What a great opportunity this is. When he is about to arrive, he immediately "saves the beauty" to Su Lingyue.

Su Lingyue came back to her senses, and when she saw the eyes all around her, she blushed, "No need."

After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth slightly, and finally mustered up her courage, and stood in the shop openly.

Seeing Su Lingyue standing next to Su Ping, the students in the queue were stunned. Is this going to jump the queue blatantly?

Su Ping glanced at Su Lingyue and said, "Stay aside, I'm busy."

Teacher Su is great!

When the few girls in the queue heard Su Ping's words, their eyes were filled with brilliance. Facing Su Lingyue, a beauty from the academy, they were able to refuse so forcefully and handsomely. They were indeed fair and strict mentors!

Seeing the strange eyes around her, Su Lingyue was a little ashamed and angry. She glanced at Su Ping and said, "I can come and collect the money for you."

"No need." Su Ping said indifferently.

However, Su Lingyue's words aroused some thoughts in his heart. Now that the store business is so good, he is really too busy alone. It would be great if he could hire an employee.

The system seemed to know Su Ping's thoughts, and said: "To hire employees, you must sign a spirit beast contract with the host."

Su Ping was taken aback, and couldn't help saying in his heart: "Doesn't that mean that the employees hired can only be beasts?"


The system said: "As a pet shop, only pets are allowed in this shop."

"Oh." Su Ping was stunned.

This statement is acceptable.

But it seems that something is wrong.

There were too many customers in front of him, and Su Ping was not in the mood to think too much. He quickly registered and collected the money, and then escorted the beast into the beast room.

Su Lingyue heard Su Ping's words, and saw the strange eyes of many students who misunderstood in front of her. She was ashamed and angry. She wanted to explain that she and Su Ping belonged to the same family, but explaining has never been her style. Unable to speak.

She had no choice but to turn around angrily and sit behind the counter, then turned around and ignored the students at the door.

When she saw Su Ping come out of the pet animal room, she stared at him angrily.

Su Ping glanced at her and saw that she was playing around, so he let her go and continued to the door to register and collect fees.

Seeing that Su Ping still looked like that, Su Lingyue knew that she couldn't help him, so she snorted angrily. Suddenly, she saw the many products behind the counter. When she saw the prices below these products, her mouth twitched. Immediately opened up.

If it weren't for this shop being her own, she would have called out the black merchant!

Is this a sale or a robbery? !

Any item in her line of sight is more than a few hundred, and most of them are priced at a few thousand, and there are quite a few tens of thousands.

There is nothing below a hundred!

Who is this sold to?

She turned her head and looked at Su Ping who was charging at the door, not knowing what to say.

If Su Ping made money like this, wouldn't their family be rich a long time ago!

Thinking of Su Ping's Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast, she suddenly understood that if she made such money, it would be more than enough to buy a Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast after driving for a month!

10 minute later.

Su Ping came out from the pet animal room again, saw more than 20 people still lined up at the door, and said: "The seats in this store are full, everyone, please come back tomorrow."

In the first place, the student who was about to pay was stunned. He looked at Su Ping in astonishment, "Director, tutor, the seats are full?!"

He didn't expect that there were still seats full.

Su Ping also sympathizes with him, and now he can only go home, but the cultivation space and foster care places are full, and the system does not allow pets to stay in the store, so he can only say: "Yes, everyone, please go back .”

The people in line looked at each other, but seeing what Su Ping said, they had no choice but to leave the team one after another.

"Mentor, I, I've been lined up until now..." The student still didn't give up.

Su Ping sighed: "Come earlier next time."

"..." The student was dumbfounded. Seeing that Su Ping refused to accept his insistence, he could only leave in frustration.

Seeing the long line at the door gradually dissipating, Su Lingyue at the counter couldn't sit still, stepped forward and pulled La Suping's sleeve, "I don't want so much business? The seats are full? Isn't there room here? Can you just plug it in first!"

Su Ping glanced at her angrily, "Didn't I think of it, but there are rules in the store, okay, you've been here for so long, you've seen enough, go back if you have nothing to do."

"I don't want it. Didn't you say that the seats are full? Let me take a look."

After finishing speaking, Su Lingyue went to pull the door of the pet animal room, but the door was as heavy as a thousand catties, no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn't budge.

"Don't make trouble, go home and practice yours." Su Ping stepped forward to pull her away, and said angrily.

Su Lingyue didn't expect to be defeated by a door, and she was a little stunned. When she heard Su Ping say this, her mouth puffed up angrily, and said: "Don't think that if you can beat me now, I will be afraid of you. It’s just that I don’t have an opponent, and I haven’t cultivated seriously, and now I’m serious, hum, you just wait to be surpassed by me immediately!”

"Come on." Su Ping smiled.

Seeing his ridicule, Su Lingyue gritted her teeth angrily, stamped her feet, turned and left.

Continuing to stay here is just humiliating herself. She has already seen through it. In front of this hateful brother, without violent suppression, she is no longer able to deal with him.

Seeing Su Lingyue leave, Su Ping also breathed a sigh of relief, the troublesome guy finally left.

He opened the door of the beast room casually, entered it, called out the cultivation space, picked out the beast from inside, and began to cultivate it with the shadow clone.

While cultivating the shadow clone, he returned to the front shop, closed the shop door, and then called up the cultivation interface again, selected the Dragon King's inheritance cultivation place, brought the Ziqing Gun Python, the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast, and the Dark Dragon Dog, Go inside again to explore the Dragonscale Land.

The whole day, until night, Su Ping didn't open the store, and today he didn't do anything, just stayed in the store to cultivate.

And the effect is also very significant.

The shadow clone function is once an hour, and he has cultivated forty or fifty pet beasts for him, and cleaned up the cultivation space, leaving only the pet beasts occupying the foster care space.

In addition to dealing with the customers' pet beasts, Su Ping soaked in the Dragon Scale Land, entering and exiting seven or eight times a day, and resting for an hour or two in between.

These seven or eight times are seven or eight days in the cultivation place.

The cultivation effect of seven or eight days also allowed Su Ping to open up more than 30 pieces of land with dragon scales. In addition, the three pet beasts have also undergone tremendous changes, all of which have transformed from infancy to growth.

Chapter 131 On the Agenda

After the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast entered the growth stage, its strength soared to the fifth level!

When you enter adulthood, you will reach the seventh level!

In this regard, it is basically the same as other ninth-order dragon beasts, but the difference is that although they are at the same level, the combat power they display is vastly different!

The fifth-level Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast can easily defeat other sixth-level monsters, even some powerful sixth-level demon monsters, it is difficult to take advantage of it.

For dragons and beasts, it is normal to step up and fight, and it is rubbish if you can't step up to fight!

As for the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast in Su Ping's hands, almost all of its short childhood was spent in the Dragon King's inheritance.

One-third of the time was spent in the dragon pillar, facing the attack and fright of the dragon king's remnant soul.

And the remaining two-thirds of the time is to follow Su Ping and fight and fight with monsters of different races in the Dragon Scale Land!

Although it was born for a very short time, counting the time in the cultivation field, it was only a dozen days, less than half a month, but it has already experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, and died hundreds of times!

Compared with other growth stage dragon beasts, its combat experience is more than ten times more!

Even some adult dragon beasts may not have rich combat experience. After all, after most dragon beasts have passed through the difficult period of childhood, the road ahead is basically smooth.

This rich combat experience allowed Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast to comprehend a lot of combat skills and skills. It can easily defeat other Purgatory Candle Dragon Beasts that are also fifth-order, and even sixth-order dragon beasts can match it!

If it was a monster with ordinary attributes, it could barely fight against a monster of the seventh rank. If it wanted to leave, even the monster of the seventh rank might not be able to keep it!

Su Ping discovered through identification techniques that the aptitude of the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast has reached the upper and lower levels.

If you go further, it is the middle and lower class.

Among the many Purgatory Candle Dragon Beasts from the beginning of the chaos to the present, it is quite outstanding to be able to rank the lower and upper ranks.

In addition to the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast, the Ziqing Gun Python and the Dark Dragon Dog have also undergone great changes. The Ziqing Gun Python that has entered the growth stage is five or six meters long, and its rank has just entered the fourth rank.

As a battle-type pet beast, it is the weakest beast of the same level compared to other attributes, but the Ziqing Gun Python is different. Even if it encounters a fifth-level middle-ranked elemental monster, it can kill and defeat it!

Its purple and green snake scales have honed amazing resistance in the different extreme environments of the Dragon Scale Land. It can basically resist ordinary fire-type attacks, thunder-type attacks, poison-type attacks, etc. with ease.

And its strange power is extremely astonishing.

In addition to being physically tyrannical, the battle-type pet beast has a single ability, but the Ziqing Gun Python has exercised its physical tyranny to the extreme!

In order to hone it severely, Su Ping treated it the hardest, often throwing it in various extreme and deadly environments, causing it to die more than four or five hundred times, the most.

In such a short period of time, to achieve such a number of deaths, it can be seen how high the frequency is!

The Dark Dragon Dog has been in the growth stage from the very beginning. After all, it evolved from an adult moon chasing dog. After seven or eight days of cultivation, its strength has broken through to the sixth level first, but its real combat power is comparable to that of the demon system of the seventh level. Beast.

Just this dark dragon dog, thrown in Fengshan Academy, can be regarded as a dominant existence.

After dark, Su Ping called one by one to let the owners of these beasts come to pick them up tomorrow, then closed the shop and rode home.

After arriving home, Su Ping didn't see Su Lingyue. Through the induction of star power, he found that the other party was practicing in the upstairs room. Today, it was rare that he didn't come to provoke him, and he didn't come to inquire about anything.

Su Ping guessed that she had seen the situation in the store, and knew everything she should know, knowing that if she asked more questions, he would not say anything, so she didn't ask for trouble.

Su Ping was also happy and relaxed. At the dinner table, when he saw his mother talking to him about some daily neighborhood things, he knew that Su Lingyue didn't tell his mother about the things in the store. Although he didn't know the reason, it made him Su Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

This saves him from making up stories with his mother.

After all, Li Qingru treated him well, and he couldn't be dismissed as Su Lingyue. If asked, it would be a headache for him to explain.

After dinner, Su Ping went upstairs to continue his practice.

An unremarkable night passed.

The next day.

The siblings ate breakfast together and then went their separate ways.

Seeing Su Lingyue going to the college, Su Ping also thought that today is Monday. When he rode to the store, he found that the long line at the door was gone, but it wasn't that no one was there, there were still seven or eight people waiting here of.

"Mr. Su!"

Seeing Su Ping, seven or eight people quickly surrounded him, seeming to be waiting anxiously.

Su Ping saw a few familiar faces inside, but couldn't remember the names for a while, so he nodded and went up to open the door.

"The ones who lead the pets are lined up first," Su Ping said.

The five students immediately stood in a row, and they all knew Su Ping's rules.

"Mr. Su." Standing first was Zhang Baoxing. After he finished the pet application, he chatted up and said, "Will you go to the academy to teach today?"

After hearing the words, the students in the back also looked over.

Su Ping shook his head, "My class on Wednesday."

"Oh." When the students heard it, they felt a little regretful, but they soon realized that they had found out about Su Ping's course information. This is important information. If it is thrown into the first grade, it will definitely be great news.

After all, Su Ping's main courses are for the first grade.

Su Ping brought out their pet beasts one by one and handed them over to them.

After passing the test and seeing the astonishing progress of their pet animals, they were both surprised and happy. After thanking Su Ping repeatedly, they hurriedly took their pet beasts to the taxi that had been called by the side of the road and rushed to the college. .

They came here to pick it up before class started at the academy.

After sending away a few students, Su Ping accepted the pet beasts that the other three students wanted to cultivate, earning 12 star coins.

After the students all walked away, Su Ping turned around and entered the store. As usual, he first selected a batch of pet beasts and handed them to the shadow clone to cultivate them. In addition, he himself entered the inheritance of the Dragon King.

After exercising for an hour, Su Ping returned to the store again, and replaced the shadow avatars with a new batch of beasts, while he himself sat in the store, poured a glass of water, and sat and rested.

Not long after taking a break in Suping, someone came to the store outside.

Su Ping looked up and found that it was the young man who had previously cultivated the Winged King Beast.

Seeing the empty shop, Tang Lang was a little surprised. If he hadn't seen Su Ping sitting and drinking water inside, he would have thought that he had found the wrong place, or that the shop had been sublet.

"Boss, why is there no business today?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows, "You have class today, don't you know?"

Tang Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that today was Monday, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He also asked for sick leave from the academy, so he was free to come here.

"Boss, can you breed a beast for me again?" Tang Lang put on a courteous attitude and said politely.

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