said Theodore.

In fact, if it was still the past, then he would not need to discuss Aaron's marriage with his son, it would be enough to just confirm it and notify him.

However, at this time, Aaron still has another identity, that is, his vassal, which needs to be negotiated instead.

But Aaron felt that this was also the other party's secondary purpose. While laughing in his heart, he chatted a few words along with him.

At the end, Theodore finally seemed to casually say: "I heard that you have used a brand-new farming method in your territory, and there is something called chemical fertilizer, which can double the yield per mu? Well, you have been You are good at inventing and creating, the paper you made has been sold well in the kingdom, and has been snapped up by wandering merchants..."

'After a long time, it turned out to be here? '

Aaron nodded inwardly, with the same expression on his face: "It's just a trivial improvement. If my lord father wants it, I'll have a good talk with your agricultural officer."

Theodore's expression suddenly became serious: "How could I covet my son, my vassal's property?"

However, with Aaron's persuasion, his expression gradually eased.


Not long after, Aaron returned to the room with a chuckle: "Is this the commonality of feudal monarchs? They always like to put all the good things into their own bowls?"

"However, I also got what I wanted."

During the discussion tonight, he and Theodore reached a 'political deal', specifically, using advanced farming techniques in exchange for the absolute autonomy of his marriage.

Theodore also hinted at the end that as long as he doesn't marry a peasant girl who is so angry and resentful, he can go as he pleases, or he can marry later.

This made Aaron feel relieved. He didn't want to be forced to be arranged by Theodore like Colin.

At this time, looking at the gap in the door, he suddenly smiled: "Tia, come in!"

Chapter 32 The Light of Redemption

dream world.

Inside a deserted city.


A certain humanoid monster with three heads fell to the ground, and the flesh and blood on its body melted like water, flowing in one direction continuously.

In a dark corner, Lin in a black windbreaker raised her hand and began to extract.

In the end, the blood of Datan Datan turned into a drop of 'red' essence and fell into her hands.

After doing all this, Lin immediately hid in the darkness and disappeared.

At this time, several mutant talents were late...

"The 'red' path is dangerous... no... any path of spiritual awakening is dangerous..."

In the gap in the corridor, a pool of dark red is constantly shifting.

Lin's thoughts diverged slightly. She thought of the Black Sun Order and Ike, who became more and more unfamiliar after joining it.

"The same is true for the Black Sun Order, Ike...has he been corrupted by that existence?"

It has to be said that during this period of time, the little girl has really grown up, and her mysterious knowledge has also continued to increase.

But every spiritual path must have a source!

Ordinary people trace back to the source, and will naturally be affected and polluted by the source!

This is not even intentional by those sources, but a natural change and transformation, deep into the body and spirit!

"Only the spirit of falsehood... can purify this pollution... what kind of god is he...?"

The crimson that Lin turned into penetrated through the crack of the door and entered a closed room.

This room seemed to be a storage room originally, but it has been cleared out at this time, and a permanent altar was built with candles, rituals, obsidian...


The crimson surged and turned into the human form of a little girl.

She seemed to have grown a little taller than before, and at this time she lit the candle religiously and began to pray:

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown..."

"The existence of absolute neutrality..."

"Silent Observer..."

"Your believers are praying to you, begging you to open the gate of the kingdom and come down with glory... I beg you to purify my body and mind, and accept my sacrifice!"


While holding the ceremony, Lin also put today's harvest, the essence of 'Red', on the altar.

She has held such prayers and ceremonies many times, but not every time she can get that one's response.

But this time, things are different.


The candle burned fiercely, and countless illusions emerged.

A voice beyond ordinary people's understanding came from Lin's ear, and she saw countless light clusters floating, forming the most central gate.

With a soul-shocking sound, the door opened abruptly, and infinite light overflowed.

The light enveloped the sacrifice and disappeared in an instant.

"Thank you for accepting the sacrifice."

Lin was pleasantly surprised and said that this was the first time that the false spirit accepted the sacrifice, which represented satisfaction.

"Well... your sacrifice this time is not bad..."

Aaron was right in front of Lin, speaking lightly.

Since he couldn't accept the characteristics of prayers and rituals too far, he deliberately followed Lin for a while, and asked her to fix an altar as a contact point.

In this way, as long as Lin is praying here and he is there, he can 'connect' again.

As for the time when Aaron was offline or exploring other places?

That is really no way.

But this is normal, after all, which god is responsive?

It's normal for God not to answer prayers, isn't it?

Relatively speaking, Aaron is already very conscientious.

As long as you try a few more times, you can always hit the time when he is there.

At this moment, holding the red essence in his hand, he felt different forces pouring into his body, and couldn't help but move his eyes: "It seems that the last time I asked her to try to sacrifice spirituality, it had a certain effect..."

"Through rituals and sacrifices, the power of making believers offer sacrifices...may be useful to me?"

When Aaron was tasting the item from the sacrifice and comparing it with his own mysterious unit, his expression suddenly changed, and he felt the disappearance of this "red" spirituality.

"No...not disappearing, but..."

Aaron couldn't wait to return to reality, feeling the difference, and was extremely excited.

But he forcibly restrained himself. After all, the only believer was still praying. If he ran away at this time, he would have nothing to do in the future.

"My lord... I want to save my brother, I want to ask for your protection and help, I will definitely try my best to offer more sacrifices..."

Below, Lynn is begging.

She knew that it would be useless even if her brother was rescued. Ike had been polluted by the Black Sun Order, just like her back then. Maybe the situation could be better, but it was limited.

Only by being purified by the illusory spirit can one regain reason and true personality!

Moreover, the Black Sun Cult is also a very powerful enemy, so the rescue operation must be allowed by the Lord.

"Save people, I'll use my head to save them?"

Aaron listened to the prayer, and secretly slandered in his heart: "I'm just a street spirit. If it weren't for the connection of the ceremony, I wouldn't even be able to interfere with you... How can I fight a Black Sun Cult?"

After thinking about it, following the mysterious induction of the ceremony, he spoke directly in Lin's heart: "Now is not the time to promise!"

Well, if you encounter something that is difficult to do, then just leave it to fate.

It's not that they can't be saved, it's not time yet.

And after a while, Ike might die, so there's no need to save him.

"My lord..."

Lin bit her lip, and suddenly said, "I'm too weak..."

She didn't expect such a great being to help an ant in person, so she still blamed herself: "My strength is still too weak, but I want to ask you to promise, I want to establish a religious order that worships you! "

She wants to increase her strength, in addition to strengthening herself, she can also pull people!

'Order?I don't even know what path I can open...'

"However, I can ask Lin to pull people, no matter what the road, I will always come..."

Aaron was happy with that.

Although he is still relatively useless, it is still useful, that is, it can expel the pollution of those horrible existences.

'The Extraordinary in this world are too easily polluted and influenced by the superior beings...I can keep them rational...With this convenience, I can pull in the Extraordinary no matter what path, and get more by the way Secrets and lore of...'

Thinking of this, Aaron said directly: "Yes!"

Then, he actively disconnected, went offline and returned to the real world, impatiently verifying certain guesses.


"All glory to the Lord!"

Sensing the Lord's departure, Lin finally made a prayer and left here respectfully.

For her, this is the sanctuary of the Lord, and possibly, the headquarters of the future church.

"Oops... I forgot to ask the Lord, what should be the name of the new sect... and the images and symbols that He likes..."

Lin had a bitter face: "However, the Lord probably doesn't care about such a small matter... Even the altar is very rough, without idols and special marks..."

She thought for a while and made up her mind: "The Lord is the only light in the last days, and the new order is called—'Light of Redemption'!"

Chapter 33 Red

Blackstone Manor.

Aaron, who bears the title of 'Baron of Blackstone', returned to his territory.

Well, after this martial arts tournament, Theodore started giving away titles. Basically, all the knights who went down to the Green Forest were promoted to a higher level, and some even became viscounts.

However, it's all in the name of some short sellers, and everyone's fiefdom has not increased at all.

In Aaron's opinion, at least the title of baron sounds better than knight...

In addition, there is another strange phenomenon. Colin's son Shaar was canonized as a Lord of Honor, but he himself is nothing... Aaron originally thought that he could win an honor like Viscount Sothos As for the title, it seems that Theodore is expressing some dissatisfaction with Colin, but he is very satisfied with the third generation heir.

This seemed to correspond to some undercurrents, but Aaron didn't care.

in the bedroom.

Aaron opened his eyes, feeling the difference in his body.

Accepting rituals and sacrifices in the dream world for the first time, especially the disappearance of the essence of 'Red' at the end, gave him an indescribable feeling.

"The essence of 'red' as a sacrifice is actually the essence and concentration of the spirituality of 'red'. In terms of weight...maybe enough for an ordinary person to fully awaken their spirituality and embark on an extraordinary path."

"And at that time, the sacrifice in the ceremony disappeared, and my consciousness felt that it might have come here... the real world, inside my body?"

Aaron's eyes lit up slightly. If this is the case, he may have finally found the path to the extraordinary in reality!


He rang the bell to let Daly come in and help get dressed, impatient to feel the difference in his body.

'It seems to be an illusion...but I feel that today I seem to be more energetic? '

Aaron looked at Daly in front of him, and it was undeniable that his body had a little reaction.

Daly also seemed to feel something, blushing and helping Aaron tidy up his clothes.

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