"Okay!" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the old fisherman immediately traded the blueprint and contract card in his hand to Tang Xiaochuan.

When Tang Xiaochuan got the contract card, he immediately chose to use it.

Suddenly, the contract card in Tang Xiaochuan's hand turned into a puff of black smoke and floated towards the island stone.

"Don't resist, let the black smoke enter your body." Tang Xiaochuan looked at the picture, the old fisherman dodged a little because of fear, and said immediately.

"Oh." The old fisherman stopped immediately when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

He doesn't dare to hide now, he knows that if he hides, it is very likely that the contract will fail, and at that time, he will also lose the opportunity to land on Tang Xiaochuan Island.

The old fisherman cheered himself up from the bottom of his heart, and soon as the puff of black smoke sank into his body, he immediately felt his brain go into a trance.

Then there was an inexplicable sense of awe towards Tang Xiaochuan in my heart.

It seemed that he had to obey everything Tang Xiaochuan said.

There can be no violation.

As for Tang Xiaochuan, although it was not the first time he had signed a contract with someone.

But this is the first time he has signed a contract with a survivor.

In fact, he was also afraid of failure to sign the contract. If it really failed, then Tang Xiaochuan would not be able to absorb too many survivors to join in the future.

To put it bluntly, Tang Xiaochuan is also experimenting with old fishermen.

If I can successfully sign a contract with the old fishermen, then I can use the same method in the future to absorb some survivors to join my island.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan also stared at the old fisherman intently.

When he saw the black smoke sinking into the old fisherman's body, that familiar feeling welled up from his heart again, and Tang Xiaochuan knew that his experiment was successful this time.

The success of this experiment means that I can absorb other survivors to join in the future.

Don't ask Tang Xiaochuan why he cares so much about other survivors joining.

In fact, it is very simple, because every survivor has received a certain degree of education.

Unlike these natives, they don't know anything.

Just like the stubborn stones, although they are stronger than survivors in terms of strength, they don't know how to create.

Most of the time, Tang Xiaochuan was required to teach them hand in hand.

Just like Tang Xiaochuan taught them to tie fences before.Tang Xiaochuan taught them for almost two hours before they barely learned it.

If it was replaced by other survivors, Tang Xiaochuan didn't need to teach them at all, but just told them that a fence needs to be built here.

As the island continues to grow, there will inevitably be more things that Tang Xiaochuan needs to decide.When the time comes, where will Tang Xiaochuan have so much time to teach them?

Therefore, it is necessary to absorb new survivors.However, it is also necessary to ensure the loyalty of other survivors to themselves.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan could only test whether the contract card was useful to other survivors.

Fortunately, the contract card is still so powerful that it can really sign contracts with other survivors.

In this way, the development of Tang Xiaochuan Island can be greatly accelerated.

"Okay, the contract was signed successfully." Tang Xiaochuan nodded, and then said, "You take this first."

With that said, Tang Xiaochuan traded a remote locator chip.

"What is this?" The old fisherman had some doubts.

"This is a locator, which can determine your position. Let me see how far you are from my island first." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Oh, okay." The old fisherman nodded and accepted the deal from Tang Xiaochuan.

After the old fisherman accepted the locator, a small green dot appeared on the screen of the locator.

Moreover, this green dot is exactly in the direction of its true north, about 7421 kilometers away.

Even better, the island of the old fisherman is very close to the island of Ma Yin, only more than 1000 kilometers away.

I don't need to travel too far, and I can bring both of them to the island.

Chapter 47 Brick Houses and the like are annoying

"Fortunately, you are only 7421 kilometers away from my island, and you can reach it in up to 10 hours." Tang Xiaochuan nodded and said to the old fisherman.

"Ten hours." The old fisherman nodded when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Okay, let's do this first. I'll build this airship first, then confirm the location of other people, and then arrange a route to see how I can get you to the island." Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand, saying yes said the old fisherman.

"God Yefeng, I want to ask, how big is your island now? How many people do you want to bring to the island?"

The old fisherman was a little worried. Tang Xiaochuan would pick up too many people on the island.At that time, everyone will not have much room for movement.

"What? Are you worried that my island is not big enough?" Tang Xiaochuan smiled when he heard the old fisherman's words.

"Let me tell you the truth, my island now has an area of ​​8997 square meters, which is enough for everyone to live on."

"As for the people who are going to pick up the island, including you, there are five adults and one child." Tang Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Nearly 9000 square meters? Master Yefeng, how did you do it!" The old fisherman was stunned.

He originally thought that Night Breeze's island would be considered very large if it was more than 1000 square meters, but he didn't expect that he was aiming for an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Moreover, among the people who went to the island, there were children, what does this mean?

It shows that Tang Xiaochuan's conscience is not lost, and he did not abandon the other party just because the other party is a child and does not have much labor force.

Such a person may be able to hold the last bottom line of mankind.

Unknowingly, the old fisherman's affection for Tang Xiaochuan increased a bit.

"Secret." Tang Xiaochuan said to the old fisherman with a smile, and then hung up the communication.

Afterwards, Tang Xiaochuan looked at his supplies and felt that his supplies were barely enough to build an airship.

But Tang Xiaochuan didn't want to use his own inventory. For him, food is now richer than other materials.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't want to use his own supplies for things that could be solved with food.

After all, I don't know if these materials will be as easy to obtain in the future as they are now.

But what is certain is that in the end, everyone will definitely not be short of food, it's just about whether they can eat well.

At this stage, food is still hard currency.

That being the case, what I should do is to exchange food for other supplies, and store the supplies I get from opening the boxes as combat preparations.

After figuring it out, Tang Xiaochuan directly listed the supplies he needed on the trading platform, and also exchanged 100g of fish meat for one unit of supplies at the same old price.

As a result, as soon as Tang Xiaochuan put it on, it was immediately emptied.

Tang Xiaochuan blinked, and then said, "Looking at the hands of this year's survivors, there are still some in stock."

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the trading platform, then turned his head and glanced at the two fish ponds on his island.

The fish ponds are now full of fish, but there are fewer graded fish, about four or five hundred, and each fish weighs about 5 catties.In this way, there are more than 2 tons of high-level fish in the fish with their own grades.

And those fish without grades have already been liquidated.

Counting less, there are at least about 10 tons now.

"It seems that it's time to cut leeks again." Tang Xiaochuan touched his chin, thinking about whether to cut a wave of leeks.

Perhaps, instead of cutting leeks, it should be said that Tang Xiaochuan is going to help other survivors.

After all, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke if you have to go out to salvage boxes on such a hot day.

Maybe, if I didn't get a box by then, I'd suffer from heatstroke, so the loss outweighed the gain.

"Yes, I am doing good deeds, not cutting leeks." Tang Xiaochuan said silently in his heart.

Then, on the trading platform, Tang Xiaochuan first removed the transaction of purchasing ships, and then listed the transaction of unlimited purchase of various materials.The exchange ratio is 100g of fish meat is exchanged for one unit of supplies.

As for the most important island stone, Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and directly hung up 200g of fish meat, trading a cornerstone.

Now is not the first time. At that time, everyone did not know the importance of the cornerstone.

But now, everyone is facing the crisis of being swallowed up by seawater for a square meter every day.

At this time, I still want to trade 100g of fish meat for a cornerstone, but I can't exchange it.The price has also stabilized between 180g and 220g.

Tang Xiaochuan chose an intermediate value, neither too high nor too low.

However, for Tang Xiaochuan, there is not much difference between 100g and 200g.

What worries him now is that within three or four days, his fish pond will explode once.At this time, I don't want to find a way to exchange some supplies. Do I have to wait for the fish pond to be exploded?

Don't say anything to Tang Xiaochuan, why don't you stop fishing sea fish.

Sorry, Tang Xiaochuan also wants to live, but in reality, I have never heard anyone say that some entrepreneurs think they have too much money.

"Come and see everyone! Boss Night Breeze is here to buy unlimited supplies again!"

"Great! In the past few days, all the supply boxes I got out were wood or something, and there was no food at all. I was almost starving to death. Thank you, Master Night Breeze, for saving my life."

"Didn't you find out? This is called Night Breeze, and almost every three or four days, there will be an unlimited purchase. You said that there is so much food from him?"

"Upstairs, it's none of your business? Where did others get the fish? Do they have to report it to you?"

"Yes, yes. None of your business."

"I'm going, are you crazy? I'll just say it casually! Why are you targeting me like this?"

"As for! If you take the big brother Night Breeze off the shelves in a fit of anger, we will fight you desperately!"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the public screen of the instant fryer, and he was a little speechless.It seemed that every time he got up, a group of people would come out to flatter him.

Since someone is flattering him, someone will definitely come out to blackmail him. Tang Xiaochuan is already used to this.

However, habit is habit, Tang Xiaochuan still feels goosebumps all over his body when he looks at these remarks.

"Ahem, let me say a few words. I don't think Night Breeze's actions are appropriate." At this moment, a man named Shen Hongtao suddenly began to criticize Night Breeze.

"I think we are all flower growers, and we should promote mutual help. Since this person named Night Breeze has extra food in his hand, we should share it with everyone instead of exchanging food for supplies."

"Doing this, let people from other countries see us?"

"Besides, helping each other is a virtue among Chinese people. Ye Feng's actions really embarrass our people."

This Shen Hongtao said on the public screen with a look that I am an expert and I am reasonable.

When Tang Xiaochuan saw Shen Hongtao's words, he immediately felt sick.

Bricks and scholars are the most annoying.

Chapter 48 Because of his big face

This kind of person always puts himself on the moral high ground and then blames others.

I always feel that everything about others is brought by the strong wind, so it should be shared.But he himself doesn't want to work, thinking that he only needs to make some remarks on the public platform, and people will naturally praise his stinky feet.

In other words, to put it in a simpler way, it's just what you can't do, spray people No. 1.

However, there are always a large group of people who support such people.

These people who praise him all have the same values ​​as that scholar, and they are also lazy and lazy.

Just like this Shen Hongtao.

If Tang Xiaochuan remembers correctly, this person is the famous scholar on the Internet before.

Every day they advocate not having three children, lowering people's pensions, provident funds and so on.

He thought that everyone was like him, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands of yuan, driving a public car, living in a public house, and no pressure in life.

Which of the young people today is not 996?In order to make a living, you have to give birth to three children?

Tang Xiaochuan just wanted to ask, who will raise the baby after birth?

own parents?As the main force of the contemporary labor force, young people in this class are all between 26 and 35. Which of their parents is not in their 50s and 60s?

Let an old man in his 60s and [-]s run behind three children?Do you want to exhaust the old man?

Not to mention hiring a nanny. In first-tier cities, a nanny has a monthly salary of at least 7000 yuan, and even tens of thousands in better cases.

Just ask, the young people of this generation have car loans, housing loans, and they also need to support their parents and children.Now spend a few thousand a month to hire a nanny?

In this regard, Tang Xiaochuan would like to ask, have you considered the feelings and pressure of young people?

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