First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 57

Zhang Ximeng followed behind, also said with a smile: "Rice, flour, grain and oil come from the warehouse, as long as they are cooked for the soldiers here."

Li Zhen's face darkened, and she said solemnly: "Although I don't understand the affairs of the army, food is the most important thing for the people, let alone a warrior who leads the army to fight? I have also turned half a century this year, and I have gone through a lot of red and white Things, don’t look at a small stove, there is a lot to do with it. There are so many people, dig a little out of each person’s mouth, it will last forever, it’s not a small amount!”

Li Zhen can be regarded as a child of old age, and now he is over 50 years old, fully twice as old as Zhu Yuanzhang.An old house where a treasure.

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang just wanted his brother-in-law to do something, but after hearing what he said, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he really chose the right person.

"Brother-in-law, don't refuse, this matter belongs to you!"

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help nodding beside him. Old Zhu's brother-in-law was rated very well in history books.Even after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, he was very frugal. Lao Zhu rewarded him with clothes, but he was reluctant to wear them. He only wore mended ones, and he always told his family about the hardships of farming in the past.

It can be said that he taught Li Wenzhong very well, but the old man left a little early and didn't teach his grandson well, so that bastard lost all the good reputation of the Li family.

"My lord, why don't you do this, try it for a few months and see how it works?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "It's just what you want." He said to Li Zhen again: "Brother-in-law, you are not allowed to refuse."

Li Zhen was startled, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "OK, don't worry, brother-in-law won't embarrass you!"

Li Zhen is really not just talking about it...he has experience and is an out-and-out person.

Since mastering the kitchen, Li Zhen has devoted herself to enriching the dining tables of soldiers.

How to use the least amount of money to do the most things is a big question.

After Li Zhen found out that there was soy milk in the army, she immediately came up with an idea.

He went around buying soybeans, soy milk, tofu, thousand sheets, dried tofu, and even vegetarian chicken.

The remaining bean curd dregs are the best feed. Li Zhen bought dozens of piglets with vegetable gold and raised them. During the Chinese New Year, the pigs were killed for meat.

Also, the little old man led the big guys to build chicken coops, dig fish ponds, grow vegetables around the barracks, go down the river to dig lotus roots, and go up the mountain to pick mushrooms... In short, Li Zhen tried her best to make the soldiers eat well and be full!

Zhang Ximeng felt that he might have been a hamster in his previous life, otherwise how could he have such a strong collection habit!

All kinds of wild vegetables, leaf-eating, stem-eating, and root-eating, are classified into categories without any mess. Some are dried and stored, and some are pickled into pickles.

Since Li Zhen's arrival, the types of pickles on the table have obviously increased, and everyone can't help but be amazed.

"Brother-in-law was a good cook back then. Whenever there were important weddings and funerals in the countryside, he would be invited over to cook and serve meals. At that time, we were most willing to go with brother-in-law. Not only could we have a full meal, but also things that the host didn't want, If you can bring some back, the whole family can have a delicious meal..." Lao Zhu looked forward to his teenage years, the few happy times, and yearned very much.

Zhang Ximeng rolled his eyes, did others not want it?

Maybe it was stolen, you know?

Obviously, Zhang Ximeng didn't dare to expose Lao Zhu.

And under the extreme pressure of survival, I really can't expect too much.

"My lord, the floating wealth and food we confiscated are enough to support the summer grain harvest. With this season's food support, we don't have to worry about going hungry. The situation will only get better and better, and the common people will also be fed and clothed, and flourishing. "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "I hope so... We really want to manage Chuzhou well, this is our root!"

Lao Zhu sighed like this, but he didn't moan for nothing.

Because of the consequences of not having a solid base, it has repeatedly appeared.

The latest example is Peng Zaozhu!

I think he and his father Peng Da fled to Haozhou, relying on Guo Zixing's protection and living under the fence.

After defeating Jia Lu with great difficulty, how high-spirited Peng Da is!

There were more than [-] soldiers and horses, and he was called the King of Luhuai. The soldiers took Sizhou and Xuyi. Wherever they passed, they ran away with their heads in their hands.In a blink of an eye, they fought with Zhao Jun, and Peng Da was injured and died.

Has the land of Sizhou become the burial place of the Peng family and his son?

At this moment, a troop descended from the sky, and Xu Da led 500 people to meet Peng Zaozhu.

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, but now it doesn't even take a year, the situation is reversed, the world is turned upside down!

"Young Marshal Peng, my superiors sent me over to express condolences to the King...and asked me to bring a message. If the Marshal is willing to go to Chuzhou, he welcomes the Marshal to go south."

Peng Zaozhu is much worse than before, and his spirit is not as good as before.

"Your emissary has a heart, but Zhao Jun used this thief. He killed my father. No matter what, I will avenge my revenge! I will never end with him! Unless one of his heads falls to the ground! He will not die!"

Xu Da couldn't help sighing, "Young commander, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. If you continue to fight now, you will only use up your precious troops... Everyone is a red scarf from Haozhou, and they will fight with Yuan Tartars together. I've already said it, please don't hesitate, the young marshal, hurry up and lead the troops south, rest and recuperate. Only when you recover your vitality can you take revenge!"

Xu Da kept persuading Peng to live early.

In fact, Peng Zaozhu also wanted to leave, but it was too embarrassing for him to go to Zhu Yuanzhang for refuge.

Their father and son were overjoyed and rushed to become kings. Now that they are defeated, they want to go to the former Ninth Commander, and let them live?

Xu Da knew Zhu Yuanzhang's intentions well. The superior wanted to promote the alliance of the original Haozhou Red Scarf, and the Peng family could not abandon it anyway.

As time passed, just when Xu Da almost lost his confidence, Zhao Junyong launched an attack again. The two sides fought fiercely. At the critical moment, a Yuan army suddenly appeared behind Peng Zao's residence. The sky is weak, and the soldiers and horses are defeated!

Xu Da led 500 troops, killed the Yuan army's pursuit, and took the opportunity to live south with Peng Zao.

At this moment, Peng Zaozhu had no choice but to gather up the remnants, which amounted to only a few thousand people, and went south in embarrassment.

They were getting closer and closer to Chuzhou, and yet another group of people rushed over.

The leaders of the army were also old acquaintances, Yu, Lu, and Pan, the three marshals of Haozhou in the past, led thousands of remnants of the defeated generals, and caught up with them.

When they got together and asked, they found out that they marched together with Sun Deya, encountered Yuan court soldiers and horses, lost the battle, and their plan to plot Huai'an failed.

Sun Deya led the remnants and headed towards Hezhou. The three of them wanted to go with Sun Deya, but occasionally they heard that Zhu Yuanzhang was flourishing in Chuzhou and had a strong army.

The three of them rushed over with their troops, and by coincidence, they ran into the young commander Peng Zaozhu.

The four marshals of the past have come to join Lao Zhu together.

Chapter 85 Zhu Yuanzhang admits defeat

"Peng, Yu, Pan, and Lu, the four marshals, command more than ten thousand soldiers and horses to vote, please make a decision!"

There was only a short sentence, but Zhu Yuanzhang watched it five times, with a smile on his face, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

Is it so happy to step on the feet of the former high-ranking generals?

In fact, how can the joy of counterattack be unimaginable by ordinary people?

Even Zhu Yuanzhang was no exception. He climbed up from the bottom, step by step. Although he was fast, he walked steadily, which was completely different from the four marshals who were still at the stage of rogues.

As long as they are defeated, they will be devastated, going downhill, or even disappearing, with no possibility of a comeback.

But Zhu Yuanzhang is very sure, he will not, he has a solid foundation, hundreds of thousands of people are willing to help him in the same boat, even if the Yuan court sends troops, he is not afraid!

This is his confidence!

My heart is in me!

And Lao Zhu still has two sets of basic disks in his hand.

The first set is mainly based on the division of land, and hundreds of thousands of self-cultivating farmers will be created. They will beat any invading enemy for their own land.

And another basic disk is the Huaixi fellow!

People don't kiss the earth, rivers don't kiss the water.

Even after hundreds of years, hometown is still a very important relationship. There are too many industries that are dominated by people from a certain place, such as express delivery, such as furniture, such as small commodities...

Lao Zhu has aspirations for the world, so he naturally wants to recruit talents, but there is no doubt that a strong core is equally important.In fact, just look at it and you will know how amazing the fighting power of the tens of thousands of Guangxi veterans during the Northern Expedition of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was!

As a native of Haozhou, Zhu Yuanzhang's basic background is that of Huaixi fellow.

From the bloody battle to defend Haozhou, Lao Zhu paid special attention to this point.

Guo Zixing treated him like that, and Lao Zhu still sent Guo Zixing to Huaiyuan to settle down. For the time being, it might be too soft-hearted, but as more and more villagers came to join him, the business actually made a lot of money.

Now that the four marshals are here, it may be that they value Zhu Yuanzhang's character.

It's just a win!

With these four people, perhaps the day of gathering the original Haozhou red scarves is not far away.

But this time, Zhu Yuanzhang is the only and unshakable sun!

It was precisely because of these considerations that Zhu Yuanzhang was extra cautious, "Sir, what conditions do you think we can agree to?"

"Garrison!" Zhang Ximeng said simply: "As long as the marshals accept the arrangement of the farm!"

"What?" Old Zhu couldn't help pondering, "So simple?"

"Yes! It's that simple!" Zhang Ximeng smiled and said, "If you mention too much, I'm afraid these people won't be able to bear it."

They can accept it, but we can't accept it!

These people are not Guo Zixing, even if they are the Peng family and his son, they are just friends.

When you are in trouble, we will give you a hand, but you can't eat and drink enough, so you throw us away, there is no return at all!

Zhang Ximeng saw what Lao Zhu was thinking, so he said with a smile: "My lord, Young Marshal Peng and the other marshals are all defeated soldiers, and their spirits have long since disappeared. At this time, they can have a piece of land and live in peace. More than [-]% of them , will be willing. What's more, you can send more people to help, build a roster for them, guide farming, and explain the rules of the tax system. All in all, everyone makes friends!"

make friends!

Old Zhu chewed on Zhang Ximeng's words, and suddenly couldn't help laughing out loud, "Sure enough, they are scholars, but there are too many bad people! You are trying to steal their military power silently!"

"Could it be that my lord can't bear it?" Zhang Ximeng asked back

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted, "Why can't you bear it? We feel sorry for the folks and children of Huaixi, but we don't necessarily have pity on them. In this world, a defeated army will end like this! It's better to fall into our hands than to be killed by Zhao Jun. Use He Yuanting to kill it! Zhao Jun uses this thief, we will kill him sooner or later!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was murderous and made up his mind.

Zhao Junyong first arrested Guo Zixing, then killed Peng Da, and forced Peng Zao to live without a place to stay. He is simply a white-eyed wolf with a red scarf in Haozhou!

Just wait until the food, grass, soldiers and horses are ready, and when you have a fighter, we will give you a knife to cut your ass, so that you can open your eyes!

Know who is the king of the Haozhou red scarf!

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng discussed it properly. He didn't even bring Zhang Ximeng, so he led Guo Ying, and the two of them took the initiative to meet Peng Zaozhu and the three marshals.

They didn't sit in Chuzhou and wait for someone to come to the door, there were no thousands of troops, only two people went out of Chuzhou to meet the four marshals... Zhang Ximeng saw it, and sighed in his heart, this is a method!

The same thing, done by different people, the effect may be completely different.

Otherwise, why should he be the boss!

Zhu Yuanzhang went to see Peng Zaozhu. Xu Da told Zhang Ximeng about the specifics: After Lao Zhu arrived, he didn’t say anything. He just talked to a few people about the war in Haozhou, the process of capturing Sizhou, and the abomination of Zhao Jun. , Talking about Peng Da's tragedy... Then Lao Zhu drank with them until he was very drunk, and fell asleep in their barracks, with only one Guo Ying from beginning to end.

"Sir, you don't know how frightened I was that night! I didn't dare to sleep the whole night, five hundred brothers, and I'm afraid that they will hold my superiors hostage." Xu Da couldn't help complaining to Zhang Ximeng.

"Hahaha! If you don't sleep, the lord dares to lie down at ease! To bring back so many people, the lord trusts you completely!"

Xu Da blushed a little, he was still young after all, so he couldn't help boasting.

He remembered another thing, "Sir, when Young Marshal Peng and I were going south, we met a group of soldiers and horses going north. I simply disguised myself as Zhao Junyong's subordinates, played his banner, and attacked them."

"Oh? You did it?"

Xu Da was startled, wondering if this is a big deal?

In order to retreat safely, there are pursuers behind and enemies in front, so it is reasonable to divert the disaster!

"You, almost killed a novel master!"

Zhang Ximeng told Xu Da that not long ago, Zhang Shicheng's brother Zhang Jiuliu led thousands of elites to go north. Luo Guanzhong ran to Chuzhou and was exhausted. He rested in Gaoyou, and the resourceful Shi Naian followed. It was originally for Zhang Jiu Six out of plans.

In the end, he ran into Xu Da. In order to frame Zhao Junyong, Xu Da disguised himself as Zhao Junyong's subordinates, attacked the vanguard soldiers and horses, and then ran away quickly.

As a result, Zhang Jiuliu's main force came and happened to run into Zhao Junyong.

It has to be said that the soldiers who came out of the salt field were very powerful in combat. Zhao Junyong was hit head-on and was beaten badly. He lost thousands of people and fled back to Sizhou in embarrassment.

On the other side, although Zhang Jiuliu won the battle, his losses were not small.

It is especially worth mentioning that because of this collision, Zhang Jiuliu wrote a letter to his brother, praising Luo Guanzhong, saying that he stole books in a timely manner, had accurate information, was wise and brave, and should be reused!

In a daze, Luo Guanzhong was promoted to a higher rank and received a big reward.By the way, Zhang Shicheng also gave him a task, which was to inquire about Zhu Yuanzhang's news.

As a neighbor, you can't take others too seriously.

Zhang Shicheng is also reflecting on his shortcomings.

But Luo Guanzhong was stunned, asking him to get news about Zhu Yuanzhang, just relying on his iron walls, can it work?

Isn't this similar to courting death?

Or...or what I made up, just give it to King Cheng.

If I can support it for a while, I will support it. If not, I will go to Tianwan and seek refuge with Xu Shouhui!

It is conceivable how many jokes will be caused by a novel's next intelligence work.

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