"It's still cool when I was in school!"

"Yeah, back then when I got up in the morning, I could play for a whole day, how cool it is for a thief!"

On the balcony, a few male students who like to play basketball chatted about work, basketball, helplessness and nostalgia.

The air is full of nostalgia.

"Here, remember?"

In front of a window of the box, Bai Jasmine came to the king's side at some time, looking at the scenery outside the window.

The king was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Of course."

How could he not remember!

When I was working part-time in college, I came to Panlong Mountain Villa several times to work as a waiter and serve dishes to others.

At that time, serving dishes for a day could earn 100 yuan, which was considered a good income.

"Speaking of which, I really should. Thank you very much. Without your help, my life in college would be difficult." Wang Shang said with a smile, and there was a look of gratitude in his eyes.

"You're being polite. We are classmates, shouldn't we help each other?"

Bai Jasmine's eyes drifted out of the window, and gradually moved away, beyond the large, youthful campus, to a far away place.

It seems, thoughtfully.

She asked a question gently, not knowing if she was asking herself or the king.

Looking at her pure and beautiful but cold and arrogant side face, the king couldn't bear to break it, so he just admired it quietly.


The king nodded.

"I still remember that time, the first time I came to Panlong Mountain Villa to do a part-time job. After carrying dishes for a whole day, my legs were numb and my arms were sore. When I got the money, I was still so happy and ran all the way back from the mountain downhill. , when I arrived at school, I bought braised pork and beer for 15 yuan on the side of the road, I was really happy at that time!"

"Ha ha!"

Listening to him, Bai Jasmine laughed out loud.

"Everyone is here!"

At this moment, the voice of one person was speaking very loudly, interrupting the nostalgic atmosphere of everyone.

It's Jiang Shikai.

He was the one who contacted Panlong Mountain Villa to open a box, order food and so on, and he was also the one who made arrangements for the classmate party. Go in and out of various business places, book hotels and private rooms, and accompany customers to discuss projects and so on.

"Squad Leader Jiang has worked hard!"

"Squad leader, take a break and rest."

Everyone said with a smile.

Jiang Shikai counted the number of people. There are currently 16 people who work and develop in the provincial capital, plus some with their partners, and Wang Shang and Luo Xiaoxiao who came from Jiangdu. There are currently 27 people in total.

All 27 people are here now.

The large banquet table in the box can accommodate 30 people to eat at the same time, so it is very suitable.

"Ahem! Old classmates, please allow me to say a few words first!"

Jiang Shikai started to take on the style, the leadership style of the old squad leader, since he was in college.

Now that I have entered the society, this trend is even stronger.

Chapter 108

"It's like this. Today, I was supposed to invite everyone to get together, have a meal together, and chat to catch up. There are only a dozen of our old classmates who stayed in the provincial capital. I hope everyone can get together more and contact each other. emotion!"

"This time, something different happened, that is, our classmate Wang Shang came to the provincial capital, and a big event happened. He is the excavator of the national treasure Kyushu Ding, and the Kyushu Ding. The honorary curator of the museum is very promising now! Everyone applauds!"

Jiang Shikai took the lead in applauding.

"What? The Kyushu tripod was discovered by Wang Shang?"

"My God! Isn't it so amazing? It's incredible!"

"The excavator of Kyushu Ding, the honorary curator? Damn!"



The students were shocked and screamed.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shikai was somewhat displeased, because now the focus of the audience fell on the king.

However, he had expected this scene a long time ago.

"You don't know yet, do you? No, not long ago, our classmate Wang Shang attended the event meeting of the Kyushu Tripod and was awarded by the provincial leaders! A large medal!"

Jiang Shikai continued, every word was a compliment to the king.

Let alone the king, even the other students found it unbelievable.

Because, Jiang Shikai and the king have never dealt with each other.

"Student Wang Shang... oh no, it's Director Wang, please quickly show everyone the medal, so that our old classmates can open their eyes." Jiang Shikai urged.

"Yes, show us!"

"Your Majesty, you are really promising now!"

"No wonder the news about the Kyushu Ding is flying all over the sky these days! I saw the news that the Kyushu Ding was excavated in Jiangdu. At that time, I thought that Wang Shang is from his hometown of Jiangdu! Unexpectedly, among our college classmates , unexpectedly emerged, such a young honorary curator! The No.1 excavation of national treasures! Amazing!"

"We can follow suit!"


"Your Majesty, Director Wang! You are so powerful now, why don't you see you in the group of classmates, in the circle of friends, publicize it, you are too low-key!"

"That's right! It's too low-key!"

"You are the great event of Guangzong Yaozu, an honor that no one can dream of!"


There was no other way, the king, who was almost overwhelmed by the overwhelming praise and praise from his old classmates, could only take out the medal and show it to everyone.

Gold medals!

Suddenly, everyone was amazed and envious again.

"Old classmates, this time the king hid it from everyone and didn't explain the situation in the group in advance. He came to the provincial capital for such a grand event! Everyone said, should the king treat guests? Shouldn't it be, please take care of yourself Eat and drink?"

Jiang Shikai saw that the atmosphere was heightened here, so he smiled and made a suggestion.

"It should be!"

"That's right! It should be!"

"They have become honorary curators, and they have won such a fraudulent medal, so they must be treated!"

"A must treat!"

Soon, everyone echoed and fully agreed with Jiang Shikai's proposal.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that this is Jiang Shikai's routine, and he is gradually introducing Wang Shang's routine into it.

He was the one who proposed to treat guests to dinner, and he was the one who actively and enthusiastically called the students to come to the party. Now, he pushed the king out, and let the king treat guests with the help of everyone.

at this point……

Seeing that the old classmates were all so interested, King Wang readily agreed.

"I invite! Of course I invite! To be honored to be the No.1 excavator of the national treasure, to be the honorary curator, to come to the provincial capital, and everyone to gather together, it is indeed as it should be, invite everyone to have a meal!"

He said so, with a smile on his face, calm and calm.

This small amount of money is nothing to him.

Even if it was Jiang Shikai's routine, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the old classmates gather together, lively and lively, chatting and reminiscing about the old days, which is rare.

"Wow! Good job!"

"The king is the curator of the king, open up!"

"Thank you, Director Wang!"

"Tonight's consumption here is all paid by curator Wang! Hahaha!"

The students were very happy. There was a circle around the huge banquet table. Among them, the most radiant one was the big beauty, the goddess Bai Jasmine, who led the way and stood up to applaud.

"Let's go together, thank you Wang Shang."

Bai Jasmine glanced at the king, she was very happy.

Everyone stood up and applauded.

Bai Jasmine is indeed the goddess of many boys, even some boys who bring their girlfriends, they all look at Bai Jasmine with that special, admiring and adoring gaze.

"Classmate Bai Jasmine is right!"

"Yes! Bai Jasmine is right! Let's applaud together!"

clap clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Warm applause rang out.

A few male students, because they looked at Bai Jasmine too engrossed and adoring them, were secretly pinched by their girlfriends and kicked under the table...

"Oops! It hurts!"

"Why did you kick me..."

"It hurts!"


"Brother Jiang, what do you think you are planning? Calling everyone to come, is it to support that kid on the king and carry the sedan chair? This is not a joke!"

There was a male student who got along very well with Jiang Shikai, who didn't understand very much, and just stood beside him, complaining depressingly.


Jiang Shikai adjusted his glasses frame, looking calm and composed.

"He just got a broken medal, which is worthless at all! And as far as I know, he excavated No.1 as a national treasure and didn't get any bonus. Even if he became an honorary curator, I asked some people who work in certain departments In fact, I don’t have a penny of salary! It’s all a name, it’s all vanity! Huh! There’s a use for it! In this society, the rich are the masters!”

contempt, contempt.

In Jiang Shikai's eyes, it appeared.

Chapter 109 scheming man

"Your Majesty, something happened suddenly. I was at the scene of a car accident on the way. Because people died, they were those bullies and gangsters from the Silong Society of Jiangdu who committed crimes. Now it is rumored that the suspects have fled to the provincial capital, so the police rushed to the scene. Come here, to prevent us from being retaliated against, let us be more careful, and stop driving the police car when we return to Jiangdu."

The box was bustling with excitement, old classmates were chatting freely, suddenly Luo Xiaoxiao pulled Wang Shang over, left the box temporarily, and talked about things in the aisle outside.

"Okay." Hearing what she said, the king nodded.

He drove a police car to the provincial capital with Luo Xiaoxiao, and it was not impossible that the car would be targeted by bullies from the Four Dragons Association, which would be dangerous.

"I checked, the nearest flight will be tomorrow, isn't it a bit late?" Luo Xiaoxiao said with a look of regret, "I have to wait until midnight for the train ticket, otherwise I'll go to the police station in the provincial capital and continue on." Borrow a car to drive back?"

"Don't worry." The king smiled slightly, signaling her not to panic.

Walking to the side, Wang Shang casually made a phone call: "Make arrangements, set off as soon as possible, come to the provincial capital, come pick me up, yes, yes, the specific address, I will send you the location..."

He was very tired from driving, and he didn't want to drive when he returned to Jiangdu.

Since the time of the flight and train is not very friendly, now, he can only use his own private jet.

After solving this problem, Wang Shang leisurely returned to the box with Luo Xiaoxiao.

"Your Majesty, you are here. I thought you were going to sneak away. It's okay. You are the honorary curator now. You must have made a lot of money. Treat everyone to a meal and some blood. It makes perfect sense. ! Hahaha!" Seeing the king coming in, Jiang Shikai laughed a few times without a smile on his face, and said this in a way of praise and contempt.

Moreover, the voice was deliberately raised so that everyone could hear it.

"Our dinner party hasn't started yet, how could I slip away? Why, do you think I'm going to escape the order?" The king retorted.

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