Soon, Su Ping thought of the battle pet master skill book he had received earlier, and immediately clapped his hands. How could he forget this thing?

With a thought, the skill book in the storage space fell into his hand.

Killing intent!

There are two sharp words on the cover of the skill book.

Su Ping didn't even think about it, and immediately opened the study.

When he opened the skill book, the skill book instantly turned into golden light and floated into his body. The next moment, Su Ping felt a lot of information flooding into his consciousness. After he sorted it out, he found that he had mastered it. this skill.

"Killing intent!"

Su Ping immediately released the Lei Guangshu.

It seemed that some thin substance flowed into Lei Guangshu's body along the bond of the contract.

The next moment, the trembling Lei Guangshu suddenly had red eyes, full of bloodthirsty violence, showing sharp teeth, and rushed towards the two human-shaped skeletons in front of him.

When the Lei Guangshu rushed out, Su Ping felt a little tired in consciousness, as if his physical strength was suddenly exhausted.

At this time, the Lei Guangshu had already passed the little skeleton, and rushed to the front of the two human-shaped skeletons at a very high speed. It was the most powerful attack, Lei Duan!

Violent lightning gathered above its head, instantly compressed into a thunder sword, and slashed at one of the human-shaped skeletons.

The two human-shaped skeletons were twisting slowly, but at the moment the Lei Guangshu leaped up to attack, they seemed to react, two red lights suddenly appeared in the huge empty eye sockets, and the next moment their bodies swung suddenly, and the sickle-like arms slammed Hit the Thunder Blade above the Lightning Mouse's head.

With a bang, Lei Guangshu's body was bounced back and flew out.

Burning smoke rose from the skeleton arm of the human-shaped skeleton, but the injury was minor, and it seemed to feel the pain, so it let out a howl and rushed towards the Lei Guangshu suddenly.


The running speed of the humanoid skeleton was extremely astonishing, which was very different from the previous slow twisting. It caught up with the Lei Guangshu in an instant, and crushed the little skeleton that rushed in front of it.


The sound of bone shattering is extremely crisp.

Su Ping's consciousness connection with Xiaokulou suddenly disappeared and disconnected.

"Do you want to revive the pet beast in situ?"


Su Ping said immediately.

The combat power of the little skull is too weak, and it is only at the first level at present. The regeneration of severed limbs can only allow it to connect the intact skeleton, but if it is smashed, it cannot be healed again.

After Su Ping answered, the little skeleton quickly reorganized on the spot and came back to life, but was trampled to pieces by the second human-shaped skeleton just after the resurrection.


Su Ping chose to resurrect in situ again.

The little skull also stood up again. After looking around, he saw the whereabouts of the two human-shaped skeletons, and immediately stumbled after them.

At the same time, the moment the first human-shaped skeleton approached, the Lei Guangshu's body suddenly stood up, and it displayed its thunder and lightning coat. Crackling lights surrounded its body. , jumped to the other side of the human skeleton.

Thunder shadow afterimage!

The human-shaped skeleton didn't seem to react, and still swung its arms towards the first Lei Guangshu to kill it.


The body of the first Lightning Mouse was shattered and turned into a ball of lightning, which exploded back on the arm of the human-shaped skeleton, causing a lot of damage. The power of lightning dispelled a lot of the dark and foul air surrounding the human-shaped skeleton.

The moment the afterimage shattered, the main body of the Lei Guangshu suddenly jumped out, and Lei Duan slashed towards the neck of the human-shaped skeleton!


The reaction of the humanoid skeleton is faster!

At the very moment, its body suddenly twisted at an explosive speed, and the other arm waved towards the Lei Guangshu.

Thunder flash!

The moment it was hit, the Lei Guangshu disappeared suddenly, jumped over the arm of the human-shaped skeleton, and Lei Duan slashed hard on its face.


The head of the human-shaped skeleton was knocked askew, the neck was almost broken, and it was about to fall.

But before the Lei Guangshu made a second attack, another human-shaped skeleton rushed over, and with its dry and sharp claws, it tore its body into several pieces!

Blood spurted out, and Lei Guangshu's body also fell to the ground.

All of this happened in an instant, extremely intense.

Su Ping's heart beat violently when he saw it from a distance. When he saw the Lei Guangshu was killed, he quickly chose to resurrect it.

In less than a second, the corpse on the ground turned into a little light and returned to its integrity.

The Lei Guangshu, who had just been revived, realized the instinct of danger, and let it bounce away in an instant, pulling away the distance from the human skeleton.

After seeing the surroundings clearly, Lei Guangshu's hairs stood up in fright, and he turned and ran away.

Su Ping's face darkened, and he quickly launched the 'killing intent' again.

The Lei Guangshu, who had just turned around and ran halfway, stopped immediately, turned around with a grin, and rushed towards the human skeleton again.

Chapter 30 骨骼拼凑

"Concentrate on attacking one first!"

Su Ping passed on his consciousness through the power of the contract. Most of the time, the battle pet master was the brain of the pet beast, and he had to make a clear battle judgment for the pet beast.

In this training place, not only the beasts are trained, but also Su Ping himself.


The Lei Guangshu immediately displayed the afterimage of the thunder shadow, turned into two, and rushed towards the previously injured human skeleton.

Although the 'killing intent' will drive the Lei Guangshu into a frenzy, it can accurately receive the master's consciousness.

The human-shaped skeleton looked at the Lei Guangshu charging again, a little dazed, as if it hadn't thought why the prey would come back to life, but its simple thinking didn't go any further. When the Lei Guangshu was approaching, it suddenly rushed towards one of them.


Scythe-like arms dance.

Thunder flash!

At the critical moment, the Lei Guangshu once again used the rarely used Lightning Flash, dodging the fatal blow.

After landing, the Lei Guangshu bounced up again, and slashed away with Lei Duan.


The second human-shaped skeleton rushed from the side, swung its arms, and slammed the Lei Guangshu's body on the ground, killing it on the spot.


Su Ping immediately made a choice.

The Lei Guangshu revived on the spot, but the 'killing intent' skill was automatically dispelled. After the Lei Guangshu was stunned for a moment, the first instinct was to run back.

These two human-shaped skeletons can kill it with just one blow, and it can feel danger and terror.

Seeing this, Su Ping could only release his 'killing intent' again.

This time, he clearly felt that something was being pulled out of his body. The moment the skill was released, his vision instantly blurred, his consciousness was a little dazed, and his body couldn't stand upright and fell forward.

"Is it my limit to release three times? Do I have to use suicide to recover?"

Su Ping's consciousness was struggling. Looking at the blurred figures in his vision, he couldn't tell whether they were human-shaped skeletons or the strange trees around them. Everything was shaking and doubled.

Su Ping gritted his teeth, burst out with the last willpower, got up from the ground with difficulty, and then dragged his body forward.

He has only one purpose, to seek death.

I don't know how many steps I walked, how long I walked, until a strong force suddenly came from my head, and the severe pain struck instantly.

The next moment, Su Ping's consciousness returned to the dark space, and the option of resurrection jumped out.

Su Ping's previously exhausted consciousness also recovered, and he directly chose to resurrect on the spot.

The darkness faded, and the surrounding scene quickly emerged. Su Ping saw two humanoid skeletons hunched over a few meters away, with half of the Lei Guangshu's corpse in each hand, gnawing on it.

And at their feet, there are small skeleton corpses that have been scattered.

Noticing that Su Ping appeared out of thin air, the two human-shaped skeletons froze for a moment, and turned around slowly.

"Resurrection!" "Resurrection!"

Su Ping quickly resurrected the Lei Guangshu and the little skull.

At the same time they were resurrected, Su Ping saw one of the human-shaped skeletons rushing in front of him in an instant. Its body over three meters tall was extremely burly and terrifying, and its withered arms were thrown like a sickle. There was no suspense. The movement of parrying caused his body to be torn apart.


The moment the sharp pain came, it disappeared without a trace.

As soon as the darkness emerged, Su Ping chose to resurrect again. After resurrecting this time, he saw two human-shaped skeletons chasing and killing the fleeing Lei Guangshu, while the little skeleton was chasing after him, but the distance was extremely far away.

"Killing intent!"

Su Ping activated his skills instantly.

When the Lei Guangshu regained its fighting spirit, Su Ping immediately commanded it to use the afterimage of the thunder shadow, one to distract the other human-shaped skeleton, while the main body rushed towards the injured human-shaped skeleton.

"Fight with it!"

"Use Thunderbolt!"

Su Ping was ruthless in his heart, and let the Lei Guangshu fight to the end. Even if it died, it would have to leave scars on the human-shaped skeleton.

Fortunately, the Lei Guangshu has mastered the advanced pet skill 'Thunder Flash'. With the help of short-term teleportation, it can always escape the defense of the human-shaped skeleton, surprise to the other side of its body, and cause damage with Thunder Break.

Su Ping revived the dead Lei Guangshu again and again. When he displayed the 'killing intent' twice, he let the Lei Guangshu lead the human skeleton to him while fighting. After the Lei Guangshu died, the third time After the 'killing intent' was released, Su Ping himself rushed towards the human skeleton.

Life and death, reincarnation back and forth.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Su Ping found that after displaying his killing intent for the third time, his consciousness was no longer as weak as before, and he was still barely able to see the movements around him. gradually adapting.


One arm of the human-shaped skeleton was torn off by the Lei Guangshu, and the dark and turbid air surrounding its body became thinner and thinner, leaving only a few wisps.

The human-shaped skeleton tore the Lei Guangshu apart with its backhand, and then spent a wisp of dark and foul energy to recover the fallen arm.


After seven or eight resurrections, the Lightning Mouse finally exhausted the dark turbidity on the human-shaped skeleton. When it cut off its head with Thunderbolt again, the human-shaped skeleton's body suddenly fell apart and fell on the ground. ground, motionless.

"Are you dead..." Su Ping was relieved when he saw the bones all over the place, but he couldn't help being a little surprised.

The Lei Guangshu had cut off the limbs or head of this humanoid skeleton many times before, and even chopped its bones into pieces, but the other party had borrowed the dark turbidity to restore it to integrity, and it was almost immortal.

If Su Ping hadn't noticed that the thunder and lightning of the Lightning Mouse seemed to restrain the human-shaped skeleton, and every time the lightning and lightning could lighten the dark and turbid air on its body, Su Ping would have given up killing the two human-shaped skeletons.

After successfully eliminating one humanoid skeleton, Su Ping seemed to see the dawn of victory, and immediately controlled the Thunder Mouse to attack the remaining one.

at this time.

Su Ping suddenly sensed a longing thought coming from the little skull's consciousness. He looked in surprise, and saw the little skull standing next to the disintegrated human skeleton at some point, bending over to look at the bones everywhere.

"Want to eat?"

Sensing the thought in this thought, Su Ping was a little taken aback.

The next moment, he suddenly thought of the way of evolution of demon beasts. Most of them evolve and advance by preying on their own kind, while the skeleton species are relatively obvious among them, mainly by eating the bones of their own kind to advance.

Secondly, by absorbing the power of the undead!


Su Ping agreed immediately, looking forward to it.

After getting Su Ping's permission, the little skull picked up the scattered bones, picked up a few ribs, looked left and right, then threw it away, then picked up a finger-shaped bone, looked at it for a while, and suddenly turned himself One of the ribs was pulled out, and then the amputated phalanx was inserted to replace the original rib.

The size of this finger bone is about the same size as its original rib.

After the replacement, a gray force surged from the little skull, and the amputated phalanx was completely embedded into its body with a click, and it became a part of the body.

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