"According to Raven's information, although we lost at the beginning, as the news of the attack on the enemy's supplies spread, we gained a certain advantage, and are currently in a confrontation of attrition..."

The servant bowed his head respectfully and replied.

"Then we've won."

Aaron smiled.

Grand Duke Bauhinia may still be trying to suppress the barracks, hoping that the rear kings can raise food and grass support as soon as possible.

And when the news of the complete destruction of the palace came out, the other party probably didn't want to fight anymore.

Thinking about it this way, it's really bad to bully an old man by cheating.

But Aaron didn't care.

In real life, he wished that the bigger the hang, the better.

The three horses galloped and quickly disappeared at the end of the road.


Campanula Plain.

In the barracks flying the flag of the kingdom.

Some of the elite soldiers with bauhinia patterns on their leather armor patrolled all directions, staring at the rest of the soldiers with eyes like staring at thieves.

The rest of the soldiers were dejected, sitting on the ground holding their weapons, staring helplessly at the smoking cauldron.

Although there is only a small amount of food in it, the rest is wild vegetables, rat meat and everything else that can be found.

Since the food shortage in the army, Grand Duke Bauhinia immediately made a decision. First, he sent people to collect all the food that could be found around, giving priority to supplying his own army, and then monitoring and suppressing other troops, trying to maintain order.

By now, the slaughter of horses has begun, but there is still not enough supply.

Inside the handsome account.

"My lord father... the horses in the camp were almost eaten up, and the hungry soldiers even started to cook the belts..."

The son of Grand Duke Bauhinia, Lord Eunice said anxiously: "Your Majesty's support has not yet arrived, and the green barbarians on the opposite side come to harass every day..."

"It will take some time to coordinate the interests of all parties." Grand Duke Bauhinia still believes in Anthony II, but he also knows the urgency of those nobles. Asking them to support supplies is like cutting flesh with a knife.

They are all short-sighted donkeys!

Don't they know that if the kingdom is over, it won't be any better for them?

Maybe I know, but after all it is difficult to give up my own wealth, I just hope that others will give generously.

"Even if we have enough food, we can't fight against opponents who master magic."

Lord Eunices had a bit of fear on his face: "The Earl of Green Forest really possessed the power of witchcraft. According to the survivors at the time, he could stab bows and arrows, make the land boil, and make arrows move. Back off... We can't fight against such a powerful existence!"

"What do you want to do, betray your noble honor?"

The Grand Duke Bauhinia turned around suddenly, his eyes were sharp, and then he seemed to have aged a lot: "We are too close to the royal family, and the connection is too close. If something happens to the kingdom, the Bauhinia will also wither!"

"Now I can only hope that in the kingdom, some mystics can also be found to fight against... The gift of the gods will not only belong to one person, right?"

Lord Unisses' eyes lit up with a certain eagerness.

He also hopes to have that legendary power!

Suddenly, the tent was lifted, and a scholar ran in panickedly holding a letter, his lips moving, almost unable to speak.

"What happened?"

The Grand Duke Bauhinia took the letter, and after reading it, all the blood on his face disappeared, his eyes went dark, and he fell down.


Lord Eunice hurriedly supported him: "Call the doctor!"

"Green Devil...Green Devil..." Grand Duke Bauhinia murmured in Eunisis's ear, "You are right, the war cannot continue, hurry... retreat, not an orderly retreat, but an orderly retreat." As much as you can escape, try to keep the last bit of vitality of Bauhinia."


Yonises didn't know why his father had changed so quickly.

His eyes couldn't help falling on the letter that had fallen to the ground, and when he picked it up, his expression changed drastically.

The bloody dinner...the death of His Majesty...the nobles were killed and injured...the green devil...

Yonises could barely breathe, clutching his heart tightly.

Is this... is this something that humans can do?


Outside the barracks.

Knight Iman was on a slightly higher hill, staring at the enemy's barracks.

As an experienced knight, it is almost instinctive to pay close attention to every move of the enemy during the war.

At this time, he found the fighter!

Originally, the enemy's military camp had lost discipline due to hunger, but now, for some unknown reason, riots broke out in the most central Redbud military camp, and the chaos continued to spread outward.

"The enemy wants to retreat?"


The Iman knight immediately turned his horse's head and ran towards his own barracks.

He is going to inform Lord Viscount that this is the best opportunity to attack the camp!

Perhaps, this war is about to end here!


hours later.

There are discarded corpses all over the grassland, missing arms and legs, and the death looks extremely terrifying.

The military flag of the Kagash Kingdom was broken and fell in a pool of blood.

The Green Forest soldiers drove away the servants and cleaned the entire battlefield.

They will strip the corpse of all valuables, weapons, armor, clothes, boots...even a handkerchief.

Scavenging crows hover over the battlefield, cawing ravenously.

The Viscount Bury rode a steed, patrolling the battlefield, his face full of pride.

With thousands of people, they defeated the kingdom's [-] army head-on, killed more than [-], and captured tens of thousands. This is a brilliant victory.

Enough to be recorded in history and sung by countless bards!

Just when he was full of ambition, the Iman knight came over with a strange expression on his face: "The interrogation of the important prisoner is over, the reason why the enemy army is in chaos is because the Redbud family ran away first... and the Redbud family The reason for the retreat was because something happened in the capital, the Earl entered the palace with his own power, killing the king, the prime minister, the ministers, the nobles... Countless."

Even Iman couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

And Viscount Bury's smile froze directly on his face...

Chapter 70 Six Years

The Battle of Fengling Plain came to an end with the dramatic collapse of the Kingdom Army.

In the Kingdom of Kagash, however, the description of this war was overshadowed by another person.

That is the Earl of Greenwood!

Mastering the mysterious power, one person almost wiped out the existence of the entire palace!

The name of the green devil can almost stop children from crying at night in the kingdom!

To Aaron's surprise, both Grand Duke Bauhinia and Lord Eunice escaped without incident. Of course, the old Duke was hit too hard and died shortly after returning to the fief.

But Lord Eunices is still there, he inherited the position of duke, and for some reason, perhaps because of Aaron's joke, he promoted Vivienne to the position of queen, and he himself The Regent calls himself.

At the same time, envoys were also sent to fully accept Aaron's previous conditions, ceding the northern territory and paying a million nars in compensation, and the two sides ceased fighting.

The Green Forest and the Kagash Kingdom barely regained their calm, and no one cared about the wailing of many lords in the northern border.

Anyway, they were originally the ones who suffered the most from the green disaster. At this time, the castle has been broken, and they have no strength to resist.

Instead, a wave of research on mysticism has been set off in the entire kingdom, and it is still spreading outward...



"Welcome, my son, you have conquered a territory the size of another green forest."

At the gate, all returning warriors were treated like heroes, especially Aaron.

Even Theodore himself waited for a long time by the side of the road.

"Father, I have killed the king and avenged Colin..."

Aaron got off his horse, looked at the old castle with a banyan tree, and suddenly felt that it was not suitable for living.

Considering that the Sothos family ruled the huge territory of the Green Forest and the northern border at this time, it is also a bit inappropriate to place the center here.

Strictly speaking, Frostwolf Castle is a good place.

It was originally a marquis's castle, the terrain is dangerous, and the northern border is much richer than the Green Forest, as are the population and fields.

However, Theodore obviously wouldn't accept it.

He was a die-hard Greenwood native, and there were many others like him.

This also caused Green Forest to be unable to integrate or digest the Kagash Kingdom.

But Aaron didn't bother to care about that.

In fact, after he let the kingdom cede a large area of ​​territory in the northern border, he felt a little regretful.

There are too many government affairs every day, which seriously affects his sleep time, which is simply inexcusable.

"Order to prepare a grand banquet, and I want to reward those who have made meritorious service in this war."

Aaron dismounted and gave Albert calm instructions.

"Please rest assured, Earl, I will definitely get things done."

Albert was originally recommended by the bachelor of Sothoth Castle, and that bachelor later participated in the rebellion and was caught and hanged.

Even with that, Albert felt that the people around him looked at him strangely.

Seeing that the Earl still trusts him now, he almost burst into tears.

Of course Aaron knew that Albert was still innocent, and there were quite a few people who studied under that bachelor back then, so they couldn't all be rebellious.

Besides, it doesn't make any sense now.

The entire green forest has completely surrendered to him, whether it is the upper green forest or the lower green forest.

In fact, this time, he planned to reward Iman Knight heavily, promote him to be a baron or viscount, and add fiefdoms to him in the northern border, so as to show his eclectic style of employing people and only talking about merit.

Theodore looked at Aaron's orders one by one, and no one dared to disobey them. He couldn't help being relieved, but also a little sad. He left slowly with his hands behind his back.

This is not his time after all.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel even more dejected, and even the subsequent grand banquet lost its luster...


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, six years passed by.

In Frostwolf Castle.

Aaron finished writing the last letter, sealed it with wax, and handed it to the bachelor beside him: "Send it to Viscount Iman."

The bachelor saluted and retreated respectfully.

Aaron stood up and came to a full-length mirror.

Although he is only in his early twenties considering his age at this time, his face is still as youthful and immature as when he was sixteen or seventeen. As a result, there have been rumors of the Green Devil being immortal in the Kagash Kingdom. Accompanied by the unbearable rumors of bathing in blood and absorbing the vitality of children...

As the new administrative seat, Frostwolf Castle has been repaired and is taller and more majestic than before.

Unfortunately, both Theodore and Ginny prefer to live in Sothoth Castle.

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