"Impossible! I hit the back of the head, I shouldn't have a nosebleed!" Seeing Zhou Yunwei's nosebleed, Babo Erben immediately said that it was none of his business.

"Nonsense! It's you!" Baboerben pointed at Baboerben and said, "I'm going to tell the master that you killed the master's captive."

"I'm not, I don't! Don't talk nonsense!" Babo'er denied three times in a row.

"It's okay if I don't say anything, unless you give me half of your grilled fish for the next month." Ben Boerba thought for a while and said to Baboerba.

When Baboerben heard what Benboerba said, although he thought it was an unfair agreement, but after thinking about it, if Tang Xiaochuan knew about it and accidentally killed the captive he wanted, he would probably be It's not a matter of losing half of the grilled fish in a month.

"Deal!" Babo'er nodded his huge fish head.

If, at this time, Zhou Yunwei is still awake, he will definitely say, "Can you get me ashore first, and then talk? If this continues, I will really drown."

Fortunately, after Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Erben finished talking about the distribution of grilled fish, they finally remembered Zhou Yunwei who was still sinking to the bottom.

Ben Bo'erba and Babo'er Ben looked at each other, then swam towards Zhou Yunwei, each holding a leg, and swam towards the shore.

Soon, Ben Boerba and the others dragged Zhou Yunwei to the shore.

At this time, Tang Xiaochuan and Zhang Zhi were already waiting on the shore.

"Master." Ben Boerba and the others immediately bowed to Tang Xiaochuan when they saw Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then saw Zhou Yunwei who was still bleeding from his nose.

"What happened to him?" Tang Xiao asked curiously.

"I don't know. We may have hit the back of his head when we dragged him into the water." Ben Boerba said immediately after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words.

Then, he turned his head and said to Baboerben, "Baboerben, you think so."

When Babo Erben heard this, he immediately nodded and said yes.

But Tang Xiaochuan had some doubts.

"Hitted into a rock? How is it possible? Where did Zhou Yunwei sink, where did the rock come from?"

Tang Xiaochuan was puzzled, and Zhang Zhi was also puzzled.But Tang Xiaochuan was puzzled, and just watched from the sidelines, while Zhang Zhi stepped forward, pulled Zhou Yunwei up, and touched the back of his head with his hand.

Zhang Zhi groped for a while, and sure enough, he found a big lump on the back of Zhou Yunwei's head.

He turned his head and nodded to Tang Xiaochuan, indicating that what they said was true.

Seeing Zhang Zhi nodding for confirmation, Tang Xiaochuan was even more puzzled.

This is obviously unreasonable. He is obviously in the water, so how could he hit a rock?

Tang Xiaochuan, who had some doubts, directly used the contract card's telepathy to probe into the hearts of Ben Boerba and the others.

As a result, the investigation was okay, and Tang Xiaochuan was immediately amused by the investigation.

Tang Xiaochuan never expected that these two bastards would sell themselves just for a month of grilled fish.

The more Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, the angrier he became. He felt that as the master, he couldn't even compare to a grilled fish.

"You two, I'll give you another chance. Tell me what's going on with Zhou Yunwei." Tang Xiaochuan said with a serious face.

"I hit a rock." Ben Bo Erba said without hesitation, while Ba Bo Erba hesitated.

But after hesitating, it followed Ben Boerba and nodded.

"That's fine, if you say that, then you won't have grilled fish for a month." Tang Xiaochuan felt that these two bastards belonged to the kind of character who didn't go to the house for three days.

It is necessary for me to declare to them who is the master.

"Huh? Why?" Ben Boerba was very surprised, he didn't know where he made a mistake.

"Why do you know for yourself!" Tang Xiaochuan pouted and said to Ben Boerba.

"How dare you lie to me, I didn't hang you up, it would be good to make dried fish! What's the matter, are you still not convinced?" Tang Xiaochuan looked at Ben Boerba viciously.

"Ah? Master, how do you know?" When Ben Boerba heard Tang Xiaochuan say that he lied to him, his first reaction was to know why Tang Xiaochuan knew.

"How do I know? I am your master, how do you say I know!" Tang Xiaochuan was amused by Ben Boerba's words, and he yelled directly at Benboerba.

Chapter 156 In this situation, ask for a price!

Ben Bo'erba, who wanted to pick up the leak, ended up cheating himself.

Tang Xiaochuan turned his attention to Zhou Yunwei after he finished dealing with Ben Boerba and his two bastard murlocs.

"Brother Zhang, is he okay?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"It's not a big problem, I just fainted." Zhang Zhi said after hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, he glanced at Zhou Yunwei again.

"Can you wake me up?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes, yes, but you have to think about it carefully. If you wake him up, what are you going to do with him?"

"Zhou Yunwei, if you let him go, he will definitely not give up in the future, and then continue to look for us."

"But if you don't save him, he probably won't survive." Zhang Zhi looked into Tang Xiaochuan's eyes and said.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he immediately understood what Zhang Zhi meant.

In fact, what Zhang Zhi meant was very clear, that is, to tell Tang Xiaochuan that Zhou Yunwei cannot be let go. He is in a coma now, and if you don't save him, he will die.

In this way, Tang Xiaochuan will not have to bear the charge of "murder". If you are saved, then tell Tang Xiaochuan, then you must bear the charge of "murder".

Zhang Zhi reminded Tang Xiaochuan in this relatively subtle way.

Tang Xiaochuan understood, and understood, but he just thought about it, and said directly, "Brother Zhang, I understand what you mean."

"However, I have something to ask him, so I still need to wake him up."

"As for the consequences you said, I also understand. Don't worry, I will not be soft-hearted when I should be cruel."

Zhang Zhi nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words: "Since you have already thought it through clearly, then I won't say anything more."

"Yunwei drank a lot of sea water this week, just give him artificial respiration."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard Zhang Zhi's words, he immediately turned to Zhang Zhi for help.

"I'll go! Don't look at me! I won't give him artificial respiration!" Zhang Zhi immediately refused.

"The problem is Brother Zhang, there is no one here except you!"

"You come, I can teach on the spot."

"Forget it." Tang Xiaochuan also refused when he heard Zhang Zhi's words.

Then he looked at the stubborn stone and Maca beside him.

But Wan Shi and Maca didn't know what artificial respiration was at all, so the two of them looked at Tang Xiaochuan very confused.

"Master! Maca is willing to share the master's worries!" Maca took the lead in stepping forward, which made Jishi very upset when he was a step behind.

"Okay, you come." Seeing that Maca was willing to come out to help Zhou Yunwei with artificial respiration, Tang Xiaochuan immediately agreed.

Seeing that Tang Xiaochuan agreed to let him do artificial respiration, Maca stood in front of Zhou Yunwei very happily.

"Well, what do I need to do for artificial respiration?" Maca looked at Zhang Zhi and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's very simple, just put your mouth to his mouth and blow into his mouth." Zhang Zhi looked at Maca with a smile on his face.

"Mouth? Mouth to mouth?" Maka was shocked when she heard Zhang Zhi's words.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Zhang Zhi asked with a smile on his face.

"What, I have a stomachache. Yes, master, I have a stomach, and I want to go to the toilet." Maca himself admired his own wit.

Tang Xiaochuan's face turned dark when he heard Maca's words.

It's hard to catch a strong man, but now you have to retreat. Have you considered the face of my master?

Tang Xiaochuan was extremely depressed in his heart at this time.

"No, you can finish the artificial respiration first!" Tang Xiaochuan said with a dark face.

"No, master! I'm going to pull it out!"

"If you dare to pull it out, I will cork it for you!"

The scene at this time was once very embarrassing.

Just when Tang Xiaochuan and Maca were at a loss, Ben Bo Erba seemed to find that this was a good opportunity to please Tang Xiaochuan, so he jumped out immediately.

"Master! I can! I can!" Ben Bo Erba kept dancing on the spot, waving his hands constantly.

"You can?" Tang Xiaochuan had some doubts when he heard what Ben Boerba said.

"Yes, master! I can do it!" Ben Boerba nodded quickly.

"That's fine! If you can do artificial respiration, then I will cancel your punishment!" Tang Xiaochuan nodded and said to Ben Boerba.

Tang Xiaochuan was not stupid, he knew very well why Ben Boerba jumped out at this time.

When Ben Boerba heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he immediately jumped up happily.

What is he trying so hard for? Isn't it so that Tang Xiaochuan can see that he is brave enough to be a "savior" and avoid punishment for himself?

Now that he has got his wish, he is naturally very happy.

With Tang Xiaochuan's consent, Benbo Erba turned his head, glanced at Babo Erba provocatively, and then walked towards Zhou Yunwei.

"It's enough to blow into his mouth?" Ben Boerba looked at Zhang Zhi and asked.

"Yes, you can just blow into his mouth, and let me handle the rest." Zhang Zhi thought for a while and said to Ben Boerba: "I let you blow, you blow, let you stop , you stop."

"Oh, I understand! Don't worry!" Ben Bo Erba nodded immediately when he heard that it was so simple.He felt that he really made a profit this time.

"Okay, you blow hard into his mouth, stop for about 2 or 3 seconds, then blow for 2 or 3 seconds, cycle 10 times."

"Oh! Good." Hearing Zhang Zhi's words, Ben Bo Erba nodded immediately.

Then he knelt down in front of Zhou Yunwei, took a deep breath, and then kissed him directly, puffing out his cheeks and blowing hard.

Although Ben Boerba is small, his lung capacity is really not small.

He directly blew Zhou Yunwei's stomach up in just two seconds, and then Ben Boerba stopped for a while, and then blew into his mouth.

After 10 consecutive cycles, Zhang Zhicai pressed Zhou Yunwei's chest with both hands, and began to perform CPR on Zhou Yunwei.

At this time, Zhou Yunwei's subconscious mind had already floated into the air.

He felt that he had come to a place full of white clouds, and there were some Athenian buildings in the clouds here.

Some little kids with bare buttocks and small wings on their backs were flying around him.

"Is this heaven?" Zhou Yunwei thought to himself.

Then, his eyes lit up, and a tall blond female angel slowly walked towards him.

When she came to her side, the female angel grabbed Zhou Yunwei's collar without any explanation, and then pulled him over.

The two looked at each other, and the female angel slowly poked her head towards Zhou Yunwei. Zhou Yunwei immediately knew that it was the female angel who wanted to kiss him, so he quickly closed his eyes, ready to respond to the female angel's passionate kiss.

At the same time, he also lamented that the atmosphere in this paradise is really open, and they will kiss passionately if they disagree.

At this time, Zhou Yunwei felt his mind went blank, he could only sigh that happiness came too suddenly.

He couldn't help sticking his tongue into the female angel's mouth.But the next second, he felt very puzzled.

"Why does this beautiful angel have a fishy smell in her mouth? Do all angels like to eat fish now? Or do they eat very fishy fish and don't like to brush their teeth?" Zhou Yunwei was very puzzled.

He couldn't help but want to open his eyes to see the appearance of this beautiful angel.

But to his horror, when he opened his eyes, there was no female angel there, only a huge fish head.

Zhou Yunwei was very frightened and pushed the fish head monster out.

At this time, Ben Bo Erba also had a frightened expression on his face. After he was pushed out by Zhou Yunwei, he looked at Zhang Zhi with a resentful expression.

"Brother Zhang, why didn't you tell me that the other party will stick out his tongue for artificial respiration!"

"Also! Master, in this case, you need to pay more!"

Chapter 157 Interrogating Zhou Yunwei

When Tang Xiaochuan heard what Ben Boerba said, his face turned dark immediately.

"Add money!? I'll add your sister! Believe it or not, I'll add you a fire stick?" Tang Xiaochuan yelled at Ben Boerba.

"Master, did you remember wrongly? I don't have a younger sister, I only have one younger brother. His name is Babo Erben."

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