Everyone looked at each other, and there was a gleam in their eyes.

The light of expectation in Dong Mingsong's eyes was eclipsed in an instant, and his heart was so cold that he had no right to assign the other party if he was not a student here, and which team the other party went to and how they developed had nothing to do with this place, and could not bring half a point to the academy. benefit.

In this matter, he suddenly became an outsider.

"Student, judging by your age, you should be a first-year student. Which college are you from?" A red-haired woman asked out loud.

"I haven't been to social college, does it count?" Su Ping said.

"Haven't been there?" Everyone was stunned, and Dong Mingsong was also stunned. They had discussed Su Ping's strength and talent before, and they were almost as good as Ye Hao's existence. Such a young and promising genius had never been there. College?

Dong Mingsong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said quickly: "Student, what's your name? Are you interested in coming to our academy to practice? The tuition is free, food and accommodation are included, and there is an independent dormitory for students. You will be rewarded with a high-level star pet cub, and if you perform well, you can even get an adult high-level star pet as a reward!

How about it, if you want to come, I will handle the admission procedures for you now, and you can come to school tomorrow! "

He babbled and spoke quickly, and the seven pioneers behind were all stunned. When they reacted, they immediately cursed the old fox and gave him a hard look. If the eyes were arrows, Dong Mingsong's back was already Been tied up like a hedgehog.

Su Yanying next to her was stunned, what's going on?The vice principal is inviting Su Ping to enroll?Free tuition with food and accommodation?Independent student dormitory?Graduation and adult advanced pet beast rewards?

She had never heard of these benefits!

Even if it is a special enrollment hired by the college, it would be enough to give the tuition fee free, and there is no such luxury as a graduation reward for an adult senior pet beast, right? !

She wondered if she had heard it wrong, or that the vice principal had actually been ill for many years and went out today without taking medicine?

Moreover, isn't she the protagonist? Why do you stare at Su Ping when you come in?

Did they know that the Lei Guangshu was bred in Suping's store?

Hearing the old man's words, Su Ping was a little speechless. Luo Guxue had invited him to be a mentor before, but the old man in front of him invited him to enroll as a student. This level directly dropped by one level.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Su Ping refused directly.

Chapter 89 Invitation

Dong Mingsong and Su Yanying were stunned. Are you not interested in such benefits?This is Fengshan College, a famous school of war pet masters. Countless people couldn't get in. Now the vice principal personally invited him and offered unprecedented generous treatment. How could he refuse without even thinking about it?

"You...you don't think about it anymore?" Dong Songming came back to his senses and couldn't help but said.

Su Ping shook his head. Luo Guxue invited him to be a mentor before, but he was still considering it. As for being a student, he didn't have to think about it at all.

Dong Songming's eyelids twitched slightly. Even Ye Hao, who has always performed well and ranked No. 1 in the academy's combat power list, did not enjoy these treatments. He made an exception just to retain talents. The old dean applied and explained that if he didn't agree, he would have to pay for it himself, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't take it seriously at all. Could it be that these benefits are not good enough?

"Okay, Vice President Dong, since he disagrees, don't make it difficult for him. A genius like this probably has his own famous teacher to guide him, so why should he come to you as a student? With his previous performance, he has already It's the strength of a graduate." A burly man behind said with a smile.

Dong Mingsong smiled bitterly, knowing that he was out of action, he immediately stepped aside and handed him over to them.

"Little brother, what's your name?" the burly man asked.

"What about you?" Su Ping said.

The burly and strong man laughed, "I have a personality, so it's okay to tell you. My surname is Feng, and my name is Baili, Baili who killed Baili!"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows and said, "My surname is Su, and my name is Su Ping. I'm not very calm."

Feng Baili laughed loudly, "I like you a little bit."

Su Ping said: "But I'm not interested in men."

Feng Baili laughed abruptly and stared at Su Ping.

Seeing Feng Baili being deflated, the people nearby couldn't help laughing. The fiery red-haired woman said, "Baili, classmate Su Yanying was snatched away by you earlier, this classmate Su Ping, why don't you fight with us? Classmate Su , you can call me Ji Rongying, you can also call me sister Ying, I am the ninth team of the A-level Pioneering Corps under our Longjiang base city, we are a first-class team, if you are interested, I hope you can Join us, treat..."

Before she finished speaking, a young man next to her lazily said: "Why are you in such a hurry, there are all first-class teams of A-level legions present, there is nothing to say, and, isn't your team, Huo Ji, mainly exploring A-level barren areas? There, even the high-level battle pet masters have a casualty rate of more than 60%. If you let Brother Su go there, isn't this cheating him?

In terms of cultivating newcomers, our team should be the most suitable. We have strongholds in several B-level barren areas nearby. If Brother Su wants to be more cautious, first train in the C-level barren area. We can also send someone to accompany you , to protect your safety at all times, and before you really adapt, you will never be put in any danger to your life. I dare not say anything else, at least your life is absolutely guaranteed! "

"Absolutely guaranteed?" Another middle-aged man next to him sneered, "The ones who dare to say that their lives are absolutely guaranteed in the barren area are either legendary pet masters who can fight against king beasts, or those low-level laymen pioneers, heh, barren land Everything will happen in the C-level barren area, and there are examples of king beasts in the C-level barren area, what guarantee do you have?"

"It's a joke. The probability of a King Beast appearing in a C-level barren area is less than one in a thousand. There are so many C-level barren areas in the world, and it only happens once in a few decades. Does that count?" The young man immediately retorted with a sneer.

"Maybe you guys just met by such unlucky luck? So don't say absolutes, there is no absolutes, what you said, our team can do it, and, as long as student Su joins us, we will buy a student Su immediately." It's an adult high-level pet beast of the devil type, and it's not as important as being strong to ensure safety, student Su, don't you think so?" The middle-aged people turned their heads and smiled at Su Ping after finishing the youth.

Su Ping opened his mouth, and before he could speak, another person next to him sneered and said, "It's as if no one can afford it. Besides, there are many kinds of demon beasts. Although they are generally very strong, there are also weak garbage. You If I buy a high-level adult dragon-type beast as a gift for classmate Su, I have nothing to say."

The number of dragon beasts is very small, but almost all of them are fierce beasts, and the worst ones are not too bad.

"Dragon beast? As if you can afford it."

"Of course our team can afford it, but student Su has to join us first. I guarantee that within a year, I will be able to buy one for student Su."

"Within one year? So you're asking people to work for you first, and then you'll be paid? You can come up with such a sinister idea that the wool comes from the sheep."

"Heh, it's better than you..."

Everyone was arguing, but Su Ping couldn't get in.

Su Yanying was completely ignored by the side. She was dumbfounded. The treatment offered by these teams was much better than the treatment she received in Feng Baili's team. They also bought adult demon pets, which cost more than 500 million to say the least. Well, it takes more than tens of millions to comprehend the best skills!

She had a feeling that she seemed to be sealed in Bailikeng.

Back then they met in a coffee shop, and Feng Baili opened the terms and conditions, and she agreed to everything. At that time, she was so excited that she almost fainted. Being able to enter the first-class pioneer team was far beyond her expectations. Overjoyed, what are the requirements and conditions?

"Everyone..." Seeing that the crowd was getting more and more fierce, Su Ping tried to persuade him, but everyone was arguing red-faced, and no one responded to him at all.

Su Ping sighed, and said with a wry smile: "You say so much, but... I don't intend to be a pioneer at all..."

The debate suddenly fell silent.

The room fell silent.

A moment ago, there was a lot of quarreling, but now it is as terribly quiet as ice.

Everyone turned to look at Su Ping, stunned.

"You, you don't want to be a pioneer?" Feng Baili said in astonishment.

With such outstanding talent and strength, why don't you want to be a pioneer?

The others were also staring at him blankly, and someone's face suddenly changed slightly, as if thinking of something.

Neither entering a prestigious school nor being a pioneer, this only shows that Su Ping is cultivated by another powerful force behind him, so that he does not need to use his hard-earned meritorious deeds to become famous like pioneers like them.

"I'm not interested in pioneering." Su Ping said helplessly. If he wants to improve his strength, he can go to the nurturing plane and buy the number of deaths there. Don't worry about dying. If he wants to make money, he can There is income in the store, and now they can charge additional thank you fees and reservation fees, so you don't have to worry about the general food and drink expenses. The place where the most money is spent is probably to buy powerful pets.

But he has his own nurturing spirit pool in his store. If he is lucky, he may even breed a king beast. Therefore, he has no need to take risks at all. Wretched development is the kingly way. big.

Chapter 90 Meeting an Acquaintance

"Are you serious?"

"Do you know that if you join any of our teams at will, with your talent, it will be easy for you to earn millions a month in the future. Are you not interested?"

Everyone frowned, and their faces were not very good-looking. They were fighting here for a long time, but Su Ping actually said that he was not interested. This is an opportunity that many so-called geniuses can't get if they squeeze their heads, but Su Ping directly refused. up.

Dong Mingsong, who was sitting on the sofa chair next to him, had a strange expression on his face. This scene seemed a little familiar, as if it happened here just a moment ago...

Su Yanying didn't know what to use to describe her mood at the moment. Su Ping rejected the vice principal's invitation, and now Su Ping rejected the invitations of many first-class frontier teams.

I'm not interested in being a student, nor in being a pioneer, so what are you interested in?

Moreover, Su Yanying couldn't figure out what the Pioneering Team and the vice principal were looking for in Su Ping. Even if the Lightning Mouse was bred from Su Ping's shop, it was obviously the mysterious breeder in Su Ping's shop who bred the Lightning Mouse. Master, what does it have to do with Su Ping, and he didn't cultivate it. It is impossible to have such a young cultivation master. Could it be that they want to get close to that cultivation master by building a good relationship with Su Ping?

However, wouldn't this be too convoluted?

When Su Yanying was thinking about it, Su Ping said to everyone: "Sorry, you can find someone else."

Seeing Su Ping's refusal again, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling like they were in a state of pain. It was entirely wishful thinking that they had just been fighting for a long time, and they had no intention of joining them at all.

However, Su Ping has been so resolute that they can't persuade them anymore, and they are also a little scrupulous. At Su Ping's age, he has the strength to easily break free from the ice sea freezing skills. No matter how talented he is, it is impossible to be They are self-taught, even if they have strong strength behind them, they don't want to provoke them rashly.

"Okay." Feng Baili sighed, his face full of regret.

Ji Rongying stepped forward and handed Su Ping a card, saying: "This is my contact information, maybe you don't need it now, but when you are interested in the future, you can contact me again, the gate of our team is always open for you open."

Seeing Ji Rongying's actions, the others came to their senses and immediately handed over their contact information.

Su Ping put away all their contact information, and said: "If there is nothing else, then I will leave first."

Everyone smiled wryly and could only let them leave.

Just as he was about to walk out of the office, Su Ping suddenly had an idea, turned around and said to Dong Mingsong, "Are you the vice principal? Can I trouble you with something?"

"Huh?" Dong Mingsong didn't expect Su Ping to call him suddenly, and said in a daze, "What's the matter?" While speaking, his eyes suddenly showed a little brilliance, and sometimes he wanted to beg, this is human favor.

Su Ping said: "Advertise my pet shop in the college, and say that the Lei Guangshu was bred by me. If other students want to breed pets, they can come to my pet shop."

It's rare to meet the vice principal, this is the number one advertising spot, much better than Su Yanying and Lan Lele.

Su Yanying was stunned by Su Ping's words. This man actually targeted the vice principal with the idea of ​​propaganda?This is the vice-principal of a prestigious school. He has the status of a professor, and he is also an eighth-rank pet master. He is a famous figure in the entire Longjiang base city. He actually asked him to advertise for you?

Dong Mingsong was stunned. He didn't expect Su Ping to say such a thing. He was even more surprised that, after hearing what Su Ping said, he actually opened a pet animal shop?Moreover, that monstrous Lei Guangshu was actually bred in his shop?

The pioneers next to them looked astonished. At such a young age, Su Ping is actually the owner of the pet shop?Could it be a family business?Moreover, the Lightning Mouse was bred in his shop?

Feng Baili thought of something, and turned his head to Su Yanying who was beside him and asked, "What was the strength of your Lei Guangshu before it was cultivated?"

Seeing his sudden question, Su Yanying suddenly became a little nervous. She had known for a long time that Feng Baili valued herself so much mainly because of the Lightning Mouse in her hand. meritorious.

It's just that she knows best that she didn't do anything. Before the Lei Guangshu was handed over to Su Ping's store, it was just an ordinary low-level Lei Guangshu, but now, it has defeated the seventh-order dragon beast. terrible existence!

"It was a first-tier median before." Su Yanying hesitated, and said truthfully. She knew that even if she lied, it was useless. With the connections and energy of these pioneers, the results could be easily found out, and...she also wanted to know, if Without the credit for cultivating the Lightning Mouse, would his own abilities be recognized by them?

"First-order median..."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent.

This is the strength of an ordinary Lei Guangshu, which is very common. However, to breed a first-level Lei Guangshu to instantly kill the existence of a seventh-level dragon beast... This is no longer terrifying, but incredible!

Even, among the nurturing masters they knew, no one could do this!

It is estimated that even the top nurturing masters on this planet can't do it!

"Are you sure?" Feng Baili stared at Su Yanying with an unprecedented serious expression.

Su Yanying said, "I'm sure."

Feng Baili's eyes flashed, and he turned to Su Ping and said, "Student Su, oh no, I should call you Boss Su now. I don't know where your pet shop is. I want to visit it too."

"It's easy to say." Su Ping took out the business cards he had prepared a long time ago, and handed one to each of them.

The others also took the business card and glanced at the address on it. It was not far from here, and it was not the shop in the prime location they imagined. The name was even more common, and they had never heard of it.

"There's nothing else, I'll go back first." After Su Ping handed out the business cards, he could feel from the eyes of these people that they would come to patronize them. These are big customers, enough for him to make a lot of money.

Dong Mingsong also reacted, and quickly said: "Don't worry, I will promote it for you."

"Thank you." Su Ping thanked him and left.

Seeing that he was leaving, everyone went out together to see him off. They came here for Su Ping. Since Su Ping was leaving, there was no need for them to stay in the office. As for Su Yanying, she had already signed a contract with Feng Baili. In the eyes of other pioneers, they are no longer their own people, so there is no need to talk about them.

Everyone walked along the corridor with Su Ping, and occasionally met the tutors in the academy along the way.Seeing these pioneers and the vice-principal, the tutor immediately nodded and said hello.

When they came to the first floor of the office building, two people walked towards each other from outside the building. One of them Su Ping knew was that Luo Guxue. Next to her was another middle-aged female mentor. They were talking about something while walking.

Feeling the large number of people on Su Ping's side, Luo Guxue and the middle-aged female instructor glanced at this side. Luo Guxue just looked up casually, but suddenly froze. It wasn't until he took a closer look that he realized that he hadn't made a mistake. .

"You're here?" Luo Guxue hurried forward, her face full of surprise.

Su Ping nodded and said, "I came to watch the exhibition game."

Chapter 91 Admission

"Exhibition competition?" Luo Guxue had just returned from the barren area. Hearing what Su Ping said, she realized that today was an exhibition competition for the students in the college. The surprise in her heart disappeared immediately, and she was a little disappointed. She thought that Su Ping had agreed to her invitation by coming here , Come to be a tutor, after all, the vice principal personally accompanied and sent them off, no matter how you look at this scene, it looks like a happy conversation.

However, she was suddenly a little puzzled. Outsiders are generally not invited to exhibition games in the academy. All participants are students or their relatives. Why is Su Ping here?

"Mr. Luo, do you know him?" Dong Mingsong asked in surprise.

Luo Guxue came back to his senses, nodded and said: "Boss Su is my benefactor. Last time I was able to come back from the barren area, it was thanks to Boss Su's rescue."

"Desolate area?" Dong Mingsong was stunned, and Feng Baili and others next to him were also stunned. They looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Su Ping. This kid actually went to the barren area?Moreover, what the hell is Luo Guxue talking about helping her out?

Although they are not familiar with Luo Guxue, Luo Guxue is also the main member of the Beichen team after all, and they still know each other. If Luo Guxue, who is in the middle of the seventh rank, is in danger, then it is estimated that only the top seventh rank battle pet master, or the eighth rank fighter It is possible for Master Chong to help her. When will Su Ping save her?

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Dong Mingsong asked curiously.

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