'It's a bit troublesome...I feel a surge of desire...'Red'...Is it related to reproduction and vitality? '

Aaron was a little embarrassed: "It seems that we should be more careful in the future, don't eat things randomly, and don't accept sacrifices indiscriminately..."

"What would you like for breakfast?"

At this time, Daly asked.

"Steak, well done...no...medium rare, another cup of deer blood!"

Aaron blurted out.

Daly's expression was a little surprised, but she quickly calmed down and withdrew.


Inside the villa restaurant.

The almost raw veal was lying on a white porcelain plate, still oozing blood.

Aaron's breakfast on weekdays is basically vegetable salad, with bread and jam, and the taste is relatively light, which is why Daly was surprised.

At this moment, Daly was standing by the side, watching Aaron gracefully pick up the knife and fork. The cold fork just slightly pressed, and the veal oozes a lot of blood again, as if struggling, shouting, resisting...

But to no avail, the knife fell mercilessly, tearing apart the flesh, causing blood to spurt, with the grace of a predator.

A handful of coarse salt and a handful of black pepper powder were sprinkled on the cow's carcass, like a memorial service for death...

In the end, the piece of meat was sent into the mouth, and it seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss...

"Well, the taste is surprisingly good?"

Aaron took another sip of deer blood, thinking about it in his heart: "Is this the pleasure of eating flesh and blood? 'Red' is indeed in my body, and it is affecting me!"

'Fortunately, my reason can still be restrained, this is probably because the existence on the crimson moon is not in this world? '

'As for Lin, she was affected quite badly from the very beginning, equivalent to half of the carer of the Mother Tree of Flesh and Flesh... Of course, it was also subconscious... The Mother Tree probably didn't even know she existed, otherwise I wouldn't be able to save her... '

"The members of the Black Sun Order belong to the kind that is subtly influenced. Although they are not as good as Lin at the beginning, as time goes on, the influence will gradually deepen and become more terrifying..."

'And Daly, what kind of expression is this... What's going on with this look of fear and hope? '

'Is she influenced by me? '

Aaron put down the knife and fork: "Clean up!"

"Oh yes!"

Daly shuddered, as if she had finally come to her senses, stepped forward to clean up the dining table, and her breathing became heavy unconsciously.

"I'm going out to exercise!"

Aaron felt that his self-control was on the decline, and he didn't dare to stay longer, otherwise one Daly might not be enough, so he immediately came to the training ground outside the villa and brandished a huge cross sword.

Normally, swinging this kind of epee with a few moves would consume a lot of energy.

But now, Aaron felt different.

It's not that his physique or strength has improved, but that every time he is about to reach the limit, a new force will flow out of his body.

It's as if there is an extra source of power in the body!

"This is the extraordinaryness of 'Chi'!"

Aaron's eyes brightened: "Although... I don't like this road very much... But it is undeniable that everything is extraordinary, so bright and charming..."

After exercising for several hours, he was already sweating profusely. He grabbed a towel and wiped it off. Suddenly, Aaron picked up a dagger and made a small cut on his arm.

The blood flowed out quickly, and he observed it intently, and saw that the bleeding stopped automatically, and he even felt a tingling feeling.

"Vital vitality, promote wound healing?"

"It's just that there seems to be a loss..."

Aaron frowned. What Lin sacrificed was the condensed essence of many "red" spiritualities, which was enough to push open the extraordinary door.

But when it comes to him, there seems to be only a little bit left.

"Is this... the loss caused by crossing two worlds? But it doesn't matter, let Lindo sacrifice a few times, the accumulation is enough for me to push through the extraordinary door, but... I don't like the 'red' road... ..."

"Well, let Lin sacrifice some other spiritual things next time... but she can only collect the essence of 'red', and she has a specialization in art. It seems that it is a good decision for her to form a multi-path sect .”

After a while, Aaron stood up and shook his arm. The wound on his arm had long since disappeared, only a light white mark.

"very good!"

He looked at the sky and felt a little hungry: "It's time for lunch...Is lunch still medium-rare beef? No...I want to eat five-point beef..."

Aaron felt the hunger and thirst in his body, and his expression gradually changed.

Facts have proved that his changes are not limited to this.

In the evening, looking at a piece of medium-rare steak, he couldn't eat it no matter what, and finally asked Daly to take it back to the kitchen and made it well-rare.


The thick and moist taste of the beef did not enter his mouth, but Aaron sighed in his heart: "The spirituality is dissipating... so the influence on me is also weakening..."

"It has to be observed."


The next day.

Aaron rings the bell to let Daly in.

He watched the maid's various movements, his heart was peaceful, and there was only endless regret: "Is this world really free from demons... Even, even the spirituality that I have finally acquired in my body will continue to dissipate with the passage of time... ..."

Chapter 34 Cocoon

[It has been proven that the dream world points to my correct ritual, which can send sacrifices to the real world. 】

[Spirituality in the real world is slowly disappearing...disappointed...]

[Try again, ask Lin to sacrifice another piece of spirituality, use it to describe rituals in reality, and summon yourself...failed again, unable to establish a complete connection. 】



Aaron broke the quill and slammed his fist on the table.

The setback encountered this time is really a bit big.

If the extraordinary cannot be accommodated in reality, even if he has some supernatural powers, he will definitely not be able to achieve immortality.

Even, this 'minor ability' may allow him to live well, but he can't defeat an army, so he feels very insecure.

[No... I can't give up! 】

[Next... you should try various different element paths!At the same time, continue to use spirituality, and even...try the awakening ceremony...]

[Although spirituality can only stay in my body for a short period of time, if it accumulates over time, it may permanently increase my insignificant strength every time... After a long time, maybe it will make my physique extraordinary? 】

[However, there may still be some conflicts between different elements and roads, so we must plan carefully and act carefully. 】

After just a moment of frustration and gaffe, Aaron reorganized his thoughts, put away his notebook, lay down on the bed, and began to fall asleep.


The barren city of Diyat.

Lin walked in the dark streets, searching for survivors.

After the cataclysm, the doomsday came, the crazy people turned into strange monsters, and most of the other people were caught off guard and died at the hands of strange monsters.

Even so, there are still miracles in life!

Among the ruins of this city, apart from monsters, Lin is not the only one!

"After sacrificing the essence of 'Red' last time, the Lord likes this sacrifice very much..."

Lynn thought to herself.

Ordinary people who want to achieve extraordinary things first need to choose a path, then accumulate spirituality, and finally pass the ceremony to become a truly extraordinary person.

Now, she has reached the second stage of the road of 'Red' - 'Blood Spiller'!

Master the ability to turn all or part of the body into blood and turn it into a weapon.

In addition, you can also master a large number of spells and rituals.

Of course, since she didn't dare to listen to the ravings of the existence above the moon, her knowledge in this area was very lacking.

At the same time, you can also activate the power of 'red' to accelerate development.

Now Lin is letting herself grow at an extremely fast speed, and she is not much different from ordinary fourteen or five-year-old children.

"The light of redemption needs more believers, the Lord needs more sacrifices..."

She also saved a few people before, but they were all ordinary people, and it would take time to lead them to the extraordinary path.

Not long after, Lin found a new purpose.

It was a large department store, the entrance was lined with various furniture and sundries, and there were several monsters hovering outside the entrance.

"If the guess is correct, there should be survivors there..."

Lin licked her lips, her body was about to turn into blood.

At this time, she keenly noticed that something was wrong in the air.

A fine powder filled the surroundings, making her feel drowsy.


Lin suddenly looked up, there was nothing in the sky, only the faint sound of flapping wings seemed to be directly transmitted into her skull.

"There is something strange!"

Lin took a deep breath and prayed in a low voice: "The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer... the only redeemer, the supreme light, my lord... I have encountered a strange situation, please Give me luck, give me courage..."

In fact, she also knew that the Lord rarely even responded to the ceremony of fixing the altar, let alone this kind of verbal prayer.

However, it is a kind of piety.

The Lord may not care about human beings, but human beings must care about the Lord, He is the only light of reason!

"Hmm... Is the connection established faster now? It's enough to pray verbally, which means that my mystical connection with her is getting closer?"

Luckily for Lin, this time, Aaron happened to be right next to her.

However, he wasn't ready to respond.

"The connection between faith and mysticism... If it is close enough, can I break through the distance limit and hear prayers from a distance?"

He thought to himself: "My mysterious power can be given to believers through rituals to perform various operations, but believers can't purify the mystery, they can only sacrifice spiritual things to me... It seems that this way will not work."

Aaron felt that his own mysterious energy might be the ultimate expression of spirituality.

However... the current utilization rate is too low.

"There is also a fixed altar, and it is troublesome not to respond to prayers often... See if you can get a smart feedback or a message function?"

"But it requires a high level of mystical knowledge, and I can't do it unless... Let Lin go to the wool of the flesh and blood mother tree, fall into that state of indulgence, listen to the ravings, and then I will bring her back and let her repeat what she learned Knowledge……"

Aaron was a little excited, but shook his head immediately: "This believer is very precious, and if he does too much of that kind of thing, he will definitely be discovered. Let the next believer do it..."

With a flash of his figure, he walked directly across the square and came to the front of the department store.

Whether it was monsters or powder, they all passed through him without leaving any traces.

Aaron passed through the barrier and came inside the department store. He saw a few unkempt survivors with shotguns in their hands, looking outside vigilantly.

And in the center they were guarding, a woman in a gray robe, oval face, and green eyes was casting a spell.

"I invite the symbol of life and change, the master of the invisible thread, the great [chrysalis]!"

"Please give me the dust of confusion!"

"Please give me the invisible silk!"


Outside the department store, Lin was surprised to see that those wandering monsters suddenly stopped, like statues one by one.

Around the statue, there are extremely fine, silk-like threads that connect the earth with them.

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