Ye Hao sneered, in the face of absolute power, all skills are gaudy.


The Lightning Rat appeared, and it happened to be on the forehead of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. Before the Silver Pterosaur Beast could react, a burst of lightning suddenly erupted. The dazzling flash brought an instant blinding effect, and before the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast could react. , suddenly a sharp tear appeared from the edge of its mouth.

The Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast let out a fierce roar, which was louder and sharper than the previous Longwei roar.

Ye Hao's sight also recovered. Hearing the painful cry, he couldn't help looking. When he saw that the corner of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast's mouth was completely split and the wound was about to extend to the neck, he was startled. If the wound was deeper, the entire lower jaw of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon would fall sideways and turn over!


With a flash of thunder, the figure of the Lei Guangshu appeared more than ten meters away, looking at the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, dripping blood on its sharp claws, and the gray energy at the tip sank into the claw blades. It is the sharp claws of the undead containing lightning power. This is a half-energy and half-physical attack, which directly tears the weak corner of the silver snake thunder dragon's mouth. If it is replaced by other parts of its body that have scales, the effect will not be so great Considerable.

"It's done." Su Ping was a little satisfied when he saw the harvest.

All this happened in an instant, from the splitting of the Lei Guangshu into two afterimages, to the tearing of the mouth of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. It took less than five seconds before and after. It's unbelievable that the nearly crushed Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast fell into such a miserable state in a blink of an eye.


Several pioneers and many participating students were stunned. The fighting style of the Lei Guangshu was too different before and after. The pet skill it used was still the previous pet skill, but this time it was clean and neat, allowing them to really see the "Thunder Flash" ' The horror of it.

Su Yanying stared blankly at the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast that was howling in pain after being injured. Before recovering for a while, she used Thunder Flash to charge in, and then attacked... and that's it?

This battle seemed too simple, so simple that she felt a little unreal.

Ye Hao's face froze there. Just a moment ago, he felt that the victory was in his hands, but in an instant, the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast was severely injured, and its combat power dropped sharply.

He was stunned for a while, and a ruthless look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the thought was conveyed.


The Silver Snake Thunder Dragon roared in pain, as if it was completely irritated by the pain, violent lightning surged from its whole body, and it soared into the air. The violent lightning all over its body shrank and turned into a thunder ball, aiming at the second half of the arena Su Yanying, and Su Ping beside Su Yanying.

"not good!"

Seeing the actions of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, Su Yanying's face changed drastically. The other party wanted to directly defeat her and win, or in other words, they wanted to use her to let the Lightning Mouse take the initiative to resist the attack of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. !

Lei Guangshu's Thunder Flash is suitable for attacking, but it has no defense at all.

Moreover, the ice sea freezing earlier completely froze Su Yanying's legs, extending to her waist, making her unable to move at all. Ice sculptures, let the heartbeat stop!

"Still not giving up?" Su Ping frowned, he was already being merciful, otherwise there were at least a dozen ways to kill with one blow and end the opponent's life.


Su Ping sent out his thoughts and directed them with his thoughts.

The bloodthirsty red light flashed in Lei Guangshu's eyes, and his body flickered suddenly!


Multiple flashes!

Ye Hao let the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon fly into the air because he didn't want to give the Lei Guangshu another chance to attack. However, although the Lei Guangshu is not a flying pet beast, the space and height of it that has mastered Thunder Flash have lost their meaning.


The Lightning Mouse came in a flash, appeared from the flash of lightning, and before the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon could react, its body flashed again, appearing at the wound at the corner of its mouth, and several skills erupted at the same time!

Bloodthirsty Bite, Undead Claws, Thunder Break!


In mid-air, dragon blood splattered, and the other half of the mouth of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon was also torn. The severe pain prevented the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon from concentrating on gathering energy. The flames all over the body immediately dissipated. The whole body of thunder burst out, and suddenly displayed the thunder and lightning gallop!


The injured Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast was hit by a heavy hammer. Its body shook suddenly, and then fell rapidly like a meteorite. The venue trembled like a magnitude [-] earthquake, and a huge pit appeared in the middle of the arena. The tail of the silver snake thunder dragon drooped on the edge of the huge pit, but its body was completely buried in the huge pit.

The whole venue fell into silence.

Chapter 87 The Uncrowned King

The Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast actually...lost?

At this moment, in the pitch-black pit in the middle of the arena, the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast was lying in an ugly posture, its scales were broken, and strands of coagulated blood overflowed. Its body was motionless, as if it had passed out, and it looked extremely miserable.

Everyone was stunned, unable to react. The scene in front of them was completely beyond their imagination. They never dreamed that such a scene would appear. You must know that the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast that has broken through to the seventh level is a student of the academy. The game itself is a foul-level existence, and it is basically invincible!However, it was actually defeated now, and it was defeated by the Lei Guangshu who was not its opponent at all!

When the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon was still at the sixth level, it easily defeated the Lei Guangshu. Now that it has broken through to the seventh level, how could it be defeated? !

On the field, both Ye Hao and Su Yanying were stupefied. This sudden turn of events caught them off guard. The Silver Snake Thunder Dragon lost too quickly, and they were not mentally prepared at all. Neither Ye Hao nor Su Yanying thought it would be this result.

Ye Hao's mind was buzzing. Through the power of the contract, he knew that the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast had passed out and lost its combat power. The seventh-level dragon beast was defeated just like that.


How can this be?

Ye Hao was a little absent-minded, his mind went blank, leaving only dazed.

Su Yanying on the other side was also at a loss. As the owner of the Lightning Mouse, she didn't know what happened. Somehow, she seemed to have won, and she won again...


A ray of lightning jumped out of the huge pit. It was the Lei Guangshu. It landed lightly and ran towards Su Yanying cheerfully.

When the Lei Guangshu ran to her feet, Su Yanying realized that she had to unfreeze herself. Otherwise, if it took too long, the muscle tissue would freeze and die. She quickly circulated the star power in her body to slowly catalyze the ice on her lower body.


There was a broken sound next to him, and Su Yanying turned her head to look, her eyes widened, and she saw that Su Ping's lower body was also frozen, but he didn't realize it, and took a step forward, freezing on his legs and knees The ice cubes on the ground immediately shattered and fell off, leaving the body unharmed.

It's just that rough... breaking the ice?

Su Yanying stared at Su Ping blankly. After all, this was a skill released by a seventh-order dragon beast, and it was so easily resolved?

At the frontier seats in the audience, several pioneers gradually came back to their senses, their eyes were both shocked and dignified. The result of this game was far beyond their expectations. Although it was an exhibition game, they all saw that it was an exhibition match at the end. The two on the stage had already made a real move, but, unexpectedly, it wasn't the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast that crushed Su Yanying and the Lei Guangshu, but the Lei Guangshu killed the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast in an instant!

The battle was over too soon.

They know that the Lei Guangshu is extremely evil, but this kind of evil has a limit after all, so even though the Lei Guangshu was defeated by the sixth-level silver snake Thunder Dragon Beast, it still does not affect their views on the Lei Guangshu, because in their opinion , this is the limit.

A mere Lei Guangshu is already proud of being able to do this.

But today, the Lei Guangshu refreshed their cognition again. Not only did they win against the seventh-order Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, but they also won with a snap, a complete instant kill!

"Today's Lei Guangshu seems to have a different fighting style." A pioneer said solemnly.

"Although the skills displayed are still the previous skills, only an accelerated thunderbolt is added, but the mastery and application of the skills are obviously several grades higher than before. The skill connection is very skillful, and the use is also very clever, including the last Hit the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon with the explosive speed of thunder and lightning, so that it has no time to use its strength to fly, and push it directly to the ground. Very nice," said another.

"That's right, today's Lei Guangshu feels like those pet beasts that have experienced many battles in the pioneers. They move sharply, attack accurately, and don't have so many fancy and useless attacks. Snake Thunder Dragon Beast's gaze skill?"

"Compared with the previous Lightning Mouse, the strength of this Lightning Mouse hasn't improved much. What has changed is only the combat method. If I'm not mistaken, the one who commanded the Lightning Mouse this time should not be this classmate Su." Another woman narrowed her eyes. Said with eyes.

Hearing what the woman said, the others were startled and looked at her.

"Didn't you notice that the boy next to Student Su, I didn't think it was him before, but you see, both of them were frozen by the ice sea of ​​the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, and Student Su still He is using star power to melt his body, and he has already unfrozen." The woman's eyes reflected the figure on the stage, with extremely strong interest in her eyes.

She noticed the scene of the latter using his body to break free from the freezing earlier, and this scene completely shocked her. Although she could see that the two were frozen in a relatively low level of cold, they were not the main target of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast. Being able to break free so easily is enough to show that the star power in this young man's body is extremely powerful, at least above the fifth level. He has such strength at this age, and his talent is probably a little bit stronger than that of Ye Hao.

Hearing the woman's words, the others all looked up the stage, and immediately saw the boy who had recovered his mobility, and the girl who was using star power to melt her icy legs. The difference was clear at a glance.

"I see……"

"So, this boy is not a family member who came up to join in the fun, but a helper invited by this classmate Su?"

"Tsk tsk, so young, she looks a few years younger than student Nasu, Vice President Dong, which class is this student in?"

Dong Mingsong, who was sitting next to him, also noticed this, and was also confused at the moment, frowning and thinking: "This... I don't remember, is he from our college?" Impression, as long as it is a face that has been on the battle list, he has basically seen all of them, but he is very unfamiliar with the faces of the teenagers on the stage. Could it be that they are usually very low-key people?

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, and a smile appeared in his eyes. Su Yanying and Ye Hao alone gave him a big face. He didn't expect that there were crouching tigers, hidden dragons and even better students in the academy.

Such an excellent student, his instructor didn't notice it, how dereliction of duty!

He has secretly decided in his heart that when he finds out the boy's class later, he must deduct the year-end bonus from his tutor as a punishment!

On the stage.

Seeing that the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast had completely lost its ability to fight, the referee breathed a sigh of relief after careful inspection, and immediately announced that the exhibition match was over and the Lei Guangshu was the winner.

There was sparse applause in the audience, and the applause gradually became more intense and orderly until more people came to their senses, until the tsunami-like cheers sounded, and the entire venue was boiling.

Tonight, Lei Guangshu once again staged a miracle!

The Jedi came back and attacked the seventh-order dragon beast!

Although I didn't see how the Lei Guangshu did it, the result already explained everything, the Lei Guangshu was so explosive!

Amidst the cheers, fireworks lifted off from the venue and exploded in the night sky, and the performance ended in carnival.

No one paid any attention to the defeated seventh-order Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, and no one noticed the eclipsed Ye Hao. Although it was an exhibition match, this victory was not counted in the ranking, and the annual champion was still Ye Hao. The championship prize also belongs to Ye Hao, but there is no doubt that after tonight, Lei Guangshu will become the uncrowned king!

Although it was an exhibition match, judging from the fierce fighting and the miserable appearance of the Silver Snake Thunder Dragon Beast, no one thought that Ye Hao lost on purpose.

"Brother..." Ye Qingyin stared at the back of her brother Ye Hao in a daze. The deafening cheers from the scene surrounded the entire venue, and the gorgeous fireworks shone above her head. Brother, his back is extremely lonely, and he seems to be excluded from the surrounding environment, which makes her feel a little distressed.

Chapter 88 Special enrollment?

"Why did you call us here?"

As soon as the battle was over, the carnival continued. Before Su Ping and Su Yanying had time to step down, they were invited to this office by a college leader, saying that some important people wanted to see them.

Su Yanying vaguely guessed who the "big shot" some leaders were referring to was. After all, she had been in contact with it before, and it was probably because of the amazing performance of her Lightning Mouse in the exhibition competition that made them pay more attention to her.

She was excited and nervous at the same time. The performance of the Lei Guangshu this time was really beyond her expectations. She thought it would be fine if she could lose without being so ugly, but she didn't expect to be able to explode with such fierce fighting power.

During this time, she did not do any training, nor did she send it to Su Ping for further training. This only shows that the Lei Guangshu had such terrifying combat power before.

Instantly kill the seventh-order dragon pet beast!

What an absurdity this was. Thinking that she had only spent a cheap [-] star coins to get such a huge return, her gratitude to Su Ping was beyond words.

Thinking of Su Ping, she turned her head to look, and was suddenly stunned, only to see that Su Ping had already sat on the sofa in the office carelessly, and poured herself a cup of tea, drinking it herself, very comfortable.

This is the vice principal's office!

The big shots would come in at any time, and she felt that she was in a wrong posture even standing, and she was extremely nervous. Su Ping was as casual as going home?

"You, get up quickly." Su Yanying said quickly, if she left a bad impression on those big shots, it would not be worth the loss for Su Ping, and he might be kicked out of the house.

Su Ping was sizing up the layout of the office, and his eyes stayed on a portrait of a purple-linged phoenix on the wall. He felt that the charm of this painting was quite good and lifelike. Like the stone carvings at the entrance of the college, they were probably all made by masters. It's a pity that Ziling Shenfeng's own momentum is a little bit weak, but after all, it is only a king beast, so it can't be too demanding.

Hearing Su Yanying's words, Su Ping turned his head and said in a daze, "What are you doing up?"

"Those big shots will come at any time, it's not good for them to see you like this." Su Yanying said quickly, her voice lowered, for fear that the big shots would come in at any time.

Su Ping thought she had something to do with him, and was about to get up. When he heard this, he sat back on his buttocks and said casually: "What's wrong, they invited me to come, but made me wait, it's already rude Okay, besides, I don't ask them for anything, if they don't come again, I still want to leave."

Su Yanying was stunned by what he said, and she was a little speechless, but thinking about it, these big shots mainly came to find her, and they didn't know Su Ping. Su Ping's performance had no effect on him, so he let him go.

"Come on." Su Ping suddenly moved his ears and said to Su Yanying.

Su Yanying was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly stood up next to the sofa, three body distances away from the sofa, without touching, which would make people feel that she was very peaceful.

Facing these big names, she felt as nervous as she had ever been in an interview.

With a click, the door of the office was pushed open, and there was a sound of footsteps walking a few steps before stopping at the door, as if looking at the people in the room.

"Vice, vice principal!" Su Yanying saw many figures pushing the door in, each exuding a majestic and majestic aura like the sun. Her psychological pressure increased sharply, as if a mountain was crushing her, and she couldn't breathe. He is a man of the academy, with a tempered mental quality, he immediately nodded to the old man at the front and smiled slightly at the others.

The crowd admired her quite a bit, and nodded in response with a smile. Then they searched the room for another figure, but they didn't see it. When they looked over the back of the sofa, they saw half of the head.

The corners of many people's mouths turned up slightly. The other party probably wanted to be lazy and sit and rest, but they didn't expect to be caught by them. They probably would have an embarrassing expression when they got up later. Thinking of this, they smiled knowingly.

"This classmate..." Dong Mingsong coughed lightly, indicating that the other party and the others were coming, and by the way, gave the assistant a wink and asked him to go out and close the door. Next, they wanted to talk about business.

When the other party arrived, Su Ping also stood up. It would be too uneducated to continue sitting. This is also a basic courtesy. He glanced at the crowd. Except for the oldest old man in the front, there were seven people in the back, among which the oldest They look like they are in their 40s. They have more or less scars on their bodies, either on their cheeks or on their arms and arms. The front of their nose seems to have been cut off. It looks like their nostrils are turned upside down. Horrible, children will definitely cry when they see it.

"Hello." Su Ping nodded as a greeting.

Seeing Su Ping's calm appearance, Dong Mingsong and the seven pioneers were stunned. This reaction was different from what they thought, and looking at Su Ping's expression, it seemed that they didn't know Dong Mingsong.

Don't even know the vice principal?

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they immediately realized that this person is not a student here?

Dong Mingsong also thought of this, and his heart sank a little. He put away his smile and looked a little serious, "Student, are you a student of our school?"

"No." Su Ping shook his head.

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