At this time, Fiona, dressed as a witch, held a crystal ball and made a beautiful voice like a yellow oriole: "I have already performed the 'Anti-curse Ritual', and certain dangerous intuitions of the opponent's high-level Extraordinary will be disturbed!"

"Very good, the first phase of the operation begins!"

Jacob ordered in a low voice.

In the first phase of the plan, Percy will lead the elite agents of the Bureau of Investigation to seal off the entire waterworks and clean up possible evil believers in the periphery!


Percy jumped out of the carriage, shotgun in hand, and rushed to the waterworks gate.

"What are you doing?"

Of course, there are ordinary workers in the waterworks.

Seeing a group of people in black rushing towards them, several tap water workers in labor uniforms and work permits stepped forward to stop them in surprise.

"The Bureau of Investigation handles the case, immediately crouch down with your head in your arms!"

An agent holds a revolver and takes aim at a male employee.

"Investigation Bureau? Sir... Are you a government department?"

The employee seemed a little puzzled and took two steps forward.


With a gunshot, his head exploded, and black beetles crawled out of the bloody flesh.

"team leader?"

The detective who was almost caught in the trap looked back, and saw Percy stepping forward with a serious face, and said loudly: "If you encounter anyone who doesn't listen to the warning, shoot first, then talk!"

At this time, the agents of the Bureau of Investigation discovered that all the employees of the waterworks had begun to change, and their expressions instantly became numb, as if the previous panic was just a show.

Muscles twitched suddenly on their wooden faces, and a strange smile was set off, and countless meat buns appeared on their bodies.

One by one, black insects crawled out from their skins, mouths, and eyes, flapping their wings to fly!

The time to break out of the cocoon has come!

Chapter 157 A Glimpse

within the pool.

Roberts suddenly opened his eyes: "There is an enemy invasion, it is the black skin of the Investigation Bureau!"

"I didn't get any induction..."

'Savage Bones' Speight took out a statue of white bones from his bosom. It was gray-white in color and shaped like a twisted goat without any flesh and blood.

Just as Speight took out the magical item, a layer of hazy night fell like a veil, covering the area.

Speight suddenly felt cut off from the mysterious connection with the outside world.

At this time, whether he wanted to continue the blood sacrifice ceremony or Roberts detonated the eggs in advance, it was difficult to do so.

From the dark night, three figures slowly walked out, it was Jacob, Kaslo, and Fiona.

"second stage!"

Jacob said softly.

Like a young lion, Castro immediately tore off the windbreaker on his body, revealing his strong chest.

But in the middle of his chest, there was a small black clock that grew directly in the flesh and blood.

This is the inhuman magical item under his control - the bell of the death note!


Caslo stretched out his fingers and tapped lightly on the black copper bell, making a melodious bell.


The astonishing chill spread to the surroundings, and the water in the pool froze instantly, turning into eternal ice, and directly freezing Roberts inside.

'Ming' is the criterion of death and disappearance, at the same time, it also involves the fields of silence and ice!

Speight was trembling all over, and his mind seemed to be frozen.

His lips wanted to squirm, but no sound came out.

It seems that the eternal 'silence' is the theme at this time.

If this continues, he will soon die quietly!

This is the horror of the 'Bell of Death'!


The next moment, Jacob had already arrived in front of Roberts who was in the ice. He held a hideous gun with a thick muzzle, like a small cannon, and a large number of complicated patterns engraved on the surface, aiming at Roberts' head. , pulled the trigger suddenly.


Flames and loud noises vibrated around, and explosions resembling cannonballs suddenly emerged.

It shattered the solid ice, and by the way, Roberts' head after it shattered the ice, causing it to explode violently and decompose into countless frozen insects. Not only that, Roberts' body was also torn apart.

"Praise Breaking Dawn!"

Jacob didn't stop, and took out a few spells that shone like gold from his arms, and recited them in spiritual language.

Endless white flames fell, engulfing every bit of Roberts' body, and burning up.

A high-level purification spell in the field of 'Yao'!

For the senior officials of the Bureau of Investigation, Roberts, who has been promoted to an inhuman existence and polluted Green Forest City, is obviously a more important target than Speight!

In order to target Roberts, Jacob had already made a detailed plan.

So far, the raid appears to have gone fairly smoothly.

Just as Roberts was dismembered and purified, Fiona the Night Witch also came to Speight, and there seemed to be a chuckle coming from the shadow covered by the hood.

A black flame was about to fall on Speight.

Speight struggled at this moment, pressing the bone statue into his own flesh and blood.


He let out a roar that didn't look like a human being. On his cheeks, limbs, and body... different white bones popped out and proliferated rapidly.

The black flame fell on the white bone armor and was easily blocked.

Fiona stared solemnly ahead.

In a blink of an eye, the original Speight turned into a hideous bone monster with a sheep's head.

Those white bones protruded from Speight's flesh and blood, forming the monster's body together. There were complex and twisted patterns on the surface of each bone, which seemed to be slowly wriggling.

In the monster's every move, there is even more terrifying mental shock roaring.

With the help of the bone statue, Speight seems to have become an 'inhuman existence' at this time, possessing inhuman combat power!

"That magical item should come from the remains of a powerful spirit world creature..."

A thought flashed in Fiona's mind, her demeanor suddenly became quiet and mysterious, she spoke suddenly, humming a lullaby softly.

Its tone is soft and tactful, with a strange soothing power.

The originally berserk bone monster suddenly froze after hearing the lullaby.

On the white bone sheep's head, the ghostly fire in the skeleton suddenly became dimmer, as if it had been eroded by the surrounding darkness.

For this operation, the investigation bureau's reinforcements are two inhuman beings and a bell-bearer in charge of inhuman objects!

Although Speight is also in charge of inhuman-level magical items and can possess inhuman combat power for a short time, he still quickly falls into a disadvantage against real inhuman existences!

In fact, Roberts' situation is similar.

Although he was successfully promoted to become a 'worm nest', he was targeted by the investigation bureau and easily defeated, which is a very reasonable development.

Jacob watched the white flames burn, but his expression did not relax in the slightest.

Because the inhuman existence that has activated the fourth essence - [vitality], to a certain extent, has initially gotten rid of the shackles of the body, and it is not so easy to kill it completely.

For this kind of existence, it is easy to defeat, but difficult to kill.

For example, the 'evil spirit', if you don't find the object of your obsession, even if you kill it, it will be reborn strangely!


From the ashes, tiny black insects emerged, gathered like ants, huddled together, and turned into a human form. It was Roberts!

He is still a skeleton image covered in human skin, with countless insects churning inside his body.

Although the breath is weak at this time, there is a strong crimson and madness in the eyes: "Do you think... you have won?"

"Life is always hungry... If my hunger cannot be satisfied, let me satisfy the hunger of others..."

"My lord... I swear to offer this body of flesh and blood... please come down!"

Roberts closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his expression had become extremely indifferent, with a raging red echoing in his pupils.

Fiona suddenly trembled all over, and stopped what she was doing. The night she had arranged to seal this place was torn apart by a gaze.

That is... a casual glance delivered from the ubiquitous dream world!

"Are you crazy?"

Jacob yelled, "If this goes'll be an avatar of the being who runs February!"

His heart was cold. He never thought that during this mission, the madness of these evil believers would actually attract the attention of a great existence!

At this time, in the eyes of the three senior officials of the Bureau of Investigation, Roberts' body has undergone tremendous changes.

A series of white bones emerged from his body, turning into a white bone tree, with a piece of human skin floating on the branch...

All of a sudden, the ancient white tree turned into a huge giant snake skeleton, and pieces of flesh and blood quickly emerged...

Accompanied by these visions are terrible pollution and spiritual shocks, with whispers of magic that are enough to make people frantic, suddenly erupting towards the surroundings...

Chapter 158 Procrastination

Hotel window.

Aaron saw that the night covering the waterworks was torn apart, and felt the coming of terror.

He averted his gaze and whispered in his heart: "Si Sui—the owner of the skeleton...or...a big snake born from a mother tree of flesh and blood?"

Obviously, this group of investigation bureau members were particularly unlucky and encountered a small probability event.

Ordinary people and even extraordinary people recite Si Sui's real name, which is equivalent to actively registering with the other party. Those great beings may not pay attention to these ants, but once they pay attention, the end will be extremely miserable.

However, holding the correct ceremony generally has a high probability of getting an instinctive response from Si Sui's power, and a very small probability of getting Si Sui's attention.

The last evil believer, offering thousands of sacrifices at one time, is likely to attract Si Sui's attention.

But this time, the grand sacrifice has not even begun, and those evil believers have no time to perform the ceremony.

That is, when encountering a situation with a very small probability, just reciting the name of Si Sui attracted attention!

"Well, after all, non-human beings can be regarded as relatively large ants...reciting the honorable name, it is easier to attract attention..."

'The agents of the Bureau of Investigation are trash, so they are going to trigger a god drop? '

'No, they should have a last resort and plan. '

Aaron waited silently, and suddenly his spiritual intuition was strongly touched.

He looked towards the pool of the waterworks, and saw an illusory pure white sun slowly rising.


A violent explosion then formed, everything at the center was distorted, light and fire released their power wantonly, and the shock wave followed, directly shattering the window glass of the hotel, causing a lot of screams and exclamations.

Aaron remained silent, and suddenly came to the desk and tossed a coin: "Roberts is still alive."


The coin fell on the table and stood upright, representing a failed divination.


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