Therefore, the only way is to let one of the wives or husbands leave the job and stay at home.

Not to mention, the two main earners who make money to support the family, whoever retires and takes care of the baby at home, will not reduce the quality of life of the family.

That is to say, one of the husband or wife works as a full-time wife or full-time dad at home.Will being out of touch with society for a long time cause a generational gap in the sense of value between husband and wife?

Think about it, a husband comes home from a hard day at work and faces a wife on the verge of a mental breakdown who has been tormented by three children all day.

Then because the husband didn't change his shoes first after entering the house, the two had a big fight.

Under such circumstances, how long do you think the marriage can last?

Therefore, in Tang Xiaochuan's mind, such a scholar is equivalent to Sima Zhong, Emperor Hui of Jin who said "why not eat minced meat".

If you don't go deep into the people, you will only talk at the top. Tang Xiaochuan can only give him two fingers for this.

"Yes, yes! We are all Chinese, so we should help each other. Support Professor Shen Hongtao!"




Seeing Gongping Yishui's support for Shen Hongtao, Tang Xiaochuan immediately felt tired.

Although he knew that some of these people were Shen Hongtao's supporters, but there was definitely a group of people who wanted to make money and made a fuss there.

"Thank you for your support! Let's boycott this Night Breeze together, let him take out all the supplies and share them with us equally!" Shen Hongtao looked at the public screen, there were many people supporting him, and he immediately recovered his old one. that feeling.

God knows how I got here these days.

I am a dignified professor of Fujian University, like an ordinary old farmer, who can only guard a small island of about ten square meters every day, fish for a living, and eat a meal and starve for three days.

My own skinny and tender hands are already calloused.

Your own hand should hold a pen, not a fishing net.

With one's own identity, wherever one goes, one shouldn't be given a confession?How can I go fishing and grab supply boxes by myself!

Therefore, seeing that Tang Xiaochuan was able to take out so much food in exchange for supplies in other people's hands today, he was so angry that he didn't hit one place.

"Everything about you should be mine!" Shen Hongtao looked at Night Breeze fiercely and said coldly.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude." Tang Xiaochuan also looked at Shen Hongtao's speech and said in a cold tone.

Tang Xiaochuan is the kind of person who will take revenge on the spot, and there will be no overnight revenge.

Didn't you say I should take out all the food?

OK, then I'll make it worse.

"Since some people are not friendly to me, I have decided to reduce the purchase price from 100g of fish meat to 80g, and the cornerstone purchase price to 150g."

"In addition, let me say one more thing. These materials of mine are all obtained by myself through labor. They are regarded as my private property. I don't need others to point out what I want to do with them."

"I've never seen you jump out and ask Jack Ma and Brother Xiao Ma to take out the money and share it with you."

"Why, seeing that I'm an ordinary person, I stand on the ground of morality and are ready to accuse me?"

"I'm sorry, I don't like this, anyone who dares to push me a little bit more, I will continue to surrender!"

"Don't forget! At present, I can only purchase unlimited quantities on such a scale!"

"Forcing me away, it's a big deal for me not to buy supplies. I can also live well with these supplies! But you, there is one less channel that can save lives."

"If one day, if you are so hungry that you are about to starve to death, at least you can use other supplies to come to me in exchange for food for life."

"If I close the exchange channel, think about the result for yourself!" Tang Xiaochuan directly shot back without any politeness.

After he finished speaking, the entire public screen fell silent.

It was a long time before someone started talking.

"I* your uncle! Shen Hongtao! I've been so disgusted with you for a long time!"

"Originally, you liked to talk nonsense, so we just took it for fun! But what time is it now! You're still the same fool!"

"Exactly! Shen Hongtao! Can you control your snarky mouth! Do you know how much you have caused us to lose!"

"Yes! In my opinion, the one who should be boycotted the most is you, a talkative beast!"

"No matter what you say, I support Mr. Night Breeze anyway. After all, Mr. Night Breeze caught those food himself, so why don't you contribute it for nothing?"

"Just because he thinks he has a big face, what else can he rely on."

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan's words fell, the entire public screen immediately denounced Shen Hongtao.

Shen Hongtao never expected that after Ye Feng only said a few words, the whole public opinion began to change its shape, and everyone began to criticize him.

He even saw a few people who had supported him among those who denounced him.

"How could this happen!" Shen Hongtao's face turned pale.He clearly said the truth, wasn't it always like this before?Why this time, the situation is wrong!

Shen Hongtao couldn't understand why, but he knew very well that after this, he became a thorn in everyone's eyes.

I will never have a bright future.

Chapter 49 Wanna Fuck Me?

"Night Breeze, I don't agree with what you said. Professor Shen Hongtao just said one thing. Are you targeting Professor Shen like this?"

Just when Shen Hongtao was in despair, Zhou Yunwei from the Deep Sea Titan Survival Team jumped out to rescue Shen Hongtao.

"Why, are you planning to call the beast to stand out?" Tang Xiaochuan shot back not to be outdone.

"So what?" Zhou Yunwei asked in the same way.

Zhou Yunwei now has the confidence to dare to talk to Tang Xiaochuan like that.

First of all, his own island has grown to more than 500 square meters, and there are more than 200 members under him.

He didn't think that Tang Xiaochuan, a solo survivor, could be compared with his survival group.

And Tang Xiaochuan also had doubts about Zhou Yunwei's motive for jumping out at this time.

Although there were some minor disputes between him and Zhou Yunwei, in Tang Xiaochuan's view, this has not yet reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan was a little puzzled, but he still felt that Zhou Yunwei's jumping out at this time was definitely not that simple.

But Zhou Yunwei has his own plans.Why did he jump out at this time and choose to help Shen Hongtao.

This is not to say that Zhou Yunwei wants to flatter Shen Hongtao, after all, everyone is trying to survive now, no matter what kind of background you had in the previous world, when you get here, everyone has started all over again.

Why should I, the leader of a big survival team, want to flatter you, a professor?

However, at this time Zhou Yunwei chose to help Shen Hongtao. To put it bluntly, he was going for Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan released a large amount of supplies on the public screen and trading platform from time to time.

His operation like this, on the one hand, affected Zhou Yunwei's recruitment of other survivors to join. After all, to join the survival team, one needs to turn in some supplies every day.On the other hand, due to personal reasons, Zhou Yunwei held grudges very much.

No one wants to give their own materials to others for nothing.Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan's large-scale release of materials actually greatly affected Zhou Yunwei's recruitment.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Survival Group is more like a platform, and everyone pays certain materials as a fee for using the platform.Then you can communicate with each other on the platform.

Although, a part of the supplies need to be paid every day to the upper management of the survival group.But you can also enjoy the benefits brought by the survival group, that is, guaranteed transactions.

For example, you need a weapon, but you don't want to buy it, you just use it temporarily.

You find someone to rent it alone, not to mention whether you will rent it and not return it, and whether the other party will refund your deposit.

If, during use, the weapon is damaged, whose fault is it?These series of contradictions are actually resolved in the Survival Team.

First of all, the users of this platform are all members of the survival group, and everyone is familiar with it.

Secondly, the cost of using the items and the deposit are all paid to the manager of the Survival Group. After the use is over, the manager will return the items to the other party.

As managers, the top executives of the Survival Group can obtain a certain percentage of supplies from each transaction.Simply put, it is layering.

In this way, the top management of the Survival Group will not have to work hard to salvage supplies every day, and they can also live well.

Moreover, as the survival group grows bigger and its reputation gets better and better, the total amount of materials obtained by the top management will be astonishing.

From this point of view, Survival Group actually has a lot of room.The premise is that Tang Xiaochuan will not intervene.After all, judging from the materials Tang Xiaochuan released from time to time, the total amount of materials he used was equivalent to a survival group.

Of course, this total amount is based on the current amount that Tang Xiaochuan has exchanged.If Zhou Yunwei knew that these materials were not even a drop in the bucket for Tang Xiaochuan, he would definitely not oppose Tang Xiaochuan.

In fact, no matter how you say it, regardless of personal reasons, or for the sake of the survival group, Zhou Yunwei and Tang Xiaochuan are doomed not to deal with each other.

Zhou Yunwei wants to develop his own survival group, on the one hand, to manage the reputation of his own survival group, and on the other hand, to increase his popularity.

And the fastest way to increase your popularity is to step on another well-known person to take the position.

Tang Xiaochuan is actually well-known in the eyes of other survivors because of his frequent exchange of supplies.

Coupled with Tang Xiaochuan's fair price, a large part of the survivors traded according to the price given by Tang Xiaochuan.

If Tang Xiaochuan didn't figure it out one day and wanted to form a survival group, then the huge prestige he gained in the early stage could instantly form a survival group far surpassing others.

As for these, the top executives of the Survival Group have become accustomed to the situation that they can obtain a large amount of supplies by making guarantees every day.Once there is a large loss of personnel, their life will be difficult.

Therefore, Zhou Yunwei and a group of talents aimed at Tang Xiaochuan.

This is not only the meaning of Zhou Yunwei's family survival group, but also the meaning of the other 15 survival groups.They all want to suppress Tang Xiaochuan's variable first.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't know all of this, he was just very strange, he had only had a small conflict with this Zhou Yunwei, as for complaining about himself now?

"Then what do you want to do?" Tang Xiaochuan asked with a frown.

"I don't want to do anything, but you, Lord Yefeng, have some resources in your hands, so you think you can lower the price at will?"

"I'm sorry, but I, the Deep Sea Titan Survival Team, won't spoil you."

"Come on, fellow survivors, we Deep Sea Titan will also accept whatever materials Night Breeze collects from now on. However, we pay a premium of 10%," Zhou Yunwei said very proudly.

Just after Zhou Yunwei finished speaking, the words "Wei Shen Cowhide!" appeared on the entire public screen.

At this moment, Zhou Yunwei had a smile on his lips.He could already imagine the scene where he stomped the man named Ye Shen to the ground, gained a lot of prestige, and the survivors applied to join the group one after another.

But Tang Xiaochuan frowned, he could already feel deeply that he was being targeted by Zhou Yunwei.

However, he is probably too naive to want to hold back himself just because he wants a 10% premium.

"Since you want to play, then I will accompany you." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly on the public screen.

Tang Xiaochuan lacks everything now, except food.

He has at least 10 tons of fish in the pond alone.

He didn't believe that at this time, a survival group could produce 10 tons of fish.

Moreover, these fish are only equivalent to the output of his own island for 3 days.Even if all the compensation is paid in, Tang Xiaochuan doesn't feel bad, the big deal is that his group of people will eat some graded fish during this period of time.

Since the other party made it clear that he wanted to mess with him, Tang Xiaochuan would definitely accompany him to the end.

It is impossible to back down, isn't it just 10 tons of fish?dry.

"From now on, the exchange price of ordinary materials will be increased to 150g per unit, and each piece of cornerstone will be 300g of sea fish. I can buy unlimited quantities here. Do you want to follow?" Tang Xiaochuan went to the trading market first, and after changing the price, he faced Zhou Yunwei said.

Chapter 50 Once you come and go, you lose money

Zhou Yunwei's good mood hadn't been maintained for 2 minutes before it was wiped out by Tang Xiaochuan's move.

He couldn't figure it out, Tang Xiaochuan was just one person, and he hadn't heard of any survival group he joined, so how could he get so many supplies.

Don't ask why Zhou Yunwei knew that there was no survival group behind Tang Xiaochuan. If Tang Xiaochuan really had a survival group, he couldn't have spent such a long time without saying a word to attract people from the survival group.

After all, Tang Xiaochuan has now become a signboard. If he says a word, it is probably more effective than the heads of the survival groups like them shouting for a day.

However, Tang Xiaochuan never said that what he said on the public screen was often to buy supplies.

That's why Zhou Yunwei can be sure that behind Tang Xiaochuan, there is no support from the survival team.

However, this is strange, how could he have so many supplies by himself.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yunwei frowned. He ordered his deputy to arrange for someone to exchange supplies with Tang Xiaochuan. On the other hand, he continued to chat with Tang Xiaochuan on the public screen.

"Hehe, it's only a 50% premium, so I followed."

"160g fish for common supplies, 320g fish for foundation stones. I don't believe it, you can have so much food." Zhou Yunwei provoked Tang Xiaochuan.

The other survivors watched Tang Xiaochuan and Zhou Yunwei tearing apart, their moods were extremely beautiful at this moment.

These two big bosses raised prices with each other, and the ones who got the cheapest in the end would always be their group of theatergoers.

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