"I don't know. If it was just collecting some tolls, there wouldn't be such a big commotion. I'm afraid... something happened..." The veins in Uncle Gen's temple were visibly throbbing, and he raised his hand to block the stone behind him.

Shen Zang lowered his body, and suddenly raised his voice: "They are here!"

2 Ten Chapters of Tribulation

Before the horse team arrived, the hunting wind had blown Shen Zang's hair like a vanguard.

As soon as the words fell, smoke and dust billowed across the canyon, and a horse team came straight like a sharp awl!

The number of cavalry is not much, just 15 people.

It's just that what surprised Shen Zang was not the number of people, but the aura they gave off during their rush.

Even though the colors of their horses were different, ranging from white horses to brown horses to black horses, their charging posture was always the same. With powerful shouts, the horses seemed to be one under their control.

"Bandits...can there be such a queue?" Shen Zang had a bad feeling.

And when they were less than fifty steps away from the caravan, the leader roared, "Wait!"

The entire horse team pulled the reins almost at the same time, but within a few breaths, the horse team had already turned from galloping to extremely quiet.

The speed and neatness of the movements are astonishing.

Shen Zang was not selected for the Jingwu Cavalry Army at that time, but he also cleaned the stables for the Qingzhou Ghost Riders in the cavalry battalion, and saw the scene of Qingzhou Ghost Riders training.

The key to the cavalry's attack lies in the formation. If a cavalry is scattered and scattered, first of all, it will not be able to exert the impact of the cavalry. Even before it hits the enemy's formation, one's own side will be defeated because of this chaos. Collision into a ball, not to mention causing damage to the enemy.

So Gao Changgong was ordered in danger, and on the day he took over the command of the Qingzhou Ghost Rider, he didn't let the Qingzhou Ghost Rider play a single battle, but he has been conducting arduous training in the barracks.

It was not until the entire mediocre Jingwu cavalry army was fused together under such beatings that he took them to the real battlefield, sharpening their knives and chopping firewood. He grew up rapidly during the war and eventually became famous all over the world.

But that is Qingzhou Ghost Rider.

How lucky they were in this life to meet such a unparalleled general as Gao Changgong, so they were able to enter the territory of the Tang Kingdom as if they were uninhabited, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

But this is just a team of Bandits in front of him. Maybe they are still too weak compared to Qingzhou Ghost Riders, but their momentum is enough to shock him.

"Boss Shen." Just as Shen Zang was in a daze, someone riding a horse approached beside him, he turned his head, and walking was one of the leaders of the caravan.

"Is this what you said... from Peng Xiazi in Black Eagle Ridge?" There was some fear in the eyes of the leader, who was obviously shocked by the cavalry, and his words trembled.

Shen Zang shook his head, and said in a low voice: "This is not a bandit under Peng Xiazi's subordinates. I haven't walked this road for half a year, maybe... something happened in the past six months that I don't know... In short, the visitor is not good... ..."

"Then what should we do?" The caravan leader almost couldn't hold the reins, "Except for those few guards, there is no one who can hold a knife."

"What else can I do? Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, no matter whose team it is, they are all asking for money. I also have more than a dozen people under my command, and they may not be able to ask for good in a fight. It stands to reason that bandits There's no reason why you have to have trouble with us..."

"That's good. That's good." The caravan leader said repeatedly: "Then leave it to Escort Shen."

Shen Zang nodded, but there was still a strange look in his eyes.

In fact, he wasn't sure either.

There are indeed more than a dozen people in the escort agency. Although it is absolutely no problem to face ordinary bandits, the horse team in front of them is obviously not ordinary people. With their superb equestrian skills and riding formation, once they charge, it is only a matter of time before their defeat.

The only thing he was counting on now was that this group of people was just asking for money, so that was something to talk about. After all, it would not be easy for the other party to train such a cavalry team.

And seeing that the leader of the cavalry stopped in front of them, it should also mean peace talks.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his strong left arm and held Shi Shi's hand that was about to move. It was the first time he saw such a silent and fierce bandit, and he was already timid. Maybe a little trouble would make him unable to hold back. Pull out the knife.

Shen Zang urged the horse forward slowly, looked at the bandit leader, and said in a loud voice: "Dare to ask the name of the hero, who is the master of the hero? Is it Lord Peng?" Peng Xiazi was just his private statement, If Blind Peng is really the leader of these people, I'm afraid he will kill him immediately after hearing what he said.

Mr. Peng?

Everyone in the horse team looked at each other with mocking smiles. The leader sat upright on the horse and looked at Shen Zang with deep eyes: "Master Peng? Is he blind Peng? He died, was stabbed seven times, and screamed like a pig." It's ugly, the corpse...we fed it to the dogs long ago."

"Sure enough..." Although Shen Zang had already guessed the result, Shen Zang still trembled fiercely in his heart. Blind Peng has been in charge of this Black Eagle Ridge, and there are many copycats under him, how could he end up so miserable?

He knew that gangsters were always brutal among bandits, but someone who could say so lightly about feeding corpses to dogs... might be more difficult to deal with than ordinary bandits.

Thinking of this, he squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "So that's the case, so don't you know that the brothers on the road are under the command of that master? I am Shen Cang, the head of the Changjing Escort Bureau, and I took the escort this time. , passing by the treasure land... If you have time some other day, you must follow the rules and personally bring a pig's head and roast goose to the mountain gate to pay a visit."

"We are Lord Ding's subordinates." The leader smiled and said, "It's okay, those who don't know are not to blame, we also came here a few months ago, it's common sense that Escort Shen didn't know."

"Where, it's because I hid the news and kept it closed. I should have come to visit earlier." Hearing the leader's tone, he relaxed a little. Since those who don't know are not to blame, then there is something to talk about?

It's just that these new bandits have just occupied this territory... This first toll must be much more expensive, what a bad time!

However, after being a dart for several years, he has often encountered such things: "Since you all come here, you must be asking for money. I wonder how much Master Ding wants to charge this time?"

The leader nodded, as if agreeing with Shen Zang's statement: "My brothers also have nowhere to go, so they will fall into bandits. Everyone is looking for money, and harmony can make money. Captain Shen, I don't know. Am I right?"

"Of course." Shen Zang also laughed, "Kindness makes money, no one wants to fight and kill."

Hearing Shen Zang's answer, the leader showed a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, and he said loudly to the caravan: "In this case, please leave all your goods and money, oh yes, there are also horses, mules and You are allowed to take the cart, and you still have to catch the road.”

In the end, he actually looked at Shen Zang who was already full of astonishment, and said with a smile, "Boss Shen, your weapons... keep them too."

"Huh?" The entire caravan went into an uproar after a moment of silence. All the goods and money were left behind?How did this work?

You know, although the merchants in the caravan have some family backgrounds, more than half of their money has been exchanged for the goods on the carriage. I hoped that these goods would be sold at a good price if they were transported to the Tang Dynasty or even the Canghai... But if here Wouldn't it be their lives if they were handed over?

And on the cart that followed the caravan, many people were also full of panic. Although they had no goods, they always brought a lot of money and goods when they went out. Without the money, they traveled thousands of miles to the Tang Dynasty. What should I do?

"This group of people...the smell is a little bit wrong." Although the people around were panicked, there was no panic on Gao Yishui's face. Instead, he kept his eyes on the group of people not far away, with a playful look on his face.

Qin Ke was not as free and easy as Gao Yishui, he was worried about the money in his luggage, so he clenched the 'Bodhisattva' tightly in his hand, raised his head and asked, "What did you just say, what does it smell like?"

"They are obviously a group of bandits, but they look like well-trained officers and soldiers, what do you think?" Gao Yishui looked at Abu, as if asking for his opinion.

Abu had been in the Imperial Academy for a long time, and he went to the army to run errands for Gao Changgong every now and then, and he often volunteered to wash the horses in the stable because he wanted to touch the horses more.

After all, his knowledge is wider than Qin Ke's, but Abu just smiled innocently and didn't speak.

Qin Ke's eyes were fixed, and he carefully recalled the scene where the cavalry appeared just now. Yes, it was indeed weird. Many of their movements had the taste of iron and blood in the army, but... they were different from the Qingzhou Ghost Cavalry under Gao Changgong's command.

"Officers and soldiers? Could it be that they were dressed up by officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty?" Qin Ke didn't dare to make any noise, so he lowered his voice and asked beside Gao Yishui.

This kind of thing may not happen. He even heard of a state official pretending to be robbers to rob property in order to make money. It was under Zhuge Wanling's disposal that this state official was dismissed All the official posts died on the guillotine in Jianye City.

"No." Gao Yishui shook his head, "It is said that they look like a regular army, but that doesn't mean they are a regular army. They must be just a group of bandits who robbed houses, but... maybe someone in the army is training them? Interesting..."

Gao Yishui cast a contemptuous glance at those fellow travelers who were clutching their purses tightly, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Chapter 211 The Battle Begins

"A man in the army? It's definitely not Jingwu. Where is it? Tang? Canghai?" Abu looked at the bandits and asked in surprise.

"It looks a bit like Canghai's posture... I have seen Canghai's cavalry on the grassland before."

"Tiger and leopard cavalry?" Qin Ke suddenly became interested. He has seen one of the three major cavalry armies in the world, the black cavalry and the Qingzhou ghost cavalry, and the only heavy armored cavalry in these three cavalry armies has not yet been obtained. See, he is indeed a little curious, think about how terrifying the cavalry who are fully armed with dozens of catties of iron armor must exist?

"Absolutely not." Gao Yishui immediately shook his head and said, "The Lord Canghai regards the tiger and leopard cavalry as the strongest hole card in his hand, and his movements are like thunder. Wherever he goes, only bones are left. Such cavalry... If I See, didn’t I become a dead person?” There was an evil smile on his face, his hands were raised in front of him, he rolled his eyes and grinned, “Oh... I’m actually a ghost... a woman... bah... a man ghost!"

"Oh." Qin Ke glanced at Gao Yi with distaste at the way the water was about to flow to the lapel of his clothes, then turned to Abu and said, "Then it might be the ordinary cavalry from Canghai."

"Very likely!" Gao Yishui straightened his face, and he didn't care whether Abu was about to answer, he interrupted: "Anyway, this cavalry team is not easy. If we really fight, we can't get it right here."

Qin Ke's heart tightened slightly: "Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do?" Gao Yishui moved his mouth, but didn't make a sound. Both Qin Ke and Abu could see it clearly. That mouth shape clearly meant the word "escape".

"Hey. What are you talking about!"

What they said may not be understood by others, and those who sit not far from them have never had the chance to see a real military formation. As for the difference in style, it seems like a cloud in the sky, far away and.

"What's the sea? Riding tigers and leopards, it's a mess..." The old scholar snorted, "The sea is so far away, how could he come to such a place to become a bandit? It's all nonsense."

Qin Ke looked at the old Confucian student, and was a little dissatisfied with his arrogance. Huang Hansheng, who taught in the Imperial Academy, also admired Confucianism, but his bearing was much higher than that of the old Confucian student.

Qin Ke was dissatisfied and said: "Why are you talking nonsense? We only said that it looks like, but we are not sure."

"Bandits are bandits." The old Confucian scholar looked at the cavalry without concealing his distaste, "It's just a bunch of mobs. In my opinion, they are just saying harsh words. There are more than a dozen people here in the Changjing Escort Bureau. They There are also more than a dozen people, and they will only grab it if they don’t want their lives. Don’t be afraid, everyone, I can assure you that we will definitely pass through safely.”

The words of the old Confucian scholar had an effect, and the people in the car felt a little more at ease. After all, everyone hoped that they could reach the Tang Kingdom in a safe way. After listening to the old Confucian scholar's analysis, they all nodded their heads involuntarily.

They looked at Gao Yishui and Qin Ke with even more disdain.

"I think it's true. The old man has seen a lot of wind and waves. It's just bandits. It's not worth mentioning."

"That's right." Everyone cheered up, and some even smiled.

Qin Ke rolled his eyes, thinking that this group of people really didn't know where their confidence came from. Could it be that the old Confucian scholar had eaten more salt than he had eaten rice?Hmph, I'm not afraid of dying...

Shen Zang's face was ugly at this time, unlike those who tried to cheer themselves up, he didn't see any joke on the leader's face, but... what was it for?

He forced a smile and said: "My good man, this kind of joke is not easy to make. A whole caravan is loaded with everyone's net worth. How can it be possible to say no? If you want more money ... It's not impossible to talk about it, how about I congratulate Lord Ding for dominating Heiying Ridge?"

"Did you not hear clearly, or do you not understand?" The leader's face turned cold, and his smile became a little harsh, "They want the goods, that's their business, I want the goods, that's my business, if There are really a few guys who want money and don’t care about their lives. Brothers are just laborers. Just chop off their hands. As for asking for more money...I’ve said it all, you have to hand over all your money, so what else is there? More or less?"

At this time, behind the leader, a bandit with a face full of flesh looked a little impatient, and said loudly, "Don't talk nonsense with him, second brother! Anyone who is disobedient will chop him off."

Hearing this, Shi Shi was also furious, reaching out to draw his knife.

Shen Zang's face was solemn, and he pressed the handle of the stone again, and said, "Hero, we have been in Changjing Escort Bureau for many years. Although we don't say that we are rampant in the world, we have made many friends on the road, and we have to follow the rules in everything. Passing through the treasure land, paying some silver taels, and then the road is open to the sky, it is always a good thing. But if someone does not follow the rules and insists on being arrogant, we may not be afraid of anyone. I have more than a dozen brothers here, Not to mention superb martial arts skills, but he has been in the world for many years, and he can be regarded as a good master of swords and guns. If you fight hard, a hero thinks he can win... er..."

However, before he finished speaking, there was a bowstring "bang" sound in the arena. Just as Shen Zang realized it, a feathered arrow shot out from the bandit team, pointing directly at the stone!

The arrow was too fast, even though Shen Zang had drawn the knife out of its sheath at the first time, it still failed to hit the arrow, and the stone couldn't even react, there was no time to draw the knife, and the arrow pierced through in an instant. into his shoulder, three points into the leather armor, and with a muffled groan, he had already fallen from the horse!

"Stone!" Uncle Gen roared, his eyes were red, he urged his horse to charge up, and pointed the simple knife in his hand at the leader.

However, the leader smiled slightly, but jumped up from the saddle, drew his knife out of its sheath, and slashed down from top to bottom, even the man and the horse were cut in half.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned for a while, Shen Zang's eyes widened, he never thought that this brother who practiced martial arts with him since childhood would die so lightly.

And just now seeing the leader show such skills, he has already determined that his side has no chance of winning, maybe he should let go of his arrogance long ago, leaving his weapons and fleeing is the best choice.

However, he felt as if something exploded in his heart, and with a surge of breath, he gritted his teeth and took a breath!The good brother is dead, and the dart will probably be broken this time, even if my group of people go back, what face will they have?

Thinking of this, he roared: "Brothers from the Changjing Escort Bureau! Fight them!"

Everyone in the Escort responded loudly. They had depended on each other for many years, and they had already regarded each other as blood relatives. Seeing Uncle Gen's death in such a tragic state, they could not retreat. In an instant, the horse neighed, and everyone gathered in one place, and rode their horses towards the bandit leader. rushed away.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

However, the leader looked at the crowd with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly raised his hand to support Shen Zang's oncoming blade, he could feel the strong strength constantly accumulating on the bright blade, he praised: "Shen Biaotou has a lot of strength."

But then he shouted in a deep voice, "Ying!"

Almost at the same time, the bandits untied their hard bows, set up their bows and loaded their arrows.


Amid the loud shout of the leader, more than a dozen arrows lined up in a row, like a wall covered with spikes, and shot towards the direction of the Longthorn Escort.

In an instant, four people fell off their horses, and even one person was directly pierced through the head by an arrow through the eyes, and the whole person flew upside down, and fell into the grass beside the road with a muffled sound, and there was no more sound.

"Ying? Ping?"

When Gao Yishui heard these two sounds, he slapped his thigh suddenly: "Arrow array from the Great Wall?"

He was about to pull Qin Ke over to say a few words, but he saw two figures flashing beside him. Qin Ke and Abu had jumped off the cart, one was holding a Bodhisattva and the other was unarmed, and they were heading straight in the direction of the battle group. rushed over.

Both of them walked extremely fast, but after all, they were far away from the battle group, and it was still not a distance that could be covered in one or two steps.

But the front has changed again. Just after the arrow was shot flat, the bandits were divided into two rows of 14 people, with seven people in each row. The people raised their bows again, but this time the Bandit leader shouted "Heaven", so they raised their bows to the sky and threw a round of arrows at the caravan leader who turned around and wanted to escape.

The caravan leader galloped for two steps, and two arrows pierced his body. A mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth. Before he could react, the remaining arrows shot his chest into a sieve shape. .

In less than a moment, the entire caravan panicked like a pot of porridge.

Chapter 212 Father's Death and Son's Death

The moment the war started, it was already heated up. No one thought that these bandits would be so arrogant and unreasonable. For a while, the caravan and passers-by started to flee in all directions after a burst of panic—the leader was shot to death in vain. Now, sticking to those goods, is it possible that these bandits will let them live?

And perhaps to prove their conjecture, in the caravan, a middle-aged businessman, who had put all his wealth into the goods, was hesitating around the truck, with as much troubled expression on his face as he wanted out of nowhere. Screaming, an arrow pierced through his chest, and the blood dripping from the arrow in his chest soon covered the truck, but he trembled, and finally hugged tightly the things that should have been brought to his wife and children. Goods for wealth, when he closed his eyes at the end, he seemed to sigh slightly.

But no one would know what he was sighing about.

The bandits and bodyguards finally collided together, but beyond everyone's expectations, the bodyguards, who seemed majestic to others, not only failed to break up the formation of the seven bandits in the confrontation, but It was these seven people who broke through with a sharp formation, and the moment they passed by, the seven people revealed their blades, taking the lives of two people in an instant.

The bandit leader didn't seem surprised when he saw this scene. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and then lowered his body with a knife in his right hand. As he swung the knife forward suddenly, a strong man from the bodyguard came riding a horse with a simple knife in his hand. He was decapitated completely and unavoidably, and blood gushed out like a pillar on the bowl-sized scar.

Shen Zang, who was forced back by him just now, saw such a scene, his eyes glared angrily, holding the "Heirloom Knife" in his hand, he sprinted forward again, his back arched like a fierce tiger, and with a loud shout, the light of the knife flashed forward. Slashed down, causing sparks to fly from the broad knife raised by the bandit leader.

However, his bravery alone could not stop the decline of the whole scene at all. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Shen Zang would not have believed that the escort brothers under him would fight so badly.

After entering the battle group, the Bandit Seven didn't just disperse and fight on their own as he had imagined. They kept tightly in a weird formation, and their movements were neat. When galloping their horses, they seemed to be A huge ferocious beast was biting among the escort brothers' group.

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