"Huh? Aaron, you seem to have adopted a different farming method?"

Ginny moved her eyes.

"Yes, I invented a new type of agricultural tool called a curved plow. It can effectively turn over the soil and cultivate deeper. It can also adjust the depth to meet the different requirements of deep or shallow cultivation. At the same time, it is convenient to turn. It is more labor-saving... even if there is no cow, it is the same for people to pull it up."

Aaron smiled and said: "In addition, I have also prepared some things called fertilizers, which should be able to effectively increase the yield of this year's crops. If there is no accident, my territory will have a bumper harvest this summer and autumn. All the citizens have enough to eat, and there is no shortage of food for the winter."

Ginny looked at Aaron with some admiration. This brother was always full of whimsy and kindness.

She couldn't help saying: "My future territory will also use these!"

After speaking, Ginny couldn't help being silent.

As a daughter, the earl is unlikely to cut off the land for dowry, but the husband's territory has some hope. After all, he is the hostess and has the right to make changes.

"What? My sister can't wait to find someone she likes now?"

Aaron joked and made a few more jokes, bringing a smile back to Ginny's face.

The two walked across the flat farmland and into the dense jungle.

In fact, Ginny didn't know how to hunt yet. After getting off the horse, her eyes were attracted by those wild flowers and butterflies.

Aaron was squatting on the ground, carefully looking at some plants in this world, and using his own knowledge of herbal medicine to identify them one by one.

"The potion science materials in the dream world are completely different from those here, and we can only try to find some substitutes... It may not be possible to find them yet."

He sighed inwardly.

The most essential difference between the dream world and the real world is the existence of spirituality!

Therefore, even if the potion effect is strictly followed by the practice of the dream world, it is doubtful.

Fortunately, Aaron has many little white rabbits and mice, and even the prisoners can try them one by one.

"Even if you can't make spiritual potions, you can make some serious wound medicines and potions to enhance your physique..."

"Although the limit of this world is doomed to the limit of potions, and the peak of an ordinary human body is a shackle that is absolutely difficult to overcome, but as long as the curative effect is sufficient, it is not bad. You can teach Albert... let him change his job to become a A serious doctor, not just bloodletting and vomiting..."

As Aaron thought about it, he dug up a herb.

It is red all over, its edges look like jagged teeth, and even the juice has a slight paralyzing effect.

According to Albert, it is called 'Blood Grass', and it can be made into a herbal medicine to stop bleeding, although the effect is not very good.

Aaron has some plans, hoping to use it to replace a material of 'bloodthirsty grass' in the dream world, so as to make a potion that can enhance physical fitness.

Although it is definitely not as good as spiritual medicine, it can make people obtain extraordinary physique.

But even a small increase in strength and vitality is a good result.

"Even... maybe it can be passed on to future generations and become the so-called 'knight's secret medicine'..."


At this time, Aaron heard Ginny's joyful voice: "I saw a rabbit, Brother Aaron, let's eat rabbit meat tonight!"



Outside Blackstone Manor, Aaron carried Ginny, who had fallen asleep after playing all day, into the carriage, and greeted the guardian knight next to him: "Thank you, Knight Alfred!"

Ginny is a big lady, of course she can't act on her own, she has guards when she goes out.

However, her mother and brother did not send it, but asked the old knight to send it, which made Aaron feel a little surprised.

"That was my job."

Alfred punched his chest. He was not only a manor lord, but also serving the Sothoth family.

Of course, in this way, Theodore would have to pay him an additional annuity every year.

For the lower-level nobles, serving the upper-level nobles and getting paid is not something difficult to say, but a kind of honor.

"Then, I have to trouble you to take my sister back."

Aaron waved his hand, watching the team with the dark green banyan flag leave and disappear under the setting sun.

"Ginny is a little girl, how could she make such a decision? It seems that Mrs. Sonia is implying something... Do you want to form an alliance with me to fight against Colin?"

He turned his head and entered the Blackstone Manor with a playful expression on his face: "I am a feudal knight, no matter who takes the position, it is difficult to deprive me of it. Why should I get involved in this muddy water? What's more, what benefits do I have when Xiao En takes the position?"

As for sharing the green forest equally after the promise is fulfilled, whoever believes is a fool, Sonia did not come up with such a trick to insult Aaron's IQ.

"So, the arrival of Ginny is an emotional card, subtle?"

Aaron entered the alchemy room. On the large flat table was a set of equipment that he managed to get together, including a balance, several rows of test tubes, measuring cups, etc... Glass in this era was very expensive, and merchants had to buy it from outside the green forest. Importing once gave Aaron the idea of ​​building a glass workshop by himself.

He skillfully picked up the processed 'Blood Grass', put it into the grinding tank, ground it carefully, and then started to extract...

After an unknown amount of time passed, half a test tube was filled with a suspicious black potion with a foul smell.

"Do the first phase of the experiment first, let's start with small animals..."

Looking at the finished product, Aaron nodded.

Chapter 29 Gifts

The scorching summer came suddenly.

After a heavy rain, Aaron looked at the dark red potion in his hand, feeling a little dazed: "Finally... it succeeded."

After an unknown number of failures, he finally managed to create a potion, which should be good for strengthening the body when used slowly and combined with exercise.

"In terms of effect, it's about the same as some potions in the previous life..."

"And... it is impossible to break through the limits of human beings."

"I spent so much time and energy, what did I do?"

Aaron felt slightly frustrated.

He found that at some point, his hair had grown to his shoulders.

After thinking about it, he pulled out his dagger, gave himself a simple shave, and then called Daly to take a good bath.

"Let the bachelor come over!"

After taking a shower and tidying up, Aaron, who was refreshed and full of energy, called Albert, the bachelor of the territory.

"My bachelor, what happened in the territory recently?"

Aaron asked casually.

"Blessed by the green grandmother, everything in the territory is peaceful, but there are some bad rumors in the prison, and some people are afraid that you, my lord, will be convicted too severely..."

There was some apprehension on Albert's fat face.

"it's necessary."

Aaron didn't give an explanation at all. Could it be that in order to obtain enough test products, a heavy sentence must be imposed?

"But don't worry, this kind of thing will be less in the future."

After thinking about it, he looked at Albert's graying hair, and he was relieved.

"Your kindness is as bright as the stars!"

Albert hurriedly bowed and saluted: "In addition, your birthday is approaching, sir, and gifts have already been delivered to Sothos Castle..."

Aaron was taken aback. He was born in the summer, a night of lightning and thunder, but he didn't celebrate his birthday much after he grew up, and he had almost ignored it.

Unexpectedly, after becoming a lord, he was taken seriously again.

I have to say, a little ironic.

"So...do you think I should go back to the castle and hold a banquet?" Aaron asked casually.

"According to the customs of the Green Forest people, once a family member becomes independent, the relationship with their original relatives will no longer be close..." Albert wiped the cold sweat off his face.

For some reason, he always felt that the majesty of the master he served was almost comparable to that of the Earl of Greenwood himself.

"However... this is your first birthday after becoming a knight. Perhaps returning to the castle is also an option."

He tactfully suggested: "Besides, Mrs. Sylvie's delivery date is approaching, so you need to prepare a gift."

"This is..."

Aaron nodded and suddenly smiled: "I should really go back to the castle to have a look. It just so happens that the first batch of spring wheat is ripe and can be used as a gift."


a few days later.

A convoy slowly drove to the town outside Sothosburg.

It was a carriage first, followed by many carts. On the carts were bags of wheat, exuding a seductive fragrance.

At the gate of the castle, the carriage stopped, and Aaron jumped out of the carriage and stretched himself.

He took the opportunity to sleep for a while in the carriage, and used the ability of [Danger Perception] in his dream.

With the strengthening of each dream in these days, although his dream consciousness has not awakened other abilities, the ability of [Danger Perception] seems to have increased.

The intuition became more and more acute, and indeed began to develop in the direction of "divination in dreams".

"Am I being too paranoid?"

Randomly sending a guard to notify, Aaron looked at the huge wooden door of the castle and couldn't help thinking to himself.

Not long after, the gate of the castle opened suddenly, and Theodore, who was dressed in a wolf fur coat, greeted him personally: "Our wanderer finally knows how to return home?"

"Salute to you!"

Aaron bowed first, then pointed to the cart behind: "I brought the latest harvest from the territory, I hope you like this gift."

"This spring wheat..."

Theodore stepped forward, took out a dagger, pierced a pocket at random, felt the full vitality of the flowing wheat, and couldn't help but be moved: "This is... the best variety, a ram in your territory How much is the output?"

As a lord, he also attached great importance to farming.

"Roughly around 1500 pounds..."

Aaron replied with a smile, this can't be hidden from others anyway, not to mention that his own people brag all day, just go to a passerby to look at the property, and he can roughly estimate it.


He immediately heard Theodore's gasping voice: "So much? Then your current territory can earn 1000 Gnars at a time..."

Green Forest has no local currency, and Gnar is also a currency unit passed down from the Kargash Kingdom.

"In fact, there are not so many, because I split the bill with the farmers fifty-fifty, and the grain needs to be stored, so I can't sell it all to the merchants...so it would be nice to have 200 nars."

Aaron shook his head.

"Fifty-five points? You are too kind..." Theodore frowned instinctively: "This is inconsistent with your previous strict law."

"In my opinion, kindness and sternness are like two wheels of a carriage, no matter which one is missing, it cannot effectively make the leaders submit..."

Aaron said: "On the one hand, I give them a full stomach; on the other hand, I also need severe punishments so that they will not dare to violate my laws."

It was all bullshit, he was just making an excuse for himself to find a test subject.

As for the land rent, [-]% is already scary...

Theodore wanted to say something, but finally turned into a sigh: "Well, it's up to you, after all, it's your territory. Come in with me!"

He took Aaron and walked into the huge castle: "You came just in time. Thanks to the blessing of the old grandmother, Sylvie just gave birth to a baby boy. Our castle will hold two weddings in a row. I think . . . a tourney could be held to celebrate."

The green forest atmosphere is full of savage and primitive side.

For example, when encountering grand celebrations, they like to add to the fun by means of wrestling.

Later, with the influence of the civilization of the Kagash Kingdom, it became a more regular tournament.

Often the winner will receive generous rewards. It is said that in the Kingdom of Kagash, the champion will be canonized as a knight, and may even be given a territory.

But in Green Forest, this is impossible, the most he can get is the title of Warrior, plus a lot of money.

Aaron strolled into the hall, and immediately saw Mrs. Sonia, Sean, and Ginny who came out to greet him.The lady is very kind now, smiling at Aaron.

"Where is Colin?"

Theodore looked around, feeling a little dissatisfied.

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