After half an hour.

Su Ping rode to the door of the store.

When he was tens of meters away from the store, Su Ping saw many figures standing outside the store from a distance, all of them looked like young people.

In it, Su Ping also saw many familiar faces, who were previous repeat customers.

Su Ping was a little surprised. There are too many people today. Could it be that his fame during the lectures has fermented?

A sharp-eyed student saw Su Ping, and immediately greeted him in surprise, not afraid of being hit by Su Ping's bicycle.

Su Ping was a little speechless, and hurriedly braked.

"Boss Su, you are finally here."

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, does Boss Su still remember me?"

"Boss Su, can you still breed pets for me today?"

The crowd immediately swarmed up.

Su Ping's road was almost blocked, so he had to say: "Give way, follow the old rules, line up first."

Hearing Su Ping's words, everyone stopped their enthusiasm and let Su Ping pass.

Su Ping locked the bicycle so that no one could walk away with too many people.

If anyone knew Su Ping's thoughts, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood.

Su Ping took out the key to open the door. Immediately, a few nimble students squatted down and helped him push the door up. He didn't forget to grin at Su Ping, very attentive.

"All lined up, come in order." Su Ping entered the store, turned around and said to everyone.

He glanced at the number of people, there were twenty or thirty, and quickly calculated the income in his mind. If there were more medium-sized beasts bred, the energy income should be ten thousand to twenty thousand.

He regained his energy early in the morning, and said to No.1 who was in the front line: "Name, phone number, what do you want to cultivate?"

"Boss, it's me, Zhang Baoxing, I want to cultivate." The boy standing at the first said to Su Ping.

Su Ping also has a little impression of him. This package star has been bred in his shop twice, both of which are medium pets. Adding this time, it is the third time, and he has gained [-] energy from him alone.

"Yes, it's quite early." Su Ping said.

He remembered that the other party was also ranked first last time, but he didn't expect that there were so many people today, and he was the first again.

Zhang Baoxing smiled and said, "Boss, I got up at five o'clock and queued up."

Su Ping was a little surprised. It was just after five o'clock, right?

The people in the queue at the back were full of astonishment. They thought it would be early enough if they came after seven o'clock, but they actually came to stay at five o'clock.

While many people were stunned, they also secretly remembered this time, and next time they woke up earlier than this, they would be ranked first.

"Pay the money." Su Ping wrote down the other party's name and contact, and began to charge.

Zhang Baoxing was already familiar with the process, and immediately deducted [-] training fees to Su Ping with a smile, then raised his hand and grabbed his red flame dog again.

Chapter 118 Overwhelming

As soon as Chi Yangou was about to jump out of the summoning space, he saw a familiar face in front of him. His pupils shrank, and his four paws hurriedly braked, trying to retract into the space.

But the summoning space is controlled by the owner's consciousness, and the Chiyan dog couldn't help it. Its body was spat out and fell to the ground.

Seeing the somewhat embarrassed Chiyan Dog, Zhang Baoxing was a little embarrassed, and wondered why his own Chiyan Dog's reaction was a bit abnormal when he arrived at Su Ping's place.

Su Ping glanced indifferently at the red flame dog lying on the ground, looking at him like a dog begging for mercy. The money has already arrived, so he has to be responsible to the end, and begging for mercy is useless.

"Should be familiar with the place, go by yourself." Su Ping's voice was conveyed to Chiyangou with thoughts.

Two lines of tears flowed from the dog's eyes of Chiyangou. He turned his head and glanced at his stupid master resentfully. With his head drooped, he walked slowly towards the pet animal room deep in the shop.

Seeing his beloved pet so excited, Zhang Baoxing was also very relieved, as expected, it was worth the money for the cultivation.

"Next." Su Ping said.

The boy who was ranked second immediately took a step forward excitedly, and said, "Boss, do you still remember me? I also came to train it before."

Su Ping glanced at him, "I don't remember."

Lu Pengfei was a little embarrassed. He was a celebrity in the academy anyway. He didn't expect to run into a wall with Su Ping, but he didn't care soon. After all, Su Ping was a senior tutor of the academy. The other party didn't remember him, nor What a shame.

"I still breed the Forest Fantasy Deer from before." Lu Pengfei laughed.

He raised his hand to summon his pet beast. Previously, his Mori Fantasy Deer had learned the control skills of the plant department at Su Ping, which allowed him to rise a few places in the academy's combat power list, and his reputation improved a little. many.

As soon as Sen Huanlu appeared, seeing Su Ping's appearance, he screamed and quickly shrank behind Lu Pengfei, trembling.

Lu Pengfei was taken aback, seeing Sen Huanlu's appearance, he was obviously afraid of shrinking.

However, he thinks it's normal. It must be Su Ping's cultivation method, which is a bit strict, which made Sen Huanlu suffer a bit, but it is also because of this that Sen Huanlu's potential can be forced out, making it so excellent.

"Hey, don't be afraid." Lu Pengfei raised his hand to stroke and comfort his beast.

It is right to suffer a bit, how can one not endure hardships in order to become stronger?

Mori Huanlu barked at Lu Pengfei, as if complaining, but it couldn't speak, it could only express anxiety and fear.

Lu Pengfei understood very well and continued to appease.

Seeing that he had been delayed for a long time, Su Ping glanced at the Mori Huanlu with another meaningful look.

Sen Huanlu wanted to continue persuading his master to leave this magic cave, but when he saw Su Ping's gaze, his body trembled, and he became honest all of a sudden, only a pair of deer eyes showed a bit of gloomy despair.

"Go in and find a place by yourself." Su Ping said indifferently.

Mori Huanlu hung his head in awe, and walked slowly towards the animal pet room.

Seeing that it finally settled down, Lu Pengfei was also relieved. He cast an apologetic look at the people lining up behind him, and immediately transferred money to Su Ping, and let it go aside.

Next is the third, the fourth...

Most of the pet beasts who are returning customers are more afraid when they see Su Ping. After all, Su Ping's cultivation method impresses them too deeply.

And those beasts that were sent to the Suping store for the first time to be bred were still very novel and curious about everything around them, looking around.

The line lined up by the tree by the roadside outside the store. When Su Ping placed the pet beast for a fee, a figure sneaked up and it was Su Lingyue.

Seeing the long queue entering the store, she wondered if her eyes had made a mistake. She looked at the little naughty sign on the store several times, and after confirming that it was correct, she realized that it was really her own store.

When did the business in the store become so hot?

Soon, she found that all the people who came to Suping's shop were students from their college.

Thinking of Su Ping's lecture yesterday, Su Lingyue's eyes were a little dazzled. It was probably Su Ping's reputation as a lecturer that attracted these people.

"Hey, isn't this Su Lingyue?"

When Su Lingyue probed into the store, the students lining up next to him also recognized this sneaky figure, and were a little surprised.

After all, Su Lingyue is the champion of the first grade in the academy. She has a high reputation, so it's not surprising that she was recognized.

Su Lingyue was startled when she heard the classmate next to her call her name, her hair was almost standing on end, she hurriedly made a shh gesture, and when she came back to her senses, she felt embarrassed.

She coughed lightly, straightened her posture, just like she was indifferent and arrogant in the academy, deliberately lowered her voice, and said indifferently: "I pass by here, just take a look, what are you doing?"

"You don't know?" A female classmate was surprised and said, "This is the pet animal shop opened by Teacher Su. I heard that Teacher Su can also breed pet beasts. The Lei Guangshu of classmate Su Yanying in our college is said to be from here. bred."

"Lightning mouse? Cultivate it?"

Su Lingyue was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Su Ping actually got involved with Lei Guangshu.

She suddenly remembered that when she was acting like a baby with her mother and wanted to buy a Lei Guangshu, Su Ping was overwhelmed by the sound...

With a bang, her cheeks blushed, and she felt that the fire was burning. At the same time, she took a hard look at the store and saw Su Ping who was charging.

However, after she got angry, she also came back to her senses. The performance of the Lei Guangshu was not ordinary. How could it be possible for a half-baked person like Su Ping to breed it, even if it was a mother who had obtained a trainer qualification certificate.

"Did you make a mistake?" Su Lingyue asked.

The girl shook her head and said: "Probably not. Didn't you see that Lu Pengfei in front also came? I heard that he has come several times."

"Lu Pengfei?" Su Lingyue glanced forward, and had a little impression of the name. He was a senior in the upper grades and had a certain status in the combat power list.

"Yeah, many people here have been here before. If it doesn't work, they will definitely not come again." Another male student also said that those who came here for the first time were ranked relatively low. Night.

Su Lingyue is a little strange. It is incredible that Su Ping can become a senior tutor of their college. She absolutely does not believe that Su Ping can be cultivated.

"I heard that in Tutor Su's store, there are top-level nurturing masters sitting in charge." Another boy said.

When Su Lingyue heard this, her eyes widened. The top master nurturing master was sitting in his shop?

Why doesn't she know?

Moreover, what would their family use to hire top cultivation masters?

She poked her head into the shop and looked full of suspicion. If she said that there were no top breeders in charge, then the Lei Guangshu incident would be false, but if there were, it wouldn't make sense.

She suddenly realized that she hadn't paid attention to her good-for-nothing old brother for a long time, and she didn't know him very well.

"Student Su, do you want to line up? I'll let you." A boy approached him with a smile that he thought was handsome.

Su Lingyue took a look, shook her head, "No need."

After finishing speaking, she took a few steps away from the long line, lest Su Ping inadvertently look up and see her.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the long line was reduced by more than half.

However, while the number of people continued to decrease, new students came one after another. Today is the weekend, and many students are resting at home, and some have plenty of time.

Su Lingyue stood under the tree on the side of the store door, watching the situation inside. When she saw the continuous stream of customers, she was not only curious, but also a little excited.

Thinking that with so many customers, she should be able to earn tens of thousands a day, she became a little excited.

Soon, among the students behind, Su Lingyue saw some familiar faces, and Su Yanying, who was on the same stage as Su Ping in the exhibition match, also came.

The appearance of Su Yanying also made the atmosphere of the scene boil. Some students who heard the rumors felt that the rumors were confirmed when they saw Su Yanying in person, and their eyes became more eager and expectant.

Chapter 119 Wing King Beast

Su Yanying hasn't come to Su Ping's store for several days. It's not that she doesn't want to come, but... she has no money.

As soon as she arrived outside the store at this moment, she saw a long queue at the door of the store from a distance, and she couldn't help being startled. She didn't expect that the business in Suping's store had become so hot after only a few days of absence.

While she was happy for Su Ping, she couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The business is booming and there are more people. Will Su Ping... charge more?

Based on her understanding of Su Ping, the answer is obvious... yes!

She had just saved up to [-] yuan, which was just enough. If the price increased, she would have to go back and continue raising money.

Thinking of this, she felt a little uneasy.

"Student Su, I have a place here."

"Student Su, come to me, I'm closer to the front."


As soon as Su Yanying arrived outside the team, she attracted the attention of many students.

Some animals in the queue obviously would not miss this opportunity, and immediately waved to make way for Su Yanying.

The act of doing this naturally also aroused the jealous and vicious eyes of some females nearby...

Su Yanying smiled and nodded to the classmates who greeted her around. After thinking about it, she chose a boy who was willing to give up her seat in the front row, and thanked him.

Seeing Su Yanying choose him, the boy smiled like a fat man of two hundred catties, his face wrinkled.

Su Ping also noticed the movement outside. Seeing that Su Yanying was coming, he raised his eyebrows, feeling nothing.

Soon, the people in front paid their fees one after another, and handed over the pet beasts to Su Ping, and it didn't take long for Su Anying to line up.

"Boss Su, I'm here again." Su Yanying stepped forward and greeted obediently.

Su Ping raised his eyelids when he saw her being obedient, and said, "Are you here to cultivate pet beasts?"


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