Chapter 421 Flying to the stars and sea

"Heavy news: The Lord of the Holy Kingdom, Mr. Wang Shang, returned to China for a state visit..."

"This is the best contemporary young man in China, and it can even be said that he is the best and most remarkable Chinese in history!"

"This is the first time since the founding of the Holy Kingdom, the lord, Mr. Wang Shang, has launched diplomatic activities on behalf of the Holy Kingdom."


All of a sudden, the major news media, newspaper headlines, and major platforms on the Internet exploded with news about the King's return to China and activities!

Empty alleys!

All Chinese people are looking forward to seeing this legendary figure.

A living legend, and the legend continues.

When the starship battleship came from afar, crossed the mountains and seas, stepped through the void, came to Huaxia, and landed at the Beijing International Airport, countless people had already gathered here.

Such a scene can be said to be unprecedentedly grand and rare in the world.

Before this, no one could receive such a large-scale reception.

From the high-level core to the ordinary people in Huaxia, they are all looking forward to the return of the king of the holy kingdom.

"Warmly welcome the return of the Lord of the Holy Kingdom, Mr. Wang Shang!"

"Conclude the eternal friendship between the two countries!"

"The Light of the Chinese!"


Many banners were displayed by countless ordinary people.

The moment the king stepped down from the starship with many girls, the whole audience erupted!

The atmosphere at the scene, again and again, was pushed to the top.

The cheers of the mountains and tsunami almost broke through the sky.

When Huaxia's top core leaders walked towards the king with excited and steady steps, warm and cheerful music was played on the scene.

The military band, the guard of honor, people from all walks of life, and outstanding representatives from all walks of life all looked at the king in unison.

They sent the highest respect and the warmest welcome to the king, the light of the Chinese, the holy and charming son who changed the world pattern.

"Dear Mr. Wang Shang, hello! Welcome back to China! Thank you for your outstanding contribution to our Huaxia. On behalf of Huaxia, I would like to express my respect and thanks to you!"

Among these core executives, the leading middle-aged man held the king's hand cordially, with a gentle smile.

The king said with a smile: "As a descendant of Huaxia, everything I do is what I should do. Although I am the lord of the Holy Kingdom now, I can't go wherever I go. At any time, I will always be with Huaxia." together."

Immediately, there was thunderous applause.

Countless eyes of reverence and admiration fell on him!

In the next few days, His Majesty received the highest standard of reception, visited and visited every core department in China's highest auditorium...

Everywhere he went, he harvested honors and flowers, and he also won various medals from Huaxia.

Although to him, these honors are just things outside of him, but he feels very honored.

Just like what he said, no matter where he is, at any time, he is a Chinese, no matter what height he reaches with the Holy Kingdom in the future, he is still proud of being a Chinese.

After staying in the capital for a few days, Wang Shangchu visited various places, participated in many grand and unprecedented exchanges and negotiation meetings, and talked with some of China's top scientists and outstanding workers in various fields. It is a beautiful blueprint for China, the Holy Kingdom, and the entire world.

But now, because of the many Zenith star-level high-tech that the king gave to China, the strength of China has far surpassed those Western countries...

Apart from the Holy Kingdom, Huaxia is currently the most powerful in the world.

Of course, today's top core personnel in China deeply understand that everything they have now and their transcendent status in the world are all because of the king's pure heart.

Without him, it would take many years for the great China to complete the greatest revival and successfully surpass those western countries.

They made everlasting peace and the closest ally with the King.

When the king solemnly signed the documents of these alliance agreements, and held a press conference in front of major mainstream media around the world, the heavy news of the permanent alliance between the Holy Kingdom and China quickly spread to every part of the world. corner.


After finishing his journey in the capital, the king returned to his hometown on a starship.


This is the place where he was born and raised, and the hometown that he will always cherish in his heart!

His appearance emptied the streets of the city and caused a sensation!

He traveled all over the streets and alleys of his hometown, and launched one public event speech after another, as well as various ceremonies.

His appearance has inspired thousands of Chinese people, inspired countless young generations, filled them with ambition, committed to hard work, made some achievements, served the motherland, and benefited all mankind!

Every time the king left the event site, countless people burst into warm applause and endless cheers.

Back home, I had dinner with my parents.

Everything is so calm and gentle.

Parents can hardly believe until now that their children can make such earth-shattering achievements!

It turned out that he established an extremely powerful country by himself, and became a super leader with the most status and power in the world and mastered the most advanced high-tech.

Even his every step will affect the development trajectory of all mankind.

They can't understand how their child made it to this point, but what does that matter?

It is enough for him to be happy.

"Mom and Dad, I can't stay with the two elders for too long when I come back this trip. I may be leaving tomorrow. I still have a lot of things to do. I will lead all mankind to a new world. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! "

"When the day my dream comes true, I will come to pick up the two elders, go to space, go to a warm and happy planet, explore the mysteries of the universe, and feel the romance of the starry sky..."

The king was filled with emotion and said with a smile.

He picked up the wine and had a drink with his parents.

"Good boy, no matter where you go, your parents will always support you, let go and do what you want to do, and fulfill your dreams!"

"Yes, child, you have to take care of everything, go home and have a look if you have time!"

The two elders held the king's hand sincerely.

They know that their child will create a new era to fulfill his dream and build a romantic and beautiful perfect world!

The starship battleship set off again, as the king in the cabin, accompanied by Bai Jasmine and the girls, flew into the sky, left the earth, and then entered space...

At this time, the king stood up, pressed a button, took a deep breath towards the communication device, and the words he spoke were powerful and resounding!

"Everyone is ready! Let's set off towards the vast starry universe!"

(End of the book)


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