It's unbelievable that the satellite of the Lighthouse Country was attacked by a missile!

Simply unheard of!

"Just received the news, the Lord King of the Holy Kingdom announced to the whole world that it was their Holy Kingdom that used the anti-satellite missile system to destroy our lighthouse country's No. 356 communication satellite... This is the latest news material and the release of the Holy Kingdom Real-time footage of the anti-satellite missile launch..."

Soon, an important intelligence officer from the White Palace came here in a hurry and sent heavy news to the core senior leaders.

After reading the documents and the video, the meeting room in the White Palace once again fell into deathly silence!

Chapter 419 Compromise

"It can completely destroy our communication satellites. That is the anti-satellite missile system we have been working on. Even if we are ahead of the world, the most advanced technology can't do it. I can't imagine that the Holy Kingdom has such a Zentraedi star level." Anti-satellite technology! It's incredible!"

"We must take action to sanction the Holy Kingdom more vigorously, and we must not allow them to act recklessly!"

"That's right, when a high-tech technology that is far ahead of the world is in the hands of a dictator, that is the tragedy of all mankind, and our entire world will be in danger!"

All of a sudden, in the meeting room of the White Palace, these core high-level bosses expressed their respective attitudes and positions. They were filled with righteous indignation, and each of them was impassioned. They gave speeches and put themselves on the moral high ground. condemn!

Suddenly, Kennick stood up and said calmly: "Everyone be quiet! Be quiet! I don't know if you have thought about it. Since the Holy Kingdom has such advanced anti-missile technology, if we impose sanctions on the Holy Kingdom, will it cause them to A stronger reaction? Will all the communication satellites over our lighthouse country be destroyed? At present, only one communication satellite has been lost. Think about it with everyone, since they have such powerful technology, those of ours used in How can satellites in the military field not be destroyed by them? That would be a serious consequence that no one can bear!"

"At that time, every satellite we launch into space will be useless, from civilian technology to military industry, it will be completely paralyzed, our weapons and equipment, and every one of our aircraft carriers will lose the support of the satellite system. Blind! My God, that would be horrible!"

Hearing these words, everyone's complexion changed and they all calmed down.

Everyone was too excited just now, thinking about how to sanction and suppress the Holy Kingdom, but they didn't expect that the consequences of doing so would be unimaginable.

"Then what should we do now? Are we just controlled by others like this? Are we just going to let the Holy Kingdom do whatever it takes?"

"Yes, the King of the Holy Kingdom is a despicable and ambitious dictator. He will lead all mankind into the abyss. If we back down, he will become even more rampant!"

Soon everyone was discussing and expressing their concerns.

In the conference room, everyone was arguing and arguing endlessly. Mr. Burt, the five-star general in charge of the satellite communication field, suddenly received a highly confidential ground line communication call.

"What? It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Suddenly, he stood up violently, slammed the table angrily, and smashed the phone handed over by his assistant to pieces!

He, who has always been grumpy, erupted in such a thunderous rage that everyone was shocked.

"What's the matter? Mr. Bott, what happened?"

Everyone asked quickly.

"Sirs, I'm here to announce a very unfortunate piece of bad news! The communication satellite No. 134 of our lighthouse country, which is in charge of the five southern states, was attacked by enemy missiles and completely destroyed. Now the civilian communications of the five southern states The domain has been completely paralyzed..."



"What? The communication satellite No. 134 of the five southern states was destroyed by the enemy?"

As soon as the news came out, the audience was shocked!

Next, the news that one civilian communication satellite after another was destroyed in space orbit was sent to the White Emperor Palace to know about these core high-level brains.

This undoubtedly caused a huge change in their decision-making.

Those hardliners who upheld high-handed tactics and implemented strong measures just now were completely lost.

They have already dared not express their views, and did not mention the sanctions and suppression of the Holy Kingdom, because they are deeply aware that the anti-satellite missile system owned by the Holy Kingdom is a super powerful killer, and the King of the Holy Kingdom On the surface, they are stronger than they imagined, with iron-blooded wrists.

If you go against him and impose sanctions and suppression on the Holy Kingdom, then those satellites flying in orbit in space will be destroyed one after another.

Soon, the senior officials of the military department of the five-star building in the Lighthouse Country came to the White Imperial Palace one after another.

Of course, they are closely monitoring the anti-satellite missiles being launched by the Holy Kingdom through advanced monitoring methods.

But with their current military level, it is impossible to intercept those defensive missiles at all. They can only watch the Holy Kingdom destroy their communication satellites one by one...

Now that the situation has developed to the point where it is difficult to deal with it, the senior officials of these military departments must ask the people in power of the White Imperial Palace to make a decision.

This is the biggest threat and challenge that the Lighthouse Country has ever encountered!

From the founding fathers to the leadership of this generation, no country or power has ever caused these arrogant white people to be so panicked.

After an hour of extremely tense discussions, they made a decision...

A few hours later, a plane took off from the Lighthouse Country and flew to the Holy Kingdom...

At the same time, the Beacon Country held a press conference, announcing the kidnapping to the world, Jiang Wenwen's actions, and they were responsible, and they made a solemn apology, and they were willing to send the hostage Jiang Wenwen back to the Holy Kingdom as a negotiation condition , hope that the Holy Kingdom will stop launching anti-satellite missiles.

The news reached the Holy Kingdom.

The Palace of the Lord.

The king smiled slightly, and he knew that those in power in the Lighthouse Kingdom must not be able to bear such a huge pressure, and they would eventually compromise.

And his guess became a reality.

"Everyone has also seen that they have compromised and sent Jiang Wenwen back. This is sending a signal to the whole world. From now on, our Holy Kingdom will no longer be afraid of any sanctions and suppression. Anyone who dares to move our Holy Kingdom Even a hair of a member will suffer the most severe blow! I am the lord, and I want to guarantee the safety of every member of our kingdom, and maintain the supreme divine power of our holy kingdom!"

said the king.

The Palace of the Lord.

Bai Moli, Luo Xiaoxiao, Fang Yuanyuan, Qiao Mohan and the other girls, as the heads of various departments, all showed excitement and joy on their faces.

Everyone present hugged each other excitedly and clapped hands to celebrate!

They realized how honorable it is to be a member of the Holy Kingdom. Their lord, Mr. Wang, is a terrifying existence in this world who dares to confront the Lighthouse Kingdom!

At the International Airport of the Holy Kingdom, everyone warmly welcomes Jiang Wenwen's return!

After getting off the plane, Jiang Wenwen's eyes were filled with tears, she passed through the crowd, embraced the king excitedly, and then embraced Bai Jasmine and each of the girls...

After encountering an innocent disaster, she felt so lucky to be able to return to the Holy Kingdom safe and sound.

After Jiang Wenwen was rescued, the King did not stop leading the progress of the Holy Kingdom.

By the second day.

A brand new day has begun, and he once again used the ultimate form of the one-dollar redemption system to exchange for a starship!

Now, next to the Moon City, a brand new space city has been opened up. Here, the king’s starship battleship is ready to be deployed, and will announce to the world that this high-tech Zentraedi star is more powerful than the anti-satellite missile system. , has been mastered by the Holy Kingdom!

Chapter 420 Star Warship

In the next few days, the king obtained a large amount of high-tech equipment that is dreamlike and zenith star level through the ultimate form of the one-yuan redemption system!

For the current human world, every piece of equipment is a technology of the future, and it will be difficult to achieve it for at least a hundred years, but now it is all obtained by the Holy Kingdom.

On the main island of the Holy Kingdom, from the Moon City to the Aviation City and the Space City, majestic buildings have sprung up one after another, and various top-notch high-tech departments have been established one after another...

And in a certain bay of the Holy Kingdom, super battleships larger than the world's largest aircraft carrier are being launched one by one, officially entering service.

As the lord of the Holy Kingdom, Wang Shang is also the leader of the sea, land and air forces. He watched the launching ceremony of each super warship on the spot.

The power used by these super battleships is no longer nuclear power, but super energy particles. Only a small piece of super energy particles is needed to obtain a huge amount of energy, which is enough for each super warship to obtain power that lasts for hundreds of years output.

And on the deck of every super battleship, there are super particle planes parked, ranging from fighter jets to bombers, from early warning planes to reconnaissance planes...


Very perfect!

Such a huge naval force is enough to make the Holy Kingdom the most powerful country in the world, and this is only the navy of the Holy Kingdom, and it is even more powerful and terrifying if it belongs to the air force!


"One dollar redemption was successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an atomic fighter and related technologies and materials..."


"One dollar redemption was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting a space bomber and related technology and materials..."


"The one-dollar redemption was successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a space nuclear power fighter and related technologies, materials and equipment..."


"Successful redemption for one yuan! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an interstellar battleship and related technologies, materials and equipment..."


"Successful redemption for one yuan! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a curvature spaceship and related technology and material equipment..."


"Successful redemption for one yuan! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a near-light-speed starship and related technologies and materials..."


These spaceships, fighter jets, and starships that are full of sci-fi feel and only appeared in sci-fi magazines... were all exchanged by the king through the one-yuan redemption system!

Moreover, not only did they get these spaceships, fighter jets and warships, but they also got related technologies, materials needed and equipment needed to make them.

Simply incredible!

When these extremely advanced high-tech equipment appeared in front of the world, it shocked the whole world again and again.

Shocked the world's high-tech field!

In Europe, in America, in Asia...

In every corner of the world, the overwhelming news media is broadcasting around the clock when the Holy Kingdom has researched and developed advanced equipment that is ahead of the world for an unknown number of years.

In the distant White Imperial Palace of the Lighthouse Country, those core high-level bosses were all dumbfounded.

They finally realized how wise it was to send back the hostages back then. If they had continued to fight against the Holy Kingdom, what awaited them would be an endless abyss and endless catastrophe.

You know, whether it is a space bomber, a nuclear fighter, or a starship, any top technology is enough to conquer the world!

Not to mention the military power of other countries, even if the lighthouse country uses all its armed forces, it will be crushed into powder, and there is no way to fight back.

For a while, more than 200 countries around the world are scrambling to establish diplomatic relations with the Holy Kingdom. Fortunately, in the far east, the Eastern Dragon, which has risen, is the first country to establish diplomatic relations with the Holy Kingdom. And they received an unprecedented gift, some cutting-edge technology from the Holy Kingdom, which allowed them to develop high technology extremely rapidly, and made rapid progress in both the military field and the civilian technology field!

Their comprehensive national power surpasses all countries except the Holy Kingdom.

This oriental dragon is Huaxia!

At present, Huaxia is focusing on inviting the Lord of the Holy Kingdom to return to Huaxia. They have prepared various grand and unprecedented welcome ceremonies, as well as unprecedented large-scale celebrations, and are preparing for it, waiting for the return of the king.

"The Lord of the Holy Kingdom, Mr. Wang Shang, is the glory of our China!"

"The Lord of the Holy Kingdom, Mr. Wang Shang, is the pride of our Chinese descendants. We welcome him home!"

"He is the most amazing genius in the history of China. He has a great talent and strategy. All of us in China are proud of him!"


In China, the people are boiling and cheering for the king, and various news media are reporting the life story of the king, as well as the development process of the holy kingdom from its establishment to the present.

There is no doubt that the king who was born in China has been regarded as the greatest glory by all Chinese people!

At the same time, many countries wanted to invite the king to their country for a state visit, and they rushed to invite him to be a guest, and all of them showed the highest standard of reception.

But it's a pity that the king didn't agree to them, but just told them to wait. His current schedule is full. How can he have so much free time to visit so many countries?

Sitting in the mansion of the lord of the Holy Kingdom, the king deeply felt a truth, that is, only when he becomes strong, and the country he created becomes strong, will he be respected by the whole world, and only then will he be able to have what he is today. The grand occasion!

With the Holy Kingdom becoming stronger and stronger, far surpassing the overall strength of other countries, more and more top talents in the world have expressed their desire to serve the Holy Kingdom. They are willing to give up their original nationality and join the Holy Kingdom. kingdom……

Looking at the pile of diplomatic documents, Wang Shang looked indifferent, and said to Fang Yuanyuan, the person in charge of the diplomatic department: "Yuanyuan, I will leave these matters to you. If you see which countries are more pleasing to the eye, you can temporarily accept them." For the invitation to visit our sacred kingdom, remember that no matter where we go, we must not forget that we are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, if some countries are enemies of our Chinese people, then I will directly refuse."

"Okay, Lord, I understand." Fang Yuanyuan nodded solemnly and went to deal with the matter.

A few days later, His Majesty took the starship and prepared to go to Huaxia.

Go back to my hometown.

He took Fang Yuanyuan and the girls with him, thinking about going back to Huaxia together, meeting up with relatives and friends, and reminiscing about the old days.

Not long after, a large-scale star warship, much larger than an aircraft carrier, started its journey from a port on the north coast of the Holy Kingdom.

This starship battleship can sail in the sea, fly into the sky, and even rush into the universe!

From the moment this starship battleship set off, the eyes of the whole world were attracted by it!

Countless people are crazy about it, obsessed with it, and countless people want to see his style!

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