The conical formation is the main attack. The front of the formation is narrow and the rear is wide. From the top to the bottom, it looks like an awl.

But the wild goose formation is just the opposite. This kind of formation is spread out horizontally, and the left and right wings are arranged in steps, like a big mouth. When the enemy rushes in, the two wings can be stretched forward like the arms of apes. Out of general, outflank and roundabout.

It's just that the troops are scattered, and the defense of the Chinese army is much weaker, but as long as they can form an encirclement, it is enough to cause huge results.

Abu's palms were full of sweat. Looking at the gradually formed wild goose formation, he was actually taking a risk: "You and I both know Sun Qing's strength. If I directly unfold the wild goose formation, he will have time to change the formation, and the wild goose formation The troops in the formation are scattered, and it is easy to be defeated one by one, and we will only lose faster..."

"So you first use the densest array to resist his attack, and then when the troops are cut apart, use this opportunity to turn around behind the troops?" Xiaoqian's eyes lit up, he knew how difficult this approach was, Lure the enemy to go deep into the four words, it is easy to read, but Sun Qing is not a fool.

On the contrary, before Sun Qing entered the Imperial Academy, he was already a leader of the younger generation in Jingwu. Whether it was cultivation or other things, he could be said to be outstanding, and the simple temptation could only be to throw a stone at his own foot.

But Abu's change of formation this time can be said to be without warning. From the beginning, he saw Sun Qing's tactics, and then took advantage of Sun Qing's offensive momentum to spread the entire army to both ends. Wait until Sun Qing's army has completely entered. In a roundabout way.

Even if Sun Qing wanted to withdraw the army, it was too late.

Under Abu's orders in turn, the entire wild goose formation was completely stabilized, and the archers fired arrows again and again, curbing the overwhelming momentum of the enemy. When the wild goose formation really exerted its power, Sun Qing's army finally began to show its strength. decline.

There are enemies in all directions, but the edge of the cone formation is only in front. How can they resist such an attack that is constantly compressed?

"You are going to lose! Wang Zhu, don't run away! Come and fight grandpa for [-] rounds!" Lou laughed loudly. He chased Wang Zhu and practiced chopping with a knife. Wang Zhu resisted with a long wooden pole at first. But both of them are practitioners, and the long wooden pole couldn't support such a slash, and it broke into two pieces with a click. Wang Zhu threw away the long wooden pole, held the wooden knife by the scabbard, took a deep breath, and swung it. Take a knife.

Knowing that the "sword drawing technique" handed down by Wang Zhu's family is extremely powerful, the building shrunk its pupils slightly, and retreated enough space to make room for it. Then, with a loud shout, it slashed on the blade of Wang Zhu's wooden knife.

Both of them were shocked by the force of the collision.

The building said ferociously: "You are not my opponent."

"Who knows?" Wang Zhu snorted, and also refused to admit defeat. The wooden knife in his hand was thrown out one after another, and the battlefield shouted loudly.

Sun Qing looked at the army formation that was gradually being surrounded, and his eyes fell on Abu from a distance.He curled the corner of his mouth. He was indeed a little surprised by Abu's change of formation, but military exercises must be a little bit unexpected to be interesting.

It would be boring if Abu was easily trampled to death like an ant.

He shouted loudly, and said to the messenger: "Let the cavalry go out and attack the enemy's flanks, and the Chinese army will advance forward to suppress the enemy's detour!"

Abu heard the neighing of the horses, and the drums on Sun Qing's side were like thunder, and the horses also started to gallop along with the sound of the drums. Forty light cavalry sounded like a small number, but in this stalemate state, the impact of the cavalry Enough to change the whole situation.

This is why both sides pressed the cavalry to stay still.

"Ake!" Abu shouted, Qin Ke turned his head, and Abu continued to yell at him, "Stop the cavalry!"

Stop the cavalry?

Qin Ke was staring blankly at the situation on the battlefield when he suddenly heard Abu's shout. After thinking about it in his mind, he felt as if he had suddenly suffered from aphasia, and he couldn't understand the meaning of these four words at all.

"Quick!" Abu continued to roar at the top of his voice, Qin Ke finally came to his senses, and the white light in front of his eyes finally dissipated like a white mist. Shout out, "Charge!"

Forty light cavalry came out with him, and he felt the strong wind blowing his hair and blowing into his armor, the wooden knife in his hand slapped the horse's buttocks, and the cavalry in front of him was constantly magnified in his eyes.

He felt that his eyes seemed to be fascinated by the sand, and he squinted his eyes. At this moment, the cavalry and the cavalry collided fiercely. Amidst the wailing of countless horses, his wind-sighting technique caught the sound of the wind , while avoiding a wooden knife sideways, he turned the wooden knife in his hand and knocked a person off his horse.

But not everyone can rely on his keen senses to avoid those coming attacks like him. Many cavalrymen on both sides held long wooden poles and hit each other's breastplate almost at the same time. Under the force of the impact, the two leading cavalrymen fell off their horses at the same time, and at the moment they fell off their horses, they did not forget to draw their knives from their waists. One of them was faster, and he took a few steps forward , swung a knife vigorously, trying to knock the opponent to the ground, but a knife came from behind, just hit the arm, and the whole person came to a shit.

Qin Ke withdrew the wooden sword, and the two riders attacked him straight in front. The long wooden pole almost suppressed all his space.He simply jumped off the horse, and just as the two were about to throw down the long wooden pole and chop with their knives, he grabbed one of the legs and pulled him off the horse.

Then he got on his horse and continued to fight.

Chapter 167

In order to distinguish the two sides, the armor colors of the two sides are different. Qin Ke's side is mainly black leather armor, which is deep and heavy.

However, those under Sun Qing's command were all fiery red, like burning wildfire.

Qin Ke urged the horse to move forward with the wooden knife in his hand and slashed out, almost exhausting all the strength of his body. Under the momentum of the horse, the cavalry who was facing him fell off the horse in one encounter.

After the first round of charge, the formations of the two cavalry troops had become a mess. Although nearly half of them were still on horseback, a small half of them had changed from fighting on horseback to fighting on foot, constantly avoiding horseshoes and wooden knives. Next, fight close to those enemies who are also fighting on foot.

A sergeant in black armor and a sergeant in red armor first collided with each other during the charge. Before the horse capsized, both of them stepped on the horse's back and jumped up. The long wooden poles intertwined and collided in the air. .

The two fell to the ground together, each holding the tip of the other's long wooden pole, refusing to relax at all, and whoever realized that it would be difficult to tell the winner if they kept going like this, the sound of drawing their swords sounded, and the two of them Throwing aside the long wooden pole, both of them swung their knives forward in both directions. When the wooden knives collided, their shoulder armors also stuck together, as if two cows were bumping each other with their horns.

A horse with no rider lost control and crossed over, and the two of them hit each other almost at the same time, using this force to retreat.

When passing the horse, the two still lowered their backs to look for each other's traces, and when the horse's butt passed between the two, the two swung their swords again, one slashed at the shoulder, and the other hit the other's lower abdomen .

Both of them groaned in pain, but the pulsing blood in their bodies still maintained their bodies. The Red Army roared, and he, who had given up the wooden knife, rushed forward, threw the opponent's roar on the ground, and punched without hesitation.

And the black army put his arms across his head, while avoiding the vital points, he raised his foot and kicked the red armored vest, and the two of them rolled into a ball again on the ground.

Although the number of cavalry troops is small, Sun Qing and Abu put all their treasures on it almost at the same time. Whether they are the children of the noble family or the children of the humble family, as long as they have a certain amount of energy and blood, more than half of them are in these two branches. In the cavalry.

Naturally, the two sides could not decide the winner so quickly. As the horse neighed and trampled under the iron hooves, Qin Ke clamped the horse's belly, and in front of him was a son of the noble family he knew well. His name was Lu Ding, and his mother was married to the Sun family. His daughter, he grew up with Sun Qing since she was a child, and her cultivation base is not weak.

Lu Ding also found Qin Ke, and he also urged the horse. The wooden knives of the two collided in the air, making a crackling sound. Qin Ke frowned, and his wind vision technique heard the slight cracking sound of the wooden knife in his hand. , Just now he swung his sword continuously and hit three or four cavalrymen. Even though the wooden sword was made of good wood, it was already unbearable under his strength.

If he keeps swinging the knife, I'm afraid the wooden knife in his hand will break faster than the wooden knife in Lu Ding's hand.

After the two horses passed by each other, they both turned around not far away, turned the horse's head around, and launched a charge again.

Qin Ke lowered his body to avoid a long wooden pole coming from beside him, while Lu Ding slashed the sergeant who was trying to pull him off the horse from behind with a knife, and was hit on the sergeant's helmet. Ji slammed, and fell to the ground like a rolling gourd.

Lu Ding roared loudly: "Come on!"

Qin Ke didn't speak. He lowered his body and raised his eyes to stare at him, like a vicious wolf.

Since you can't fight for a long time, then just go all out!

When the two horses met, Lu Ding unleashed his saber, and the wooden saber pierced through the air, pointing directly at Qin Ke's face.

Even though he only had a wooden knife in his hand, with his abundant energy and blood, the strength he swung was enough to seriously injure an ordinary person.

He doesn't expect that he can defeat Qin Ke with such a simple move. In terms of cultivation, he and Qin Ke are only close to each other. Although he is confident that he can beat Qin Ke, he won't be able to win or lose. It's a matter of short breaths.

But as long as the cavalry can break through the encirclement and attack the detoured infantry, they will win this military exercise!

Thinking of this, he was so excited that the veins on his forehead burst out slightly.

Qin Ke closed his eyes.

The surroundings seemed to be silent for a moment, only the sound of the horse's hooves slapping in his mind, and then a sound of wind, which was the sound of the wooden knife in his hand passing through the air, and it followed the horse's back. Volt, also shaking up and down.

It might sound like a simple thing to do, but it's actually not so easy to do.

And in such a noisy and chaotic environment, it is even more difficult to do so.

But after all, Qin Ke has been trained by Mulan for so long, and he still has some tricks.

He heard his own breathing, one, one, and another.

There seemed to be a wide river in his chest, it was flowing, along with the strength of his body, it was constantly flowing towards that point in his heart.

Although this process seemed to Qin Ke to be very long, it was actually only a short breathing time. Soon, the second sound of horseshoes appeared in his ears...the third...the fourth sound...

He felt the torrent of the entire battlefield pouring into his eardrums again, the sound of killing made his blood surge, and his chest seemed to be about to explode.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and Lu Ding's wooden knife was already in front of his eyes.

He stabbed out the wooden knife, even though there was darkness in front of him, there seemed to be a ray of light blooming on his 'sword tip'.

Lu Ding watched helplessly as his wooden knife flew in front of Qin Ke. If this knife hit him, Qin Ke would at least be seriously injured and fall off his horse.He couldn't help showing a somewhat smug smile at the corner of his mouth, but what made him a little puzzled was that Qin Ke was so frightened that he didn't even resist?

Then, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and the wooden knife that was about to hit Qin Ke began to get farther and farther away from him.

He frowned, but didn't know what happened.

When he lowered his head slightly, he finally saw the wooden knife that had reached his heart at some point.

Whose wooden knife is this?

He was puzzled, and looked along the handle of the wooden knife. Qin Ke's eyes without any emotion were under the helmet, slowly revealing a fierce killing intent.However, this killing intent soon dissipated without a trace, replaced by Qin Ke's slightly dazed but very clear eyes.

Afterwards, Lu Ding felt a sharp pain spread all over his body, he screamed, and everything in front of him was spinning and overturning.The huge force made him get off the horse, and his uncontrollable body flipped in the air. When he continued to climb to the highest point, Qin Ke retracted the wooden knife, and his whole body began to fall.

Suddenly, a group of people exclaimed on the city wall.Those officials could see clearly from above, and they also knew this Lu Ding from the Sun family. On weekdays, the gentry had a close relationship, so they naturally knew that Lu Ding's qi and blood cultivation had reached the level of melting into the bones. For the younger generation, they can be regarded as outstanding.

But he was defeated in a face-to-face meeting, by a poor boy who didn't know where Zhuge Wanling found it. Could it be that this poor boy has broken through the three realms and is already a warrior who can enter the court? no?

"What kind of sword technique is this?" An official from the Sun family's faction lost his voice.

"This is not a sword technique." Sun Ji'an stood up abruptly, holding one hand on the crenel of the city wall. Looking at Qin Ke's knife, his heart tightened, and with a slight force in his hand, he actually pulled it off from the city wall. A few inches of crumbs.

"This is swordsmanship." Sun Ji'an slowly put his hands into his sleeves, the wide cuffs covered the debris on his hands, and he said in a deep voice, "A simple straight thrust, but too fast, It was so decisive that Lu Ding had already hit it before he even felt it. If he used a real sword, Lu Ding would have died already."

Everyone fell silent immediately, they knew that Sun Ji'an was also a not weak warrior, and it was reasonable to see more details, but they couldn't understand the reason why Lu Ding lost so quickly, they could only I complained a few times in private.

Sun Ji'an looked down at Qin Ke's back and murmured in a low voice, "It looks a bit like..."

He looked at Gao Changgong, "It's a bit like his spear skills?"

But he shook his head again, it's just a resemblance, and it's not surprising even if Gao Changgong taught this move, after all, Gao Changgong and Zhuge Wanling are so good that they only need to wear a pair of pants, so his heart will definitely be more inclined to poor scholars Some.

Chapter 168

Gao Changgong had already finished the two jugs of wine on the table. Although he kept arguing to drink with Mulan, Mulan drank very little. Seeing Qin Ke take Lu Ding off the horse with a "sword", she shook slightly. Shaking his head, he seemed a little regretful.

"How?" Gao Changgong smiled.

"It's still not good enough, the moves are there, but the reason why the Qijin sword is called Qijin is that it has the momentum of advancing but not retreating, and there is death but not life. Now the four moves he knows are just in name. "Mulan looked at Gao Changgong, "But this is not a life-and-death fight after all, maybe in another time, he will use it better."

"I'm not too worried about it. This kid looks afraid of everything, but he's actually pretty solid. He's reliable when it comes to critical moments." Gao Changgong looked at the chaos below, even though the entire army formation was in chaos, he could still grasp it. The movement of the whole situation is due to the elite education he received since he was a child, and it is also due to his many years of experience on the battlefield.

At present, the formation of the black army under Abu's command has been completely spread out. Although Sun Qing's red army is still unstoppable like a sharp blade, after all, the flanks of the conical formation are weak, compressed by both sides of the goose-shaped formation, and the entire army is attacked on both sides, a little tired to deal with.

And if the formation of the black army can really turn back behind them at this time, the defeat of the red army is almost a certainty.

It was also because of this that Sun Qing sent cavalry to support, with the purpose of cutting off the black army's roundabout attack.

Even though Abu's wild goose formation has become a force, it is still not enough to spread out the entire formation with more than 400 people. When the cavalry cuts off the black army's detour, it is entirely possible for the cavalry to directly attack the black army from the flanks. As long as the wild goose formation is defeated Tear one side, and the remaining side can basically be said to be self-defeating.

It's just that Abu also kept a hand. He held down the cavalry and didn't move. When Sun Qing used the cavalry, he used the cavalry to intercept the cavalry. When he hit both sides, it was like a pool of clear water that instantly turned into a ball of mud. The cavalry Once caught in a stalemate, where is there enough time and space to regroup and exert their impact?

"But will Sun Qing really lose to this tactic?" Gao Changgong smiled slightly, probably not.

With the Sun family's tutor, Sun Qing's strategic deduction is enough to surpass any student in the Tai Xuetang.

His teacher, Sun Ji, a veteran of the state of Wu, was the one who commanded the army to resist the invasion of the Tang state from all fronts. He gave his Qingzhou ghost rider enough time to sweep the Quartet when the interior of the Tang state was empty. In terms of strategy, even Gao Changgong We all admire three points.

That being the case, his student Sun Qing must have something extraordinary, right?

Qin Ke stretched out his hand and threw Lu Ding onto the horse's back. Looking at Lu Ding who had passed out, he let out a sigh of relief.

If Lu Ding is allowed to fall down like this, it is very likely that something will happen under the trampling of the horse's hoof.Maybe Xiaoqian would just gloat from the sidelines, but Qin Ke still couldn't help it.

The comatose Lu Ding was breathing lightly, but he didn't seem to have any major problems.

This was the first time he had used the Qijin Sword against someone other than Mulan, but it was clear that the power of this sword was beyond his imagination.

Seven into the sword first into, and the wind.

Although the name seems poetic and picturesque, in fact this sword is not sunny, nor is it very warm. It is a sharp and swift wind, but it is not very warm or gentle. Unpredictable speed and murderous intent.

When he saw Mulan use this sword for the first time, he didn't even know how Mulan exerted his strength. In the blink of an eye, Mulan's saber had already rested on his chest, and he felt as if he was on the verge of life and death. I walked back and forth in the middle of the day, sweating profusely all over my body.

If Mulan really wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago.

A seemingly simple straight stab can drive the blood of the whole body, from the soles of the feet to the waist and hips, from the shoulders to the palms. When he pushed out the sword, that kind of reckless heroism seemed to open his arms to death.

Or, is it a challenge to death?

For a moment, he felt that his body seemed to be poured into the soul of another person. That person was screaming and shouting. He didn't want to be tied down in the cage. He needed to rush out. Nothing could stop him. Bind his will, he must rush out!

rush out!

Qin Ke remembered a sentence that his master said: "If there is injustice, there will be a cry."

So Qin Ke stabbed out the sword, and the man burst into laughter. Following the sword, he turned into smoke and dust, and then a torrent of power reached the tip of the sword from his whole body, and finally rushed into the enemy completely. body of.

He has learned four swords of Qijin sword, which is this sword, and he uses it best.

It is normal for Lu Ding to be defeated by this trick.

Qin Ke heard a wind coming towards him from behind, he turned around without thinking, and slashed at him with a knife. He felt a huge shock traveling along the tip of the knife to his wrist. He groaned, and the wooden knife in his hand broke into pieces. Two pieces, an arrow with the arrowhead removed obliquely inserted into the ground.

He raised his head and met Sun Qing's cold gaze.

The horn bow in his hand was still trembling slightly.

"Fire the arrow." Sun Qing said coldly.

Then behind him, arrows like migratory locusts soared into the sky.

Qin Ke's pupils shrank slightly, and these arrows were aimed at them!At this moment, the cavalry troops on both sides were fighting musk, and they could no longer tell each other apart in the chaos. Sun Qing ordered to shoot arrows at this moment, clearly covering his own people.Even if he could use this to attack the cavalry, his own cavalry would lose the ability to attack Abramovich's formation.

Could it be that he is crazy?

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