Chapter 148 With such a big island, is it still an island?

Mornings at sea are always so beautiful.

A round of red sun, in the distance, slowly rose from the sea level, dyeing a large area of ​​the sea red.

In such an environment, the sea surface was as calm as a mirror, reflecting a huge battleship on the sea surface, and this battleship was heading in one direction at the fastest speed.

The waves brought up by the oars destroyed the peace.

On the bow, Zhou Yunwei supported the hilt of his waist with one hand, and put his other hand behind his back.

His face was full of an expression of victory.

"Boss, I just took a look. We still have half an hour to reach Yefeng's island." Gou Sheng walked out from the cabin at this time and said to Zhou Yunwei's back.

"Okay!" Zhou Yunwei nodded, and then turned around slowly, "Go and make those undead stop and get them to put on their equipment."

"Okay, boss." Gou Sheng nodded immediately when he heard Zhou Yunwei's order.

Soon, the speed of the warship dropped.However, under the influence of the sails, the warship was heading towards Tang Xiaochuan's island at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

Half an hour later, a huge island appeared in the eyes of Zhou Yunwei and Gou Sheng.

Looking at the huge island about 1 kilometer long, both Zhou Yunwei and Gou Sheng couldn't help swallowing.

"Boss, this island is too big." Gou Sheng looked at the island and said to Zhou Yunwei.

In Gou Sheng's view, such a large island is bigger than all the previous islands combined.It was hard for him to imagine what it would be like to live on such an island.

If the coordinates of the positioning were not wrong, Gou Sheng would never believe that such a large island would be the island of survivors.

If no one said anything, Gou Sheng would definitely stay away from such an island, because such a large island might be the island of the natives.

Although they came here following the coordinates released by Tang Xiaochuan, it cannot be ruled out that Tang Xiaochuan deliberately lured them to come to the indigenous island and let them fight the indigenous people to the death.

If Gou Sheng could think of this situation, naturally Zhou Yunwei could also.

"Boss, should we send someone up to take a look first? If this is the lair of the natives, we won't be able to escape." Gou Sheng said to Zhou Yunwei.

When Zhou Yunwei heard Gou Sheng's words, he neither opposed nor agreed. He just thought about it for a while, and then said to Gou Sheng, "Don't worry, let's go around the island and see how big it is."

"Okay." Gou Sheng nodded immediately when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words, and then went to adjust the sail.

With the adjustment of the sails, the warship also began to slowly adjust its course and began to cruise around the island.

But the two of them became more and more frightened as they watched.

As the warship got closer, they also saw clearly the appearance of the entire island.

A tall mountain, 7 or 8 meters high, surrounded the entire island, making it impossible for Zhou Yunwei and the others to see the interior of the island.

After they circled around, they found that there were only two places where they could land.

One is where the middle of the mountain is broken to form a port entrance, and the other is the northern part of the island.

In terms of difficulty, it is definitely the most convenient to enter from the port, because Zhou Yunwei, who has excellent eyesight and got a spotting telescope, has already seen the simple pier through the gap.

But in this case, if you think about it with your toes, there is definitely an ambush inside.

The other way is through the woods to the north.

However, after Zhou Yunwei glanced at it, he directly chose to give up.

The reason is very simple. Although the north is convenient for landing, there is a piece of wooded flat land there, but the mountain in the north is integrated with the mountains surrounding the entire island, and it is 20 meters higher than those surrounding mountains. Domi directly traverses the entire island.

When he came here, he didn't consider such a situation at all, so Zhou Yunwei didn't have anything to prepare for climbing.

Although the height of more than 30 meters is not high, but if you fall down, you will definitely die.

Zhou Yunwei didn't want to climb such a high mountain without any protection.

Moreover, even if he is willing to climb, the clumsy undead under his hands can't climb up either.

What's the use of just the two of them climbing the mountain?It would be better to directly storm the port.

"Boss, what should we do?" Gou Sheng and Zhou Yunwei, who had already turned around and returned to the east of the island, looked at each other again.

"What to do, what can be done, we have to send someone up to have a look first." Zhou Yunwei said grumpily.

"Oh." Gou Sheng could only nod when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

Soon, a stiff undead jumped directly into the sea.

The undead entered the water and sank directly to the seabed tens of meters deep. After his feet reached the sandy seabed, he began to walk towards the island with firm steps.

At a depth of more than 30 meters, the visibility is actually not that good. If you are a little further away, you will not be able to see clearly.

Therefore, this undead didn't notice that there were two pairs of big eyes staring at him in a circle of aquatic plants around the island.

The undead walked towards the defense line of the port with firm steps without fear.

The closer he was to the island, the better his visibility was. When he approached the port, the water depth was only more than ten meters.At this time, the undead began to walk towards the side of the port.

Then, as he walked closer to the shore, the water level became shallower, and finally when he hid under the wooden boards of the port pier, his eyes emerged from the water.

At this time, Zhou Yunwei had already seen the situation behind the port through the eyes of the undead.

I saw a dozen or so people, divided into two teams, hiding behind the mountains on the left and right sides of the port.

Among these people, some only wore animal skins, had tattoos on their bodies, and the weapons in their hands were still made of stone.However, some of them were dressed as survivors and held iron guns.

However, the survivors are in the minority at first glance, there are only two people, and they are still scattered on the left and right.

Afterwards, the undead began to turn his head and looked towards the interior of the island.

I saw a part of the island where a lot of food was planted, and at a glance, it was also endless.

A meandering river extends directly from the interior of the island to the port.

Looking at the situation on the island through the eyes of the undead, Zhou Yunwei began to feel complacent.

Although only a dozen or so people were seen at the port, Zhou Yunwei would never be so foolish as to think that there were only these ten people in such a large island.

But there will definitely not be as much as Tang Xiaochuan said.

Zhou Yunwei estimated that the entire island only has about 20 to 30 people.

Such a small number of people are sprinkled on such a large island.

Zhou Yunwei felt that this island was a gift from heaven to him.

With such a big island as a base, why do you still use it as der's island?Sitting directly on the island and enjoying life, isn't he delicious?

Chapter 149 The First War Between Survivors

"Boss, how is the situation?" Gou Sheng asked immediately when he saw a smile on Zhou Yunwei's face.He also wanted to know the situation on the island.

"It's okay, it's more troublesome than we imagined, but it's better than what Ye Feng said." Zhou Yunwei thought for a while and said to Gou Sheng.

"Then boss, can we take this island?" Looking at such a big island, Gou Sheng was actually very excited.

"That must be!" Zhou Yunwei laughed confidently when he heard Gou Sheng's words.

When Gou Sheng heard Zhou Yunwei's confident words, he was overjoyed.

"Let me tell you, there is an ambush behind this port, but the number of people is not too large, only about 10 people." Zhou Yunwei pointed to the mountain in the distance, and said to Gou Sheng.

"Ah, is there an ambush?" Gou Sheng panicked when he heard that there was an ambush.

"Then boss, should we withdraw first?"

"Withdraw? Withdraw what! But only 10 people?" Zhou Yunwei became unhappy when he heard Gou Sheng said that he would withdraw.

"But, boss, they have an ambush!"

"What are you afraid of if there is an ambush? There are only 10 of them. The others don't even have a shadow, and they don't know where they are on the island."

"So, we are facing only these 10 people, which can be regarded as an equal number of people."

"Also, there are undead on our side who are not afraid of swords. We have a huge advantage in a head-on battle."

"As long as these 10 people can be dealt with quickly, it is impossible for other people to come together, and the number will not reach twice our number."

"In other words, as long as we can defeat those ambush people for the first time, this island will definitely be ours. Night Breeze is dead this time." Zhou Yunwei said with a smile.

When Gou Sheng heard Zhou Yunwei's words, he immediately felt that what he said made sense.

He rolled his eyes, and then said to Zhou Yunwei, "Then boss, what are we waiting for, let's go directly!"

"Go! But wait a moment." Zhou Yunwei smiled confidently.

"Wait for me to go to the public screen to mock Night Breeze first, and let the grandsons on the public screen see who is the king of the sea." Zhou Yunwei scolded Fang Qiu in high spirits.

"Boss is wise!" Gou Sheng exclaimed when he heard Zhou Yunwei's words.

Zhou Yunwei enjoyed it very much. He went straight back to his cabin and put his hand on the island rock.

"Night Breeze, your grandpa is here. Come out and see your grandpa." Zhou Yunwei fired at him as soon as he came up, mocking Tang Xiaochuan.

And Tang Xiaochuan naturally saw Zhou Yunwei's words.

To be precise, Yu Min saw it, and then through the telepathy between the contract cards, he passed the information to Tang Xiaochuan who was hiding behind the mountain in the port.

After Tang Xiaochuan saw the news, his face immediately became very ugly.

"Zhou Yunwei, I will bear with you! I hope you won't disappoint me for a while." Tang Xiaochuan said through gritted teeth.

Although Tang Xiaochuan didn't speak, but at this time the public screen exploded.

"I'll go, what did I see, Zhou Yunwei, the pirate leader, really went to find Night Breeze?"

"Upstairs, you are blind. What Zhou Yunwei said is so obvious. I guessed it blindly. Boss Zhou must be blocked outside Night Breeze's island now."

"Huh? Has Night Breeze been blocked on the island? So, we won't be able to exchange food anymore?"

"No, I'll go upstairs. When are you still thinking about changing food? If Lord Yefeng is killed by the pirate leader Zhou Yunwei, none of us will think about it in the future."

"Upstairs, I don't like what you said. What do you mean everyone should not think about it? I will go in and seek refuge with Mr. Zhou today, won't I be fine?"

"Yes, yes, support Boss Zhou to kill Yefeng, who pretends to be an AC! I've been annoyed with him for a long time."

"That's right, that's right, kill Night Breeze to death! Support Boss Zhou!"

Suddenly, the entire public screen was divided into two factions, one faction supported Tang Xiaochuan, and the other faction supported Zhou Yunwei.

Seeing so many people supporting him, Zhou Yunwei immediately felt refreshed.

"Hahaha, thank you brothers for your support. After I solve this problem with Night Breeze, let's discuss joining my side."

"In addition, I have written down all those who scolded me. We will have plenty of time in the future to talk slowly. Maybe, one day, I will go to your island for a sit-down."

Hearing Zhou Yunwei's words, those who dared to scold him immediately became clear.

Seeing how influential he is now, Zhou Yunwei burst into laughter.

"Boss Zhou, let's do a live broadcast. We also want to see how Ye Feng was killed by you."

"Yes, yes, Boss Zhou! Just show us!"

As more and more people asked Zhou Yunwei to start a live broadcast, he nodded and agreed very readily.

After all, now that I have some strength, all that remains is to expand my influence.

And now, killing Tang Xiaochuan live is the best way for him to gain great prestige.

"Okay! Since the brothers all want me to broadcast live, I'll let you watch it, and let you watch it casually, my Zhou Yunwei's strength." Zhou Yunwei said with a smile.

As soon as Zhou Yunwei agreed, a small window appeared on the interface of the public screen.

After seeing this small window, many survivors immediately clicked in.

After entering, they saw a row of dull-looking survivors wearing leather armor and holding weapons on a huge warship.

And right in front of the warship, a huge island appeared in front of everyone.

"Damn it! Such a big island? Is this really the island of survivors? Boss Zhou, you can't go to the wrong place, right?"

"That's right, that's right, such a big island shouldn't be an indigenous island."

"Let's not talk about it, such a big island, if it is really Night Breeze, then this Night Breeze is quite powerful."

"Upstairs, are you kidding? Night Breeze has been able to produce so much food for such a long time. Do you still think he has no strength?"

"Hahaha, although this island is big, it will belong to Boss Zhou soon."

"Yes, yes, boss Zhou, go ahead, kill Night Breeze!"

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