Chapter 34 Understanding

little skull

Attribute: Demon pet beast

Grade: first-order median

Combat power: 2.8

Qualification: inferior

Ability to master: reorganization of severed limbs

It is still a very simple attribute panel, and the ability is only a basic ability of the skeleton species.


Compared with before, Little Skull has changed tremendously.

First of all, the combat power has been improved from 1.1 to 2.8, which is a huge leap.

You know, 1.1 is equivalent to the fighting level of ordinary humans, but 2.8 can easily hunt and kill fierce tigers and beasts!

The gap between them is self-evident.

Secondly, in the chaotic world of undead, where the undead live, the little skeleton has not practiced much, but his level has been raised from the lower level of the first level to the middle level, which can be regarded as a small progress.

"The aptitude has been upgraded from inferior to inferior. With a median rank of the first rank, the combat power of nearly the third rank has exploded. It can be regarded as very good, but under the strict standards of the system, it can only be regarded as poor."

Su Ping smiled wryly, and felt a little frustrated when he thought of the mission requirements of the upper middle class.

However, thinking of their teleportation to this chaotic world of dead spirits, although they died countless times repeatedly, so far, they have only stayed here for two or three hours.

It is already very good to have improved to this level in such a short period of time.


Suddenly, Lei Guangshu ran back from a distance, sending a signal of vigilance and nervousness.

Su Ping immediately came back to his senses, and when he focused his eyes, he saw a huge crawling skeleton chasing after the pile of bones behind the Lei Guangshu.

The skeleton was nearly five meters long, and it looked like a beast or a distorted person. Its body was made up of the bones of various creatures, and its limbs crawled quickly, chasing the Lei Guangshu.

Seeing the monster, Su Ping was not nervous, but quickly became serious, and immediately displayed the "killing intent" skill, "Go!"

The Lei Guangshu who had escaped suddenly had red eyes, bared its teeth, stopped abruptly, turned to generate electricity all over its body, and rushed towards the huge skeleton.

Su Ping turned his head to look at the little skull at his feet. It was still standing blankly, but unlike the previous ones, it seemed to be immersed in a kind of comfortable enjoyment. The gray mist wrapped around its whole body was entwined with bloody abilities. , flowing in all the bones of the body, these bones become more and more compact under the spread of gray energy and blood energy.

Feeling that the little skull seemed to be digesting the blood ruby, Su Ping thought for a while, and instead of sending it to fight, let the Lei Guangshu fight alone.

The combat power of this huge crawling skeleton is obviously better than that of the humanoid skeletons encountered before. The speed of the Lightning Mouse is obviously too late to react, but fortunately it has mastered the top ten secret skills of 'Thunder Flash'. This ability allows it to step closer to the enemy The possibility, combined with Su Ping's infinite resurrection, weakens it bit by bit, and fights a protracted war of attrition.


After hundreds of consecutive resurrections, the Lei Guangshu suddenly shot out a beam of thunder, like a thunderstorm, and the thunder light had already struck the crawling skeleton when it was several meters away.

Su Ping was taken aback. He had never seen this kind of attack on it before.

Throwing an identification technique in the past, Su Ping immediately saw that there was a new ability in the ability column of Lei Guangshu, called 'Flying Thunder Arrow'.

"Medium lightning ability is usually mastered by lightning flying pets. This little guy actually forced it out..." After seeing it clearly, Su Ping couldn't help laughing. Although it is a medium ability, it is better than being able to attack from a distance, which is also very good. Not bad.

It can be seen from this that this little guy was really forced to come up with such a long-range attack when he was constantly relying on the 'Thunder Flash' to change his life.

In the case of mastering the 'Flying Thunder Arrow', the combat power of the Lei Guangshu has also reached 4.3, which can rival many Tier [-] battle pets.

After an hour or so, the crawling skeleton finally fell to the ground. The dark turbid energy on its body was exhausted, and it no longer had the energy to repair the broken bones. It let the Lei Guangshu dismantle its entire body.

After the crawling skeleton fell to the ground, the little skull trotted over and picked it up from the pile of bones, but this time it didn't pick a bone to replace for itself, but picked out a handful of sharper bones and brought it back .

Su Ping saw the appearance of the little skull holding the sharp bone knife, as if wearing it as a war knife. Surprised, he couldn't help feeling amused.

"I don't know what use this thing is for it. It seems that it takes a lot of time to digest." Su Ping glanced at the blood ruby ​​in the skull of the little skull, and was a little curious. Shrunk down a bit.

Su Ping didn't rest, and asked Lei Guangshu to look for prey nearby and lure it over.

Lei Guangshu reluctantly dragged his body away, and after a while, he ran back in panic, and suddenly attracted two strange-looking skeletons, one resembling a wild beast and the other a human-shaped skeleton, but with a large size. Huge, four or five meters high, with a clumsy body, and a huge skeleton in his hand as a shield.

These skeleton species obviously also have simple intelligence, and some of their thoughts may be the remaining consciousness in the bones, so they know how to use equipment.

Su Ping immediately asked Xiaokulou and Lei Guangshu to fight together.

Wielding a small bone knife, the little skeleton rushed towards the agile crawling skeleton.

When they saw the little skull, the two skeletons seemed to be attracted by something. At the same time, they gave up the attack on the Lei Guangshu, turned their heads and rushed towards the little skull.

Wielding a small bone knife, the little skull slashed at the crawling skeleton, but failed to cut off its skeleton. Instead, it was hit by the skeleton that swept over, and its body flew upside down. However, its body seemed to be much tougher than before. fall apart.

Su Ping threw out the identification technique and saw that the crawling skeleton's combat power reached 5.2, which was far better than the little skeleton and the Lei Guangshu.

I saw the crawling skeleton rushing towards the little skull, opening its mouth to bite its entire body, chewing and shaking it, as if it wanted to eat it.

But the Giant Skeleton who was following it hit the crawling skeleton with the bone shield in its hand, and rescued the little skeleton from its mouth. Then, the Giant Skeleton stepped on it and threw the little skeleton's body that was about to fall apart. In the entrance, the dark turbidity of the whole body surged, as if it wanted to assimilate the whole body of the little skull!

A click.

The body of the little skull shattered, and the blood ruby ​​in its skull also fell out, floating into the head of the giant skull.

At the same moment, Su Ping also received a reminder of his resurrection.

He was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the blood ruby ​​would fall out after the death of the little skull. Is this caused by not fully absorbing it?

Without thinking too much about it, Su Ping quickly resurrected the little skull and let it cooperate with the Lightning Mouse to attack the giant skeleton.

In fact, besides the little skeleton and the Lei Guangshu, the crawling skeletons hit by the shield also turned around and jumped on the giant skeleton, fighting for the blood ruby.

"Use Thunder Flash, drill directly into its brain, and bring out the gems!" Su Ping passed the meaning to Lei Guangshu.

After receiving the message, Lei Guangshu's body flickered continuously, and it appeared directly in the huge skull of the giant skeleton, biting the gem, and then the lightning flashed on its body, leaving the skeleton, and then flickered twice in a row, before appearing in front of Su Ping.

Su Ping caught the blood ruby ​​in its mouth and put it directly into the storage space.

Although this thing is useful to Xiaokulou, with Xiaokulou's current physique, it seems that it will not take a while to absorb this thing. Not coming back.

"I can only wait until I have time to go back, and then slowly absorb it, and let the system identify what it is by the way." Su Ping thought to himself, he looked up, there was no blood ruby, and there were two crawling skeletons The melee also stopped, and their eyes fell on Su Ping and Lei Guangshu again, and they immediately rushed over fiercely.


Su Ping asked Lei Guangshu and Xiaokulou to kill at the same time.

Chapter 35 I have crossed mountains of skulls and seas of blood...

After countless resurrections, the two skeletons were finally consumed to death by the Lei Guangshu and the little skeleton.

Su Ping didn't stop, and continued to look for other prey on the huge skull mountain with Lei Guangshu and Xiaokulou, although they were the weakest existence here.

When his physical strength was not enough, Su Ping relied on resurrection to fill up.

When the spirit becomes weary, it recovers by suicide.

One person led one mouse and one skeleton, and fought all the way along the Skull Mountain, until they encountered an unrivaled creature that was so powerful that they had to reincarnate to other places, and then set off to fight again!

Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Su Ping can't remember how many times he has been resurrected, and he doesn't know how many places he has visited randomly. He remembers that there are skeleton mountains piled up high, there is a black forest that sucks life energy, and there is a sea of ​​blood full of blood bubbles. ...

He has seen all kinds of undead creatures, some are hideous and distorted, some are beautiful and coquettish, some are as weak as ordinary skeletons, with a combat power of no more than 5 points, and some are unimaginably strong, as large as a giant mountain Generally, you can't see the whole picture clearly.

In such a dangerous environment, Su Ping, Lei Guangshu, and Xiaokulou are also growing rapidly.


Before the two ghosts with ferocious faces rushed over, their pale and transparent bodies were suddenly enveloped by a large cloud of lightning, annihilating them on the spot!

A purple figure leaped out, lightning currents shot through the hair all over his body, and he landed lightly, walked through the place where the ghost was annihilated, and continued to move forward with dexterous cat steps.

Behind it, one person and one skeleton followed closely behind.

Compared with three days ago, Lei Guangshu's appearance has not changed much, but the color of its hair is darker, and the hair also contains strong lightning energy.

After all, its own level is only two levels, and in the case of continuous use of many high-level lightning skills, the energy burden on itself is huge.

Therefore, as early as it realized the 'Thunderbolt', it has slowly learned a more advanced energy storage method, compressing the energy in the body to the extreme, filling every part of the body, only the total amount of lightning energy stored in the body In terms of appearance, it is not inferior to the fifth- and sixth-order lightning-type pet beasts!

"Dead fruit!"

Su Ping suddenly saw a few brightly colored blood-colored fruits hanging from a dark strange tree in front of him.

The outlines of human faces on the surface of these fruits are favored by a small number of demon beasts. They contain the power of the undead and can be bought in very few places in the federation. After all, each fruit here represents a life!


Su Ping looked back, without hesitation, let the Lei Guangshu attack the fruit tree.

When Lei Guangshu received Su Ping's idea, lightning flashed from his whole body, gathered a ball of thunder, and flew towards the root of the fruit tree.


The moment the thunderball approached, the roots below the fruit tree burst out of the ground and shot towards the thunderball, immediately knocking the thunderball away, but the roots were also burnt and unable to land.


The Lei Guangshu continued to bombard it with lightning, and the fruit tree had fewer and fewer roots. Finally, it was unable to resist. It was hit on the trunk, leaving a scorched black mark, and a piercing scream was faintly heard from under the tree.

Su Ping didn't show any mercy. This undead tree specializes in preying on other life. Even some skeletons and ghosts will become its fertilizer. The thunder pet beast happens to be its nemesis.

Soon, the fruit tree was completely broken, and Su Ping stepped forward to pick off the undead fruits and put them into the storage space.

"The space is almost full."

Looking at the storage space that couldn't be filled, Su Ping frowned slightly. It was all the pet food he had collected in the past three days, and there were two days of cultivation time in the future, so he could always collect some more. I'm afraid this little space Not enough.

"System, can the storage space be upgraded?" Su Ping asked silently in his heart.


"How much energy do you need?"

"Every cubic meter of expansion requires 100 energy points."

"it is good."

Su Ping didn't bargain because it didn't work at all. He used the remaining energy to upgrade the storage space. This time, he rarely came to the top-level nurturing plane with a ticket of 9000 energy to purchase. He didn't want to miss some pet food because of insufficient storage space.

"It's a pity that the pet food collected here is almost all unpopular pet food in the demon department. It is not sold in general places, and no one buys it. It will take more time to ship it." Su Ping secretly thought.

After picking the fruit, Su Ping continued to explore.

After being accidentally attacked and killed several times, Su Ping also explored this area almost, and chose to resurrect randomly again, and moved to another place to continue.

Day [-].

"Almost over……"

In front of a steep cliff, Su Ping looked at the turbid sea of ​​corpses in front of him. There were countless bones and corpses soaked in it, undulating with the rippling sea.

Su Ping has long been immune to this purgatory scene.

At his feet, two small figures stood quietly.

Compared with five days ago, their appearance did not change much. Among them, the change of the small skull was more obvious. The bones of its whole body changed from off-white to deep dark black, and there were faint blood flowing inside the bones, as if Same as blood vessels.

And the little skull's head still reached Su Ping's knees, and it didn't grow taller.

It held a sharp bone knife in its hand, more like a dagger to be precise.

But this bone knife came from a skeleton monster with a body nearly ten meters long, made of its fangs!

After just five days of experience, the little skeleton has become like a local skeleton in the chaotic necromancer world. The energy released from its body is no longer a faint gray energy, but a deep dark turbidity, surrounding the body and the bone knife. between.

"There is no way, let's go."

After blowing the smelly sea breeze for a while, Su Ping looked away flatly, and pulled out a sharp tooth from his sleeve.

These sharp teeth are relatively sharp, and there is a faint dark turbidity on them.


With a natural expression, Su Ping stabbed the sharp knife in his chest.

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