Now, sometimes he himself is not quite sure where the Pagani Fengshen is parked. After all, he has too many properties now, and there are many parking spaces over the ten office buildings, which are exclusive to him. There are also private villas on the Daping floor of Tianyue City , the villa here also has parking spaces.

Came to a small supermarket.

As soon as the king came in, he saw Zhou Yuqi chatting with his parents.

"Uncle Wang, Aunt Zhang, I'm going to report to school today, so I can't continue to work part-time here to look after the store. During this time, thanks to brother Wang Shang for taking care of me, I made money. Thank you, Uncle Wang and Zhang. Aunt, you two elders."

"This is my little idea, you must accept it!"


It turned out that Zhou Yuqi was going back to the university campus to report.

To show her gratitude, she specially bought a lot of nutritional products and gave them to the king's parents.

"Yuqi, you child, why are you being so polite?"

"That's right! Yu Qi, you and my Wang Shang grew up together. The neighbors in our neighborhood are like a family. You can bring these things back to your parents, do you hear me?"

"No, no, no! Uncle Wang and Aunt Zhang, you two must accept it! Otherwise, I will feel very sorry. I am grateful to brother Wang Shang for taking care of me and helping me too much..."

Zhou Yuqi spoke sincerely.

"Mom and Dad, just accept it, it's Zhou Yuqi's kindness."

Seeing that both sides were politely declining, the king came over and smoothed things over with a smile.

"Yes, yes, brother Wang Shang is right!" Seeing Wang Shang, Zhou Yuqi seemed to see a savior, her eyes were full of joy.

Chapter 126 I'm still sloppy

"Your Majesty, you can talk! Yu Qi is not an outsider, just like her own family, she doesn't need to buy things for me and your dad, that's not very polite!"

The king's mother said so.

"Oh, it's all trivial, hee hee." Zhou Yuqi said with a smile, stretched out her hand to take the king's arm, came to sit down, and said, "Brother Wang, you didn't eat breakfast, here, I bought one for you, eat quickly Bar!"

"You girl, you have a sweet mouth, you are obedient and sensible, and I don't know which brat will be cheaper in the future!" Wang Shang nodded with satisfaction, walked to the counter, and ate breakfast.

"My parents are guarding the store now. If you are busy with anything, just be busy with yours. I heard from Yuqi that you are very busy. There are many projects out there that can make a lot of money..."

"Mom, I was just fooling around..."

After chatting with my parents for a while, Wang Shang picked up a drink while eating.

Today's one-yuan redemption opportunity has not been used yet.

I don't know, what kind of surprise will the system bring to me?

【Ding!The one-yuan redemption trigger is successful! 】

【Ding!Does the host use one dollar redemption? 】


The king communicated with the system in his heart.

【Ding!Successful redemption for one yuan!Congratulations to the host, get a reward: personal skill 'God of Basketball'! 】

[The God of Basketball: Possesses the world's top basketball skills, equivalent to the world's most famous basketball player Jordan's basketball skills, dribbling, breakthroughs, fadeaway jump shots, three-pointers, invincible perfect shooting feeling, super ability to stay in the air... ...]

Listening to the systematic explanation, the king suddenly felt his limbs and bones, as if being injected with dense micro-currents, rushing all over his body. After a short period of trance, he returned to normal.

"Brother Wang Shang, what's the matter with you? Didn't you hear what I said?"

Beside her ear was Zhou Yuqi's voice, with a bit of resentment.

It turned out that at this moment, my parents had already gone outside the small supermarket to chat with some acquaintances nearby.

Only Zhou Yuqi was left to accompany the king.

"Oh, what's the matter? I was thinking about something just now, so I didn't pay attention to what you said, sorry." Wang Shang took two mouthfuls of noodles and looked at Zhou Yuqi with an apologetic expression.

"Well, if you're too busy and don't want to, then forget it." Zhou Yuqi lowered her head resentfully, ready to leave.

"Hey, tell me clearly, girl!" The king looked blank, thinking that it's really hard to guess what the girl is thinking, why did she suddenly get angry and lose her temper?

It's still the same as when I was a child, nothing has changed!

"I just asked you, do you have time? Take me to school! I haven't bought a bus ticket, and I have to report to school tomorrow, so I'm running out of time..." Zhou Yuqi raised her head, her eyes shy, a little embarrassed.

The king suddenly said: "Oh, that's all, no problem!"

"So, you agreed? Drive me to school?" Zhou Yuqi was ecstatic and had no hope at all.

"Must! Which one of us is with whom! Besides, I have nothing to do. I just have nothing to do. I can go to the provincial capital to have fun." Wang Shang said with a smile. Went to the provincial capital.

"That's great! Brother Wang Shang, you are so kind to me!" Zhou Yuqi blushed with excitement, hugged Wang Shang's arm and shook it for a while.

"Pack up your luggage, let's go!"

The king snapped his fingers in high spirits.

"it is good!"

Zhou Yuqi was also refreshed, and hurried all the way to the house to pack her things.

Say go, go!

The last time Wang Shang went to the provincial capital, he drove a police car, and when he came back, he took a private jet.

And his own Pagani Fengshen was completely useless.

Well, this time it must be arranged!

This world's top limited edition super luxury car must be pulled out for a walk!


Zhou Yuqi was shocked when she saw Pagani Fengshen.

She had never seen such a cool supercar driven by Wang Shang before.

The cool shape, perfect body lines, high-end carbon fiber, sci-fi interior and controls reveal everywhere, money... oh no no no, super luxurious taste!

"Brother Wang Shang, this car... what brand is it? It's too cool!"

Zhou Yuqi stood in the parking lot holding a putter box, fluttered by the wind.

"Get in the car, give me the luggage!" Wang Shang didn't bother to explain, he helped her put the luggage away, and when the car door opened, it made her exclaim again.

"too exaggerated!"

"This car, let me check it, my God! Pagani sports car? Fengshen?"

"Global limited edition, there are less than ten units in China, and the market price is 3000 million..."

Sitting in the co-pilot, Zhou Yuqi was amazed. She checked the information on the Internet with her mobile phone and compared it with this car. She didn't know how to place her hands and how to adjust the seat. .

"Don't make a fuss, I'm going to drive!"

The king adjusted the seat for her, then started the engine and stepped on the accelerator!


The car shot out, so fast!


Zhou Yuqi screamed in panic, her hair was messed up, and her little heart was beating wildly.

"Sit down, let you feel the feeling along the way, what is a top supercar!"

The king smiled happily.

"I wasn't prepared at all, I was frightened!" Zhou Yuqi said coquettishly, Xiao Fen punched the hammer king on the shoulder.

But she quickly settled down, she couldn't be careless this time, and was always ready for the king's sudden acceleration.

It's tense, but exciting!

This time, driving Pagani Fengshen, the king can feel the joy of driving a top-level supercar, and even gallop all the way on the high speed.




"This speed is really strong!"

"It's so cool!"

"Look at my tenth-generation red-label Siyu, after modification, it can accelerate from [-] kilometers in six seconds. Who can beat me in seconds? Hahahaha!"

On the highway, a red label Siyu is speeding.

The speed soared to more than 150!

This is a Red Label Siyu, obviously modified, and the exhaust pipe is rumbling.

In the car, there were several ruffian young men dressed in ruffian clothes. The young man who was driving had tattoos on his neck and a cropped cut. He shouted triumphantly and made all kinds of strange noises while driving.

A group of drag racing parties, and still, young people playing modified car drag racing on the high speed!

"What kind of broken Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi, what Porsche Cayenne, climb them all for me! Hahahaha!"

The red label Siyu overtook the vehicles on the road again and again, and overtaking several times, it was very thrilling, and the drivers driving on the highway turned pale and cursed loudly!

"Ha ha!!"


A few young people danced and danced proudly, shouting and shouting.

"Look at my Siyu, every second, every second, every second!"

"Hahahaha! Fraud! Fraud!"


Suddenly, in the car with a speed of 180 per hour, several young people suddenly felt that a shadow flashed beside them.

It's really—

In a flash!

They didn't see clearly what it was.


"What was it just now, it passed by in a flash?"

"Is it a car?"

"Damn it! Whose car is too fast! How dare you overtake me!"

The tattooed young man who drove the car had a dazed expression on his face.

After all, he was sloppy.

The Red Label Siyu has surpassed so many family-oriented cars, but in front of the real top supercar, even if it is modified to the sky, it is not enough to look at.

Then, he cursed angrily, gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and stepped on the accelerator!

At the same time, the king drove the Pagani Fengshen, increased the speed a little bit, and directly threw the red-marked Siyu, which was easily passed, farther.

Good guy!

The red-label Siyu can't see the tail lights of Pagani Fengshen at all...

Chapter 127 Emergencies

"I'm on a horse, I spent hundreds of thousands of modification fees, the engine is replaced with an eight-cylinder, the horsepower is super strong, there are still people who dare to compete with me, idiot!"

"I have to catch up!"

The young man with the tattoo became furious and had already stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

So this modified red label Siyu, from [-] to [-], [-]...

The speed keeps rising.

The car was a little unsteady and began to flutter.

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