At this time, a girl in a costume ran to this corner and looked at Aaron curiously: "I'm Vivienne from the Bauhinia family, who are you?"

She has golden curly hair, a huge gemstone necklace hanging on her snow-white neck, and playful eyes, like an elf at a banquet.

"My name is Aaron!"

Aaron smiled.

Having met the true master, he no longer hides it.

"Aaron? Hee have the same name as the legendary green devil."

Vivian covered her lips and laughed: "Although according to folklore, the green devil is a demon monk who uses sorcery, has three heads, six arms, and may be a tree spirit or something, but my tutor told me, The Green Foresters are just like us, only stronger and taller... and the Sotos family is also a normal noble family, the family motto is 'steadfast', with green hair..."

"Miss learned, you are a little fallacious."

Aaron smiled and corrected: "The members of the Sotos family have different hair colors, which is not the standard for identification. If there is any standard, I think it is the purple pupils, which are the proof of their blood. Apart from members of the Toss family, I rarely see purple pupils, so the Sothos family is also known as the purple-eyed family!"

Vivian raised her head and saw Aaron's pupils like purple jewels, and blurted out, "Just like you?"

"Yes, just like me."

"Hehe... so speaking, you are very similar to that green devil Aaron Sotos, with the same purple pupils, a tall and heroic figure, a young man... also called Aaron..."

Vivienne giggled coquettishly at first, then her voice became smaller and smaller, and her expression was gradually replaced by panic.

Fear appeared in her eyes.

She was so scared that she didn't even dare to move, and she couldn't even make a sound.

"Hey, fire mage Yasuo over there, the king has summoned you."

Dean came over and ordered: "Follow me to meet His Majesty!"

This is normal. Although Aaron is not attractive, Vivienne is very attractive, so the conversation between the two has been noticed.

Then, the king chose to summon Aaron first, which is a very reasonable thing.

"Your Majesty the King!"

On the dance floor, Aaron looked at Anthony II with a smile on his face.

"Your name is Yasuo, a fire mage?"

Anthony II said casually: "My minister of intelligence insists that Earl Greenson has mastered mysterious power, but my Prime Minister Mason doesn't agree. I want you to convince him..."

The heart of His Majesty the king is actually not peaceful, he has received news from the front line.

It wasn't just that the army rations were burned, but also that Earl Greenson had the exact information of the terrorist power.

Half of this banquet was held to raise food.

The other half is really hoping to find a few mystics to fight against the evil spell of Earl Green Forest...

Chapter 68 Execution

"Your Majesty, nobles and ministers..."

Aaron looked around and said with a chuckle, "I need a candlestick."

Anthony II nodded: "Give it to him!"

Lord Dean stepped forward and handed over a golden candlestick.

Aaron took it, snapped his fingers, and lit the candle. There were exclamations all around, only Prince Theon curled his lips in disdain, as if he thought it was some kind of trick.

"I am not only a fire mage, but also proficient in fire divination. I can see everyone's future from the flames..."

Aaron announced with a smile.

"Really? Then do you see my future?"

Prince Theon said contemptuously: "If you say something wrong, I will cut off your head."

"Of course I saw it."

Aaron stared at the candle, his eyes were calm, and said indifferently: "You will be burned by the flames, and you will be burned to death!"


"Get him for me!"

As soon as Prince Theon and Queen roared, Aaron snapped his fingers.


A mass of pitch-black flames suddenly emerged from the void, landed on Prince Theon, and ignited blazingly.


Prince Theon screamed and was instantly reduced to ashes.

The blazing high temperature curled the hair tips of the ladies next to him.

This scene stunned everyone at the banquet and forgot to move for a moment.


At this time, Vivienne finally recovered from her fear and screamed: "Aaron! He is Aaron Sotos! Aaron Sotos, Earl of Green Forest!"


The originally gorgeous ball was overwhelmed by screams one after another.

The crowd turned into countless turbulent flows, and Anthony II's roar could be heard: "Guards!!!"

Countless armored torrents poured in, while Dean drew out his long sword and stood guard in front of His Majesty the King.

Aaron just waved his hand, and Dean was pierced by countless roots growing on the ground, and he was thrown aside.


The Queen screamed so loud it nearly pierced the eardrums.

She looked at the mysterious people who were said to be very powerful for help, but the witch and others looked at this scene with their mouths wide open, and seemed to be stunned.

"Your Majesty, this is the first time I have seen you..."

Aaron didn't seem to notice the guards all around and the archers holding crossbows, and said indifferently: "Your intelligence chief worked hard to present a bloody dinner for Fort Sothos. In return, I will give a bigger bloody dinner." The feast is returned to you!"

"kill him!"

Countless arrows were shot, but they were blocked by walls of activated mud and rocks that suddenly appeared on the ground.


On the ground, soil thorns emerged, piercing the guard's armor and body...

In an instant, the entire banquet was enveloped in blood!

More tree roots emerged, like a cross-shaped wooden frame, hanging Anthony II, his queen, ministers, and important nobles on the cross one by one.

"Green Devil!"

"Green Devil!"

The survivors screamed, as if they had seen the nightmare of a lifetime.

In just a moment, the elite guards of the palace were almost wiped out, and the rest were also running away, throwing the honor aside, just wanting to get away from that devil!

The noble guests made a lot of fools.

Those targets who were not taken care of were also limp on the ground, unable to move.

They seem to have seen a tall green banyan tree, the air roots are like snakes, devouring the vitality of each corpse.

This is some kind of spiritual impact brought about by spiritual crushing.

Even, it can be regarded as spiritual pollution.

"Prime Minister of the Kingdom!"

Aaron walked up to an old man, and stabbed directly with the wooden pyramid in his hand. It didn't hit the vital point, but the old man still let out a scream.

"Minister of Intelligence!"

He looked at the next fat man who had no beard on his face, and nailed two wooden nails to Caston's hands, making the fat man cry and shit.

"As the Minister of Intelligence, Fei Li is also considered your subordinate, and you will enjoy preferential treatment...continuous bleeding to death."

Then, Aaron turned his attention to King Anthony II.

"Forgive me, spare me!"

The king, who was very artistic, looked pale at this moment, and he was not much better than ordinary people.

"Since the war has begun, how can it end easily?"

Aaron sighed, and also nailed a wooden nail to Anthony II.

He is like a high-ranking king, looking at Vivian and the few survivors: "The king is dead, and the kingdom's direct bloodline will be completely cut off...Miss Vivian!"

Vivian, who hadn't been hurt, was like a wooden figure, and her tears rolled down like pearls.

"Congratulations, you may be enthroned as queen."

The Duke of Bauhinia had a close blood relationship with the royal family, and the old Duke and his heir were both fighting in the front line, so there was a high chance of death.

Next, maybe Vivienne can really become a queen.

"Now, I can tell the whole kingdom about the conditions of my truce. If the latter kingdom still exists... I want the entire northern border, and I want a compensation of 100 million nars. Well, after I get these, I will lead the army back... ...If the above conditions are not fulfilled within a month, I will destroy the territory of each of your nobles."

According to the previous plan, it is unrealistic for the green forest to swallow the entire kingdom at this time.

It is very good to be able to cede land, pay compensation, and digest slowly.

And the future matters will still be left to future generations to decide.


In the gorgeous banquet hall.

The Minister of Intelligence, the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister, and all the great nobles and kings were all wailing, bleeding continuously, and their voices gradually became deeper and deeper.

The little nobles and the less important female relatives all seemed to have collapsed, limp on the ground, and some of them were emitting a stench from their private parts.

There is no doubt that everything that happened at this dinner party will become their eternal nightmare, tormenting them for the rest of their lives, and even suffering from some kind of mental illness.

Aaron poured himself a glass of wine, slowly watched Anthony II die completely, and then he walked up to the trio of witches.

"My lord... my lord... please forgive our previous rudeness."

The witch, the old man, and the middle-aged man knelt tremblingly and begged for mercy: "We are just humble liars..."

"I'm not a murderer."

Aaron said words that others didn't believe at all: "I want to tell you, witch... the soup you boil should add more salt, then cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, orange peel, red wine, and finally add pasta, maybe If it can become a delicious delicacy, it’s called—witch soup pasta, hahaha..."

After saying this, he left the palace without looking back.

Originally, even if he couldn't get in, he planned to get in directly, so it was not difficult to get out.


The Bloody Hall was still dead silent.

After a long time, a guard outside had the courage to come in. Looking at the corpses of the crucified king and important officials, he uttered a tearing cry, and his face was distorted: "Ah! Your Majesty is dead..."

Chapter 69 The Great Victory

"Starting today, Earl Greenwood will be the eternal nightmare of the Kargash Kingdom..."

"I always feel that I will be demonized even more in the future, and I will eat at least a hundred children a day..."

After walking out of the gate of the capital of Kagash, Aaron returned to a dense forest, where two attendants were already waiting: "Your Excellency the Earl."

"Let's go, let's go back, how is the battle in Fengling Plain?"

Aaron asked casually.

He himself was not a qualified commander, and Aaron knew this, so he handed things over to the right people.

And it doesn't matter even if the other side disappoints him, even if the whole army is defeated, it's just going to the enemy's barracks to kill Grand Duke Bauhinia.

Weili attributed his own existence to having such self-willed confidence.

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