When he felt the pain, he grinned slightly, "I miscalculated, I stabbed too lightly."

His body fell to the ground with a thud, looking at the crimson sky, feeling the blood rushing away, Su Ping sighed in his heart... This is simply wasting time!

Lei Guangshu and Xiaokulou stared at him blankly, a little anxious, but they didn't know how to help.

Although such scenes have happened many times, every time they feel that the master's life is weakening, the power from the contract will make them extremely anxious and want to do something.

Not long after, in another place in the chaotic world of undead, a man, a mouse, and a skeleton appeared out of thin air. After a brief look, they launched a fierce attack on the surrounding undead creatures...



Taohuaxi Street, a naughty pet shop.

The shutter door was closed tightly, and the store was extremely dark.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the shop out of thin air, and three figures spit out from it.

When the vortex gradually disappeared, a pair of black eyes opened, saw the long-lost familiar shop, and smelled the unprecedented fresh air, Su Ping felt as if his whole body had revived from numbness and regained his life.

Chapter 36 Chaos Star Force

"Ding! The main mission has been completed, the host has received a mission reward, do you want to receive it?"

"Ding! The side mission 'First Cultivation Order' has been completed, and the host has obtained three copies of 'Original Power Pill'. Do you want to receive it?"

Before Su Ping could recover, suddenly two system prompts came one after another.

Su Ping was taken aback for a moment, then relieved.

These five days of non-stop fighting and countless resurrections have finally paid off. Half a day before their final return, the two little guys have successfully completed these two almost impossible tasks!

Of course, in addition to their hard work, it is also inseparable from the environment of the chaotic undead world. As a top-level cultivation plane, the undead air permeating the chaotic undead world is extremely strong. Just breathing into the body all the time The air will gradually transform living things into undead!

This is the best world for Little Skull, and because of this, Little Skull was able to climb from low-level aptitude all the way to upper-middle level in just five days of crazy battles!

Today's Little Skull and Lei Guangshu's combat power has far surpassed hundreds of streets of the same kind, and there is no comparison at all!

Su Ping threw an identification technique on them.

little skull

Attribute: Demon pet beast

Level: Second-tier upper rank

Combat power: 7.4

Qualification: upper middle class

Ability Control: Rebirth, Undead Enslavement, Blood Spirit Transformation, Medium Knife Skill, Puppet, Carrion Poison, Dark Blind, Corpse Roar

In addition to the earliest racial basic skill 'recombination of limbs' upgraded to 'rebirth', Little Skull also comprehended many other mid-level and high-level undead abilities, among which undead enslavement is an extremely rare secret skill among undead!

The strength of undead enslavement mainly depends on the surrounding environment. If there are enough dead bodies, the horror of this ability will be incomparable!

And the ability of 'Blood Spirit Transformation' is to convert blood into its own power by devouring blood.

As for medium sword skills, this is not an undead ability. Only a small number of humanoid beasts can master it. The strength of the ability is just as described, only at a moderate level.

As for the puppets, rotting corpses, etc. behind them, they are all extremely useful abilities, and most battle pet corpses will cause headaches when they encounter them.

After mastering many abilities, although the little skull is only a second-rank upper rank, its combat power has reached an astonishing 7.3, which is comparable to most ordinary seventh-rank beasts!

Su Ping was very satisfied. When the combat power of the little skull reached 7.1, the aptitude identified was already at the upper-middle level. In the next half a day, it increased its combat power by 0.3. It can be seen that the chaotic necromancer world is really its paradise !

the other side.

Shadow Lightning Rat

Attribute: Lightning pet beast

Grade: third-order median

Combat power: 7.3

Qualification: upper middle class

Ability Control: Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt, Multiple Thundershadow Afterimages, Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt Armor, Ten Fang Thunder Prison, Bloodthirsty Bite, Thunder Roar, Soul Swallowing, Undead Claws, Life Absorption, Undead Summoning, Death Deception

In addition to the word "Shadow" in front of the name, the Lei Guangshu's abilities are also scary!

The first is 'Thunderbolt Pentium', which is an upgrade of 'Lightning Rush'. It belongs to the advanced pet skill of the lightning department, but it is relatively common among advanced pet skills. Replaced by 'Thunderbolt Pentium'!

The second is the ability of 'Thunder Shadow Remnant Image', which has been strengthened again. It can create up to four afterimages at a time, and the body has a total of five!

The 'Flying Thunder Arrow' that I learned later has also been upgraded to the 'Ten Directions Thunder Prison', which has a longer attack distance, wider range, and stronger power.

And 'Thunder Roar' is also a high-level pet skill, which is relatively common, and it is a deterrent pet skill of high-level pet animals, which has a deterrent effect.

In addition to these lightning skills, the following pet skills are more peculiar.

Soul swallowing and life absorption are both abilities mastered by undead beasts in the demon branch, and they are relatively common.

Undead claws are also a common undead pet skill, and undead summoning is a medium undead pet skill, which can summon undead to assist oneself.

As for the final death deception, it is an authentic pet skill of the undead, which can fake death and completely lose the breath of life.

"I didn't expect that the thunder-type pet beast could also comprehend the pet skill of the undead. This kind of thing that transcends the comprehension ability of its own species seems to happen very rarely, and it is all accidental or caused by a long-term reverse environment."

Seeing the undead call, Su Ping was both surprised and funny. If a low-level Lei Guangshu suddenly performed the undead call on the field and summoned an undead to cooperate with him in the fight, the picture would be absolutely destructive !

"After staying in this chaotic world of undead for five days, this little thing seems to be slightly mutated. In addition to lightning energy, the body is also mixed with undead energy, which is why it can display undead pet skills."

Su Ping looked at the Lei Guangshu at his feet. On the surface, it looked similar to ordinary Lei Guangshu. Unless he observed carefully, he could find the difference in subtle aspects such as hair color, fang length, and pupil color.

"So, in the future, when I take Little Skeleton to a thunder-type plane like Thunder Cloud Sea, maybe Little Skeleton can also perform one or two lightning-type pet skills?"

Su Ping couldn't help guessing that he couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene of the little skeleton waving his hands blankly to cast lightning.

However, he felt that it was not easy for pet beasts to comprehend abilities across departments.

You know, this time is a top-level cultivation plane, and the strong undead spirit permeating the air in it has a great influence on the Lei Guangshu.

In other planes, there may not be such a strong environmental infection. It is estimated that it will take an extremely long time to comprehend it only by ordinary battles.

"It's a pity for such a superb Lei Guangshu." Su Ping was a little regretful, but he felt more comforted when he thought that he still had the little skeleton.

Sending the two beasts to the beast room, Su Ping spent the remaining 10 points of energy to buy a primary foster care place for Xiaokulou and let him raise it in it.

After they all rested, Su Ping gently exited the beast room and returned to the front hall before he was free to receive the task rewards given by the system.

"What the hell is this 'Chaos Star Force'?"

Su Ping was curious.

When he just agreed to receive it, a vast and simple aura suddenly surged in his mind, pulling his consciousness into a vast and vast universe in an instant, becoming an extremely small strand of consciousness in the starry sky.

Around him, there are spiral galaxies surrounded by stars.

The next moment, these cosmic landscapes condensed extremely quickly, turned into a ray of light, and shrank into his body. Each galaxy corresponded to each part of his body.

"Chaos Star is trying to..."

The ancient and vast consciousness gushes out from the information. The "Chaos Star Power Diagram" rewarded by the main mission is an extremely ancient secret book of star power cultivation!

Su Ping was a little shocked. This practice method of "chaotic star trying to" is too shocking. He actually uses himself as the vast universe, and uses the stars to compare the acupuncture points, muscles, and bones of the body to practice. Star power cultivation is completely different!

Chapter 37 Extraordinary Practice

"Is this a lost ancient practice method?"

Su Ping came to his senses, this thing was given by the system, and it probably wouldn't be too bad. It just so happens that he is in urgent need of a way to cultivate star power, so it can be said that he came to give a pillow when he fell asleep!

"Star power training..."

"Sense the energy of the surrounding world, store it in the pronucleus of the body cells, and then weave and compress it in the pronucleus to construct a vortex of force, and then use the vortex of force in countless cells to affect the energy of the outside world through the body, thus Unleash star skills..."

This "chaos star effort" explained the cultivation in great detail, bringing Su Ping into a whole new world.

At this moment, Su Ping truly awakened. From the perspective of an ordinary person, he stepped into the world of a pet master and saw the use of extraordinary power.

Su Ping closed his eyes immediately, and his thoughts were immersed in the magical practice of 'Chaos Star Force'.

The process of practicing for the first time was difficult, but it was also exciting. Su Ping practiced completely ecstasy.

In the extreme tranquility, feel yourself, feel the world.

Soon, Su Ping felt a hazy star power wandering around his body, light and tiny like quicksand, his consciousness gathered gently like a pair of big hands, these star power seemed to be inspired by his consciousness, slowly The ground flew towards his body, penetrated into the surface of the body, and fell into the pronucleus in the cells.

This process went very smoothly, which surprised and excited Su Ping.


The pronucleus in the cell seems to be extremely small, but it seems to contain the universe!

These hazy and misty star power fell into the pronucleus, like falling into another starry sky of the universe, becoming extremely small.

Su Ping kept gathering and absorbing a large amount of surrounding star power, but his perception was limited, and the scope of his consciousness was also limited. The range of gathering star power could only extend to within two meters of the body as the center.

The speed of star power gathering is still gentle and slow, but Su Ping himself can't speed up. No matter how anxious his consciousness is, he can't speed up the speed of star power intake. On the contrary, it will cause star power disorder and slow down the absorption speed.

His whole body seems to be surrounded by hazy star power, but the star power is absorbed into the pronucleus in the body, but it is so small that it cannot be seen.

How can such a small amount of star power form a vortex in the proto-nucleus, and even fill the entire pro-nucleus?

After repeatedly gathering star power, Su Ping's excitement gradually faded away. He gradually realized that this star power cultivation does not happen overnight, but a matter of accumulation over time. What is really difficult is perseverance!

Although it is easy to gather star power, and there is no obstacle in the cultivation process, but to cultivate a star power vortex, you need to do the same thing every day, repeat the same behavior, which requires patience beyond ordinary people, and the ability to endure the increasingly boring Extraordinary willpower!

This is the 'difficulty' of cultivation!

"Chaotic star power map, the initial stage is the star vortex realm, mainly to condense the star power in the protocore to form a vortex. When the vortex is formed, it can display star skills and affect the outside world."

"The second realm is the star realm!"

"This requires the use of star power to fill the protonucleus and materialize the vortex. The power that erupts instantly is like the explosion of countless stars in the body. The physical power alone is like a giant humanoid beast. Comparable, even stronger!"

"And the third realm is the star map realm, which is too far away for me now..."

Su Ping slowly opened his eyes. The first two realms of Chaos Star's efforts were nothing but the accumulation and precipitation of star energy.

He had been practicing until his consciousness was exhausted, and Su Ping found that the star power in his protocore was still extremely thin, not to mention forming a vortex, even forming a ray of energy was very reluctant!

Needless to say, such a result is disappointing.

And this kind of hopeless emotion is also the "inner demon" that hinders cultivation, and it will make people discouraged. This is the "difficulty" of cultivation.

"By the way, I still have three 'Force Pills'."

Su Ping suddenly thought that he had another reward, and he immediately lifted his spirits.

This Force Pill can increase the cultivation of star power. You must know that this kind of item that can directly improve the cultivation of star power is extremely valuable in the federation, and usually only the rich and powerful can afford it!

This is also why those star-studded geniuses usually come from families with backgrounds, while ordinary people want to reach that level, it is almost one in a million, it is as difficult as heaven!

With a thought, Su Ping took it out of the storage space.

Three Original Power Pills fell into his hands, they were three coffee-colored pills.

Each one was the size of a thumb. Su Ping smelled it lightly, and there was a fragrance.

"How do you eat this?" Su Ping asked the system.

"Chew and eat so as not to choke on it," the system replied.


Why do you feel that these words are familiar?

Su Ping raised his eyebrows slightly, threw one into his mouth, chewed it slowly, and swallowed it.

In the process of chewing, Su Ping felt a pure star power flow into his body, into his stomach, and then slowly spread to all parts of his body with the stomach as the center.

Su Ping suddenly found that the star power in the pronucleus of his cells had increased significantly. It was almost pitch black before, with only a very weak star power floating, but now it has increased by more than a hundred times, forming wisps of star power!

"This elixir is probably worth hundreds of days of my practice!" Su Ping's eyes shone brightly.

He quickly closed his eyes, concentrated his consciousness into the pronucleus of the cell, and let the star power turn into strands of floating energy bands, weaving together to form an hourglass-shaped vortex base.

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