Su Ping nodded calmly, "Give me the money first."

Seeing that Su Ping agreed, Tang Lang was pleasantly surprised, and immediately took out [-], and then summoned his Wing King Beast.

"Boss, can you breed high-level beasts here?" Tang Lang asked cautiously while handing the King Yi beast to Su Ping.

Although he knew the answer before, he still had a small hope. If Su Ping was willing to cultivate, he could hand over his strongest beast to Su Ping for cultivation.

"Not for now." Su Ping said.

Tang Lang's eyes flickered, "Then when will it be?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows. Why didn't he want to cultivate it in his heart, but unfortunately he hadn't cultivated a pet beast with a middle-to-high qualification, and he couldn't unlock it.

"It seems that the task of professional training has to be put on the agenda soon." Su Ping thought to himself, and at the same time said to the young man: "The date is not set yet, within a month at most."

Tang Lang's eyes lit up, within a month?If it is fast, wouldn't it be possible to catch up before the start of the elite league?

The elite league will last for three months, and the selection system is extremely complicated. In the early stage, he can pass with his own pet beast. If the Suping store opens up the cultivation of advanced pet beasts at that time, he will be more confident of standing out !

Chapter 132 Second Skill Book

After Tang Lang left, Su Ping brought the cowering King Yi beast to the beast pet room and threw it into the cultivation space.

A lot of pet beasts were bred yesterday, but today their owners couldn't come to pick them up early in the morning. Most of them had to wait until after school. It happened that there was no business during the day, and Su Ping was not in a hurry.

His task today is to cultivate all the remaining beasts in the foster care space.

Back at the front store, Su Ping called up the system store as usual to check today's refreshed items.

I swept my eyes, but I still didn't see the original force pill.

Su Ping was a little disappointed. Except for the original force pill, he couldn't even get a medium-sized trapping ring today.

At this time, Su Ping saw a small booklet.

It turned out to be a skill book.

"Medium pet food identification?" Su Ping was taken aback. This was the first time he had created a skill book in the store, but this skill book seemed to be only auxiliary, not the skill of a pet master.

The above price is [-] energy.

Su Ping asked the system silently in his heart, "Is there still a battle pet skill book in the store?"

"Yes." The system responded very calmly.

Su Ping had long been used to the system's forceful tone, so he didn't care. Instead, it was the system's words that made him a little excited.

If one day a medium battle pet skill book is created, it will make a lot of money!

He couldn't help but look at the sinful refresh words below.

Now that he earns tens of thousands of energy every day, Su Ping doesn't think so much about one hundred energy.

After struggling in his mind for three seconds, he finally made up his mind to brush it!

However, before refreshing, he bought the medium pet identification skill first.

What he himself comprehended was the primary pet food identification technique that the system provided for free. When he was in the world of chaotic necromancers, he felt that it was not enough, and he could only identify some low-level ingredients.

The ones he brought back, but all the pets worth 10,000+ were not identified by him, but he brought them back purely because they looked good, and they were probably good things.

There are also some mediocre looking ones, even picked up from garbage.

If some medium-sized pets can be identified, Su Ping's harvest in the breeding ground will be even greater.

Moreover, this medium-level pet food identification skill only sells for [-] yuan, which Su Ping thinks is very cost-effective. After all, this is a god-level skill that can identify all pet food in ancient and modern times!

After purchasing, Su Ping refreshed immediately.

The fog shrouded, and then dispersed, and the five items were completely new. Su Ping quickly looked at them one by one, and found that the most valuable one was the medium-sized trapping ring.

With the existence of this middle-level trapping ring, he has already earned back the [-] refresh energy, which is more than enough.

Keep refreshing!

Su Ping was ruthless.

The mist shrouded again, and there were changes on the five items. Su Ping quickly looked at it. This time, there was no medium trap ring and no Force Pill, but it looked like a small book again.

Su Ping's eyes lit up, and it was another skill book!

He looked carefully.

Elementary Battle Pet Skill Book, Spirit Control!

Seeing the word "junior" in front of it, Su Ping felt a little regretful, but fortunately, this is a skill book for a pet master, and he can use it.

The price below is [-] energy.

Su Ping didn't think much, and bought it directly.

When the energy was deducted, a large piece of information suddenly flooded into Su Ping's mind, completely enveloping his consciousness in it, and immersed in the ocean of this piece of information.

When Su Ping woke up, he didn't know how long the outside world had passed, but when he felt the skill recorded in his mind, his mood became a little excited, which felt incredible.

too strong!

This is actually a skill that is not inferior to "killing intent"!

Even, in some respects, this skill is several times stronger than "killing intent"!

Su Ping didn't expect that the junior pet master skills assessed by the system would have such a miraculous effect!

This "spiritual control" skill allows Su Ping to use the star power in his body to control objects outside his body!

Simply put, it is control!

Su Ping has only heard that a title-level powerhouse can use the majestic star power in his body to directly control the energy between heaven and earth, causing terrifying damage. This kind of energy is released, which is the symbol of a title-level powerhouse!

But except for the titled powerhouse, ordinary battle pet masters can't control things outside the body at all!

At most, it can only use the star power in the body to weave it into amplified star pattern and shoot it out, but it must be attached to the object, otherwise it will quickly dissipate.

And this boost star pattern can only boost the object, but it cannot move or control the object!

The "spiritual control" skill that Su Ping bought now can directly manipulate objects outside the body through star power!

Su Ping couldn't help turning his mind, relying on the "spiritual control" skill, controlled the star power with mental power, and soon, he felt the star power extended out of the body, and grabbed a pet bottle on the counter.

Looking at it with the naked eye, the bottle is suspended in mid-air!

Su Ping's eyes widened and he couldn't help being excited.

Although the objects he can control depend on his mental power and star power, he cannot directly bombard them with majestic star power like a real title-level powerhouse, causing bomb-like destructive power.

But this ability to control objects outside the body without hands and feet can only be achieved by a title-level powerhouse!

He's just... weaker.

"A rudimentary skill actually has such an effect. This move alone, without having to use it in actual combat, can definitely pretend to be a title-level powerhouse!" Su Ping was full of surprise.

He could feel that this "spiritual control" skill was not just a simple bluffing skill, but could also cause considerable damage.

Su Ping let go of the pet food bottle, got up and came to the pet animal room, and dragged out a few big, sleepy pet beasts from the foster care space, regardless of their complaining grunts, and immediately used " "Spirit Control" lifted them up.

Three pet beasts weighing more than a thousand kilograms were slowly lifted off the ground by Su Ping one by one.

Su Ping didn't raise it very high, just off the ground.

But the three huge pet beasts also made him extremely strenuous, especially when he lifted the third one, he felt that he had used up all his energy for feeding.

"My limit should be around [-] kilograms, which is [-] kilograms of strength." Su Ping gritted his teeth and slowly put down the three beasts.

The three beasts were stunned, and when they saw their bodies levitating inexplicably, they all let out a scream.

Su Ping breathed out, only to realize that he was sweating profusely just by lifting it up. He wiped off the sweat, sent the three beasts back to the foster care space, and then returned to the front shop again.

"Six thousand catties is my limit, this skill is too strong!" Su Ping's blood boiled.

With a force of six thousand catties, if it hits a pet beast, a pet beast of the fifth-order rock system can easily resist it, but... If Su Ping controls an embroidery needle and throws it with a force of six thousand catties, then How sharp will it be?

Su Ping's eyes flashed, his consciousness extended to the door, and there was a little dust on the ground.

With a thought, the grain of sand suddenly floated up.

The grain of sand was the size of a sesame seed, and no one noticed it. Su Ping slammed it towards the big tree at the door.

Through the vision beyond ordinary people, Su Ping saw that the moment the sand was thrown out, his sight barely caught a little afterimage, and then he saw that a little sand powder appeared at the bark it was about to throw, and the bark No damage.

Su Ping was not surprised. The quality of the sand grains was too poor. It would be different if they were made of steel needles.

"This skill, if used to sneak attack Yin people, is simply terrifying." Su Ping secretly thought, and at the same time, he was even more afraid of title-level powerhouses.

Before, he always thought that when his Little Skeleton's combat power improved a bit, even if he was a title-level powerhouse, he might not be afraid, at least he would have the strength to fight, but now he found that this idea was a bit naive.

"With the star power of a title-level powerhouse, it is estimated that the little skull will be able to kill me with a palm from the air before it can charge up."

Su Ping looked solemnly.

He is a very dangerous person.

Although he is still far away from a title-level powerhouse, there is no guarantee that one day he will not suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

It's like... the ant never knows where the giant's foot will land.

The only thing Su Ping can do is to strengthen and arm himself as much as possible.

"It seems that the cultivation of the Golden Crow Demon Physique needs to be done faster." Su Ping secretly thought that when he reached the second-order Golden Crow God Demon Physique, his combat power would increase dramatically, and the title-level powerhouse wanted to kill him. He is basically difficult.

Su Ping didn't continue to test his spiritual control skills in the store. He called up the store and prepared to refresh it again.

If he could generate a few Force Pills, his combat power would be greatly increased immediately.

"Five hundred energy?"

Seeing the display in the refresh section below, Su Ping was stunned.

The system said indifferently: "The number of refreshes per day is limited, one hundred for the first two times, and gradually increase after that."

"..." Su Ping was a little speechless. Although he knew that this was a common krypton gold routine, it was also a cheating routine. What is wrong with the system, learn these dross!

Sighing, Su Ping thought for a while, but still held a small expectation, and swiped again cruelly.

After all, keeping energy is energy, and spending it is strength... What a fart!

Seeing the five pieces of garbage refreshed, Su Ping was completely speechless.

Look at the refresh energy below, it costs [-] points!

Su Ping quit the store decisively.

This has exceeded his bottom line.

"It seems that in the future, refresh at most three times a day. If you want to save money, it is safest to refresh twice." Su Ping thought to himself.

After all, there are too many places where he needs to use energy. The breeding pool needs to be upgraded, and the store needs to be upgraded. All of them need energy. It is a bit wasteful to use it for refreshing here.

After exiting the store, Su Ping didn't relax in the store anymore. He immediately closed the store door and went to the Dragon King's inheritance ground to exercise.

In this heritage site, he unscrupulously used the "spiritual control" skills to fight various monsters, and inevitably died repeatedly in the middle, but in each battle, he became more and more proficient with this newly mastered skill. From "knowledgeable" to "proficient", and then to "exquisite"!

In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

The reputation of Su Ping's store has completely started in Fengshan College.

Some students who have been trained in the Suping store recommended this magical good store to their friends. After their friends passed by, they immediately felt the benefits of the Suping store, and quickly forwarded this store to their other friends. .

According to word of mouth, there are a few students in each grade and class in the college who know Su Ping's shop, and one or two are Su Ping's loyal customers.

Every time after school, the Suping store is crowded with students.

The difference from weekends is that there is a long queue early in the morning on weekends, but during normal school hours, there is a long queue when school is over in the evening.

Su Ping has also gotten used to it, and is still working hard to complete the business every day. At the same time, he is also cultivating his own purgatory candle dragon beast, purple green python, and dark dragon dog. The three beasts are growing rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Su Ping to teach again.

Su Ping was busy cultivating pet beasts in the store in the morning, and had lunch at a restaurant next to the street at noon. After returning to the store and cultivating a batch of pet beasts, seeing that the time was approaching two o'clock, he closed the door and rode his bicycle to the college .

His class was arranged by Dong Mingsong at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Ping can reach Fengshan College within half an hour by bicycle, which is more than enough time.

After half an hour.

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