William Mark said quietly, not sure if it was envy or jealousy: "So many high-ranking people have arrived, the auction will be very intense..."

From his words, Aaron heard a sour taste.

After the big businessmen of this era become famous, they often transform immediately, buy land, support charity, so as to gain a good reputation and enter the 'real' high society.

Then, they often spend a lot of money to bribe parliamentarians and nobles, hoping to obtain a title and improve their social status.

At the same time, they are trying their best to marry the nobles. In front of a real ancient nobleman, no matter how rich a businessman is, they often have a subtle sense of inferiority.

It is said that in the upper and lower houses of the kingdom, the upper house controlled by the nobles is boring, but the lower house is always full of enthusiasm because of various issues, but those members of the lower house from different classes are actually supported and controlled by the nobles... But now, With more and more aristocrats in debt, they have to let go of some political rights. Most of the members of the lower house are rich people. Kingdom power...'

"If it is in a normal world, then they have a great chance of success. This is the torrent of history... But after adding extraordinary factors, the future is a fog..."

Aaron watched this scene, his thoughts fluctuated.

He followed other people on the red carpet and entered the Augustuf Auction House.

The huge auction hall can accommodate hundreds of couples dancing at the same time without appearing crowded. The dome depicting religious oil paintings of the Holy Spirit is hung with bright crystal chandeliers, emitting bright brilliance.

"It's actually a lamp?"

Aaron exclaimed, gas street lamps and kerosene lamps are still used in most parts of the Kingdom today. Although electric lamps and wires have been invented, the life of the filaments is too short, and there are many problems with generators, so they are often treated as novelty toys.

The Augustuf Auction House uses this to reflect the new trend and its own strength.

The auction hall is divided into two floors. There are many round tables on the first floor. Clark and Bruce occupy one table. Aaron walked over and sat down beside it.

The second floor is separated by many boxes, and there is a special bidding agent, which looks very decent.

After everyone was seated, the surrounding electric lights dimmed, and a searchlight shone on the auction stage, focusing on a presenter in a luxurious dress and glasses.

"Good day, Aaron..."

Clark nodded at Aaron, and Bruce beside him kept winking.

"I didn't expect you to come too..."

Clark smiled and sighed, looked around, and lowered his voice: "The cultural relics in this batch of auctions have probably been inspected more than once by the Bureau of Investigation, especially books..."

Chapter 121 Eau Claire

'This hidden meaning means that there is a high probability that there are no mysterious books, so don't think about picking up leaks? '

Aaron nodded with a smile: "I just came to see..."

As for why Clark brought Bruce here, it's easy to understand.

'Secret historians' are always eager for items that contain ancient flavors.

"Next, let's appreciate the first lot - Fronio gold plate! This is a sacrificial utensil used by the purple-eyed nobles to worship their god - the old grandmother of the green banyan tree. The main body is gold and inlaid There are a lot of precious stones, and the ancient characters of 'Fronio' ​​are engraved on them... The starting price is 200 pounds, and each increase must not be less than 10 pounds!"

As soon as the host's voice fell, a businessman on the first floor raised his hand impatiently: "210 pounds!"

"220 pounds!"


Clark seemed to be accustomed to the lively scene, he said: "These upstarts always think that by decorating their homes with oil paintings, antiques, famous horses and dogs, they can get tickets to the upper class... For us historians As far as we are concerned, what is truly valuable about a cultural relic is its intrinsic value!"

"I can hear a faint sour smell..." Aaron sneered in his heart, but he also knew that Mr. Das was not a rich man.

For him, buying this Fronio gold plate is a bit extravagant. The real target of the other party should be those items that are not of high value but have a strong historical flavor. As for whether the material is gold, silver or clay, there is no question. not the slightest difference.

In the end, after the rich people on the first floor looted it, the Fronio gold plate was taken away by someone in the box on the second floor at a high price of 420 gold pounds, just like a silent irony.

"The second piece, the turquoise pendant, has a starting price of 50 pounds... Each increase in price must not be less than 2 pounds!"

The impact of the second collection was not so great. Aaron watched coldly, and found that the prices of the subsequent auction items mostly ranged from tens of pounds to hundreds of pounds, and occasionally there were cases of failed auctions.

However, there was no auction item that met his wishes, so he did not participate in the competition once.

Instead, Clark bought a clay bottle and a copper page that recorded ancient poems at prices of 90 pounds and 45 pounds respectively.

"The following will be the finale collection of this auction—"

The voice of the host on the high platform suddenly became high-pitched, and the red silk covering the collection was pulled away, revealing the glass cabinet behind.

And on the black velvet in the glass cabinet, there is an ancient ring lying quietly.

It was black all over, with traces of rust, and there was a pattern of twisted banyan trees on the front.

The style of this ancient ring was very famous 1000 years ago, and many lords and nobles liked to use it to press the sealant for sealing letters, or use it as a seal at the end of documents.

The enthusiastic voice of the host slowly echoed in the auction hall: "The Ring of Green Forest! It used to be the symbol of the Earl of Green Forest. Although its power was replaced by the king's seal after the Fabry Dynasty was established, this does not detract from its charm. ... Its former owners included the legendary inventor Aaron Sotos, and the Witch Emperor Ginny Sotos!"

He doesn't need to introduce too much, everyone present understands the value of this ring.


Clark clutched his chest. If it wasn't for Extraordinary, Aaron would have thought he was going to have a heart attack.

"This kind of collection should appear in the Kingdom Auction in Pulmouth...how could it appear here?" Clark kept muttering, as if he was greatly frightened: "But the historical atmosphere on it is so strong... ...It shouldn't be...According to historical records, the ring representing the dominion of the Green Forest was lost in the battle of reneging the oath initiated by the Elector Auclaire, and its whereabouts have been unknown since then..."

"The battle of breaking the oath?" Aaron blinked.

There was nothing of this in his cramped knowledge of history.

Seeing this, Bruce explained in a low voice: "The founder of the Fabry dynasty, the witch emperor Ginny Sothos, had a total of five heirs in her life, one of them inherited the throne, and the other four became the chosen ones. Emperor, according to the ancient blood oath agreement, the direct descendants of their four families also have the right to inherit the kingdom..."

"At the time of a certain witch emperor, she was faced with the trouble of extinction. She once preferred her nephew Eau Claire Sotos to be the heir. He is a direct descendant of an elector, and all conditions are perfect... But in her later years , the Witch Emperor brought a baby girl from nowhere, declared that it was her daughter, and played Eau Claire very thoroughly..."

"Auclaire declared that this was a breach of oath, which was the greatest insult to him. After returning to the fief, in No. 16 years, when the witch emperor died, a rebellion started... This once caused great harm to the Fabry dynasty. A large number of people and soldiers, nobles died, and countless precious cultural relics were lost or destroyed... But in the end, Auclair was defeated. The emperor—Isabella Sothos! She is also known in history—the Bloody Witch!"

"It is said that the rebels once attacked the palace at that time and stored it in the palace, representing the ring of the Earl of Green Forest. It was also missing in the chaos..."


'What a mess...'

Aaron was speechless: "But the result is okay, anyway, the meat rotted in the pot." '

He chuckled and looked at Clark, "So...Mr. Das, do you think it's true?"

"I'm not sure, but the rich historical atmosphere on it cannot be faked. It should have a history of about a thousand years..." Clark shook his head, brows full of regret: "It's a pity... its final price must be a sky-high price, I can't Extravagant..."

'That may also be an imitation from thousands of years ago...'

Aaron said something to himself, looking at the collection.

He has worn the real thing for six years, and he has rubbed it countless times. When he looks at the collection now, he doesn't feel the subtle sense of familiarity.

At the same time, his heart moved, and his spirituality felt some kind of danger.

'Could it be that I've awakened the protagonist's physique, so going to the auction will definitely cause problems? '

Aaron complained in his heart, took out a coin, and rolled it back and forth between his five fingers as if bored.

In the end, he divination came to the conclusion that there was a certain risk, but he could bear it, so he continued to watch the auction bidding in full swing.

"Green forest power ring, the base price is 2000 pounds, and each price increase must not be less than 100 pounds!"

The auctioneer announced loudly.

And the next moment, a slightly trembling female voice rang out from the corner: "2100 pounds!"

"2200 pounds!"

Soon, she was pushed down.

In the box on the second floor, Lord Lake, who had maintained his aristocratic elegance, couldn't help but tugged on his bow tie, and roared, "3000 pounds!"

Chapter 122 Extraordinary level monster

Outside the Auguf Auction House.

Percy Arnias, in uniform, was hiding in a stagecoach with the curtains down. A row of investigators sat across from him. The leader was his boss—the inspector of the Bureau of Investigation with lavender eyes. Team captain Hinderson Kappler.

"According to various clues, it can be basically determined that the identity of the hidden person in the Benjamin case is Chris Toya, a priest of the Holy Spirit Cult!"

Hinderson said briefly: "The other party is suspected to be the Extraordinary of the 'chrysalis'. He taught two students, Jack and Elrange, and may have secretly formed a secret organization and secret religious group... It is estimated that the original quality level is between the second and third floors. Among the layers, he is a relatively dangerous person, and he will be directly arrested according to the order of the director general!"

"This mission is in charge of our inspection team. For the sake of secrecy, I have applied for a magical item... But we still need to minimize the impact, but don't be shy when you take action... Even if there are witnesses, there is also a 'clearance team' 'Responsible for modifying their memories!"

"team leader……"

Percy was one of the clue providers, and he actively made suggestions at this time: "Chris is in the auction house, and there is too much movement in the execution of the arrest...and many celebrities in this city are there, the impact will be very bad."

"Of course, I have ordered people to follow him, and act immediately when he is on his way back to the church!"

Hinderson smiled gratifiedly, as if he had finally seen the growth of this subordinate.


In the box on the second floor of the auction house.

The pleasant smell of incense spread all around, and William Mark seemed to be trapped inside the sofa. He smiled at Chris next to him, "Green forest power ring... I can guarantee that after buying it, you can use it to strike the gates of any noble house in Cape Plemouth..."

The Augustuf Auction House still has a reputation in this regard, so William Mark subconsciously felt that it was the real thing.


Chris wiped his cheeks with a white handkerchief, absent-mindedly.

This made William Mark feel very strange. You must know that this priest usually likes things related to money the most.

When encountering such a valuable antique, even if you can't buy it, you can still talk about it for a long time.

Now is the personality changed?

"Sorry...I'm a little uncomfortable!"

Sweat dripped from Chris's forehead, he apologized again, and subconsciously scratched his face with his right hand.

It's sizzling!

His skin was easily torn open, showing three bloodstains.

"Chris... you?" William Mark was stunned by this scene, and the director of the company froze for a moment, looking at his friend.

Chris saw the bright red on his finger and realized the problem: "I...something is wrong with me, I have to go to the bathroom..."

After he finished speaking, he directly opened the door of the box regardless of his friends.

"I think you should go to the doctor..."

William Mark stretched out his hand in mid-air, murmuring subconsciously.


"Attention, the target changed his itinerary, he went to the bathroom, I will continue to follow!"

Outside the box, a waiter wearing a black vest and holding a tray and a red wine glass saw this scene, immediately hid in a corner, inspired a silver charm on his body, and said something hastily.

Then, he put a white towel on the crook of his arm, walked to the luxuriously decorated VIP washroom on the second floor, and pretended that he was supposed to stand here.


The investigator's agent immediately heard the sound of vomiting in the bathroom.

"Sir... do you need help?"

He reached into his pocket with his right hand, held a revolver, and opened the door while asking in a gentle voice.

The next moment, his pupils constricted.

He saw Chris, who scratched his face with bloodstains, opened his mouth wide, and vomited out clouds of pitch-black 'smoke'!

No... those are countless tiny black winged bugs!

They vibrated their wings and made a buzzing sound, as if they had directly penetrated into the detective's brain, bringing him a moment of trance.

At this moment of loss of consciousness, the detective was wrapped in a black cloud of insects, and he died completely without even a scream. The body was still losing moisture rapidly, and his face was sunken, like a skinny skeleton.

"Oops, something happened!"

"Plans change, act now!"

In the stagecoach outside the auction house, Hindelson looked at the silver charm in his hand, his face darkened: "Percy...you go and activate that magical item!"


Percy tensed up, and went to the place where the stagecoach put the luggage, and opened a black box.

There is an exquisite doll's house inside, pocket furniture and several beautiful dolls can be seen from the cross section.

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