Jiao Yang was speechless for a while, of course he knew what Gao Yishui said "someone put it away", who put it away, besides him as the team leader, who else could have this opportunity to get their hands on the money?In fact, the merchants in the caravan may not know about this kind of thing, but no one will really say it.

He smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Gao, I have really seen it today, and it is also the first time I have seen such a knowledgeable person like you. If you are doing business, I am afraid that the Four Gods of Wealth in Jiujiang City may not be the Four Gods of Wealth."

Gao Yishui nodded with a smile, patted Jiao Yang on the shoulder, and replied, "God of Wealth? I don't like money, so I don't want to be the 'Fifth God of Wealth'. But Boss Jiao successfully helped the caravan resolve the crisis today, and will be successful in the future." Certainly limitless.”

"Thank you Mr. Gao for your kind words..." Jiao Yang cursed inwardly, you don't love money?Then what do you do with the [-]%?It's just that Gao Yishui's words reminded him that the most important thing for him now is not the [-]% profit, but securing the position of caravan leader. As long as he has this position, is he afraid of running out of money in the future?The long flow of water is the right way.

With a feeling of scolding, Jiao Yang nodded and smiled, "Okay... Just follow what you said, add another [-]%, and do business with Mr. Gao, it's really... happy, happy."

It's just that I don't know how much scolding is contained in this joy.

When Jiao Yang turned around and left, both Qin Ke and A Bu couldn't help laughing out loud. Before, A Bu was dubious about Qin Ke's appointment of Gao Yishui as a guide, and he always felt that Gao Yishui was not a reliable person.

But just looking at the several secret confrontations between him and Jiao Yang, he has completely controlled the situation, and he has a clear understanding of Jiao Yang's thoughts. This qualification is amazing enough.

"Brother Gao, you are really good." Abu laughed, "How did you guess the [-]%?"

Gao Yishui shook his waist coquettishly, showing a winning posture, but was kicked by Qin Ke: "You will understand when you walk around more. In today's troubled times, it is good to have a kind heart, but Being used in turn is a bad thing. You must not have the heart of harming others, and you must be defensive. I dare say that Jiao Yang will tell the people in the caravan that we have increased the money. Those merchants asked for a sum of money, believe it or not?"

"No way?" Qin Ke was stunned, "Is he so courageous? How dare he be so greedy?"

"People's hearts are not enough. Just watch." Gao Yishui said with a smile.

However, the facts quickly proved that what Gao Yishui said was correct. After Jiao Yang went back to discuss with everyone, although the businessmen in the caravan cheered sparsely, Qin Ke still keenly felt that there were many unfriendly eyes. Swipe over them.They were still grateful to them just now, but now, they have turned into contempt and disgust.

Qin Ke looked over, and those gazes quickly retracted, but Qin Ke could still see that they were not friendly to him.

"You bastard." Qin Ke snorted and wanted to walk over to expose him.

However, Gao Yishui held him back and shook his head: "Forget it, there are too many such things, just like the potholes on the road. Is it possible that every time you encounter a pothole, you have to use a shovel to level it? Jiao Yang is certainly greedy, But businessmen are profit-seeking by nature, and it won’t make much difference if they are other people. Anyway, we are just borrowing caravans and horses, so let’s make it clear that we don’t owe anyone, which is good.”

Jiao Yang quickly took the money, there were two shares in total, one was for the Escort Bureau and the other was for Qin Ke Abu, but Qin Ke Abu's part was the deposit, which was relatively less, but Qin Ke Abu Ke also knew from the heavy hand feeling when he took the bag that there was a lot of money in this bag.

"Then I'll go and prepare to leave first." Jiao Yang said with a smile.

Gao Yishui handed the money to Qin Ke and asked him to give it to the brothers in the bodyguard bureau.At the moment Qin Ke handed over the money, five tough men knelt down in front of Qin Ke. They had no hope of getting the money, unless they really didn't want to be escorts. , and changed his career to be a bandit.

But Qin Ke gave them new hope.This money...maybe not enough to compensate the family members who lost their family members for their pain, but at least they have some explanation.It's just that the Long Thorn Escort... I'm afraid it's impossible to open it again.

Qin Ke originally wanted them to take the money and go back to Jingwu directly, but after the Escort received the money, they still insisted on completing the trip. First, they wanted to give an explanation to Shen Zang underground, and second, they felt that Qin Ke also needed it. Manpower to deal with bandits on the road, after all, no matter how strong Qin Ke and others are, they have no way to get through. They don't know the distribution of bandits, and sooner or later they will be annoyed to death by bandits scattered like flies.

The caravan packed the goods, cleaned up the blood, and prepared to start again. Although there were fewer laughs on the road, it seemed as if nothing had happened.Qin Ke and the others didn't ride in the car anymore, but rode at the front. Gao Yishui softly asked a brother from the escort agency, "Dayou, have you ever met these bandits just now?"

The Escort Brothers were full of anger when they thought of this group of people, but it was a pity that they couldn't capture and kill all the escaped people, so they gritted their teeth and said, "I know a few people, but basically they are not bandits around here."

"That's strange." Gao Yishui pondered, "If it weren't for the bandits in this area, why would they suddenly rob the blind man of his territory, and then so stubbornly want to rob the caravan of all his money? And... Arrow array..."

"Mr. Gao, what did you say?"

"It's nothing." Gao Yishui smiled, rode closer to Qin Ke, and said in a low voice, "I guess this matter is not that simple. It's better to be careful on the road. If you see something bad, the wind will pull it tightly." call."

Chapter 218 The Camp

"The wind is tight?" Qin Ke looked at Gao Yishui in surprise. It's not that he didn't understand the meaning of the wind, but he didn't expect Gao Yishui to be so afraid of the secret hidden behind it. Not small, "Is it so serious?"

"It's serious if you say it's serious, and it's not serious if you say it's not serious. I'm just saying to prepare, and I didn't let you run away when you see someone like a mouse seeing a cat... Judge the situation, you can't do it yourself?" Gao Yishuibai He glanced, "At least in my opinion, this matter is not simple, and the people behind the scenes are definitely not small characters. The arrow array of the Great Wall is only one family, and they are far away from the chaotic place, guarding the Great Wall, their arrows There are some problems in itself for the array to appear in such a place where birds don't lay eggs."

Could it be that the Great Wall also wants to have a foot in this troubled world... Gao Yishui lowered his head and asked himself.

Abu and Qin Ke looked at each other, they both knew Mulan and Su Dingfang, and said in unison: "Impossible."

"Why is it impossible?" Gao Yishui smiled, "Could it be because the roast leg of lamb from the Great Wall is delicious?"

"Eat your head." But the roast leg of lamb is really delicious. After he said this, Qin Ke missed the roast leg of lamb from the palace again, "We just think that General Mulan would not do such a thing. She has no interest in the world."

"I believe this too, that woman..." Gao Yishui thought of the time when he was traveling on the Great Wall, and Mulan was standing at the top of the wall, commanding calmly in the face of the flood-like beasts, saying that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him. It is not too much not to change the color.

A woman with such a magnanimity would never look down on this power struggle in the Central Plains.

"However, the Great Wall is not limited to the Mu family... For thousands of years, all dynasties have attached great importance to border defense, and even appointed generals to support the Great Wall. After coming and going, many descendants of famous generals have taken root in the Great Wall. I am afraid that Mulan If the general doesn’t do it, the others will inevitably get distracted.”

Qin Ke and Abu were silent, their knowledge of the Great Wall was limited, they had only seen Mulan and Su Dingfang, so they really had no right to speak.

"However. Don't worry too much. Thinking about it, we can't be their main target. You, you, and me are not that valuable." Gao Yishui relieved, and took off the deerskin water bag from the horse's back. It was good wine from the caravan. He held up the deerskin water bag, and the wine fell into his mouth like a silver thread. He wiped his mouth, laughed and said, "Happy, what is life, go to hell!" Yes, anyway, fight if you can beat it, and run if you can't beat it, the more shameless you are, the longer you will live."

Qin Ke shook his head helplessly, Abu also laughed, coughed and continued to look at the road ahead, Gao Yishui's sentence "How much life is, fuck the fuck" is very chic and extraordinary, but it seems too much when paired with the latter sentence It's nondescript.

The caravan is dozens of miles away.

A team of horses was galloping across the wilderness, breaking through puddles of rainwater on the ground, and the dark gray clouds were like a mountain that could collapse at any time.And the cavalry team is no longer as powerful as before. When they came out, there were 15 people in total, and the leader was a practitioner. Even among bandits, he could be regarded as a "tiger and wolf teacher".

Now, there were only seven of them. Although they were not injured, the humiliation of failure was on their backs, making them almost breathless.

They didn't know how the master would punish them after they went back this time, but they still hoped to return to that team.

It is precisely because of that master's training that they have changed from the days of stragglers to a group of thugs who can burn, kill, loot and run amok. The travel expenses are also in a hurry.

People are always like this. After seeing the scenery from a high place, it is difficult to leave. Letting them down from a high place is more uncomfortable than killing them.

After galloping for about an hour, the horse team finally arrived at a seemingly inconspicuous mountain depression, passed through dense bushes, and soon heard the neighing of horseshoes and the sound of quenching and striking iron.

Behind the simple wooden wall piled with logs driven into the ground, there is a watchtower that is not too high and not too low. It can just penetrate the jungle and observe the front without being covered by the luxuriant tree crown. Standing on it is a man in animal skin Bandits, with bows and arrows on their backs, hold the handle of a broadsword with their hands.

When the seven-man cavalry came in from the col, he had already seen it clearly, and when the cavalry arrived at the gate, he suddenly laughed: "Oh, Joe Papi! Why did you come back so early this time? What about the rest of you? They deliver the goods, and ride around on their own horses, don't they have fun?"

Qiao Papi's real name is Qiaoba. He is the deputy leader of this horse team, and it was he who led the horse team to flee when the bandit leader asked for help. Regarding this matter, he didn't think there was anything wrong. It's not a gentleman's job at all. Usually everyone calls brother, but when it comes to life and death, who would trade their own life for the lives of others?

What's more, he is not a cultivator. After a simple judgment, he knows that the boy is not simple. Even if the seven of them rushed up together, they might not be able to save the leader, and it is more likely that all seven of them will get in.

He still doesn't want to die, he still wants to live a good life with wine and meat.

"What are you farting, open the door for me." He said in a deep voice.

"Yo? You still have a big temper, what's the matter? The girls you like are snatched away by the leader?" The bandit on the observation deck climbed down the stairs while laughing, lifted the latch and opened the door, saying: " What's the point? No matter how good-looking a woman is, even if she comes to the cottage..."

However, the horse neighed, and the seven-man cavalry team had already passed by his side, leaving only a cloud of smoke and dust.

The bandit at the door glanced at Qiaoba's back, feeling that they were in a bit of a panic, shook his head, and cursed: "I'm so angry, show my face, what is it!"

Chopper dismounted from his horse and walked forward all the way, passing through the furnace where the fire was raging. He glanced at it, and saw that the countless plundered irons were gradually melting and turning into molten iron in the pot. If it becomes a broad knife, it will be the guy who they go to the battle to kill.

And the blacksmith who came back from the caravan was a little timid, looked at Qiaoba passing by, and said in a low voice, "Hello, my lord."

Qiaoba's face was as heavy as water, and he didn't even look at him. He walked straight past him and headed for the largest animal skin tent in the village. At the door of the camp stood two solemn bandits, holding broadswords like two door gods. .

"I want to see the adults."

"Your Excellency is seeing a guest." The two said in unison.

"Seeing guests?" The reason for this was unexpected to Chopper. This place is very remote and hidden, and it is a place where bandits live. What kind of guests would there be?Could it be that the king of the mountain from which mountain came to pay a special visit?

Thinking of this, he shook his head, that master was not a kind person, within a few months, he dispatched troops again and again, and killed countless mountain kings. In his hands, could it be possible that the people inside could be more powerful than this "Master Huai"?

Presumably it wasn't bandits, maybe some important person from Jingwu?Chopper thought clearly, with that master's ability, he can go anywhere in the world, and even get a place in the imperial court of any country. If he was forced to become a bandit because of poverty, how could he? Nor would I believe it.

But the temple is majestic, and there are endless struggles. I don't know how many princes and princes were buried in it. Maybe that master got into some trouble in the officialdom, so he had to live in this kind of place.

Just when he was overwhelmed by a few thoughts, a faint voice came from inside the animal skin tent: "Who is outside?"

Chapter 219 The Wanderer, the Man in the Shadow

Chopper was shocked, and when he realized it, he immediately bowed his head and said respectfully, "Master, it's me, Chopper."

"Come in," said the voice from inside.

Chopper impatiently opened the cloth of the big tent. The furnishings in the tent were simple, even a bit shabby, because it was already evening, even though a candle was lit inside the big tent, it still looked dim.

And the man standing in the middle is thin, wearing cotton clothes, and his back is not very tall, but he has a literati style, but... doesn't it mean that the master is receiving guests?At this moment, there is no sign of anyone else in the tent. Could it be that the guest has already left?

The man turned his head, Qiaoba hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Master..."

If Gao Changgong or Mulan were present at this moment, they would be very surprised.

The person Qiaoba calls "Master" is actually Lu Ming, who was tortured in the dungeon of the Jianye mission's mansion and exiled by Mulan!

It's just that this former No. [-] member of the Great Wall Mission has now become the leader of the bandits. The status and status are so different that it is unimaginable.

Lu Ming put his hands behind his back and asked softly, "What happened?"

"I..." Chopper opened his mouth, but the manuscript that he had typed up seemed to be forgotten in an instant. He didn't know what to say. Tell the truth?Then do I need to say that I betrayed the leader and fled with my troops?

And half of the team died, what kind of responsibility should he take?

Lu Ming didn't hear a response for a long time, turned around suddenly, looked Chopper up and down, and said indifferently, "Did you come back alone?"

Qiaoba's heart trembled, he didn't know where he had seen the clues, he quickly knelt down, and said: "No, no, no... Lord, I didn't escape alone. The situation has been completely defeated. We can only bring the six brothers back, otherwise, our entire team may die there."

Lu Ming looked down at Qiaoba condescendingly, with no surprise in his expression, just nodded slightly, and asked, "Where's Zhang Tuo?"

"The leader is dead."

Should be dead.

Chopper thought of the scene when he left, and he didn't believe that the boy with the sword would let him go.

"Oh." Lu Ming's answer was impersonal, "Where did you go this time? Which caravan did you rob?"

Qiaoba lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The subordinates robbed those companies according to the master's regulations, and did not touch those big companies. We have already controlled the situation, and almost all the people in the escort agency have been killed. But I didn't expect two evil stars to come out of the caravan..."

"Evil star?" Lu Ming frowned slightly.

"It's two young men, about seventeen or eighteen years old." Chopper said, "One uses a sword, and the other uses two short sticks. The leader died at the hand of the man with the sword. Judging by his strength, he is stronger than the leader. To make a move, the leader single-handedly stopped him in order to let us escape, so..."

"Single-handedly?" Lu Ming laughed. He lowered his head slightly, looked at Qiaoba with deep eyes, "I didn't know that Zhang Tuo had such a heroic ambition, and he would die for you. Let's continue..."

Chopper only felt a cold sweat on his back, and said bravely: "We know that going up to help is of no avail. The young man is clearly stronger than the leader, so he can only hurry back and tell the master."

He clenched his fists suddenly and said, "Master, as long as you say something, Chopper will definitely bring someone back to kill him. No matter how powerful that young man is, he is only one person. As long as I bring 50 people... No! 30 people... He can't support him alone. He will definitely die under our arrows."

What he said was just and righteous, but only he knew the real situation in his heart.It's just that after he finished speaking, he didn't hear Lu Ming's answer. In front of him, Lu Ming seemed to be in a daze, and just stood there quietly without saying a word.

He saw Lu Ming's toes, waited for a long time, and finally couldn't help walking up Lu Ming's body, little by little, he finally saw Lu Ming's eyes shining in the firelight.

He just looked at himself quietly, as if looking at an antique, every breath made his hair stand on end.

After a while, Lu Ming said softly: "There are many lies."

Chopper's hair suddenly exploded. He knew that what he said hadn't convinced Lu Ming at all. Every time he glanced at this moment, every time his expression flickered, he might be thinking about how he should die?

Chopper kowtowed his head almost instantly. There were no floor tiles in the tent, it was just a piece of relatively flat land, but there were a few hard rocks in the soil. At this moment, he kowtowed like this, and soon the skin on his forehead was torn, and he started to kowtow. Bleeding.

But Qiaoba didn't care. If he could, he could even kiss Lu Ming's instep—as long as Lu Ming could spare him.

And Lu Ming looked at him coldly, and said: "What I care about is not Zhang Tuo's death. You run away as soon as you run away. It's understandable to sell Zhang Tuo to save your own life. After all, I know you bandits. It's just that I really hate people showing off their cleverness in front of me."

Chopper continued to kowtow vigorously and said, "Master... Chopper knows his mistake."

Lu Ming turned around and didn't bother to look at him: "Since you can come back, at least it proves that you still know what you are worth. As for Zhang Tuo... you are dead if you die. Dead people are worthless. You...you still have something for me." That’s pretty useful. Meeting two hard bones in the caravan can only be regarded as your bad luck, and I don’t blame you.”

When Qiaoba heard this, he was overjoyed: "Thank you for your kindness..."

"However." Lu Ming paced back and forth: "How dare you lie to me this time without changing your face...I can't be tolerated. The little finger and ring finger of your left hand...are useless to me, you can figure it out .”

Chopper's eyes went dark, and he felt that he fell from the sky to the ground again, and his bones were broken.

He knelt on the spot and froze for a while, stroking his two fingers with a trembling hand. Indeed, he was not left-handed. Perhaps because of holding a knife in his right hand, every finger was indispensable, even the little finger had a huge impact.

But his left hand, with two fingers cut off, can still hold the rein, and can also use three fingers to draw a bow and shoot arrows...

It's just that this is his finger after all.

The expression on his face was constantly changing, from sadness to anger for a while, and after an unknown amount of time, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife suddenly!

With a miserable howl, the two "door gods" outside the big tent were startled, and hastily lifted the cloth of the big tent and ran in.When they saw clearly that the person who was howling was Chopper who had just entered, and his two fingers were bleeding blood on the ground, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Lu Ming walked to the tiger-skin chair and sat down slowly, held up the teacup, with a calm expression: "Take him down to bandage him."

And Qiaoba's face was pale, and while enduring the severe pain, he knelt down on the spot again, kowtowed heavily, and was helped up by the two of them and walked out.

Lu Ming looked at the fire, and there was no one in the big tent, but he asked softly, "Who is behind you?"

In the thick darkness at the corner of the big tent, a figure stood up slowly, like a ghost, he walked out of the darkness, half of his face was illuminated by the fire.

Li Si.

"You should ask, who do we serve." Li Si said quietly.

"I've always kept you guys at arm's length." Lu Ming shook his head and said, "But don't think that I really don't know you at all. Serving gods? Where are there really gods in this world? You're just a bunch of liars, The only difference is that you not only lie to others, but also to yourself.”

"Perhaps you have misunderstood us." Li Si said with the same stern expression on his face as Lu Ming, "But there is still a lot of time for you to understand, as long as... you join us."

He walked out of the shadows, but his steps were as slow as a lazy old cat, without making any sound, and he kept walking like this until he measured the entire tent along the edge of the tent, he raised his head and said : "Among the size and radius, is it possible that brother Lu wants to bury all his talents? In this kind of place, as a bandit leader, no matter how many people you have and how much money you rob, what can you do?"

Lu Ming half closed his eyes, of course he knew, he always knew, there was still a fire in his heart, he still wanted to see the future he wanted, but...

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