The arrogant and domineering youths in the car were a little panicked.

"Forget it, I haven't seen the taillights of the car in front, so I can't catch up."

"Yeah, don't speed up, let's not kill people."

A few young people usually play modified cars and drag racing, and they know the performance of this car very well. Although the modified power is very bad, the overall performance is absolutely no way to compare with those tens of millions of supercars. If you blindly pursue speed, the risk factor will soar sharply, or the car will crash and people will die, and several lives will be lost on the high speed.

"I'm paralyzed, I don't believe it, and I'm actually deflated! Hastily!"

The young man with the tattoo was holding back his anger, and even if he was caught in a second, he stepped on the gas pedal to the end, but he couldn't see the taillights of other people's cars, how infuriating!

Not reconciled, he still accelerated!

The purpose of driving a modified car at high speed is to pretend to be aggressive.

Now it's just pretending to be coercive, and the young man with tattoos can't swallow this bad breath.

"Slow down! Slow down!"

"The car is falling apart, the car is falling apart!"


Several young people in the car were yelling and yelling, all with expressions of horror.

They suddenly discovered that this guy's eyes were red with anger, and his head was completely hot. In this state, it is too easy to get into a car accident.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!

At this moment, the siren sounded loudly!

A police car drove up from behind, honking its siren, roaring and speeding, and chased after it.

The windows of the police car were rolled down, and the high-speed traffic police sitting inside held a loudspeaker and shouted——

"The car in front, Red Label Siyu, stop quickly! Repeat, Red Label Siyu in front, stop quickly! You are seriously speeding, 90.00% over the speed limit! Stop quickly for inspection! Stop quickly for inspection!"

Immediately, the tattooed young man in the red-labeled area, and several other young men were all dumbfounded and stupefied.

Damn, what's the situation?

Especially the young man with tattoos, who was so angry that he almost spit out old blood. He was only thinking about catching up with the car in front, but now he provoked the traffic police.

The young man with tattoos could only let go of the accelerator, step on the brakes, keep slowing down, and then prepare to pull over to the side emergency lane and stop the car.

After all, this is on the highway, and the whole process is monitored. If the traffic police are watching, there is no way to escape.

If they dare to continue to speed up and refuse the inspection of the traffic police, then the nature will be more serious, and what awaits them will be the disaster of prison...

But, no!

Suddenly, they felt something was wrong!

Why, their car was being watched by the traffic police, but the car that was speeding past just now, like a ghost shadow on a horse, was fleeting, and it was impossible to see what it looked like...

Why didn't you get caught by the traffic police?

It's so unfair!

“Stop Parking!”

"Your car has been illegally modified. You will be fined 50.00 yuan and your driver's license will be temporarily detained! You will be detained for five days, and you will be deducted [-] points for speeding by more than [-]%..."

The traffic police followed up quickly, stopped the red label Siyu, and issued several tickets.

The young man with the tattoo knows that he cannot escape punishment, there is nothing wrong with him, and there is nothing to argue about.

However, he was not reconciled, he was too aggrieved!

"There was a car before that drove faster than me, why didn't you catch it?"

He complained and wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Faster than you drive?"

The traffic policeman was writing a ticket, looked up at the tattooed young man, and snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, you guys are driving fast enough, you already caught up with the plane, why, there is someone who is faster than you, isn't that a rocket launch? "

"It really is, sir!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go, confiscate the car and confiscate the driver's license, people will follow us, and go to the police station for investigation!" The traffic policeman said angrily.

less bullshit...

A few young people looked at me and I looked at you, everyone was stunned on the spot!

They obviously saw it, there was really a shadow flying past, it definitely existed.


A few kilometers ahead, the speed of Pagani Fengshen has dropped to around 120.

Wang Shang drove like an old dog.

The reason why I ran for a while just now was because I wanted to experience the thrill of a supercar.

Of course, he also knows that driving too fast is firstly dangerous, and secondly, it is easy to be caught by surveillance cameras and attract the police.

Fortunately, neither of those things happened.

"My God, I was in a car just now, are you sure it's not an airplane?"

Zhou Yuqi let out a long breath, filled with emotion.

The king smiled and said: "Just now it has reached more than 200. In fact, it can be faster, but it is unnecessary. Feel the feeling, it is almost the same."

"My God, the speed is more than 200..." Zhou Yuqi was afraid for a while.

Wang Shang was surprised to see that about 300 meters ahead, on the emergency driveway, a car broke down...

On high speeds, it happens from time to time that the vehicle has problems and breaks down, and it is not a particularly rare thing.

But this time it was a little different. The owner of the car that broke down, holding a sign or something with both hands, knelt on the ground and made a gesture of asking for help.

"Help me! Save my wife!"

"My car broke down and I called an emergency call, but the ambulance hasn't arrived yet! Who can take me and my wife for a ride, my wife is about to give birth!"

"I beg you!"

One after another vehicles roared by, but no one stopped, probably because everyone was afraid of getting into trouble, or maybe they were worried about being cheated.

In this world, the trust between people has become less and less...

As the car approached, His Majesty saw the situation clearly, and quickly stopped the car in the emergency lane.

Life is dead!

As for whether it is a liar or not, it doesn't matter!

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

From the fallen car window, His Majesty stuck his head out and asked the owner of the broken down car.

"My wife is about to give birth, and I was rushing to the hospital, and I got off the highway for more than 50 kilometers, and the car broke down, woo woo woo..."

The car owner was crying in a hurry.

"None of the passing cars stopped! The ambulance is still on the way, I'm afraid my wife won't be able to hold on!"


A sound of begging, the people who listened couldn't help but feel heartache.

His Majesty Wang glanced at the back seat of the broken-down car, and there was a pregnant woman with a big belly lying there, already in pain, her face was waxy, trembling all over, she was out of shape.

"I have to wait for the ambulance to come. Although my car is very powerful, but there is no doctor to deliver the baby, so I can only wait anxiously."

The king quickly saw the situation clearly, and said this to the owner of the broken down car.

The owner of the broken down car also saw his wife's reaction so violently, and the car was broken and could not continue to drive, so he was too panicked and forgot about it.

"Then...then what should I do? Can I just wait for the ambulance to come? If something happens to my wife..."

The car owner cried and cried, distraught.

"Wait a minute! I know medicine and can help your wife!"

Wang Shang quickly rushed to the side of the broken down car and opened the door.

The pregnant woman's face was painful and pale. Looking at her legs, blood was already oozing out...

The situation is dangerous!

The male car owner was stunned, and couldn't believe it at all. Such a young man knows medical skills, and it is the medical skills of women to give birth.

"Nine Profound Acupuncture, one of the acupuncture methods, can prevent miscarriage and prevent massive bleeding..."

In the king's mind, all the acupuncture methods, acupuncture methods and effects of the Jiuxuan Shenzhen rushed out.

One of them, he found, was just right to help, the pregnant woman in the car!

Chapter 128 Saved Two Lives

"After all, it's a matter of life and death, and it's a pregnant woman..."

Although the king is very sure that he will use one of the Jiuxuan acupuncture methods to help pregnant women with dystocia in the car, but this does not mean that he must take risks.

"Young man, please help me, take my wife and me to the hospital, I can't wait, my wife's condition is too dangerous, I must get medical treatment immediately!"

The middle-aged man cried and begged bitterly.

"I know medical skills. I can help your wife, let her have an abortion, stop the bleeding from happening, and let her have time to wait for the ambulance to arrive. It depends on whether you want it or not."

The king said solemnly.

For this kind of thing, the consent of the couple must be sought.


The middle-aged man hesitated a little. He was very grateful to the king for stopping the car to help, but human life was at stake, and two lives were still involved, so he didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

"If you just wait like this, the situation will become more and more dangerous, and even if I drive you to the hospital, it will take time. No one can guarantee whether there will be danger during the time in the car." Wang Said seriously.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Inside the car, the pregnant woman cried out in pain.

"Okay! I... I believe you! Young man, you said that you are good at medicine, so I believe you!" The middle-aged man finally stopped hesitating when he saw his wife in such misery.

"Okay, uncle, I need your help, get in the car and come, let your wife open some parts of her body so that I can give needles..."

"Good good!"


Soon, His Majesty started the treatment quickly, and opened the silver needle box that he was carrying with him, and there were dozens of hundreds of silver needles, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

Swish swish!

He picked up silver needles one after another, and pierced them into more than a dozen acupuncture points on the pregnant woman's body with incomparable precision.

Each of these acupoints has its own function, and the magic and mystery involved involve extremely profound knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture points are used to control the blood flow of the human body and protect the fetal position of pregnant women.

If it is not for the mastery of the meridians and acupoints of the human body, as well as the powerful ability to apply acupuncture, one would never dare to start the treatment rashly.

The middle-aged man felt dazzled and worried when he saw the king's acupuncture.

He was not sure whether his decision to let this young man come to treat his wife was the right thing to do.

However, he had no other choice.

God, bless it!

In his heart, he kept praying.

When the last silver needle pierced a certain acupuncture point on the pregnant woman's body, the king gently twisted the tip of the silver needle with his fingers, and listened carefully...

Dozens of silver needles are pierced around the pregnant woman's belly, like a hedgehog.

"Honey, hold on! Hold on!"

The middle-aged man burst into tears, holding the pregnant woman's hand tightly.

Soon, the bleeding of the pregnant woman miraculously disappeared.

Accompanied by that, the waxy complexion of the pregnant woman gradually turned rosy.

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