Zhou Yunwei nodded in satisfaction when he heard this.

"Okay! Since the brothers have said so, then I won't say anything, and I will take you to "my island" to have a look." Zhou Yunwei directly called Tang Xiaochuan's island his own island.

This shows that he has full confidence in killing Tang Xiaochuan this time.

And the survivors on the public screen began to howl when they saw this scene.

They knew very well what this war between Zhou Yunwei and Tang Xiaochuan meant.

This is the first frontal battle between the survivors.Although the scale is still small, it can barely be regarded as a war.

At the same time, this also means that whether Tang Xiaochuan, who represents peaceful development, will win, or Zhou Yunwei, who represents violence, will win. Whoever wins means that their sea area will follow the path of peace or war in the future. .

1 Chapter Fifty Almost Capsized

After Zhou Yunwei started the live broadcast, Tang Xiaochuan naturally also received the news.

Regarding Zhou Yunwei attacking himself with such a high-profile live broadcast, Tang Xiaochuan said that he wanted to laugh for a while.

He has never seen such a deadly person. Is he afraid of Tang Xiaochuan's side and doesn't know his deployment?

However, after Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, he knew what Zhou Yunwei was thinking.

He probably felt that he already had the chance to win, and that he could only wait to be slaughtered, that's why he was so high-profile.

Since Zhou Yunwei wanted to die, there was no need for him to stop him.

Zhou Yunwei finally remembered that he was here to attack after he received three minutes of flattery from other survivors.

"Gouzi! Raise the sails! Go over there!" Zhou Yunwei stood at the bow of the boat, pulled out his weapon, and said to Gou Sheng.

"Okay! Captain!" Gou Sheng gave Zhou Yunwei a military salute in a strange posture, and then ran to adjust the sail.

As Gou Sheng adjusted the sails, the warship rushed towards the island one at a time.

Seeing this scene, the other survivors on the public screen immediately became nervous.

Survivors who supported Zhou Yunwei shouted, while those who supported Tang Xiaochuan began to worry.

"Hahaha! Go! Go up and kill Night Breeze!"

"God Night Breeze hold on! You must win."

Amidst the prayers of other survivors, the battleship was getting closer.

Tang Xiaochuan made a gesture to Zhang Zhi on the other side of the port, telling him to take the people to withdraw when he sees the opportunity.

Zhang Zhi understood Tang Xiaochuan's gesture and nodded to him.

A few minutes later, Zhou Yunwei's warship smashed through the simple wooden fence above the port at a very fast speed.

The huge warship rushed in directly.

In fact, Zhou Yunwei was able to rush in, thanks to Tang Xiaochuan who drove out his Flying Fish and trireme. There are only a few small boats in the current port.

Otherwise, just a trireme warship would block the port tightly, how could Zhou Yunwei come in.

Tang Xiaochuan did this to not expose all his hole cards, and also to leave a hole card for himself in the future.So the Flying Fish pulled the trireme and hid in the open sea.

Besides, if the port is not vacated, how can Zhou Yunwei be fooled.

At this time, Zhou Yunwei plunged into the port directly.

As soon as Zhou Yunwei's warship rushed in, those survivors who had become undead raised their weapons one after another, jumped off the ship's side, and rushed towards the pier.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaochuan smiled crookedly.

Although he hasn't seen how to fight a war, he also knows that he can't ignore his head and his back.

Zhou Yunwei was like this at this time. He gathered all the undead and rushed towards one side.

And Zhang Zhi on the other side, he didn't care at all.

In this way, Zhou Yunwei had 7 undead and one Zhou Yunwei rushing towards him, while Gou Sheng brought an undead to guard the warship.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that there were only 6 people on this side at this time, while there were 8 on the other side, so he decisively chose to retreat.

Tang Xiaochuan said in panic, "Run! Run!"

"Hahaha! Night Breeze, do you sometimes run away? The island is so big, where can you go?" Zhou Yunwei looked at Tang Xiaochuan who was leading people to escape, and burst out laughing.

As he said that, Zhou Yunwei also jumped off the side of the ship more than 2 meters above the port, and chased after Tang Xiaochuan with a knife in his hand.

Gou Sheng watched Zhou Yunwei lead the people away, and immediately took a crossbow and climbed to the highest point of the warship. He did not forget what Zhou Yunwei said, there were 6 people on the other side of the warship.

Although Gou Sheng was the only one with him and an undead now, the small hand crossbow in his hand gave him a great sense of security.

In today's society, having long-range weapons in hand is the last word.

No matter how many people you come, I will directly fly the kite remotely without any injuries.

What's more, the warship under my feet is more than 2 meters higher than the port, and it is very difficult to climb up without tools.

Moreover, it takes time for you to climb up. With that time, the little crossbow in your hand can shoot the opponent into a sieve.

At this time, Zhang Zhi saw Zhou Yunwei leading a group of people to chase Tang Xiaochuan, so he wanted to lead people to capture Zhou Yunwei's warship.

For him, the height of more than 2 meters is not a problem at all, and the height that can be climbed by turning over is not difficult at all.

But as soon as Zhang Zhi took action, Gou Sheng pointed at Zhang Zhi with a hand crossbow, and shot an arrow unhurriedly.

Zhang Zhi suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and the vigilance he had cultivated over the years made him twist his body at the last moment.

That crossbow bolt flew past Zhang Zhi's shoulder.

Seeing the crossbow bolts nailed to the wooden planks of the pier, Zhang Zhi's face was filled with frost.

"Hey, he almost capsized in the gutter!" Zhang Zhi gritted his teeth and looked at Gou Sheng who stood up from the deck.

At this time, Gou Sheng had a terrified expression on his face.

He calmly loaded a crossbow bolt again, and then hooked his fingers at Zhang Zhi.

"Come here!" Gou Sheng looked at Zhang Zhi provocatively.

Although Zhang Zhi is very angry, he is not impulsive. He doesn't even have a shield in his hand. Asking him to charge up with people is not brave, but stupid.

Zhang Zhi is very clear that every manpower is very precious now, and it is impossible for him to waste precious manpower on such a meaningless attack.

After thinking about it, he prepared to lead the people back.

Gou Sheng, who was still on the warship, saw that Zhang Zhi wanted to run, he thought that Zhang Zhi had given up attacking the warship, and then went to support Tang Xiaochuan.

If the 6 people on Zhang Zhi's side are really allowed to support Tang Xiaochuan, then Tang Xiaochuan's side will immediately occupy the numerical advantage.

Gou Sheng was a little worried about Zhou Yunwei, but he didn't dare to chase Zhang Zhi by himself.

After all, there are only 2 people on his side, and if he is asked to chase 6 people, he is also afraid of death.

However, he Gou Sheng is afraid of death, and the Survivor following him who is already an undead is not afraid of death.

Gou Sheng thought for a while, let the undead jump off the boat, and then chased after Zhang Zhi.

When Zhang Zhi saw the undead rushing towards him stiffly, he knew that this person was probably the invulnerable person Tang Xiaochuan said.

"Chase! I'll let you chase! If you have the ability, you can continue to chase." Zhang Zhi turned around and cursed secretly while running.

The undead was fearless, holding two machetes, crookedly chasing Zhang Zhi and a group of people, while Zhang Zhi ran ahead with a group of natives.

After Zhang Zhi and others ran out of the pier, Zhang Zhi waved his hand and led them around a corner, running out of Gou Sheng's sight.

Seeing Zhang Zhi and others disappear from his vision, Gou Sheng didn't panic at all.

He didn't think Zhang Zhi's group could escape from the hands of the undead.

After all, the undead thing, he doesn't feel tired, unless Zhang Zhi can really chop the undead into pieces, otherwise it will keep chasing Zhang Zhi and the others to bite.

Chapter 151 Gou Sheng wanted to escape, but he couldn't

Zhang Zhi led his people and hid behind a mound of dirt. He stretched out his head and glanced at the undead who was still chasing him, with a sneer on his face.

"Hey, is he addicted to catching up?" Zhang Zhi cursed in a low voice, then waved to the natives around him, and came behind an object covered with hay.

"Quickly, lift the bed crossbow and adjust the angle!" Zhang Zhi opened a stack of hay first, and greeted the natives.

When the natives saw Zhang Zhi's actions, a sneer appeared on their faces.

Just yesterday, a large group of them had seen the power of this bed crossbow.

The crossbow arrows, which are as thick as the arm, can't be seen directly when shot out.

Moreover, the huge power and range that can be fired from the north end of the island to the south end, they can imagine with their toes, how powerful this is.

"Quick, move the bed crossbow!" Zhang Zhi called everyone to point the bed crossbow at the corner of the mound.That location happened to be the location where the undead first appeared.

After setting the angle, Zhang Zhi picked up a big wooden mallet on the side and raised it high, ready to shoot the crossbow at any time.

At this time, the undead who were still chasing Zhang Zhi didn't know anything.However, maybe even if he knew, he wouldn't be afraid.Because he has no brains.

Holding the crossbow in his hand, Gou Sheng tried his best to watch the route the undead were chasing, thinking in his heart whether he should go too.

But he was still a little scared. After thinking about it, he decided to wait on the boat.

Gou Sheng looked around and found that there were no other living creatures around the warship, so he sat on the deck of the ship with peace of mind.

However, as soon as he sat down, he felt that the warship under his buttocks was vibrating slightly, as if something was constantly hitting the bottom of the ship.

"Huh? How could there be vibrations coming from the water?" Gou Sheng was very surprised, but he didn't dare to jump into the sea to see it.

If there is really something strange on the bottom of the sea, wouldn't he just explain it?

However, he didn't dare to go to the sea to see it, but it didn't mean that he couldn't go down to the bottom cabin to have a look.

Gou Sheng walked towards the bottom of the cabin with a crossbow in one hand and a machete in the other.

The further down Gou Sheng went, the more pronounced his voice became.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The voice kept ringing, which made Gou Sheng's back feel a little chilled.

"I'll go, I won't encounter ghosts." Gou Sheng felt a little discouraged.

In fact, it can't be blamed on Gou Shengcoin, because at least 3 or 4 minutes have passed since he noticed the sound of "dong dong dong".

If it was a human, it would be impossible to stay underwater for so long, and the sound was very rhythmic.

Gou Sheng swallowed a little nervously, and then he saw a black thing popping up from the bottom of the boat.

The black thing disappeared in an instant, and then a gust of sea water gushed out.

"Fuck!" Gou Sheng was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

No matter how stupid he was, he still knew that someone was digging the boat just now, but what he couldn't figure out was why the boat digger could stay at the bottom of the water for so long.

He looked around at the items around him, and found that there was nothing to plug the leak at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to throw the small crossbow in his hand, and then use his fingers to block the hole.

He had just blocked it, and a hole suddenly appeared about one meter to his right.

Without even thinking about it, Gou Sheng used his right hand to block the small hole.

But just as his side was blocked, another small hole appeared, and this small hole happened to face his face.

The sea water gushed out and hit him in the face.

Gou Sheng subconsciously blocked the hole with his forehead.After he finished all this work, his body lay directly on the deck at the bottom of the ship.

At this time, Gou Sheng could only pray that there would be no more small holes, because he had no way to plug the holes.

It seemed that the shipwreckers outside had heard Gou Sheng's innermost thoughts, and the sound of "dong dong dong" disappearing.

Hearing the sound of the boat digging disappear, Gou Sheng exhaled deeply.

However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a loud "bang".

A giant object as thick as a child's arm pierced the hull directly.And the sharp blade tip was less than ten centimeters away from Gou Sheng's head.

Looking at the thing that suddenly pierced his eyes, Gou Sheng couldn't help but want to move back.

But just as his head unblocked the hole, the sea water poured over it again.

What's more serious, Gou Sheng found that he couldn't get his fingers out of the hole.

"Damn it, it's stuck." Gou Sheng groaned inwardly.

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