"You!" Su Ping gritted his teeth.

"The third warning of cursing, random punishment, extreme pain experience..." The system prompts.

Su Ping's eyes widened instantly, "No..."

"Ah, oh, oh, ah..."

After a long time, there was a burst of fierce screams.

Su Ping sat down at the door of the pet shop, his eyes full of vicissitudes...


A coin was thrown in front of him.

Su Ping looked up and saw a man in a suit with a kind smile and a gorgeously turned back.


Su Ping silently picked up the coin.

He stared at the coin, and continued to stare...

"System, can this money be converted into energy?" Su Ping asked suddenly.



Su Ping let out a low "Oh" and slowly put the coins into his pocket, then stood up and patted the dust off his buttocks. Life is so difficult, but must we continue?

Back in the store, Su Ping meditated on the cultivation plane window in his heart.

Soon, a windowed form appeared in front of his eyes, with many place names on it, and each place name was followed by an energy number display.

Su Ping pulled down from top to bottom, and saw the words 'Thunder Cloud Sea Realm', and the energy display behind it was 1000.

a thousand times.

The corner of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

He has become a Buddha.

Su Ping kept pulling down and came to the primary cultivation plane. The energy requirement to enter here ranged from 1 to 10 points.

"Huh?" Su Ping suddenly saw that there is also a 'Thunder Cloud Sea Realm' plane here, and the energy requirement behind it is only 1 point!

I read it wrong?

Su Ping took a closer look and found that he was right. So, is the system wrong?

"This system will not go wrong." The voice of the system sounded immediately, "This is a fragment of the plane of the Thunder Cloud Sea Realm, which contains the incomplete Thunder Cloud Sea Realm, maybe one of the corner lands, or a place without creatures and plants. The ruins, entry is risky, the host needs to be cautious."

"Shards?" Su Ping noticed that there were two tiny words "Shards" behind it.

He suddenly thought of the description in the history book of the Federation that the Thunder Cloud Sea Realm had already been shattered and disappeared. Could it be that these are the broken pieces?


Previously entered the complete Thunder Cloud Sea Realm?

But since it is broken, why is there a complete Thunder Cloud Sea Realm?

Su Ping had doubts in his heart, but the system didn't give an answer. He suddenly felt the unfathomable power of this system, and it seemed that he should not mess with Wei Wei in the future.

After visiting once, Su Ping closed the cultivation plane and did not choose to enter immediately.

He is tired.

Too tired too tired.

Died hundreds of times in Thunder Cloud Sea Realm in three days, it was not just a number, nearly half of the deaths were caused by extremely painful torture.

Although every time he was resurrected, his physical strength was fully recovered, but the mental fatigue became more and more serious, which was why Lei Guangshu fell asleep as soon as he came back.

Su Ping closed the roller blind, and when the store darkened, he immediately lay down on the counter and fell asleep soundly.



Su Yanying returned to the academy.

There is a large area of ​​green grass in the vast college, with a very high greening rate. There is also a pool and waterfall in the middle of the square in the distance, for some students' water pets to play in it.

However, at this moment, the pool is calm and there is no pet beast.

Including the huge academy as vast as an airport, there were not many figures to be seen.

There was a dead silence everywhere.

Su Yanying was not surprised at all, she naturally knew where everyone was going.

At the end of the square, there is a huge field similar to a stadium.

At this moment, bursts of cheers came faintly from inside, even standing at the gate of the academy, they could faintly hear it.

The afternoon game is still going on!

"Hurry up." Su Yanying said to Lei Guangshu who was following her, and then ran faster.

It took too much time to go to the pet shop, but fortunately, her competition was at the back and started around four o'clock in the afternoon.

However, if the opponent in front of her falls too quickly, her game will be brought forward.

Chapter 9 Seventh Level Thunder Skill, Thunder Break! (one)

Soon, Su Yanying brought the Lightning Mouse to the star pet battle hall.

Although he was not wearing a college uniform, the guard obviously knew Su Yanying, and let her pass without waiting for her to show her student ID.

"Firework Slash!"

"It's the Red Flame Dog who used the Firework Slash!!"

"It's such a pity that the Firework Slash failed, and was dodged by the Flame Beast. Wait, no! The Firework Slash is spinning, my god, it's back!!"

As soon as she entered the competition venue, Su Yanying heard the referee's excited screams, which filled the entire venue and were deafening.

At the same time, there was a collective exclamation from the auditorium on both sides of the entrance.

Su Yanying looked as usual, this scene was all too familiar to her.

She looked around and immediately saw where her class was.

The second class of the third year.

She hurried to the past, and only halfway there, she suddenly thought that her pet beast, Lei Guangshu, was still behind...

This little guy... She has never brought it to participate in such a grand competition. The grand scene of thousands of people cheering at the scene won't scare it, right?

Su Yanying turned her head quickly, but saw that the Lei Guangshu was still closely following her feet. When she stopped, it also stopped, and looked up, its small slit-like eyes were full of confusion.

Is it not affected... Su Yanying secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the pet beast is not a simple beast, but has simple thinking and spirituality, if it is a pet beast with an ordinary timid personality, it would probably be frightened when it first encountered such a scene I've come to a standstill.

Due to time constraints, she had just brought the Lei Guangshu back, and she didn't have time to practice with it, let alone give it time to get used to it.

Seeing that it was so courageous and fearless, Su Yanying was also a little surprised.

"Yingying, where did you go? I searched everywhere but couldn't find you. It scared me to death!"

As soon as Su Yanying returned to the class, her friend Lan Lele saw her and immediately got up and ran over.

"I'm going to get the star pet." Su Yanying said as she followed her back to the seat behind the class. She glanced at the stage and asked, "What time is it now?"

"Fourth round, it'll be your turn when Jiang Bingcuo plays." Lan Lele pouted at a black-haired figure in front of the class. The other party and Su Yanying were both the two major attention points in the class, and they were around for a long time Under the promotion of the environment, each other feels a little bit competitive.

And Lan Lele is Su Yanying's friend, so it's natural that she doesn't like her.

"Oh." Su Yanying nodded, but didn't care, her eyes were still on the playing field.

At this time, Lan Lele saw the Lightning Mouse gnawing on the peel of the fruit on the ground at Su Yanying's feet, and couldn't help but wondered: "This is the Lightning Mouse you sent to foster care before? Is it starving? Why does it eat everything?"

Hearing her words, Su Yanying also turned her head, seeing Xiaozhuo happily eating the Lightning Mouse with the fruit peel, her expression changed slightly.

"Don't eat it, it's too dirty." Su Yanying said immediately, and conveyed her meaning through the power of the contract.

As a clean freak, she couldn't stand her beast picking up garbage on the ground to eat.

At the same time, she thought of the pet shop.

Damn black businessman!

After the competition is over, you must go to the Star Pet Association to complain about this store!

Sensing Su Yanying's order, Lei Guangshu stopped and blinked innocently.

"You brought it back, are you planning to let it play?" Lan Lele looked at Lei Guangshu, thinking of something, she couldn't help looking at Su Yanying in astonishment.

"Of course." Su Yanying looked calm.

Lan Lele's beautiful eyes widened, and she said, "Are you crazy? This is the annual pet beast competition, and the lowest level of pet beasts to enter is the second-level pet beast. If you let the Lei Guangshu enter the field, isn't it letting it die?"

"The academy has a rule that there can be no casualties in the game, and if there is any danger, the referee will stop it in time." Su Yanying said.

"But, even if it doesn't die, it's useless for you to send Lei Guangshu on the field. It's just a middle-ranked pet beast, and any pet beast on the field can defeat it." Lan Lele said with a puzzled face.

"I know." Su Yanying's eyes were firm and persistent, "But, don't forget the secret skill of the Battle Pet Master I have mastered, the third-level strength increase!

The lower its level, the stronger my boost effect will be. It should be able to exert its second-tier median strength. Combined with my tactics and command, it is enough for it to fight other pet beasts! "

Lan Lele is naturally familiar with this friend's ability, she said puzzledly: "Didn't you say that the family invited a high-level therapist to help you restore the strength of that 'hundred-toothed tiger'? Does it play?"

"In the previous battle, others thought it was injured, but now it is my hole card and cannot be easily exposed." Su Yanying said in a deep voice.

Lan Lele was stunned, and sighed, "Speaking of which, your luck this time is also unlucky, and you met those difficult people as soon as you came up, otherwise you wouldn't be in such a mess."

Su Yanying was slightly silent and did not speak.

At this time, the battle on the venue was over, the person controlling the Red Flame Dog won, and the two sides ended one after another.

At the same time, the "Jiang Bing Cube" girl sitting in front of Lan Lele's mouth slowly stood up, and immediately attracted the fiery gaze of the whole class of boys, as well as the gnashing of teeth of another part of the girl.

"This guy is lucky, he meets all rookies!" Lan Lele said angrily.

Su Yanying frowned slightly, but did not speak.

A few minutes later, the battle on the field was over, and the girl with a face as cold as ice walked down the stage slowly.

Su Yanying felt it, and the other party glanced at her when she stepped off the stage.

That look is full of meaning, it seems to say, don't let me down...


Su Yanying clenched her fingers tightly, but her expression became calmer.

"Let's go." She got up, and said this to Lan Lele, and also to the Lei Guangshu beside her.

Lei Guangshu sensed some changes in the master's state of mind, and it also stood upright, a sharp look flashed in its narrow eyes.

It's just that no one would look into the eyes of a low-level Lei Guangshu and fail to notice the dangerous aura hidden inside.

Walking along the aisle, Su Yanying walked up to the steps of the venue step by step.

Lei Guangshu hopped up and down to keep up.

In the huge meeting place, she stood quietly and greeted the eyes of the audience.

There was no trace of timidity on the girl's face, her eyes were proud and calm.

"It's Su Yanying from class two of the third year!"

The referee immediately announced Su Yanying's name, and said passionately: "Next, let's see on the big screen, who is our Su Yanying's opponent!"

All eyes turned to the huge score screen above the venue, a series of avatars flickered on the screen, and finally froze.

"Oops!" Lan Lele's face changed slightly when he saw the fixed profile picture. It was Zhang Xiao from Class [-] of the third year, an extremely strong opponent, and one of the best characters in Class [-]!

Su Yanying's face also changed slightly.

Her luck is too bad, isn't it, is it another hard nut to crack?

Soon, her opponent also played.

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