"'Extraordinary level' magical item - a doll's house, official members can know some information, only the captain can apply..."

Percy looked at it, and the relevant information came to mind automatically.

Magical items, aka 'creepies', often carry rather bizarre abilities, but also have dire side effects.

On top of the 'extraordinary level', there is an even more terrifying 'inhuman level'!

As far as he knows, only the branch chief can know the complete information, and there is only one piece in the entire Green Forest Investigation Bureau!

And above the 'inhuman level', it is said that there is a higher 'angel level'... He just heard from Hindeson that an 'angel level' monster was out of control, causing a disaster that endangered a city, and then was asked to forget the relevant content.

"A doll's house, an extraordinary magical item, can create a doll space and suck the target into it... All the targets that enter will become real dolls in a reduced scale... You can try to interfere from the outside world..."

"Its negative effect is...it will unconsciously pull people in from the outside world. If it takes more than 12 hours to become a puppet, it will be permanently transformed."

After confirming the status of the magical item, Percy picked up the black box and rushed into the auction house almost in the attitude of a martyr.

Before, this 'Doll's House' was suppressed and sealed to a certain extent by using the 'inhuman level' magical item of the Bureau of Investigation.

And now, it has been 'released', which means that Percy may be sucked into it at any time and become a puppet!

When running, beside Percy, there are also two detectives who are ready to replace Percy who has turned into a doll at any time, and use the 'Doll's House' to fight!


The second floor of the auction house.

"How long did it take Chris?"

William Mark muttered, and opened the door of the box: "Sure enough, I should go to the doctor..."

He was about to go to the bathroom to see his friend.

Deng Deng!

After turning a corner, he heard a rush of footsteps.

A group of detectives in black trench coats rushed in, and two of the burly men directly pressed him against the wall at the edge of the aisle, like a piece of paper.

"What are you doing? I am a distinguished guest..."

William Mark turned his head, and just after he struggled for a sentence, he saw countless black insect clouds pouring out of the bathroom, like a raging black tide...

Chapter 123 Follow-up Disposal

"He lost control and mutated!"

Percy, who was carrying a black suitcase, couldn't help screaming when he saw this scene.

"Take control of it now, we fight inside a doll's house!"

Hindeson with lavender eyes took out a charm full of spiritual marks and threw it in the air: "Sound source shielding!"

In an instant, the screams and insects were cut off from the outside world.

Percy nodded, grimly.

There are many reasons why Extraordinary people lose control, such as their own mental problems, high-level influences, Si Sui's inadvertent glances or ravings, the negative effects of strange things, dangerous rituals, etc...

'Could it be that Chris knew that he was under investigation and was under too much mental pressure, so he lost control? '

'The mutation of the mind leads to the mutation of the body, which is an extremely dangerous type. '

He opened the black suitcase and aimed at the worm cloud with a cross-section of a doll's house.

As the temporary owner of the 'Doll's House', he is certain that he can control the target of this magical item.

In the next moment, a large number of insect clouds disappeared instantly, and in the doll's house, there were many black tiny insects.

After the worm cloud, Percy saw Chris Toya with rotten cheeks, gaping mouth, insect-like body, and arthropods in his arms!


There seemed to be thin insect wings on the opponent's back that were about to spread, but the figure disappeared instantly, as if it had been erased by an eraser.

And inside the 'Doll's House', there is a pocket monster doll of equal proportions.

"Okay, now!"

Hinderson ordered: "Send us in!"

Percy followed suit and sent most of the detectives, including the captain, into the 'Doll's House'. You can see a large number of villains fighting the monster with guns, spells, and magical abilities in the Doll's House.

This scene is like a puppet drama, but it is full of dangers. Once you die, you will die for real!

"Go, go to a place with few people!"

He hesitated no longer, picked up his suitcase and left.

After all, 'A Doll's House' is just an 'Extraordinary' item, not an 'Inhuman' item!

If the Extraordinary being imprisoned is too powerful and finds a special loophole and portal, it is still possible to rush out directly!

Several capable agents escorted Percy away, while William Mark and a few witnesses were still pinned to the wall, looking very confused.

In dealing with this kind of matter, the Bureau of Investigation already has a relatively mature experience, and a 'clearance team' will come later.

Most of them have spiritual abilities and magical items, which can effectively modify the short-term memory of ordinary people.

Of course, ordinary people are very fragile mentally, and they often have some mental sequelae after being modified, which is not within the scope of the Bureau of Investigation.


The first floor of the auction house.

"One time at 7800 pounds, two times at 7800 pounds, three times at 7800 pounds! Deal!"

The auctioneer's wooden hammer fell heavily.

Aaron watched the counterfeit of the Green Forest Power Ring being happily bought by a nobleman on the second floor, and curled his lips: "When reading novels in the previous life, didn't the protagonist often get great benefits from auctions and the like? Why? I haven't come across any..."

Thinking of the danger of divination just now, he stood up, ready to find something exciting.

"Aaron, are you leaving?"

Bruce said in amazement.

"Well, I read the follow-up auction list, and I'm a little bored..."

Aaron turned and left the venue.

At this time, he found that in the corner, a lady also got up and left together.

The other party has an exquisite figure, long flaxen hair, and delicate glasses. It is Liliat Doron!

"Well, the first bid for the Green Forest Power Ring was also from her... Think about it carefully, it's a bit suspicious..."

Aaron has been accumulating capital all the way, and he still doesn't have two thousand pounds with him, but this Miss Liliat Doron can take it out.

This is not the financial strength that the daughter of a bank manager's family should have!

'What's more...she is very interested in this ring! '

Aaron thought that the glasses worn by the other party last time were all magical items, so he couldn't help but become more interested. He opened the ring in the shadows, and started to follow him from a hidden figure.

The 'Shadow Ring' has the ability to hide in the dark, and although there are electric lights in the auction house, there are also shadowy corners!

After hiding, Aaron watched Miss Liliat Doron enter the women's bathroom on the first floor, and when she came out again after ten minutes, she had turned into a tomboy in tight clothes and a peaked cap.

She walked all the way outside the auction house, where the noble carriages were parked, took out a brass-colored charm from her arms, and whispered a word in spiritual language: "Shock!"

The invisible ripples spread out, and the coachmen who were smoking and talking were in a trance for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liliat swiftly swooped down and hid in the base of Lord Lake's carriage...

'This is... the sale is not successful, are you going to grab it?She recognized Lord Lake who had auctioned off the ring last? '

'A group of people killed their lives for a fake ring, so what? '

Aaron, who was hiding, complained, then turned and left silently.

He wasn't interested in what happened next.

Originally, I prepared some funds in order to buy items that would interest me.

But unfortunately, this auction house does not have it.

Aaron returns to the auction house, ready to look for clues that made him feel dangerous before.

At this time, he saw several capable detectives in black trench coats, who were rushing away with a young man carrying a black box.

One of them glanced thoughtfully into the shadowy corner where he was hiding.

"what's up?"

"It's nothing, I'm a little dazzled!"

Percy regained his senses, boarded the disguised public carriage with his companions, and galloped away.

At this time, another group of black-clothed talents arrived at the second floor of the auction house.

Some of the rooms here have been controlled, but for others who don't know, it just feels that the security is much tighter.

In a box.

William Mark looked pale, facing a cold-tempered Bureau of Investigation agent: "What are you going to do to me? I can pay the ransom..."

"Hehe...we are the Bureau of Investigation, a chartered agency of the kingdom! Not kidnappers...and, you saw supernatural phenomena, didn't you?"

The detective on the opposite side laughed lightly: "Mr. William Mark, don't worry, you will be fine, just cooperate with us to do some small... um... checks!"

'Poor Mr. William Mark...'

Aaron shook his head and turned to leave.


Golden Rose Street, No. 33.

"Welcome home, master!"

It was another maid who opened the door, hired according to Sylvia's suggestion.

Aaron took off his hat casually and handed it to the maid: "What's for lunch today?"

"It's tender pork chop with apple juice!"

The maid answered softly.

"Sylvia's cooking is getting better and better."

Aaron looked forward to it a bit: "Prepare me ice lemonade..."

Chapter 124 Gatherings and News


Aaron looked at the ruins on the desk in front of him.

He pondered for a while, then threw out a gold coin: "It will be dangerous for me to explore the ruins!"


The gold coin landed on the map, face up, indicating some kind of affirmation!

He nodded, and did a few more divinations, confirming that it would be a less dangerous choice to explore the ruins after he was promoted to 'Shepherd of Light' and made corresponding preparations.

"But divination can't be completely trusted. Maybe after I'm promoted, the Sothos Tomb has already been explored and cleaned up, so the danger has decreased..."

"However, I don't have a hard demand for the things there, and this waiting can be tolerated..."

Aaron sighed, feeling the spirituality in his body that had reached the peak of 'The Shining One', and thought about his own advancement again.

It's a pity that neither the complete feathers of the blazing sun bird, nor the powder of the sun god stone, nor even the holy water of 'Yao' are easy to find.

According to Clark's comfort later, it is the normal state in the party that the purchase of the desired items is not possible.

Some Extraordinary people even waited for several years or even ten years!

"I can't be so late...Well, these materials belong to the domain of 'Yao', and those religious groups of 'Yao' should have materials in this area...such as the 'Brotherhood of Artisans', unfortunately I have no channels..."

"However, in the last meeting, 'Priest' Nicholas Inam no longer wanted to buy the inheritance of 'Yao'. It seems that he has found a corresponding channel, and we can try to start with him..."

This 'priest' also seems to have discovered some depraved secrets of the Greenwood Church, and wants to reveal them. He has a relatively strong sense of justice and may be a good person.

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