Zhu Chongba is?

They came to Zhu Yuanzhang aggressively, and Lao Zhu called Zhang Ximeng here.

"We asked you to arrange it properly, how did you do it?"

Zhang Ximeng said: "Naturally, I respect the meaning of my lord, and I dare not neglect distinguished guests, I treat everyone equally!"

Lao Zhu nodded, and asked Peng Zaozhu again, "Um... did they bully you?"

Peng Zaozhu snorted coldly, "Brother Zhu, we are all familiar with each other, so don't pretend to be foolish. Tell you, you didn't bully others, but did a great job! Treat our subordinates as yours! "

Old Zhu hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "Then how should Marshal Peng feel satisfied?"

Now it was Peng Zao's turn to live in embarrassment.

What can I do?

Take someone away?

Not to mention whether Lao Zhu agrees or not, even if he nods, how many can he take away?

Don't leave, have a falling out with Zhu Yuanzhang, and rush to the underworld to meet your father?

Peng Zao lived and wanted to live for two more days. In fact, on the way Pegasus came, he had already thought a lot, and he didn't have the capital to tear himself apart with Lao Zhu.

"Zhu Yuanzhang, don't say anything. Just ask you, what official position can you give me?"

There was really a little sympathy between Lao Zhu and Peng's father and son, he said without hesitation, "Thousand households!"


Peng Zaozhu was furious, "Zhu Yuanzhang! Don't go too far! My father is King Luhuai. If he dies, I will be the king. If you give me a mere thousand households, who do you think the surname Peng is?"

Zhu Yuanzhang took his time and said with a smile, "The biggest under my command is Qianhu!"


Peng Zaozhu was speechless, shook his head, and suddenly said with a smile: "Zhu Yuanzhang, you have a strong army, why don't you dare to be king?"

Lao Zhu also laughed, and said lightly: "We want to be emperor!"

With just five words, Peng Zaozhu and the other three generals were stunned. How dare you brag!

Of all the Red Turban soldiers, only Tianwan Emperor Xu Shouhui proclaimed himself emperor, but the Yuan army chased after him and beat him, and even Monk Peng was killed. How dare you proclaim yourself emperor with your surname Zhu?

"It's because we have the heart to be the emperor, so we can't rush to become the king!" Lao Zhu stood up, walked in front of Peng Zaozhu, put one hand on his back, and said in a low voice: "Young Marshal Peng, follow us! After conquering the world, it may not be impossible to fight for a real Duke and Marquis! It is much better than the Caotou King."

Peng Zaozhu took a deep breath, raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang, old Zhu looked sincere, Peng Zaozhu bit his teeth, suddenly got up, and fell on one knee!

"Qianhu Peng stays early, and see the superior!"

"it is good!"

Old Zhu was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to hold Peng Zaozhu, "We fought side by side with you in Haozhou, we went through life and death together, then we knew that there would be such a day sooner or later! Only by clenching our fists can we defeat the Yuan Tartars , make a bright universe!"

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