After the display of Kyushu Ding, the next step is the commendation conference.

From the province to the city, batches of staff from relevant departments and people related to the excavation of the Kyushu tripod all stepped onto the stage.

The leaders of the province presented them with medals and gave them full affirmation and praise.

After all, these staff members have worked hard to discover the Kyushu tripod.

Next, the main event is here!

"Next, we will award the highest contribution medal to our Kyushu Ding excavation No.1, the honorary curator of the Kyushu Ding National Museum!"

"With the warmest applause, everyone welcomes our honorary curator, Mr. Wang Shang, to the stage!"

"Everyone is welcome!"



Director Wang Shang?

Bai Jasmine was dumbfounded.

In the back seat, Jiang Shikai was stunned when he heard these words.

Why does he feel so familiar?

Could it be that……

Impossible impossible impossible!

He suddenly thought of a possibility, but was quickly rejected by his own instinct.

Chapter 106 The War Without Gunpowder

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, curator Wang!"

On the stage, the host once again read aloud, the name of the king.

The king smiled and stood up.

Bai Jasmine beside her looked at him blankly with complicated eyes.

Shock, consternation, surprise, accident...

"Are you...the No.1 who discovered Kyushu Ding? Or the honorary curator of the museum? My God..."

"It's unbelievable! Majesty, aren't you at home, guarding the shop? How did you become the honorary curator? Could it be that the Kyushu tripod national treasure was excavated in your backyard? Wow!"

Bai Jasmine became incoherent in surprise.

Wang Shang stepped onto the stage, and stood in the middle of the stage amidst the cheers of the crowd and thunderous applause.

"It's him?"

"It's really him! Damn it!"

Sitting on the seat, Jiang Shikai's body trembled, and the words that came out of his throat were all trembling.

"Hi everyone, I am Your Majesty, the honorary curator of the Kyushu Ding Museum."

"At the same time, it is a great honor to discover the No.1 of Kyushu Ding. I am here to meet you..."

The king was very brief and gave a speech.

Then, the top leader of the organizer of this event came on stage in person to present the award to the king.

The Miss Manners wearing a cheongsam, tall and long legs, with a graceful gait, gracefully stepped onto the stage and presented the highest honor medal.



The spotlight is shining!

From the local TV station network media, to the media from the province, other provinces, and the capital, they frantically took pictures, reported, and broadcast live...

This time, the king really had no choice but to keep a low profile.

After all, things had reached this stage, and he couldn't refuse the honor of the highest medal.


After the meeting is successfully concluded.

Wang Shang and Bai Jasmine came out of the venue, chatting and laughing.


Luo Xiaoxiao was already waiting at the door, and when she saw him, she hurried over.

Seeing him talking and laughing happily with Bai Jasmine, she felt a little uncomfortable, and kept asking herself in her heart, why was she so generous just now?

Alas, sometimes I'm too chic, especially when it comes to feelings. In the end, I can only be the one who is sad!

"Luo Xiaoxiao, let's go, the activities in the provincial capital have been successfully completed, it's time to go home!"

Wang Shang walked with Luo Xiaoxiao and said with a smile.

"En!" Luo Xiaoxiao nodded, this huge provincial capital is full of modern prosperity, full of the breath of a first-tier metropolis, but she only sees the king alone.

Because those bustle and bustle have nothing to do with her, and she is not interested either.

"Your Majesty, don't forget that I agreed yesterday that it's rare for our old classmates to get together in the provincial capital, and you are so accomplished now, you are the No. It's a good time, you can't invite our college classmates from the provincial capital to have a meal together? Isn't it inappropriate?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, with a bit of jealousy and incitement.

Even with his eyes closed, the king can know who this person is.

Sure enough, this person was Jiang Shikai.

"I came to the provincial capital to participate in the event. The journey was very busy and hard. Not only me, but also Comrade Luo Xiaoxiao by my side, so let's talk about the party and dinner later." Wang Shang said.

Ask him to have dinner with Jiang Shikai, he has no interest at all.

Besides, doesn't Jiang Shikai's face hurt?

"If you say that, you are looking down on our old classmates! Why, now that you have become an honorary curator and won a medal, you just ignore others? Don't you give face to your old classmates? I have already shouted I met several students in our class, and we agreed to get together, if you don’t come, how inappropriate would that be!” Jiang Shikai said solemnly.

"You can't say that!" The king quickly waved his hands and said: "Since you are so persistent and you have called everyone, that's fine, let's get together and have a meal to catch up on the old days."

"That's right!" Jiang Shikai looked like he had completely forgotten the humiliation and scandal of being slapped just now, and he put his arms around the king's shoulders carelessly, as if he was such a strong brother.

Before the king could get rid of him, Luo Xiaoxiao on the side came over, blocked Jiang Shikai's arm, and said: "Mr. Jiang, I am here to provide for the safety of our curator Wang. He is not feeling well and his arm hurts. You Stop hugging him."

"Ah?" Jiang Shikai's face changed slightly, embarrassing!

Now he remembered, no wonder his younger brother who was beaten up by the king said last night that the girl next to the king is a policeman...

It seems that as the honorary curator, Wang Shang participated in the activities and was protected by the police. This is a fraudulent treatment!

"Bai Jasmine, let's go together. I told you a long time ago that today we stay in the provincial capital to get together with our old college classmates. Do you have any objections?" Jiang Shikai turned to look at Bai Jasmine.

"I'm fine." Bai Jasmine readily agreed.

If it was just a party organized by Jiang Shikai, she would find a reason to shirk it.

But now, the King, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, participated in, and she noticed that the beautiful and sassy girl Luo Xiaoxiao beside the King had a very unusual feeling for the King...

Comparison and jealousy between women is like war!

War without gunpowder!

She has to attend!

Besides, the changes in the past three years have happened to the king, and the world has been turned upside down.

She is full of curiosity!

Chapter 107 Panlong Villa

Jiang Shikai really made enough preparations, not only called more than a dozen college students who developed in the provincial capital, but also chose a very special place as the venue for this gathering.

The name of the meeting place is Panlong Villa.

The so-called Panlong Villa is a mountain located near the university town. After development, it has become a scenic spot, with merchants settled in, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. The most representative business today is Panlong Villa.

This is the largest mountain villa in the provincial capital. It provides one-stop services for eating, drinking, playing, and living. It is a place where many celebrities and upper classes gather.

Jiang Shikai chose the meeting place here because he was a little familiar with it. In the past few years, he had come to Panlong Villa for dinner twice due to work.

But at that time, it was only him as an assistant, accompanying the company's top management, who came here to discuss business and have dinner with customers.

This time it's his turn, with him as the main one, bringing the students together.

When Wang Shang drove the car and arrived at the parking lot of Panlong Mountain Villa, Jiang Shikai had already driven his Audi a7 and waited for the students to gather at the door.

The top configuration of this a7 is close to one million yuan. Being able to drive such a luxury car after three years of graduation is enough to make many students envious.

Jiang Shikai, as a middle-level manager of a listed company, and his family's conditions are good, driving such a car is not high-profile at all.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Jasmine also drove there. She was driving a CEO.

The luxury car that landed nearly 200 million, Maserati.

This car is usually driven by her father, but today, as a representative of the company, she will drive it when she attends an event.

Usually, she is actually very low-key, and she drives a Mercedes-Benz with hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is only used for transportation.

When her Maserati was parked in the parking lot, the students who drove up one after another were all envious, and cast envious glances at Bai Jasmine who drove the Maserati.

Such a goddess, rich, beautiful, and with a wonderful figure, I can't find any faults!

Why are so many advantages all gathered in the same person?

A few female students who were developing in the provincial capital also rushed here. They gave face to the old squad leader Jiang Shikai, and also to the king who came all the way to the provincial capital.

Wang Shang got out of the car at this moment and came among the classmates.

"Jasmine! You're already driving a Maserati! Tsk tsk is awesome!"

"Where is it, my dad's car..."

"Goddess Jasmine! Can I go for a ride in your Maserati?"

"Wow squad leader, you are driving my favorite a7, this car is so handsome!"


"Wow, Your Majesty, long time no see!"

"My lord, is this your girlfriend?"


"This is my boyfriend..."

"This is my girlfriend..."

"Zhou Qi, you brat, you've become handsome again!"

"Qi Xuanxuan, wow, you look beautiful again!"


When the old classmates met, they greeted each other for a while, which was very lively.

Everyone talked about the current situation and the past.

Along the way, everyone came to the private room inside the villa from the gate of the villa.

It's still a lively chat.

The university where everyone studied is not far from the foot of Panlong Mountain Villa. There is a large campus with beautiful scenery. There are footprints of youth, leaving too many memories.

This box is very special, it is the NO.12 box on the highest floor of Panlong Mountain Villa Restaurant. Coincidentally, I opened the sliding door and walked to the large balcony outside. I could just see the university campus not far away.

"Chen Nan, you kid, do you still play basketball?"

"I'm so busy at work, I work overtime every day, how can I have time! Hey, I really miss when I was in college, I can call whatever I want, anytime!"

"By the way, Lao Zhao, your company has a basketball team. You play center forward. Do you usually play a lot?"

"Look at me, I've only been working for a few years now, my stomach is so big, I can't run anymore!"

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