The information of the three items appeared at the same time.

Without even thinking about it, Su Ping chose to buy the "Awakening Liquid".

"Unable to purchase, insufficient energy." The system said.


Su Ping was stunned, and only then noticed the subsequent purchase request.

"The energy is mainly converted through the currency earned by the host. The ratio is 100:1. The current remaining energy is 1 point."

Su Ping was stunned. He suddenly thought of something and opened his account record.


Sure enough, 100 was missing from the account, and it was transferred to an unknown account.

"So, you can buy it for only 1 yuan?" Su Ping was not frustrated, but rather surprised.

It's too cheap, this is something that can make ordinary people become star warriors!

If you buy it in the federation, let alone the complicated channels, the price alone is astronomical, and the effect may not be as good as this!

"Convert all the remaining balance in my account into energy." Su Ping said immediately.

There is still a balance of more than 2 in his account, which is the money transferred to him by his family to buy a few star pet cubs.

"Except for the currency obtained in this store, the currency obtained from other channels cannot be converted." The system said.


Su Ping was stunned, "Is there any difference between the money earned in the store and the money made elsewhere?"


"Attention, please warn me once by swearing!"

"..." Su Ping took a deep breath, clenched his fingers and said, "Since there is no difference, why can't money from other places be converted?"

"The currency conversion module mainly tests the growth ability of the host itself, and this ability will also enter the system's final evaluation of the host," the system said.

"What final assessment?" Su Ping raised his eyebrows.

"The host authority has not yet arrived, so I won't tell you."


Su Ping resisted some kind of impulse, and slowly loosened his clenched fist.

People under the system have to bow their heads.

"Fortunately, it's not too difficult to earn 100 yuan by relying on the pet shop, but it will take some time. If we can breed another beast like the Lei Guangshu and sell it, let alone [-] yuan, it will be [-] million yuan. It's more than enough!" Su Ping secretly said in his heart.

"With the host's current authority, pet beasts cannot be sold for the time being, and can only be rented." The system promptly poured cold water on it.

Su Ping: "??"

As a pet shop, why can't it sell pets? ?

"Attention, the second warning for swearing!" The system voice was cold.

Some painful memories suddenly emerged, and Su Ping stopped the rushing thoughts in his mind in time.

Inhale deeply and exhale.

He became a Buddha.

"Even if it is a lease, with the quality of Lei Guangshu, it is not difficult to rent [-] at a time." Su Ping secretly said.

"All services in this store are priced reasonably, and the host has no right to change the price by itself." The system said again.

Su Ping was stunned.

He had a bad feeling, "What are the prices?"

"Currently, our store only offers three services: foster care, rental, and food sales."

"Since the host didn't buy a foster care place, the two foster care places in our shop are currently free waste products given away by the system, so the foster care charges ten yuan per hour."

"As for the pet animal rental service, a comprehensive evaluation is made based on the level, combat power, and qualifications of the pet beasts leased out. At present, the host has not yet bred pet beasts, so it cannot be estimated."

"As for the sale of grain, the host needs to personally go to the breeding ground to collect the grain, and price it according to the quality of the grain."

Su Ping was dumbfounded.

Only launch these three services?

Doesn't that mean that the peripheral item push of the pet shop can't be used?

Clothes, toys, and pet hair trimming and care for pet animals, these are the real killers of a pet shop... the big money maker!

Don't think that pets can only fight. Most of the time, pets will accompany their owners to go shopping, eat and drink, and watch dramas. Most war pet masters are willing to take care of their pets in all directions. After all, they accompany their owners in life and death. Own, only it!

"At present, if you only rely on foster care to make money, it costs 10 yuan an hour, one foster care place costs 240 a day, two foster care places cost 480 yuan, and you can earn in about a month..."

Su Ping did some calculations, but he was still able to accept it, and a month of bastards passed.

However, the fee for this foster care place seems to be much higher than that of the peers, and it is still calculated on an hourly basis.

Who would go out and foster a pet animal for only an hour?

"System, you just said that this foster care place is a waste product that you gave away for free. Are there more expensive foster care places?" Su Ping asked in his heart.

"Of course there is." The system immediately said: "Elementary foster care places cost 10 points of energy, and each day consumes 1 point of energy for maintenance, which is paid by the host itself."

"Energy consumption to maintain?" Su Ping felt that he had encountered a black merchant, "Isn't this thing permanent?"

"Of course not." The system said: "The primary foster care place is constructed of spirit stones, and the beasts inside are nourished with pure spirit, which has the effect of improving understanding and physical fitness, making it easier for pets to comprehend powerful secret skills."

Su Ping was stunned, so exaggerated?

You must know that except for some mysterious treasures, only a high-level breeder can do it if you want to inspire the understanding of pet beasts.

And a mere foster care place can actually have such an effect, which is almost equivalent to being cared for by a high-level trainer at any time...

"What's the charge for this primary foster care place?" Su Ping asked quickly.

"One hundred per hour." The system replied.

"..." Su Ping fell silent.

In the market, the price of animal foster care is generally about [-] for ten days. Unless the owner has special requirements and adds other services, the price difference will not be too much.

One hundred per hour is 2400 per day.

Ten days is twenty-four thousand!

It is 24 times that of other pet shops!


Su Ping spoke suddenly.


"The price... can it be raised further?"


In the end, the system ruthlessly rejected Su Ping's appeal, which made Su Ping feel regretful.

The price is indeed expensive, even unbelievable, but in Su Ping's view, the benefits brought by this junior foster care place are too strong, even if the price is increased ten times, he feels it should be taken for granted!

"However, I still can't afford this primary foster care place. Can I just rely on the current waste foster care places to slowly consume them?" Su Ping felt a little bit of liver pain.

As for food sales...

You have to go to the breeding ground to collect it.

The corners of Su Ping's mouth twitched at the thought of the countless deaths he had experienced in the cultivation ground in the past three days.

life is so hard...

"Wait, I suddenly disappeared for three days, I'm afraid the family should be in a hurry." Su Ping suddenly thought of this, and was startled.

"The host doesn't have to worry, the time of the cultivation place is not synchronized with this place, and only three hours have passed outside." The system said indifferently.

Chapter 8 Chaos Breeding

Three hours?

Su Ping was taken aback, and immediately turned on the computer next to him to check, only to see that the date on it showed that it was the day he first arrived at the store.

"Huh..." He breathed a sigh of relief.


If she really disappeared for three days, my mother would probably go crazy.

Of course, my younger sister may not be...

Su Ping shook his head, thinking about returning to the store, thinking of the task of breeding pet beasts he had received earlier, he immediately went to the store to look around.

Soon, he found a dry well-like pool in the lounge behind the store.

This is probably the 'Chaos Breeding Spirit Pool' that the system has just established in the pet shop.

"Conceived in here? What is used to conceive?"

Su Ping was a little curious. Suddenly, when he thought of the scene of a hen laying eggs, his face changed slightly, and his feet that stood forward and took a rest slowly stood at attention...

"The host is in the novice protection month. Currently using the 'Chaos Breeding Spirit Pond', it only needs 10 energy points at a time." The system said.

Su Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to use energy... However, using energy is also a headache.

10 points of energy equals 1000 yuan!

"Fortunately, after completing the task, you can get a skill book for the battle pet master, which is equivalent to spending 1000 yuan to buy a skill book, earning blood!"

Ordinary war pet masters need to be admitted to the Star Pet Academy to master a skill, and spend a lot of time studying and practicing hard to master it. This is by no means comparable to a mere 1000 yuan.

"System, is there any way to make money the fastest?" Su Ping asked the system in his heart.

After a while, the system briefly said: "The host can quickly earn energy through food sales."

"Grain sales?" Su Ping naturally remembered this, and suddenly his whole body stood up with goosebumps, "This needs to be collected in a cultivation place. This cultivation place shouldn't be a place like Thunder Cloud Sea Realm?"

He didn't want to go to such a dangerous place to collect food, he was already terrified!

It would be fine if he was killed instantly, he was afraid of being entangled by something, biting him to death slowly one by one, that would be the scariest thing!

The system replied: "Thunder Cloud Sea Realm is not the only cultivation place, but one of countless cultivation places, and it is an advanced cultivation place.

With the host's current remaining energy, it is not enough to pay for the teleportation to the Thunder Cloud Sea Realm, so the host should choose a cultivation place with a corresponding price to go to...

Note that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the possibility of collecting rare food! "


Su Ping sat up abruptly.


"Attention, swearing warning for the second time!"

Su Ping's face twisted slightly!

Do you need money to go to the breeding ground?

You're afraid it's not the super pet system, but the Monopoly system, right? !

Su Ping felt it was too embarrassing. One moment he didn't want to go, but the next second he was told that he couldn't go even if he wanted to!

Moreover, according to the system, he has lost a lot!

He didn't do anything for the previous three days of cultivation tasks. He was just playing with mice, and he missed the opportunity to collect food in a high-level cultivation place like Thunder Cloud Sea Realm for three days!

Otherwise, he should be able to bring back a lot of food for Thunder pet beasts now!

"System, you tricked me..." Su Ping was extremely resentful.

The system said indifferently: "You didn't ask, and as a qualified host, you should learn to actively collect everything related to pet animals."

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