Aaron nodded: "Before the owner of the skeleton lowered his attention, Roberts may have been polluted by a terrible evil god... The failure of divination is inevitable. If you rashly perform divination with a more mysterious connection and see the image of Si Sui, you may go crazy Lose……"

"In any case, Roberts who damaged my property must die!"

Once the opponent escapes this time, those parasite eggs may be directly detonated, causing terrible casualties.

And those who suffered the most casualties were all descendants of the people of Lusen!

Those are Aaron's subconscious, his own wealth!

With a calm expression, he set up a spiritual wall, took out the iron box from his arms, opened it, and put the Green Forest Power Ring inside on his right index finger.

An illusory but real spirit body suddenly appeared behind him. Auclaire was wearing a complicated and gorgeous noble evening dress, and his purple eyes were full of numbness.

"The Creator above the Creator!"

"Absolute observer behind multiple curtains!"

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"


Aaron chanted his honored name, and immediately responded to himself, and his soul went out of his body in an instant, and got into the body of Eau Claire behind him.

At this moment, the evil spirit is finally online!

A smile appeared on the corner of Auclaire's face, and he took a step forward, passed through the wall, and flew towards the waterworks at lightning speed.


a moment ago.


Percy, wearing a ghoul mask, crushed the head of a bug servant in front of him.

At this time, he was more than two meters tall, with muscles all over his body, like a bodybuilder.

Not only that, but also has extremely fast speed and strength, as well as terrifying resilience!

He even mastered several flesh and blood spells instinctively.

All this is the power brought by the magical item 'Ghoul Mask'.

At this time, Percy truly understood the power of inhuman existence!

"50 seconds!"

He glanced down at his pocket watch and calculated silently in his heart: "There is still 10 seconds of safety time. After using this magical item for 1 minute, there may be negative effects, and after 3 minutes, it will definitely appear!"

"It must be... a quick battle!"

Percy's eyes turned scarlet, and he spit out the word in spirit language: "Desire!"

Those mutated insect servants suddenly stopped their movements, and their expressions became extremely terrified. In their bodies, those insects seemed to be berserk, and they took the lead in gnawing their own flesh and blood.

Percy magnified the desire of the insects to devour and fell into a state of madness, letting them eat their own hosts first.

"It's almost 1 minute, the mask must be removed immediately!"

Percy glanced at his pocket watch, then reached to remove the mask from his own face.

At this moment, he suddenly turned around and looked towards the direction of the pool, his heart beating violently.

A creepy feeling of trembling made him even want to kneel down and surrender to a certain existence!

"Do not……"

Percy's legs were trembling, and his arms couldn't even move.

At this time, his face suddenly felt a sharp pain.

'It's a ghoul mask!It...it felt the aura of the Skeletal Lord...began to go berserk...no! '

Percy's eyes were full of despair, feeling the stinging pain on his face, as if all the muscles had been brutally torn apart, and something inexplicable poured into the body through the thorn tube on the mask, and poured into the soul!

The hunger to devour, the desire for flesh and blood, the pursuit of the wild...

Chaotic ravings echoed in his mind, and he even automatically understood some mystical knowledge.

About how to hunt prey, how to cook delicious...

"It's that Si Sui...his breath, which affects the ghoul mask...he...he holds the element of 'red'..."

On Percy's neck, a silver pendant bloomed with brilliance, which made him barely maintain a sliver of consciousness. He grabbed the mask with both hands and was about to tear it off.

At this moment, a violent explosion occurred in the direction of the pool.


It seemed to Percy that he saw an unreal, pure white sun rising above the horizon.

The shock wave oscillated fiercely, and the air wave sent elite investigators flying.

Amidst the smog, two black shadows fled out of the pool suddenly, rushing towards different peripheral directions respectively.

One of them is a bone monster with a goat skull.


Compared with the senior officials of the investigation bureau, he has an advantage, that is, he believes in the 'Master of Hidden Skeleton', so he is least affected.

Even so, the bone monster he incarnated was full of scars, and several ribs disappeared.

Another figure made Percy grit his teeth and spit out a voice through the gap: "Roberts..."

He seemed to have returned to the night in his memory, and saw the scene where the captain was swallowed by countless insects.

Percy immediately put down his hands that were about to take off the mask, and grabbed Roberts in the direction of fleeing: "Even if I fall into hell, I will pull you with me!"

Stab it!

The soil layer on the ground suddenly cracked, and several scarlet tentacles emerged from it, sweeping towards Roberts.

Although this couldn't stop the inhuman being from leaving, it effectively stopped him for a while.

Percy wanted to continue, but the terrible pollution on the mask suddenly intensified, the amulet around his neck burst instantly, and he fell down.


Before he fell into complete madness, he seemed to hear an unreal voice in his ear.

Chapter 159 Attack and Kill

Two blocks from the waterworks.

Roberts stepped out of the shadows, with insects still surging inside his body.

One of his eyes was already bloodshot, with a strong sense of madness, but the other eye was still clear: "Although the kid's interception in the end was a bit unexpected, I still escaped!"

A smile traced the corner of his mouth.

The situation at that time was indeed very dangerous, and one could die if one was not careful.

Therefore, Roberts chose to give up his own reason and call on the Si Sui who is in charge of February.

As an Extraordinary of the fourth essence who has turned to the path of 'red', his call is already much stronger than that of ordinary Extraordinary, and coupled with the preparations in the early stage of the Blood Sacrifice Ceremony, it is very likely that he will get a response.

And that's exactly what happened.

He successfully called the 'Hidden Skeleton Lord', and even took the initiative to bear the other party's pollution.

If the situation is allowed to continue, he may transform into an avatar of the 'Lord of Skeleton', wreaking havoc in Green Forest.

As he expected, the high-level officials of the Bureau of Investigation had no choice but to start the final plan and forcibly cut off this link.

"Overall, it was a success to pay half-madness as the price, to let Jacob be seriously injured by my lord, drag the other two, and be able to escape smoothly."

Roberts bent his back, the blood in his eyes was spreading outwards, covering his entire face like a mask.

This is the manifestation that his madness can no longer be suppressed and begins to affect himself.

Although the power and influence left by the 'Master of Hidden Bones' on him was severely damaged by means of the Bureau of Investigation, how terrifying is Si Sui's existence?

It was just a little bit of power left over, and it still started to erode him violently.

"But it doesn't matter... As a 'worm nest', as a mother insect, I can vent my madness to other insect servants...As long as the eggs hatch, all the parasites will share my madness..."

Roberts grabbed a golden beetle and put it in his mouth to chew quickly.

This is the last part of the awakening ceremony, he wants to wake up all the eggs that he spread out, let them hatch, parasitize, and share his pressure!

Just like poor Nicholas back then!

Just as Roberts was about to perform the final ceremony, his body suddenly turned cold, and he felt the invasion of some kind of foreign body!

A strong chill emerged, almost freezing his body, freezing every insect in his body, and freezing his mind.

"Is this... an evil spirit...possessed?"

Roberts' thoughts paused, producing a kind of despair.

He had tried his best to escape the Bureau of Investigation's lore situation, and he was seriously injured for this.

In the end, he happened to meet another inhuman assassin!

"The high level of the investigation bureau... or... a third party?"

Roberts struggled from the distance. Although he couldn't move his body, he was still able to speak.

After all, he is also an inhuman existence, and has a certain resistance to the possession of evil spirits.

But even if he could still cast spells, or manipulate insects, it wouldn't be of much use, because the enemy was inside him!

And the Extraordinary of the 'Red' path is good at hand-to-hand combat, but not good at exorcising spirits!

Just like those evil believers in the Bone Worship Society, they can't expel spirits by themselves, they can only buy corresponding items in large quantities!

At this time, Roberts heard a voice echoing in his mind: "What happened just now?"

'It seems to be a third-party force...the association of 'Ming'? '

Various thoughts popped up in Roberts' mind, and he finally answered seemingly honestly: "I have been influenced, and I suspect that everything is a conspiracy... Ever since the lotus eaters contacted me, there were problems with the secret biography they gave... Although I I was successfully promoted, but the madness intensified abnormally... Maybe... They were setting traps for me from the very beginning, trying to make me a body that descended from the 'Hanging Skeleton Lord'... Even though Si Sui couldn't come to the world for a long time, an incarnation, but Let them stay longer in the world, and let the lotus eaters get more rewards..."

"No... I even suspect that there are problems with all the extraordinary paths! Sisui are not kind, why do you want to share the mystery with us? And the extraordinary people at the bottom of any path are the resources of those who are on the same path! Hahaha... so what if the fourth essence is activated? The inhumans feed on the extraordinary, and Zhu Sisui feeds on the inhumans!"

Roberts' tone was crazy, as if he suddenly understood many things.

And Aaron was a little silent.

Indeed, any Extraordinary path, if there is a lack of materials, can use the Extraordinary of this path to serve as it.

The leaders of some esoteric groups have developed a large number of members, and they only exist as food reserves or ritual consumption materials.

'The mysterious system I created seems to contain the seeds of madness, cruelty and despair from the root...'

'And any way, perhaps to the end, will be brutally murdered by Si Sui...'

"If I were an immortal god, I would not let the latecomers ascend to the gods to threaten myself..."

'But how did Roberts become so honest? '

Aaron stared at Roberts.

At this time, Eau Claire's evil spirit has attached to Roberts, and it seems that the other party has no resistance at all.

And Roberts is also honestly explaining.

'But...he must have a backhand, and the previous explanations are all paralyzing me...I probably guessed it. '

Aaron thought of something, but he didn't stop it, but looked forward to it.

Roberts spoke halfway, and a ferocious smile suddenly appeared on his face: "And you, an evil spirit, dare to parasitize me? My body is polluted by a senior!...Let's go crazy together!"

Having said that, he no longer suppressed his madness, allowing the bloodshot eyes to spread in all directions.

Aaron, who was possessed by the evil spirit, suddenly felt that Auclair's state had changed.

The dazzling scarlet color is continuously infusing the transparent and illusory soul body of the opponent, even the essence of the evil spirit cannot be stopped.

Because the level of that kind of power is extremely high, it directly comes from a Si Sui!

It belongs to the power of the 'Tibetan Skeleton Lord'!

With the help of the evil spirit Eau Claire, Aaron seemed to see a giant tree of white bones, and the huge tree collapsed into countless pale bones, forming the corpse of a big snake.

On top of the bones, flesh and blood quickly grew, filling the originally empty shell.

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