"Yes, I'm being chased by the Black Sun Cult..." Lin lowered her head, her tone full of longing.

"I am an absolute neutral, I will not take the initiative to help you unless...a transaction is made!"

Aaron let out a small smile.

He took a fancy to the mysterious knowledge in Lin's hands.

Although manipulating flesh and blood is disgusting, at least it can enrich your knowledge and collection.

Yes, he was so sad that he didn't even have the ability to directly dig out the opponent's brain and check the memory - what an evil god.


"Offer a sacrifice that satisfies my heart, and I answer your prayer."

Aaron said: "All tangible and intangible things can be sacrificed, such as...mysterious knowledge!"

"I...my most precious thing should be the knowledge about 'Chi', I am willing to dedicate it to you, please let me out of danger!"

The moment Lin spoke, Aaron's eyes suddenly penetrated the opponent's body and saw a ball of red light.

With a slight touch of his thoughts, one message after another appeared in his consciousness:

['Red' exists in all living things, in the flesh and blood, it tastes sweet and has endless aftertaste...]

【How to make a flesh puppet:...】

【Feast Ceremony:...】


Everything should be able to form an incomplete "Red" secret biography.

"Not bad!"

Aaron glanced at Lin and found that the ball of light in her memory had not disappeared. Obviously, the transmission of knowledge had not been lost, and she still remembered everything.

"Very good, you have one piece of food, and I have one piece of food. After the exchange, we still only have one piece of food, but you have one piece of knowledge, and I have one piece of knowledge. After the exchange, we both have two pieces of knowledge."

Aaron complained in his heart, and said: "You can leave, I will protect you. Remember, don't pray to that existence on the moon, unless you want to have children..."

This is the guardian of metaphysics. Although she is very unwilling to die as the only believer, if she is caught up, Aaron will have nothing to do...

Chapter 27 Fainting

"Huh, that's not right..."

Aaron suddenly realized: "Lin has already run far enough, and she is good at controlling the breath of flesh and blood and eliminating all physical traces. If there is no occult tracking, the high priest should not be able to find her... My ability can help Does she wash away this occult trace?"

He inexplicably felt that this should be feasible.

"Don't talk about reserves, I still have a little energy share today, I can try it, if it doesn't work, I have nothing to do."

With the thought of Aaron, Lin suddenly felt that the sense of urgency in her heart disappeared.

It was as if some inexplicable threads were cut off in the air.

"Thank you for your protection."

Lin thanked sincerely again and ended the ceremony.

"Sure enough, since I can wash away the pollution of the one on the moon, I can also wash away the mystical connection of the black sun... However, both of these are just their own pollution, and they did not take the initiative, so we should not be proud ah……"


Blackstone Manor.

[Red spirituality...it exists in all flesh and blood life, because human beings are the head of all spirits, so the red spirituality in the human body is the most abundant...]

[Compared to 'dark', the plunder of 'red' does not require ritual assistance, as long as it is eaten, and proper cooking and processing will promote the increase of spirituality...]

Aaron put down his pen and sighed.

He originally thought that the awakening of the third stage of darkness in the Black Sun Church was a bit evil.

But compared to Chi's awakening, it's like a good baby.

At least, the dark savings, at the beginning, was honing oneself like an ascetic monk, rather than getting it from the outside world.

"Looking at it this way, Chi's introductory stage will be quite fast. No wonder Lin grows up so fast..."

Aaron rang the bell and let Daly come in: "Get me candles, rose oil, salt, a dagger, preferably silver..."

After a pause, he looked at the suspicious maid, and lowered his voice: "I don't want rumors of my obsession with witchcraft spreading in the territory, otherwise I will punish you, understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I won't tell anyone."

Daly shook her head quickly, her face filled with fear.

"very good."

Aaron nodded.

After a while, he closed the door, drew the curtains, sealed the room, and lit a candle.

The first thing Aaron tried was the wayfinding ritual.

Then, not surprisingly, he failed.

"Sure enough?"

Aaron sighed, removed the original rituals and sundries, and re-drawn the ceremony.

This time, it seemed a lot more casual.

"The ceremony should require spiritual participation, but according to the High Priest, if there is no spirituality, the vitality itself will also have a certain effect..."

Aaron's expression gradually became serious, and he began to call out an honored name:

"The Creator above the Creator!"

"Absolute observer behind multiple curtains!"

"The illusory spirit wandering in the unknown, the existence of absolute neutrality, the silent observer!"

The front is the honorary name that Aaron himself gave himself, and the back is the honorary name confirmed by the believers.

Combining the two together, the pointing should be very accurate.

He used a foreign language, his voice was sometimes low and sometimes high, and he kept reciting the honored name and began to pray.

"Is it useless?"

Aaron was a little disappointed in his heart: "Obviously the object of my prayer is here... There should always be some changes, right?"

He thought for a while, picked up the silver dagger, cut his finger, and dripped blood into the candle.

The bright red color is slowly rendered on the ritual track.


Aaron felt a burst of weakness, as if the energy in his body had vented out along the small wound on his finger.

The candles of the ceremony flickered.

Immediately, he seemed to hear an echo in his ears, hazy and indistinct...


Aaron was about to establish a connection immediately, but in the next moment, he felt dizzy.


He fell headfirst to the ground.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the maid running over in a panic.


When he opened his eyes again, Aaron was already lying on the big bed.

The originally messy ground was cleaned up. Daly stood beside him, and there was a fat man sitting in front of him, it was Bachelor Albert.

Well, a bachelor is often held by the most knowledgeable person in the territory, and Albert has a little knowledge of herbal medicine, so he can be half a doctor.

However, Aaron was deeply suspicious of this, at least that kind of bloodletting therapy was absolutely unacceptable to him.

"My lord, it seems that you are overworked and your body is weak... You can eat more nutritious food and drink more deer blood."

Albert glanced at Daly next to him again: "Well...some entertainment activities at night also need restraint."

"Ahem, I know, thank you for your hard work."

Aaron was thick-skinned and did not change at all. After letting Albert leave, he looked at Daly: "You packed those things? Well done, remember to keep it secret!"

While speaking, he threw a silver coin in the past: "This is your reward."

"Thank you."

Daly took the silver coin with a low voice, like a frightened deer.

"I'm fine, bring me some food."

Looking at Daly's back, Aaron fell into deep thought.

At the last moment of coma, he did hear a hazy call, but before he could establish contact, he passed out.

He himself is too weak!

After realizing this, Aaron could only sigh.

For a true ritual to take place, spirituality must be substituted for life force.

However... there is no spirituality in this world...

Everything seemed to be at a dead end again.

Aaron sighed and began to think about the follow-up here.

"Well, Daly did a good job and didn't spread it... However, even if the news of my use of witchcraft spreads, it's nothing. This is not the kind of ancient times in the Central Plains. Once someone finds out that someone uses witchcraft to punish him, he will be punished." There is no unified and powerful church to burn wizards..."

"As a lord, in my territory, even if I make people sacrifice, Theodore will only come to me to share my experience as a priest... Well, as long as I confirm that I still believe in [Green Banyan Grandmother], It'll be fine."

"There's nothing wrong with studying witchcraft, but if I renounce my belief, I'll have to really fight a religious war..."

As Aaron fancied wildly, he pondered the extraordinary possibilities of this world.

"The path of darkness has failed, Chi... I can't become Hannibal... I also failed to summon myself, and I still have no solution..."

"Next, maybe it's time to study herbal medicine. After all...the mysticism in that world also has potion-related content. Although there is a high probability that no spiritual potion can be prepared, at least try to make people stronger and more vigorous. , a ceremony that can last longer..."

Chapter 28 Herbs

The weather is fine, the warm spring breeze blows through the dark green forest, the grass grows and warblers fly, the trees are flourishing, and everything is full of a breath of prosperity.

"The elements of 'red' include reproduction and vitality... Spring is a very suitable season for the road of 'red'..."

Two steeds drove across the flat field ridge one after the other, and Aaron, who was riding the steed behind him, thought subconsciously.

He looked forward, and there was a girl wearing a hunter's suit, riding a bay red filly, which seemed to be just right for her height.

"Ginny, slow down, clamp the horse's belly, don't fall."

The girl was Ginny, visiting Aaron's territory to play and hunt, at least in name.


Aaron felt that the other party was greedy for the many delicacies he 'invented'.

After all, this is a snack.

This made Aaron have to worry about Ginny's future development and tonnage... But this worry quickly disappeared.

As the beloved daughter of the Earl who ruled the Green Forest, Ginny is quite competitive in the future marriage market.

There are all kinds of knights and excellent men to please her, no matter whether she is beautiful or ugly, virtuous or not...

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel very boring.

"A few servants and maids in the castle were hanged to death by the earl, and the rumors have subsided..."

Ginny seemed to say something subconsciously, and then she looked into the distance and saw the flat ridges of the field.

Large tracts of flat land have been reclaimed, and there are still a few farmers on it who are using strange plows to cultivate. When they see the lord coming, they take off their hats from a distance.

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