Su Ping was slightly stunned when he felt the tension, anxiety and a bit of ferocity coming from its consciousness.

After falling into silence for a while, Su Ping slowly picked up the little skull, walked to the door, and pulled down the rolling door.

The light in the store dimmed instantly.

Su Ping returned to the counter and called out the cultivation interface.

"System, can I bring them both into a cultivation interface at the same time?" Su Ping asked.

"The host can only bring contracted beasts into the cultivation plane. If the host wants to bring the customer's cultivated beasts to cultivate, please purchase a temporary contract first." The system replied.

"Temporary contract?"

Su Ping's eyes immediately popped out of the store's interface. The 'Awakening Liquid' product on it was gone, replaced by a roll of golden paper with the words 'Temporary Contract', priced at 10 energy points.

Chapter 28 Chaos Necrosphere


Seeing the price, Su Ping was speechless for a while.

That is to say, every time he goes to breed a beast in the future, he has to spend 10 points of energy first?

"You need to buy a temporary contract, you need to buy the number of deaths, and you need money to open the nurturing plane. So..." The corners of Su Ping's mouth twitched slightly. Was he being exploited?

He was secretly glad that he didn't continue to conceive and saved more than 100 points of energy, otherwise he really couldn't afford it.

"I used this temporary contract, will it have no effect on the original owner of the beast?" Although he had expected it, Su Ping still asked safely.

"The temporary contract will be overlaid on the star power contract, and will not affect the pet owner's contract, nor will it be noticed." The system replied indifferently.

"That's good."

Su Ping didn't hesitate any longer and chose to buy.

When the energy was deducted, Su Ping saw a golden scroll appear out of thin air in the storage space in his sea of ​​consciousness.

With a thought, the golden scroll fell into his hand.

The temporary contract was very soft, and Su Ping felt like holding a cloud of mist, without any rough feeling.

"How to use this thing?" Su Ping looked around.

"Stain the blood of the person who signed the contract, and then stick it on the pet beast that is going to sign the contract." The system replied.

Su Ping understood. He turned his head to look at the Lei Guangshu who was huddled in the shadows, and grinned slightly, showing a smile that he thought was harmless, "Come here, be good."

Lei Guangshu's hair exploded in an instant, the smile was so weird, it was like a nightmare.


Its body flew out immediately, and got into the pet room behind.

Su Ping was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed.

The sundries in the pet animal room were cleaned up systematically, and it was very clean. The Lei Guangshu's position could be seen at a glance. It was hiding next to the hundred-tooth tiger beast's foster place. Its hair was covered with electric current, and it grinned at Su Ping.

Su Ping saw the fierceness in its eyes, and felt that it seemed to come true.

This little thing is not an ordinary Lei Guangshu, and Su Ping doesn't have a powerful battle pet in his hand, so he can't deal with it at all.

"Is the shadow really that big..." Su Ping muttered to himself, frowning slightly. He looked at the Lei Guangshu for a while, and saw that it didn't seem to relax at all. He guessed that his appearance would only make it nervous. Bring back its painful memories.

After thinking for a while, Su Ping closed the door, went back to the counter in the store and looked at it, and soon his eyes lit up.

He saw a bottle of pet food, thunder particles.

This is taken from a plant that looks like an ear of wheat. There are dozens of grains, and the price of each one is more than 50 yuan.

"It is rich in thunder and lightning power, and it will explode when it burns. It is a pet food that thunder beasts love..." Su Ping smiled slightly, took out one from it, then bit his finger, and smeared the blood on the temporary contract corner.

Afterwards, he returned to the pet room, opened the door slowly, and saw the Lei Guangshu who was resting on its stomach quickly stood up and looked at him vigilantly.

Su Ping didn't bother it, and slowly placed the temporary contract on the ground at the door, and then placed the thunder particles in the middle of the contract.

After doing this, he closed the door, and the rest was to wait for the result.

During this time, he didn't plan to be idle, he opened the shutter door and continued to operate.

However, it may be because it is too remote, and no customers come to the door.

When Su Ping was bored, he searched the Internet for clues about the pet beast egg, but searched through several major pet beast portals, but couldn't find an egg that looked exactly the same. There were quite a few similar ones.

"Damn, this high-level pet animal area actually needs to be upgraded to a member to see it?"

"You want me to charge you?"

Su Ping closed the website angrily.

He moved to other small websites to search, but after a short search, the computer suddenly froze and crashed.

"Have you got a virus?" Su Ping was a little speechless. He quickly unplugged the network cable and prepared to turn it on again.

At this time, suddenly, a thread was connected outside his consciousness, and at the same time, a consciousness was transmitted with joyful emotions.


Su Ping was taken aback. This consciousness was the Lightning Mouse in the pet animal room. Through the line of this consciousness, Su Ping could feel the position of the Lightning Mouse at the moment. If the distance was too far, the line would break and could no longer sense it.

Not bothering about the computer anymore, Su Ping immediately came to the animal pet room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the Lightning Mouse holding its small paws and eating thunder particles.

Seeing Su Ping's sudden appearance, Lei Guangshu was startled, but after looking up, he continued to eat.

Under the power of the temporary contract, although it remembered this hateful human being, the friendly feeling from the other party prevented it from feeling hostile.

"Little guy, get ready to go."

Su Ping chuckled, picked up the soft flesh at the back of the little thing's neck, came to the counter, put it and the little skull on the counter, and then went to pull down the shutter door.

"Cultivation window."

Su Ping returned to the counter, thinking silently in his heart.

The cultivation window was glowing with a ghostly light, and it appeared in front of my eyes, and there were many cultivation planes on the list to choose from.

"The best, the most expensive!" Su Ping directly selected the column of the 'top' cultivation place. There are not many planes here, and they are all top-level cultivation planes!

The minimum entry ticket is 1000 energy points, and the highest limit is [-] energy points!

"Thunder Cloud Sea Realm is here, he is a younger brother..."

Su Ping browsed the cultivation planes above one by one. What is the "Prime Ancient God Realm" that requires 9000 points of energy.

What is the 'Asura world', to 3000 points of energy.

In addition, there is the 'Middle Ancient Continent', which requires 5000 points of energy.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Just by looking at the names of these nurturing planes, Su Ping knows that they are great places, especially the ancient God Realm, known as the God Realm, is it really the place where the gods live?

Having seen the giant shadow covering the sky in the world of thunder and clouds, Su Ping's vision has been opened. If there is a god in this world, he will believe it.

"The stay time of all top-level nurturing planes is one day. If it exceeds one day, you will either be forced to quit, or double the energy will be deducted. If it exceeds two days, three times the energy will be deducted..."

Su Ping looked at the introduction next to him, moved in his heart, and asked the system: "The opportunity to cultivate any plane you gave earlier, the entry time is five days, can this be used for top-level cultivation planes?"

After a while of silence, the system's voice was a little gloomy, "Yes."

Su Ping couldn't help but snapped his fingers, almost jumping up in excitement.

If you entered the cultivation plane like the 'Prime Ancient God Realm', five days would be worth [-] energy!

And now it's free!

"You can stay in any top-level nurturing plane for five days unscrupulously, it's amazing!"

Su Ping was reveling in his heart, this reward is really amazing!

It took a while for Su Ping to calm down slowly, but he was still extremely excited.

Wouldn't it be appropriate to complete the main task in any top-level cultivation plane for five days?

If none of this can be done, it means that the setting of the main task is not scientific at all!

"Unfortunately, with my current strength, entering this top-level cultivation plane, what I can gain is very limited, and I can't fully utilize the value of the ticket."

Su Ping felt a little regretful in his heart. In this top-level cultivation plane, he estimated that he could only swim in the fringe areas, and any slightly stronger creature could easily trample him.

"However, it's a rare opportunity. You have to have a good time inside, and you can also collect pet food by the way!"

Su Ping was very satisfied with the reward this time, and wondered if he should call more people to make troubles in the future and trigger such tasks a few more times. However, the system would not let him take advantage of this loophole. Of course, these are also It's all for later.

Su Ping looked back and forth through the list several times. Considering the reason for cultivating the little skeleton, he quickly locked on a cultivation plane - the world of chaotic necromancers!

And the entry energy of the nurturing plane is 9000 points in parallel with the 'Prime Ancient God Realm'!

Chapter 29 Killing Intent Training

"Are you sure?"

Seeing that Su Ping had selected the first-level sequence in this top-level cultivation plane, the system asked a question.

"Of course." Su Ping grinned.

"it is good."

As soon as the system agreed, Su Ping felt his vision suddenly swirl, and fell into a dark vortex, with a feeling of separation of soul and body.

When consciousness regained consciousness again, the familiar system prompt sounded.

"The host has connected to the 'chaos undead world'."

"The connection time is five days..."

"This connection, the host gets an unlimited number of deaths."

"Please explore on your own..."

Su Ping came back to his senses, opened his eyes and looked, and saw a crimson color in his eyes.

Three huge scarlet moons hung in the sky, illuminating the dim sky extremely bright red. Looking from here, one could faintly see the surface of the scarlet moon, and there seemed to be streaks of black shadows passing by, like tiny flying insects.

However, thinking of the distance between the two, one can imagine how terrifyingly huge these tiny black shadows that look like flying insects are in reality!


Frightened thoughts and wailing came, and Su Ping looked down. The Lei Guangshu huddled at his feet, trembling, and looked around nervously.

Su Ping also turned his head to look at the surrounding environment, and his heart choked when he saw it.

What a scene of purgatory!

The twisted strange trees, like human limbs, are covered with gray and dark withered grass, but they are twisting wantonly, as if they contain strong vitality!

He was standing on the edge of a desolate and dead forest, it seemed that it had rained, there were maggot-like strange insects swimming in the puddles in front of him, and there were a lot of wreckage and bones scattered in the grass by the roadside.

Looking around, this is a world where people can't see any vitality.

The crimson sky, the dim world, full of death and despair everywhere.

When Su Ping was in a daze, suddenly, the little skull and the Lei Guangshu sent him a sense of vigilance at the same time, but compared to the little skull, the Lei Guangshu's consciousness was a little more fearful.

Su Ping looked forward and saw two human figures wandering by the edge of the sparse woods.

When they got close, they could see clearly that they were two skeletons nearly three meters high. Their bodies were bent, and their walking posture was also very difficult, almost writhing.

Su Ping's heartbeat quickened a few beats, but thinking that he would die infinitely, he suddenly became more courageous, and immediately issued an attack command to the two little guys.

Click click.

After the little skull received the order, he staggered and rushed over without thinking, as if he didn't know what death was.

However, the Lei Guangshu came with the idea of ​​resistance, and was still clinging to Su Ping's feet. Although it knew that this human being was hateful, in this strange and terrifying environment, this human being was the only existence it felt it could rely on.

"So timid?"

Su Ping was stunned, but he thought that he would be fearless because he knew he would never die, but this little thing didn't know it, so it was normal to be afraid.

This is a bit of a headache.

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