"Do you have enough money?"

"...I brought some."

Su Yanying looked at Su Ping cautiously, "Is the price still the same?"

"of course."

Su Yanying breathed a sigh of relief, showed a smile, and said, "The boss is so kind, I'm here to cultivate my Luofeng again."

The money she brought was only enough to breed a pet beast. The reason why she didn't choose the Lightning Mouse was because after the exhibition match, she felt that she was not very familiar with the Lightning Mouse's abilities and hadn't fully developed the Lightning Mouse's combat power, so There is no rush to continue breeding Lei Guangshu.

The reason for choosing Luofeng is also very simple. Luofeng is the beast with the highest blood in her hands and will achieve the greatest achievements in the future.

Although the Lei Guangshu is currently the strongest, it will not be able to compare with Luofeng after it reaches adulthood. After all, the low bloodline is doomed to have limited potential, which is a serious flaw.

"Oh." Su Ping responded casually. It didn't matter to him what kind of beast the other party bred, "Luofeng is currently a medium-sized pet beast, and the cultivation fee is [-]."

Su Yanying was relieved when she heard Su Ping's quotation. Knowing that Su Ping really didn't raise the price, she immediately transferred the money to Su Ping, and then summoned Luofeng out.

Seeing the appearance of this beast that had comprehended the eighth-level skill, the students lining up at the back let out exclamations, and all of them looked up and took a close look at this dazzling high-level beast.

"Unexpectedly, this Luofeng was also bred from Tutor Su's shop."

"It's so powerful, no wonder you can comprehend the eighth-level skill."

"Why didn't I know Teacher Su earlier, otherwise, the annual competition would be my performance show!"

While many students were amazed, they couldn't help sighing.

Su Ping took Luofeng to the animal pet room. The 25 foster care places were already full, so they could only be thrown into the cultivation space.

Although it is now a second-tier store, and the number of foster care places has increased to 50, Su Ping did not continue to purchase it in the future. After all, his store currently mainly focuses on nurturing services, and there are very few people who choose foster care.

Back in the store, Su Ping continued to collect the pet beast and money from the next student.

Su Yanying still wanted to chat with Su Ping for a few polite words, but seeing that Su Ping was so busy with business, she didn't bother her. After standing by the side for a while, she left silently.

"Are you here to breed pets?"

A young face lined up and came to Su Ping with curiosity in his eyes.

He glanced at the situation in Su Ping's store, which was narrow, simple and unremarkable.

In such a small shop, there are actually a large number of students from Fengshan College queuing up, waiting to send pet beasts to Su Ping shop for cultivation?

Su Ping said: "Beasts can be cultivated, pets can be fostered, and there are also pets for rent and pet food sales. There are many services in this store. Which one do you want?"

When Su Ping introduced it, other students who lined up at the back also discovered that Su Ping's store not only has pet animal cultivation services, but also pet beast rentals?

"Boss, what kind of beasts do you rent out in your store? Do you have the Purgatory Candle Dragon?" A boy in the queue behind asked excitedly on tiptoe.

As soon as these words came out, other students' eyes lit up when they thought of the rumors in the academy.

Rent out the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast?

Even if the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast is a juvenile with low combat effectiveness, it would be extremely cool to take it out for a walk on the road.

Su Ping glanced at the boy, and said calmly: "The Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast will not be rented out for the time being."

This kind of pet beast of high-level and top-level blood is only in his hand. Although there is a spirit beast contract, the pet beast that can be rented can be summoned back at any time to avoid danger, but the value of this thing is too amazing. Rent it out , most likely gone forever.

When his Ziqing Gun Python is bred, it can be rented out.

As for the little skull, let alone, once the refining of the Skeleton King's bloodline is completed, the bloodline will be countless times higher than that of the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast.

Hearing Su Ping's words, many students were a little disappointed, but they calmed down after thinking about it.

If Su Ping is really willing to rent out the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast, that would be a strange thing. The entire base city may not be able to find a second one for such a top-notch pet beast.

The young man who asked Su Ping about cultivating pet beasts couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words of the students and Su Ping behind him, Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast?Are these people kidding me?Such a top-notch dragon pet beast, how do you say it seems that there are some in this store?

Just such a small shop?

He raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking in his heart.

Su Ping met the young man in front of him without speaking for a long time, and frowned, "What kind of service do you want, cultivating pets or something?"

The young man came back to his senses, and for the time being, he did not think about the Purgatory Candle Dragon Beast. He thought about it for a while and said, "I will also cultivate pet beasts."

"What level?" Su Ping asked.

"Wing King Beast, it is currently at the fifth level." The young man said calmly.

When the many students behind heard this, they looked at the young man in surprise.

The appearance of this young man doesn't look much older than them, but he actually has a fifth-order beast?

With such strength, they can rank among the top ten in their academy!

Moreover, this Winged King Beast is a popular demon-type pet beast, with a bloodline of the ninth rank. This young man can have such a pet beast, which shows that his family background is extraordinary.

"Can it be cultivated?" The young man looked at Su Ping.

Su Ping nodded, "As long as it's not advanced."

The young man smiled faintly, but felt a little disgusted in his heart. He couldn't even breed high-level pet beasts, so how dare he say that there are purgatory candle dragon beasts?

If it weren't for the students from Fengshan College all around, the situation was a bit strange, and he wouldn't be able to line up here and take out his pet beasts to breed.

However, this Winged King Beast is not his strongest pet beast. All his strongest pet beasts are taken care of by well-known senior trainers. He just wants to see what the hell these Fengshan College students are doing.

"Pay the money, one hundred thousand." Su Ping said.

The young man raised his eyebrows. He thought the price was a bit expensive before.

"Can't it be cheaper?" the young man asked.

When Su Ping heard the counter-offer, his face immediately turned cold, "No counter-offer."

The young man frowned slightly, thinking that the other students had paid before, he thought about it, and said, "All right." After speaking, he transferred the account to Su Ping.

After transferring the money, he also summoned his pet beast, the King of Wings. It was a monster with a dark body and four wings on its back.

The Wing King Beast exudes the unique dark aura of demon beasts, and its pale golden pupils look dangerously at Su Ping and the people around it. As long as the young man gives an order, he will attack immediately.

Feeling the evil spirit of this winged king beast, the faces of the students behind the young man changed color, and they couldn't help taking a few steps back, not daring to get too close.

With the strength of this Winged King Beast, a light peck can cause their heads to burst.

Su Ping didn't feel much. After the youth transferred the money, he stepped forward and said, "Little guy, come with me." He wanted to take the Yiwang Beast into the Beast Room.

Before the young man had time to appease his pet beast, seeing Su Ping approaching rashly, he hurriedly said, "No..."

Before finishing speaking, the Wing King Beast saw Su Ping approaching actively, and suddenly spread its wings and screamed, its cold eyes showed a murderous and bloodthirsty color, and the sharp claws hidden under the wings suddenly grabbed Su Ping.

Su Ping didn't expect this little thing to be so ferocious, but he didn't pay much attention to it. With his current Golden Crow God Demon Physique, it is comparable to the fifth-order God-Monster Battle Physique, and its defense is stronger than that of ordinary fifth-order rock-type beasts. The same level can injure It turns out that his pet beasts are very few.

1 Twenty Chapters Repression

Before Su Ping could raise his hand to block, the sharp claw that was about to touch Su Ping's shoulder suddenly snapped and broke!

At the same time, the body of the Wing King Beast fell to the ground with a bang, lying in front of Su Ping, its body was suppressed by an indescribable terrifying force, and it was difficult to move.

And the Wing King Beast didn't struggle or resist, the ferocious and bloodthirsty look in its eyes had long since disappeared, and a pair of dark golden pupils looked at Su Ping in horror.

In its eyes, Su Ping at this moment is like a god and demon supporting the sky, unreachable, and the terrifying aura emanating from his whole body makes him almost collapse, his internal organs tremble, and he is about to go crazy!

Soon, an unpleasant stench flowed from the Yiwang Beast's body, and it turned out to be incontinence of feces and urine!

This sudden change stunned the young man and the many students behind him.

Seeing the Winged King Beast trembling like chaff on the ground, the youth and many students widened their eyes in astonishment.

The Wing King Beast, which was majestic just a moment ago, is trembling in front of Su Ping in the blink of an eye?

And scared to shit?

None of them saw Su Ping make a move!

If it weren't for the ferocious appearance of the Yiwang Beast before, they all suspected that this was a premeditated touch!

A trace of surprise flashed in Su Ping's eyes, but he understood in an instant, knowing that it was the system's hand.

In this store, any existence that tries to attack him will be suppressed by the system.

Before that, Fan Yujing uttered bad words to him and shot at will, but his arm was broken.

But the Wing King Beast at this moment is even worse, because it has bloodthirsty killing intent, not only its sharp claws were abolished, but it was also suppressed.

Only Su Ping and the Wing King Beast can sense the terrifying aura that hangs over the Wing King Beast. This is the breath of a god and demon.

Seeing the unbearable appearance of the Winged King Beast, Su Ping estimated that even if it wasn't frightened, it would leave a huge psychological shadow.

The young man looked at his Winged King Beast in disbelief. He knew the latter's ferocity and tyranny best, and even taming him was a headache.But I didn't expect that this unstoppable King Yi Beast would be in such a mess.

Through the consciousness transmitted by the contract, all the youth felt was deep fear.

The fear was so strong that even he was almost infected, and he felt awe and fear of Su Ping.

How is this going?

He was a little confused.

The sharp claws of the Wing King Beast were inexplicably broken, and it was also inexplicably frightened.

From the beginning to the end, he never saw Su Ping make a move.

Or, Su Ping's shot speed exceeded his visual capture?

Thinking of this, he felt even more incredible.

Su Ping in front of him was about [-] no matter how he looked at it. It was not easy to defeat his Wing King Beast at such an age. He could defeat him in an instant, and he couldn't see the speed of his shots?

What kind of strength should this be? !

After many students in the back were stunned, they also came back to their senses and looked at Su Ping with shocking eyes.

This is the strength of a senior instructor?

Defeating the Winged King Beast in an instant, without even making a move, made the fierce beast crawl and tremble!

With such strength, even ordinary high-level pet masters can't do it!

If Su Ping is an eighth-rank pet master... the only pet master? ! !

Through the resume on the college's official website, they knew Su Ping's age, and they were even more incredible.

So young, so scary!

Facing the many customers who became silent in an instant, Su Ping came back from his thoughts, and glanced at the trembling Wing King Beast on the ground. From the fearful eyes, he knew that the other party was terrified.

He asked the system in his heart, "How to deal with this?"

The system said indifferently: "Nian is the first offender, and the punishment is slightly small. Since the guest has already paid, please continue to cultivate the host."

Su Ping understood, bent down and grabbed the Wing King Beast's wings on the ground, and dragged it to the pet animal room in the store.

Seeing Su Ping attacking his pet beast again, the young man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he stopped at the edge of his mouth. When he wanted to speak again, Su Ping's back had already entered the back of the shop.

After throwing the Wing King Beast into the cultivation space, Su Ping returned to the store.

Seeing Su Ping come out again, the young man quickly asked, "Boss, what did you do to my King Wing Beast?"

Su Ping gave him a strange look, "Isn't it to be cultivated, of course it is stored first, and I will cultivate it for you later."

"Huh? Huh?"

The young man was stunned. He didn't expect that Su Ping would continue to cultivate. The Wing King Beast offended Su Ping and was severely educated.

Facing this young shopkeeper, he didn't dare to be as casual as before. Just because Su Ping suppressed the Yiwang Beast without saying a word or moving his body, he knew that the latter was an extremely terrifying strongman.

At such an age and with such strength, this kind of genius is not something he can easily provoke.

"I offended you a lot earlier, I hope the boss will forgive me." The young man immediately apologized.

Su Ping didn't think he offended him. It was his pet beast that shot, and he didn't mean it, otherwise the system would have suppressed him long ago, "It's nothing, you don't have to worry about anything, it's just a small punishment, wait After nurturing, it will be returned to you."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Then thank you boss."

Su Ping waved his hand and said: "There are other services, or if you don't want them, just get out of the way."

The young man was stunned for a moment, a little dumb, and immediately retreated to the side embarrassingly.

He sneaked a few glances into the depths of the store, but the door was closed inside, and he couldn't see anything. He was a little curious, but he didn't dare to go forward to check it out. It is inferior to Longtan and Tiger's Den, and it is extremely dangerous.

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