"Well." Qin Ke didn't mention his twists and turns in Jiujiang City, and said heartily: "Things are going well, so I'm back."

He took a step aside and introduced softly: "This is Gao Yishui. I will rely on him to be my guide on the road ahead. This is my sister, Ning Xin."

"Sister?" Zhang Fu was taken aback for a moment. She knew that Qin Ke had no other relatives other than his master Zhuge Wolong. Taking a few steps back, he smiled and said, "Come in first, let's have a cup of tea."

The three entered in a file, Gao Yishui looked Zhang Fu up and down, he was a little startled at first, thinking that such a beauty could be seen in such a place?

After careful observation, he more or less sensed her eagerness for Qin Ke. He smiled and said nothing, but just glanced at Qin Ke, thinking that this kid is really popular with women.

Ning Xin stepped forward with a smile, and said softly, "You are Zhang Fu's younger sister? You are really beautiful, no wonder Ah Ke kept mentioning you all the way."

Qin Ke stared at Ning Xin with wide eyes, thinking when did he always mention Zhang Fu along the way?

But Zhang Fu's eyes brightened slightly when she heard this sentence, and after carefully looking at Qin Ke, her face was slightly red, but her voice was full of joy: "Where, sister, you are also beautiful. Sit down."

Gao Yishui watched the tiny expressions and movements of the two women on the table, and laughed with interest.

The two women hit it off almost immediately, so Qin Ke didn't need to talk too much about it, and Zhang Fu was also very embarrassed when she found out about Ning Xin's life experience.

She considers herself to be a miserable person, but compared to Ning Xin, she looks much happier. At least she has those good sisters. If it weren't for them, she would have been married to the Lord of the Sea and locked up in the deep palace. middle.

In the room, there were voices of warblers and swallows, and constant laughter. At first, Qin Ke was a little worried that the two of them would not get along well because of strangers, but now the big stone in his heart fell to the ground, and at the same time, he found out which gold deposit was stored on his body. The burden, said: "Sister, you should accept the gold first."

Ning Xin was slightly distracted looking at the baggage that Qin Ke handed over, except for the forty gold for her redemption, the remaining sixty gold were all stored in this seemingly inconspicuous baggage.

And this sixty gold is enough for her to live comfortably in food and clothing for a lifetime, and even live a very nourishing life.

But she shook her head, her eyes softened and said: "No need. You are about to travel far, and there are many places where money is spent on the road. My sister now has a foothold, and her craftsmanship is not wasted. Weaving some cloth, embroidering some patterns, Life is always safe."

"How can I do that?" Qin Ke said, "Sister, you finally came out of Lan Yuxuan. You don't talk about rich clothes and fine food, so you don't have to live by weaving. You accept the money and use it as daily expenses. I travel The palace will give out the money, so don't worry about me."

Ning Xin still shook her head: "The money in the palace is the money in the palace, and I can't accept your favor any more." She held Qin Ke's hand, "Brother, you have helped me too much, of course I can't keep going." Relying on you, that... I really feel sorry for you."

"What's wrong with that?" Qin Ke frowned and said, "Sister, do you treat me as an outsider?"

"Of course not." Ning Xin immediately denied, "It's just..."

Gao Yishui drank a few sips of wine, wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Miss Ning Xin, don't refuse, just accept it first. As for whether you need it in life, it depends on the situation. If you really don't need it, you can also It should be saved for this kid, so that it can be used to find a matchmaker to beg for his mother-in-law in the future."

"What kind of mother-in-law are you asking for?" Qin Ke gave Gao Yishui a blank look, but he also felt that Gao Yishui's statement was understandable, "Sister, just accept it, if you really don't need it, you can take care of it for me first, and I have to go back to Jingwu Woolen cloth."

"Alright then." Ning Xin sighed softly, and took the burden, "Then I'll save it for you, and when you need it, remember to find me."

"Okay." But when, only God knows, Qin Ke said with a smile: "Then you stay here first, I have to take this guy to find Lord Zhou."

"Huh? Is it finally my turn to sign the deed of sale?" Gao Yishui crossed his legs and said while shaking his legs: "First of all, let me declare that the agreed food, housing, play, wine and beauties are all indispensable."

Qin Ke rolled his eyes: "Who said no to it at the beginning? Now I don't want you anymore. You can go back to Jiujiang City to check on the God of Wealth. You can also include beauties. Don't even think about it!"

Gao Yishui chuckled, and put his arms around Qin Ke's shoulders: "Don't tell me, I've already boarded your thief ship. Besides, I'm going to an enemy country. Without my company, you are not afraid of dying in a foreign land? Don't worry, this This 'outing'...ah no, this search...I promise to do my best!"

Is this going to the Tang Dynasty...

Can you really find the master if you find the six artifacts?

Qin Ke didn't speak, but pursed his lips, and secretly clenched the Bodhisattva sword in his hand.

Volume Two

Chapter 2 Escort Bureau and Caravan

a month later.

In the mountains, the clear sound of bowstrings.

With the sound of "bang", a white feather arrow flew out of the string, and the force and wind covered a distance of a hundred steps in an instant. He raised his long ears.

"Medium!" A young man was riding on a horse, his eyes glistened, he felt hot all over his body, and the blood had already rushed to his throat.

Unfortunately, when the vigilant hare noticed the arrival of the feathered arrow, it almost subconsciously jumped on the spot. The white feathered arrow passed over its hind feet, slanted into the soil, and splashed a lot of weeds And the loess, and the hare was already in a panic and got into the cave.

Several middle-aged people who were riding on the same horse as the young people laughed loudly: "What do you say? Shitou, it seems that you will not be able to get your father's heirloom knife."

The young man's eyes widened, and he looked at the direction where the hare disappeared. Frustration welled up in his heart, and he cursed forcefully: "This bastard rabbit is really cunning."

"Hey, don't blame the rabbit." Beside him was a middle-aged man wearing a cowhide sleeveless armor. Blame the rabbit for being cunning, if the rabbit was not cunning, wouldn’t it have been eaten by the wild foxes in the mountains? To blame, it’s because you only knew how to fool around in the escort agency and didn’t practice arrow skills well.”

Having said that, he whistled loudly, and yelled intentionally or unintentionally, "Oh...there is no heirloom knife! Someone is going to cry!"

"Uncle Gen, can you stop pouring salt on my wound?" The young man named Shi Shi looked at the middle-aged man beside him bitterly, "If it wasn't for the fact that when I was drawing the bow just now, you kept on Sarcasm from the side, maybe I will be hit by this arrow!"

"Stone." The older man beside Uncle Gen shouted in a low voice, "If you miss the shot, you will miss it. Don't quarrel with Uncle Gen and make trouble for no reason."

"Father!" Shitou yelled, but his voice gradually weakened with the severity of his father's eyes. He lowered his head obediently, "Okay, okay, I understand."

The man nodded, and then he showed a little smile: "It's fine if you miss the shot, and let you little bastard know that you are not good at learning. When you go back this time, you can practice bow and saber skills well. When will you Satisfied me, this knife..."

He stroked the long knife slung around his waist—it was the knife of a Jing Wu veteran, about three fingers wide, and extremely sharp.

The man's name is Shen Zang, he is a retired Jingwu veteran. He also participated in the war between Jingwu and Tang. The tragic war was an indelible memory in his life. His compatriots, brothers, Even the forward general who respected like a teacher fell down one after another like messy straw in the wind, and he stepped on the corpse, his eyes were red, and he kept killing until he lost all strength, only to find that his knee was hit shot.

He lay down on the ground, thinking that he was going to die, but the Tang army retreated like a tide, and after a long time, the excited shouts of countless soldiers suddenly sounded.

"we won!"

Only then did he know that General Gao Changgong led [-] Qingzhou Ghost Riders down the city, almost reaching the wall of Ding'an City in Tang Kingdom, and Tang Guojun had to retreat.

After that battle ended, he received a pension, left the army, and started the escort agency business with his childhood brother Tiegen. He had a good time, except that his injured leg was always throbbing in the cloudy and rainy days, and he had completely walked out of the nightmare days brought to him by blood and fire.

In the past few years, Jing Wu has developed better and better, which can be called a peaceful and prosperous age. He looked at this country that he had tried his best to protect, and he was filled with emotion. Gao Changgong and Gao Changgong, who commanded the troops of Jingwu, even paid tribute to him.

The autumn wind blew his chest, and he felt a little cold. Looking at the withered leaves in the mountains, he wondered if he was really old, and he didn't know how long he could hold this knife. Perhaps it was the right choice to hand it over to Shitou earlier.

The stone drove the horse over and smiled: "Father, how about this, if I can learn your good lianju arrow within three months, why don't you give me this precious sword? Anyway, you are not old enough I'm young, so it's time for us to stand out, dragging this old injured leg around all day, my mother is also very worried, and it happens that the neighbor Liu Ye lacks a chess player, so you are very suitable."

"Go, go, go." Shen Zang waved his hands annoyedly, "It's just old Liu's stinky chess box, he still gets impatient with others when he loses, if I play chess with him every day, maybe one day he won't be able to get out of bed, At that time, you will have to lose money, this is a loss-making business, don’t do it!”

As he said that, he turned his head and glanced at the caravan of dozens of people behind him and the mules, horses, and carts lined up in a row, and said with a slight smile: "Do you want me to give you my seat? Then ask me for one first." Good daughter-in-law, if you give birth to a big fat boy earlier, then I will sit in the escort agency for you with peace of mind."

Shi Shi said with a bitter face: "Father, what kind of daughter-in-law are you asking for? Then if I haven't asked for a daughter-in-law for several years, will it be hard for you to give me the knife?"

Shen Zang smiled, but didn't speak.

On the side, Uncle Gen took over the conversation and said with a smile: "You still don't understand? Why did we pick up this dart trip? It's just for you. Your father has already talked with the matchmaker. When the dart trip makes money, Going back will make you the groom's official! Haha."

Shitou was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the escort had brought him out with such an intention. He was still young, so he had to ask an aunt to take care of him?

There is a saying that a good man has ambitions in all directions, but now that there are more people in the family, how can he travel the world by himself?

He didn't raise any objection, because he knew that his father, who had been on the battlefield, was not a reasonable person at all, so he could only helplessly look at the long queue, and casually said something else to brighten his mood: "Father, this trip How much can you earn after the darts are gone?"

"A lot." Shen Zang smiled while holding the reins: "At first I didn't have confidence in taking on this business, but God helped me, the head of the Huwei Escort was not heart-warming, so he took the big one and went to the most dangerous one. As a result, the money was earned, but people also lost a lot, and even the head of the escort was hit by an arrow. At this moment, I am afraid that they are still lying on the bed and resting. That is why the caravan chose us."

"Really?" Shitou's eyes light up slightly. Huwei Escort has always been their enemy. The two sides have been robbing each other for business for a few years, and their family has often lost the wind. Now they can gain the upper hand, although it is not true. Powerful, but enough to make him feel relieved.

And he squinted his eyes slightly, scanned the entire caravan, looked at a cart in the caravan, and said, "The person in that cart doesn't seem to belong to the caravan?"

"Oh, you said them." Shen Zang glanced at him, and said, "Anyway, they want to go to the Tang Dynasty, and the caravan happened to have spare mules, so they simply took them with them. They are all traveling in the rivers and lakes. One friend has many paths, and it is convenient to communicate with others..."

"It's just for my own convenience!" Shitou laughed haha, "Father, I know, you have often told me this sentence."

"Little bastard, then you have to listen to it in your head." Shen Zang rolled his eyes.

This place is already far away from the official road, and there are hills nearby, and the mountains in the distance are undulating, one after another. Naturally, the road that was forcibly rolled by oxen and horses is not very smooth. It shook violently, causing the people on the scooter to fall asleep and couldn't sleep. They could only look around at the scenery and chat.

One of the young men was wearing a windproof hood. He looked up at the sky and knew that it was noon, so he took out a carefully protected cloth bag from his bag, and after opening it little by little, several pieces of light green green bean cake.

However, just as the young man swallowed and stretched out his hand to pick up a piece, the other hand was one step ahead of him and suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The young man froze, but the mung bean cake in front of him was gone. And Fei, he turned his head quickly, and the person beside him who was also wearing a hood was fiercely stuffing those pieces of mung bean cake into his mouth.

Because he stuffed several pieces at once, he seemed to be choking, his face flushed, and he was clutching his neck. The old piano beside him was overturned by his tossing, making a chaotic sound, which attracted the people around him. Complaining again and again.

Of course, these two people are Qin Ke and Gao Yishui who went all the way to the Tang country. On the way, they pretended to be students traveling around and joined the caravan, but the Tang country was still far away.

But right now... Qin Ke has no time to think about these things. He stared at Gao Yishui, ignoring Gao Yishui's choking and almost rolling his eyes. He lifted his neckline with both hands, and said angrily, "Gao Yishui! You bastard! That's me!" You have already eaten more than half of the cakes that my sister made for me along the way, and you still want to grab the last little bit!"

Gao Yishui made a "poof", and sprayed out a stream of mung bean powder like a fountain. Finally, he didn't choke to death on the spot under the tossing of Qin Ke and mung bean cake. His rolled eyes finally regained focus. He coughed a few times and said: "Let me drink my saliva first, let me drink my saliva first."

"Still drinking, you'll choke to death." Qin Ke looked at him, and the anger in his heart subsided a little, and he sat down with a hum.

Of course, don't even think about handing him a water bag, this guy is really annoying!

Because of Qin Ke and Gao Yishui's tumult, the other people on the cart opened their sleepy eyes and looked at them with frowns.

Chapter 2 Black Eagle Ridge

"Brutal people." In the caravan, an old Confucian scholar whispered to the people around him.

And the few around him obviously haven't read any books, but they nodded when they heard this comment, and turned to look at Qin Ke and the others with a repulsive and disgusted look.

Gao Yishui finally groped to find his own water bag, opened it, but it was empty inside, he poured it a few times, but there was not a drop of water.

"Drink mine." Abu, who was sitting across from him, quickly handed over his water bag when he saw it. When Gao Yishui was passing by the stream to fetch water, Gao Yishui was busy "gathering wind" everywhere, but Abu deliberately To fill a bag full of water.

"Thank you, you are more reliable." Gao Yishui took the water bag with a smile, gave a thumbs up with one hand, and poured it down. , It seems to be deliberately for Qin Ke to listen to.

Abu could only pretend not to see Qin Ke's dark face, looked forward, and asked, "Where are we?"

"It should be Black Eagle Ridge." Gao Yishui is familiar with the terrain, as long as he has seen the map, added some memories of his past, and then glanced at the surrounding environment, he can immediately guess where they are, " Look at the rock on the top of the mountain, does it look like an eagle swooping down?"

Qin Ke looked over with his fingers, and saw a large ugly mountain standing high, he curled his lips: "Where does it look like? It looks like a squatting toad, and... this stone is clearly It's gray."

Gao Yishui laughed: "When there is a moon at night, you will feel like it. The "black" of Black Eagle does not refer to the black stone, but to the night."

"So, how far are we from the Tang Dynasty?" Qin Ke took out the sheepskin map from his chest. It was given to him by Zhou Gongjin and said that it should be useful. Qin Ke also knew the value of this map. So keep it close at all times.

And when he took out the map, the two pendants in his pocket also fell out. One of them was just a piece of bone that had been polished, with a character engraved crookedly on it. Judging from the shape, it probably looked like " The word "Fu" is just missing a dot in the radical.

This was given to him by Ning Xin. It is said that it was an amulet carved when he was a child. He made two in total, one for her brother and one for his younger brother. The one for her elder brother was prepared earlier, while the one for younger brother was delayed. , Ning Xin has traveled to Lan Yuxuan from all over the world.

Ning Xin said that perhaps it was because this amulet has been protecting her that she met Qin Ke, a "good brother" who could take her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Qin Ke cherishes this amulet very much. He knows that Ning Xin really regards himself as his own younger brother, so he will give this amulet with special meaning as a gift. This makes Qin Ke feel the warmth of family affection that he has not felt for a long time.

And the other jade pendant was stuffed into his hand by Zhang Fu before leaving. At that time, her eyes were a little red, but she still bit her lower lip and said firmly, "I'll wait for you to come back."

In fact, Qin Ke also vaguely felt Zhang Fu's feelings for him, but he still doesn't know how to deal with it now. The emotional matter is too complicated for him now. It's better to skip it than talk about it all day long. Wandering, in vain increases worry.

Qin Ke found two red strings to string these two things together, and hung them around his neck. He immediately felt relieved, as if the two of them had never been far away.

"How many roads..." Gao Yishui touched the protruding beard on his chin, shook his head, and said, "You really think that Tang Country is a flower garden outside your house, and you can see it when you open the door? Going to Heiying Ridge is already taking a small road. , but even if it is this road, it will take nearly a month to reach the territory of Tang State."

"I didn't say I was in a hurry." Qin Ke snorted, looked down at the map again, and followed the Black Eagle Ridge written on the map, pointing all the way up with his finger.

At this time, Shen Zang, who had been riding a horse first, straightened his sitting posture, caught a glimpse of a somewhat absent-minded stone out of the corner of his eye, and said angrily, "Straighten your back for me, you boy! Make your tricks brighter for me too, there is a pass in front, just play around." What's going on... Also, let me tell you, a little patience can lead to big plans, this is what the generals often say, what happens to you later, you still talk nonsense like last time, go back carefully I'll break your leg!"

Shi Shi knew that he had indeed made a mistake last time, so he could only touch the back of his head and smile awkwardly.

The pass Shen Zang mentioned was of course not a pass set up by officers and soldiers, but the idea of ​​bandits "robbing the way".

The terrain of Heiyingling is like a gourd, wide on the outside and narrow on the inside. The officers and soldiers have tried to suppress the bandits several times in vain, and this place is far away from the official path. land.

Of course, it is impossible for a dart walker to say that he can be invincible in the world with a big knife in his hand, and bandits and robbers will spare their lives, and of course it is impossible to go up and fight everyone they meet.

All in all, the Escort Bureau and the bandits are all business seeking money, why bother to fight to the death?Therefore, sometimes both parties are willing to take a step back and reach a certain cooperative relationship. As for how and how much tolls are charged, it depends on the negotiation results between the Escort Bureau and the bandits.

In this kind of negotiation, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Strength is the last word.

"Brothers, hold your weapons tightly!" Uncle Gen shouted, full of energy, and quickly gathered a dozen riders behind him, gradually forming an array.

Shen Zang smiled, and said with a relaxed expression: "It's okay, we have walked Heiying Ridge quite a few times, so don't be too nervous, just in case."

Uncle Gen nodded, and greeted everyone in the queue behind. The people from the escort agency and the caravan began to move forward in a relatively regular formation, but the speed slowed down many times. tension.

Halfway through the journey, Shen Zang raised his hand, and the whole team stopped moving. He looked around, raised his head and shouted: "Brothers on the road! Don't hide, come out and meet!"

No one answered.

Shen Zang yelled again, but the result was the same.

His expression became a little unnatural at the moment, and he turned to look at Uncle Gen: "Did something happen?"

"What could happen?" Stone's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, and approached with his horse's hoof, "Since they won't come out, we might as well take everyone there as soon as possible, and save a lot of toll money, why not do it?"

"Just messing around." Shen Zang raised his eyebrows, "Even if he's not here this time, if we really leave like this, how can we still be on the road in the future?"

Shitou flattened his mouth and muttered: "Then what is the purpose of practicing martial arts?"

Shen Zang made a gesture to strike, but just as his hands were lifted into the air, his ears vibrated twice, and he heard the sound of horseshoes approaching from far to near!

"Draw the saber!" Shen Zang yelled, the long saber of Jing Wu Jun in his hand had already been drawn out of its scabbard like flowing water, and a dozen or so people also drew out their personal weapons in an instant, Uncle Gen gripped the simple saber tightly, face vigilant.

"What... what's wrong? Dad..." Shitou was a little nervous. He had never seen such a serious and stern expression on his father's face, and there was a bit of uneasiness in that sternness.

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