"Get out! Hurry up!" Tang Xiaochuan pointed to the distance, telling him to leave quickly.

He was afraid that if Ben Boerba was a little late, he couldn't help but want to beat him up.

Ben Boerba looked at Tang Xiaochuan as if he was really angry, and immediately prepared to leave in despair.But when he left, he was still muttering, "What, you won't give me the grilled fish that you agreed to, huh, bad guy."

"What did you say?" Tang Xiaochuan asked coldly when he heard Ben Boerba's muttering.

"No, it's nothing!" After saying that, Ben Bo Erba ran away jumping and jumping.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the back of Ben Bo Erba leaving, and he suddenly felt that he had indulged this stupid murloc too much.

I must find a time to teach this lawless murloc a lesson.

But what is more important now is to get rid of Zhou Yunwei first.

Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and looked at Zhou Yunwei, who was still lying on the ground vomiting, with an ugly look on his face.

"Hey, have you vomited enough?" Tang Xiaochuan kicked Zhou Yunwei.

Zhou Yunwei's expression changed immediately when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have fallen into Tang Xiaochuan's hands now.

When he thought of the situation he might be about to face, he suddenly felt a burst of fear.

If I had known that the water on Tang Xiaochuan's island was so deep, I should have waited until my strength was stronger and there were more undead under my hands before I troubled Tang Xiaochuan.

Zhou Yunwei felt a little regretful at this time, so when he saw Tang Xiaochuan's expression, he turned his head away.

"If you want to kill it, kill it. I, Zhou Yunwei, will never frown."

"Hey, you're so stubborn." Tang Xiaochuan laughed when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Yunwei, this Zhou Yunwei is definitely not a hard-headed person. The reason why he dares to talk to himself like this now is because he must be pretending.

"Scholars can be killed, don't be humiliated! If you have the ability, you can kill me, and I will still be broadcasting live!" Zhou Yunwei threatened Tang Xiaochuan.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhou Yunwei's words, he immediately laughed. He had heard the first half of Zhou Yunwei's words and thought he was quite stubborn.

But the threat in the second half seemed a little weak.

Want to limit yourself with the public opinion of other survivors?Tang Xiaochuan wanted to say that Zhou Yunwei had a pretty good idea.

Is this public opinion still useful?Can crush people to death?

Besides, when Zhou Yunwei went to invade the islands of other survivors, he was not afraid of public opinion.And this time, it was Zhou Yunwei who took the initiative to invade him.

Just imagine, if he is not as strong as Zhou Yunwei this time, will he let him go because he is afraid of public opinion?

The answer is definitely no, so Tang Xiaochuan wanted to kill Zhou Yunwei without any psychological pressure.

After all, in this world without laws, the only thing that can restrain the behavior of survivors is morality.

Once morality is abandoned, then no matter what you do, it is all right.

However, now Tang Xiaochuan still has something to ask Zhou Yunwei. If he directly said that he wanted to kill Zhou Yunwei at this time, Zhou Yunwei, who knew that he had no hope of survival, would keep silent.

"Okay, don't be so tough, I don't intend to kill you, I just want to ask you something." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhou Yunwei calmly.

"Huh? Just wanted to ask me a few questions?" Zhou Yunwei immediately expressed disbelief when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Aren't you still running the live broadcast? At least hundreds of thousands of eyes are staring at me now, how could I still lie to you?" Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he saw Zhou Yunwei's expression.

"You swear!" Zhou Yunwei said to Tang Xiaochuan after thinking about it.

"Okay, I swear! I, Night Breeze, just want to ask you, Zhou Yunwei, something. After I finish asking, I, Night Breeze, will let you go." Tang Xiaochuan said helplessly.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words from the side, Zhang Zhi felt a little anxious. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Tang Xiaochuan winking at him.

Zhang Zhi, who cooperated tacitly, understood Tang Xiaochuan's eyes when he saw Tang Xiaochuan's eyes, and then continued to stand aside calmly.

"Okay, then I believe in Ye Feng's character." Zhou Yunwei nodded after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, expressing his approval.

Zhou Yunwei still trusts Tang Xiaochuan's character.

"Then you ask, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"Are all the people you brought this time here?" Tang Xiaochuan asked a simple question.

"No, I left a survivor and an undead on the boat." Zhou Yunwei replied.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhou Yunwei's words, he looked at Zhang Zhi.

"The undead has been dealt with, but the survivor didn't have time to catch him. He should still be on the boat." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Brother Zhang, you can catch that survivor." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi with a smile.

Zhang Zhi didn't speak, just nodded and led two native warriors towards Zhou Yunwei's warship.

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the back of Zhang Zhi leaving, then thought for a while and said to Zhou Yunwei: "These things should be survivors, how did you turn them into undead?"

"Also, where did your warship come from?" Tang Xiaochuan asked, pointing to the undead at his feet.

Zhou Yunwei seemed a little hesitant when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

The second question is okay, the source of the warship is obtained by opening the box, this is purely personal luck.

But the first question, when answered, is a bit sharp.

However, in this situation, Zhou Yunwei had no choice but to answer.

"These people were indeed survivors before, but after I killed them, they became undead."

"Undead?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

Although he had guessed that these monsters might be undead when he saw these undead monsters before, but now that Zhou Yunwei confirmed it, he still frowned.

"So, you have killed at least 8 survivors now?"

"Yes, yes." Hearing such a sharp question, Zhou Yunwei seemed a little nervous.

"Then how did you turn them into undead?" This question was what Tang Xiaochuan wanted to know the most.

Hearing this question, Zhou Yunwei was obviously more hesitant than before.After all, this question is already his biggest secret.

"Why, don't want to say?" Tang Xiaochuan saw Zhou Yunwei's hesitation, narrowed his eyes, and snorted coldly.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's cold snort, Zhou Yunwei was shocked.

Only then did he realize that he is now the fish on the chopping board, if he can't satisfy Tang Xiaochuan today, then he will have no future in the future.

Chapter 158 Don't you know how to splash water with your hands!

Therefore, when Zhou Yunwei heard Tang Xiaochuan's cold snort, he said without even thinking, "Because I have a special title."

"Title?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

"What name?"

"Undead." Zhou Yunwei answered Tang Xiaochuan's question immediately.

"Undead? What's the use of this title?" Tang Xiaochuan asked doubtfully, frowning.

"This title has only one function, that is to turn the killed enemies into undead. These undead can 100% obey the command of the undead." Zhou Yunwei said.

"Hiss." Hearing Zhou Yunwei's words, Tang Xiaochuan gasped.

This kind of title is completely clear to lure the owner to kill.

As long as it is killed by the title owner, it will be transformed into an undead directly. That is to say, as long as the owner kills more people, he can quickly expand his strength.

Thinking that these undead are not afraid of death, not afraid of injury, and do not know how to be afraid.If they really let them form a certain scale, then Tang Xiaochuan can guarantee that no one can stop Zhou Yunwei.

Fortunately, this Zhou Yunwei was too insolent, and just had a few undead come over to make trouble for him.

If you give him another month, there is really no way to take him down with the people on this island.

After figuring out the secret of Zhou Yunwei's undead, the current Zhou Yunwei is useless to Tang Xiaochuan.

All that was left was to think about how to deal with Zhou Yunwei.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't think about it yet, so Zhang Zhi came back with Gou Sheng, who was beaten up with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

At this time, Zhang Zhi's face was full of comfort.

"What are you doing?" Tang Xiaochuan asked looking at Zhang Zhi's face.

"It's nothing, it's just a settlement with this grandson." Zhang Zhi said with a smile.

"Account? What account?"

"When I was about to take over the warship just now, this grandson shot me with a hand crossbow on the deck. If I hadn't dodged quickly, I would have almost capsized in the gutter."

"Then when I went to catch him, he was trapped in the bottom cabin. As soon as I pulled him out, he wanted to fuck me. Since this is the case, then I can definitely get used to him."

Hearing Zhang Zhi's words, Tang Xiaochuan looked at Gou Sheng who had been beaten up with a bruised nose and swollen face, and he shook his head helplessly.

"By the way, did you ask it out?"

Tang Xiaochuan said nothing but nodded.

"Then how will Zhou Yunwei deal with it? Could it be that he was really let go?"

"I promised him everything, what can you do?" Tang Xiaochuan emphasized the word "I".

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhi immediately understood what Tang Xiaochuan meant.

Seeing that Zhang Zhi understood what he meant, Tang Xiaochuan nodded with a smile.

Then he turned his head, looked at Gou Sheng who was still in a coma, and said to Zhang Zhi, "Wake him up first."

"Okay." After finishing speaking, Zhang Zhi walked directly to Gou Sheng and dragged him towards the boundary river.

When he dragged Gou Sheng to the river, he grabbed Gou Sheng by the collar and threw him into the river.

Immediately, Gou Sheng, who was still in a coma, was awakened by the stimulation of the river water.The sudden rush of the river made Gou Sheng choke and thrash about in the river.

Zhang Zhi just stood on the bank and watched Gou Sheng, and only pulled him ashore when he was almost thrashing.

Zhou Yunwei on the side saw that Zhang Zhizheng was victorious, so he didn't dare to have any opinions.After all, whether he can save his life or not is still a question.

But when he saw that Zhang Zhi finally fished Gou Sheng ashore, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Zhang Zhi dragged Gou Sheng back to Zhou Yunwei's side, he threw him directly on the ground.Gou Sheng lay on the ground coughing continuously.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand and said to Zhou Yunwei.

When Zhou Yunwei heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then became ecstatic. He never thought that Tang Xiaochuan would let him go so easily.

"Thank you, we will meet later." Zhou Yunwei immediately said to Tang Xiaochuan, not even being polite to Tang Xiaochuan.

He was afraid that Tang Xiaochuan would suddenly repent, so now that he got Tang Xiaochuan's consent, he immediately pulled Gou Sheng to run away.

And Tang Xiaochuan and Zhang Zhi just watched Zhou Yunwei leave this week.

"Wait!" Seeing that Zhou Yunwei was about to board the warship, Tang Xiaochuan shouted immediately.

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Zhou Yunwei shuddered.

"Night Breeze! Don't you want to say nothing?"

"That's not true, but do you still want to drive this warship away?" Tang Xiaochuan said with a playful face.

"Eh..." Zhou Yunwei felt a little embarrassed when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Tang Xiaochuan's words are very clear, that is, he will not let Zhou Yunwei drive this warship away, but the problem is that he, Zhou Yunwei, has no other ships besides this one.

If Tang Xiaochuan won't let him drive the boat away, should he be allowed to swim away?

"Brother Zhang, go get them a small fishing boat." Tang Xiaochuan said to Zhang Zhi very humanely.

"Okay." Zhang Zhi understood Tang Xiaochuan's meaning, he nodded and walked towards the pier.

"Thank you, Night Breeze." Zhou Yunwei immediately thanked Tang Xiaochuan when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand indifferently and did not speak.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yunwei jumped into the boat without saying anything, followed Gou Sheng and two people, each with an oar, and started rowing.

And Tang Xiaochuan stood at the pier and watched Zhou Yunwei leave.

"Brother Zhang, did you choose that boat?" Tang Xiaochuan asked Zhang Zhi after he, Zhou Yunwei and the others rowed for about a kilometer.

"Of course, you can wait and see the good show in a while." Zhang Zhi said with a smile on his face.

This wave can be said to be the close cooperation between him and Tang Xiaochuan.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he nodded and stopped talking, and began to watch the play quietly.

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