"I don't have any talent." Lu Ming closed his eyes wearily, "I'm just a homeless wild dog, you think too highly of me..."

"We never misunderstand people." Li Si looked at Lu Ming calmly and said, "Brother Lu has a fire in his heart, which has not been extinguished. General Mulan doesn't understand Brother Lu, but in this world, the Great Wall is not only Brother Lu's. home."

"General Mulan... Mulan exiled me for her own reasons. From the beginning to the end, I never blamed her at all. It is precisely because she is such a person that I will do my best to serve...even if my hands are stained. Blood stains, even if the muscles and bones are broken... As for the fire in my heart, even if it is to be ignited, that person should not be you, or you." Lu Ming simply leaned back on the chair, waved his hands casually and said: "Li Sir, please forgive Lu for not taking good care of me, I am tired, please take care of yourself."

2 Chapter Twenty

Li Si stood in the middle of the big tent and took a deep look at Lu Ming. The journey was still long, and convincing Lu Ming was only one of the many things to do.

He didn't expect Lu Ming to be so stubborn. After thinking about it, Li Si shook his head regretfully, opened the curtain and went out. Seeing other people, why did this guest reappear strangely after disappearing mysteriously?

Shouldn't, hell?

It's just that Li Si took one step at a time, and he didn't show any difference from the others. When he walked to the door, someone handed over the prepared horse to him. He got on the horse, took a last look at the cottage, and said Run outside.

Lu Ming, who was sitting in the big tent, seemed to be really tired. He lay motionless on the chair, his breathing gradually became loose, and the candles gradually burned out. In addition, the sky completely dimmed, and the whole big tent was shrouded in unfathomable darkness. among.

"Master." At this moment, a call came from outside the door.

He came in with one person, but he didn't ask for instructions, which showed his status in the cottage.

And Lu Ming opened his eyes at some point. In the darkness, his eyes shone like gems in the darkness.

"Master." The visitor said softly: "Old Yao has received news. They have basically confirmed that the thing is in Ding'an City, the capital of the Tang Kingdom. Our people have already caught the thread, and it only takes time to uproot it."


"Maybe... it will take a few months."

Lu Ming sat up slowly and shook his head: "It's been too long, take your people and let's go to Tang Kingdom."

"Yes." The man thought for a while, and then whispered, "Master, according to your instructions in advance, ask Lao Wu to follow that...guest, but the whereabouts of that guest are secretive. When we find Lao Wu , he has already fainted in the woods, the fifth brother really tried his best, please don't punish him."

Lu Ming shook his head and said, "It was just a test, and failure is normal, not to mention punishment."

"Grandpa, who is this person?"

"A lunatic." Lu Ming looked at the darkness at the top of the big tent, "but he is just one of a group of lunatics..."

The caravan headed northward from Jingwu State to Tang State. The caravan also encountered a lot of troubles along the way, but most of them were just small things such as sick horses, wheels stuck in rock crevices, and excessive wear of horseshoes. It's not that I haven't seen bandits on the way, but fortunately, with the help of the remaining escort brothers, I didn't encounter any obstacles along the way.

It's just that Gao Yishui also took advantage of the opportunity to inquire about the situation of bandits. He only heard that there was a group of bandits running around, killing people like hemp. Wherever they went, even many famous mountain kings were beheaded.

Qin Ke and Gao Yishui looked at each other, knowing that this was probably the bandit they met, but if they continued to ask, the bandit on the other side had already shown bad behavior, so it was difficult to continue talking.

No matter how vast the territory of Jingwu is, it will eventually come to an end, and soon the caravan will arrive at the border. Naturally, the document caravan has been prepared for customs clearance, but it’s just that the king of Hades is easy to deal with, and the little ghost is hard to deal with. Instead, he spent a lot of money to garrison Frontier soldiers.

However, these soldiers are not necessarily because of greed. A large part of the reason is that there is a deep grudge between Tang and Jingwu. Then these businessmen who go back and forth between Tang and Jingwu are just "fools"?

Putting the country's hatred and family hatred aside, only thinking about profit, naturally make things difficult for him.

But for the owners of the caravan, this kind of thing has long been commonplace, and they have no complaints.

What made Jiao Yang a little worried was that the caravan traveled a bit slowly along the way, so when they left the customs, they repeatedly urged the craftsmen to repair the caravan's carriage, shouting and drinking, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

Qin Ke looked at Jiao Yang standing tall on the carriage alone, shouting at everyone, and asked, "What is he in a hurry for?"

Abu shook his head. He really didn't know much about the little things in the merchant's stomach: "I don't know, maybe I hope to go to Tang country one day sooner and sell the goods sooner?"

Gao Yishui interjected and said with a smile: "They are in a hurry to catch the lantern festival in Ding'an City..."

"Lantern Festival?" The two looked at Gao Yishui, completely confused about the relationship between the Lantern Festival and the caravan. Could it be that Jiao Yang wanted to go to the Lantern Festival and meet him?

"I know you have never seen the world." Gao Yishui pouted, and was glared at by Qin Ke again, "The lantern festivals in the Tang Kingdom are different from those in other places. The Lord Li Qiuhuang of the Tang Kingdom is an elegant person. Among them, it can be said that everyone knows everyone. He is proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he can even be regarded as a master in the world... From time to time, he can also write some operas, just like what is the name of the one you have seen, A Ke? ... what spicy mountain?"

"It's Malan Mountain!" Qin Ke said seriously.

"Just kidding, what are you doing seriously?" Gao Yishui laughed, "Of course these are not Li Qiuhuang's best skills."

"What is the most powerful ability?" Both Abu and Qin Ke were aroused.

"Writing poetry." Gao Yishui laughed, "He is the number one poet in the world, known as the Immortal of Poetry."

"Poetry?" Hearing about writing poems, Qin Ke became less interested. He is not a sour person in the first place, and he doesn't have much feeling for poems, but Gao Yishui's secluded and long poems made him Slightly stunned, "Listen, don't you see, the water of the great river comes up to the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning, don't you see, the mirror in the high hall has sad and white hair, like blue silk in the morning and snow in the evening..."

Although he doesn't know how to appreciate it, he also feels that in these two poems, there is already a surge of awe-inspiring aura, and the waves are magnificent, but Gao Yishui intentionally did not continue to read, as if enjoying with his eyes closed, Qin Ke was slightly surprised , just two lines of poems can make one's heart tremble, what kind of beautiful mountains and rivers must the poet have in his chest?

"He writes poems as soon as he writes them. Why is he involved with the Lantern Festival?" Qin Ke asked, scratching his head.

Gao Yishui laughed: "He writes poems as soon as he writes them? Then you can underestimate him. If he is just a poetic fairy, that's fine, that is, he can win the smiles of beauties, and the king's favor, but...he is the king himself A lord who likes elegance naturally has countless arty people. The Tang Dynasty has a profound heritage and has countless wealth inherited from the Ji Dynasty. Naturally, spending money will not be petty. Today Li Qiuhuang looked at the sunset and said that the dangerous building was hundreds of feet high , You can pick the stars with your hands. Tomorrow, some officials proposed to build a "Star Picking Building" for safekeeping, just to allow the king to visit in person. Tomorrow, Li Qiuhuang said that the city will be full of peach blossoms. It is autumn, and the weavers of Ding'an City But within a few days, we can weave hundreds of thousands of peach blossoms with silk and satin, and decorate those bare peach trees..."

Qin Ke and Abu looked at each other, both of them were shocked: "Isn't this... too exaggerated?"

"I think it's pretty good, haha." Gao Yishui sat on the horse and closed his eyes as if he was imagining, "If I were to be the lord of the country, I would have to soak in the wine jar every day, surrounded by many beauties wearing tulle Running here and there...I just played the piano in the middle, drank wine, chic and unrestrained..."

Qin Ke saw that he was being dishonest again, so he raised his leg and wanted to kick him, but the distance between the two of them was not close, just a little bit out of reach.

Gao Yishui opened his eyes, smiled, and said: "Of course, this is just a casual remark. I understand that I am not suitable to be the head of the country. If I were to be the leader, the country must be messed up by me. But... Li Qiuhuang is the real lord of the country, which is very interesting. The annual lantern festival in the Tang Dynasty is extremely grand, and with the extravagant style of the Tang Dynasty, it is natural to buy a large number of goods to decorate the capital, plus the extravagance of the lantern festival for a day, these The businessman is still earning a lot of money?"

"So that's how it is." Qin Ke had never been to the Tang Dynasty, so he could only listen and believe it.

Half an hour later, the caravan finally tossed those broken wheels, replaced those sick animals, and headed towards the capital of Tang Guoguo in the cool wind.

Qin Ke squinted his eyes, looked at the long caravan team, and then looked at the distant road ahead. Maybe his journey to find Master will be like this caravan. .

Chapter 221 Tang Guo Ding'an

a month later.

More than half of autumn has passed, and Ding'an City still doesn't seem too cold. This magnificent city, known as the "Warm City", began to introduce merchants in a different way on this day, and almost all merchants from all over the world rushed here.

There are a total of 24 caves in Ding'an City, which were completely blocked overnight.

This scene is naturally because the annual lantern festival in Ding'an City is coming soon.

And Qin Ke was sitting on the horse, looking at the walls and towers of Ding'an City. Through the gaps in the city cave, he could vaguely see a bustling scene. At first he thought that Jianye City was already prosperous enough, but compared with the Tang Dynasty, it was still insignificant. , a lot worse.

"What are you staring at?" Qin Ke heard Gao Yishui's voice, and something flew towards him. He stretched out his hand to copy it, and in his hand was a heavy bag. He could guess what was inside just by listening to the rubbing sound of things inside. It must be all white money.

Now that the caravan has arrived in Ding'an City, the fate between the three of them and the caravan has come to an end. At this moment, Gao Yishui will naturally want to get the reward that should belong to them.

And Jiao Yang saw that he had reached his destination now, and the caravan no longer needed the protection of Qin Ke and others. He wished that these ancestors would leave, so as to save the fact that he had overquoted by [-]% of his quotation.

Of course, he is not easy to show his face, so when we parted, he had a good time with Gao Yishui, most of which were "reluctance" and "feelings along the way". Gao Yishui also responded with a smile on his face, such as "In the future Definitely bothering" seems to be thrown out without money.

Qin Ke didn't turn his head to look at Gao Yishui, but said calmly: "It's thanks to your leisure that you can talk so much nonsense with him."

"What is nonsense?" Gao Yishui didn't think so, he smiled and said, "He said on the surface that he was reluctant to say something to me, but in his stomach he hurried away; he said he had feelings, but in his stomach it was you who cheated me A lot of money. Don't you think this kind of guy is interesting?"

"That's what you think." Qin Ke glanced at him sideways, "I annoy this kind of person the most."

"Really?" Gao Yishui threw him another deerskin water bag.

Qin Ke took it with some doubts. After opening it, there was a strong smell of alcohol, but it was very mellow, "What do you mean?"

"This is the tribute wine that was sold to the palace of King Tang. It's not like I got nothing out of talking to him like this. They are eager to push me out, so they have to find something to prevaricate me, right? Just this bag of wine is worth a lot of money." , and if you want to buy it, you have to rely on relationships. Anyway, I always think that this kind of person is better than a fool, at least a fool will not give me such a good thing." Gao Yishui laughed, opened the deerskin water bag in his hand, Take a big gulp.

Li Qiuhuang was fond of spirits, so naturally the tribute wine supplied to the Tang Palace was not Jingwu's light rice wine, but a rare baijiu.

Gao Yishui was poured in one gulp, until the liquor ran through the chest and abdomen like fire. Although it was as strong as the Northland spirits, it did not make people feel the feeling of being cut by a knife, but made people feel warm all over, even outside the city. The chill has faded a lot.

He laughed loudly and said, "Happy!" It made many people in line look sideways.

Although the queue at the gate of Ding'an City was long, the speed of passage was not slow at all, probably because the Lantern Festival was approaching, so the gate control was also relaxed a lot. If you make too many records, just wave your hands and let them go.

Qin Ke finally witnessed the prosperity of this majestic city with his own eyes, and was slightly stunned for the first time.

The streets are full of people, and the ears are full of hustle and bustle. The people in Ding'an City seem to be all from the families of the rich, but there are very few people wearing linen clothes, and even the peddlers are full of blessings.

The wide streets do not cause congestion, and carriages can pass smoothly on the two central roads.Horseshoes step on the flat bluestone road, making a very clear "da da da" sound, which complements the gently swaying wind chimes at the door of the shop.

Gao Yishui looked at it and said with a smile, "The end of the world is separated by a copper bell."

"Is this also Li Qiuhuang's poem?" Qin Ke said, but even if Gao Yishui didn't answer, he probably understood why there were a string of wind chimes hanging at the door of the shops on both sides.

Qin Ke got off his horse and led the rein slowly forward all the way. What Jing Wu saw was Qionglouyuyu, blue tiles, carved railings, lattice windows, and even the tops of the cornices were decorated with many decorations. From a distance, it looks like a nobleman with his head held up proudly. The noon sun makes him look extremely tall and ecstatic.

And Qin Ke raised his head, and saw a tall attic in the distance, standing out from the crowd.It is like a hand touching the sky. If you want to come, it is the so-called "Zhaixing Tower"?

If it is said that Jianye City has a restrained pride under the management of Zhuge Wanling, Ding'an City is undoubtedly ostentatious, and everyone is willing to show their pride as a Tang countryman.

Even if the Mohists retained Ji Chaoji’s School Palace, it is said that “there are three thousand scholars, and the debates are endless day and night”, so what?They have a lord who can be called a "poetry fairy". Even in terms of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, there are few people in this world who can surpass him.

At this time, several people passed by, Qin Ke inexplicably felt a little strange in his heart, he tilted his head slightly, and from the corner of his eye, he happened to see four people gathered into a group, and the first one was dressed as a scholar, looking strange A little thin, but with deep and wise eyes, he moved forward slowly, and the person beside him said: "Master, the fifth child is waiting for you."

"Let him go to Qingshuiju, let's go meet that person first." Scholar said.

Soon, several people disappeared into the crowd. Qin Ke thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember where he had seen this scribe, and his subordinates felt like a bandit.

But what does this have to do with him?There are many people who meet once in this world, maybe this is just one of them.

"Find a place to stay first." Qin Ke said suddenly.

However, this simple sentence made Gao Yishui's eyes look solemn. He nodded and said, "Okay."

However, what Qin Ke didn't know was that just as he, Gao Yishui and Abu were walking forward, the scribe stopped suddenly.

"Master, what's the matter?" A person behind him asked a little strangely.

Lu Ming turned around and stared deeply at Qin Ke's back, with a little doubt in his eyes: "These two people seem to be the two Taixue students who performed martial arts in front of the palace?"

"Tai Xue Tang?" The subordinates behind him didn't quite understand. After all, he was born as a Bandit, and he had never been to Jianye City in his life. Poor children with good talents study.

But with his many years of experience, he has never believed that those dignitaries would have such kindness, maybe this is just another way of fooling the people.

At this time, Chopper came through the crowd, his hands were still wrapped in gauze, and blood seeped out of them.He lowered his head and was about to speak, but following Lu Ming's gaze, he happened to see Qin Ke and the others, and was shocked: "It's them! Lord! The leader died at their hands!"

"What? These guys?" Lu Ming's subordinates were furious and rubbed their hands together, "Master, let's find a place to do these guys, shall we?"

Lu Ming looked at several people, shook his head and said: "Wu Ting, Lu Pu, you follow him, remember, you can't follow too closely, keep a distance of at least ten feet."

"Ten zhang?" The two looked at each other with shock in each other's eyes. Is this still called stalking?

With a distance of ten feet, even if someone makes any moves, I can't react in time. If someone really wants to go, how can the distance of ten feet be enough to chase?

"Grandpa, are you kidding me? What's wrong with Shizhang?"

However, Lu Ming just glanced over, and the two of them were immediately terrified, lowered their heads and replied, "Yes."

Lu Ming looked at the two of them, narrowed his eyes, and thought that what the young man named Qin Ke displayed in the martial arts performance in the hall was the innate wind art of the Mo family. This kind of thaumaturgy can use wind to expand hearing. Once unfolded, the poor tracking ability of his two subordinates can guarantee that they will not be discovered?

"Let's go." He turned around. He didn't care that Qin Ke and others killed one of his capable men. For him, these bandits were just tools he needed temporarily, and they died when they died.

And Qin Ke and Abu are from Zhuge Wanling, if it is said that their trip is carrying some ulterior secrets, there is no need for him to conflict with them.

Of course... the premise is that they will not stand in his way, otherwise he will not soften his heart even if he needs to kill them all.

Chapter 222 The Inn's "Spoon"

Qin Ke went around a few bends and didn't ask for directions as usual. After all, he already had a map of Tang in his hand, and there was a live map of Gao Yishui standing beside him, so he wouldn't get lost.

And just after he turned left and right, he finally avoided the crowded crowd and gradually went deep into the quiet side street, but it was said to be quiet, but in fact there were quite a lot of people. All kinds of lanterns are placed on the booth, and many people are checking one by one in front of the booth. When someone spots a lantern, the boss will carefully reveal a small note from his sleeve and hand it to the buyer.

This is probably the answer to the lantern riddle.

But of course Qin Ke didn't come here to buy lanterns, but continued to move forward. Soon, the three of them stopped in front of an inn.

"Looking at Lushan Mountain." Qin Ke looked at the name of the store, thinking that Ding'an City is really full of elegance, and this looking at Lushan Mountain is probably a sentence from another poem?He handed over the horse to Xiao Er, then drove straight in, and walked up to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was doing the accounting, his fingers were light, and the abacus was ticking, like a perfect tune. He didn't raise his eyes, but said softly, "Do you want to eat or stay in the shop?"

Qin Ke took a deep breath and said, "Is there any in the upper room? It is best to have rosewood tables and chairs."

The shopkeeper's fingers stopped suddenly, and he slowly raised his head, revealing the wrinkled face due to old age: "Yes, it's just that the table has been used for a long time, and there are a few cracks on it."

"It doesn't matter. I like the smell of rosewood, cracks...as long as there are no bugs hiding in it."

The shopkeeper nodded, and said softly: "Please come this way, guest officer, I will show you the room."

Xiao Er had just tied up the horse at this moment, and just heard the last sentence, a little strange, rosewood tables and chairs are rarely used in the inn, but there happened to be such a table and chair in my shop, it is said that it belonged to the shopkeeper's deceased mother-in-law Dowry, but how did this guest know?

But he didn't think too much about it, maybe this guest really has some fanatical hobby for rosewood, so he just inquired about it.

And Qin Ke and his party followed the shopkeeper upstairs and entered a room by the window. The shopkeeper bent slightly and closed the door.

"Is the prime minister okay?" The shopkeeper turned around slowly and asked softly.

Qin Ke nodded: "I was sick a few days ago, but I'm much better now."

The shopkeeper also nodded: "I'm far away in the Tang Dynasty, and I can't do my filial piety. Instead, I left an old ginseng. If you go back, help me take it."

Qin Ke looked at the shopkeeper with a strange expression on his face, thinking that the shopkeeper must be in his sixties, but why did he say something about filial piety? Although he did not understand the principles of heaven and earth, kings, relatives and teachers, he still found it difficult to accept.

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