Liu De lightly hummed: "You didn't say some lies to prevaricate me. What if... It seems that you still have that plan. You want to firmly hold the position of Lord Jingwu in your hands?"

Zhuge Wanling looked at Liu De, knowing that it was useless to explain himself, some things...

As long as he is identified, there is no way to defend himself. From the day Ziyun passed away, he and Liu De have been strangers to each other. It is not that he has not explained, but when he found that things were getting out of control and even getting darker, he quietly closed his eyes. He closed his mouth and silently accepted all the harsh criticisms from Liu De and the world.

"Will you go with General Mulan all the way?" Zhuge Wanling asked, of course, about the upcoming itinerary of the Canghai Mission.

Now that the Great Wall has been finalized, they will leave after today's military exercise and another big banquet, but Liu De has never expressed his intention, and Jingwu Chaotang also thought that he wanted to stay in Jingwu for a few more days to watch Southern style.

Liu De did not answer directly, but said softly: "I want to know some things first, and then think about them."

Zhuge Wanling blinked slowly, breathing lightly: "In that case, you can ask."

Liu De shook his head, drank the rice wine in the wine bowl, tapped the table lightly with his fingers, a little tired in his eyes, and said softly: "I want to tell you a story first, I hope it is appropriate In time, you will tell me the answer."

He sighed, and opened his mouth slowly, while Zhuge Wanling just listened quietly, drinking two sips of tea from time to time, the two seemed to be really harmonious friends—if Liu De If you are willing to let go of the hilt of the ancient sword that has been exuding a cold aura.

"I want to tell you a personal story."

Liu Dedao: "This person... comes from Jingwu, and his name is Yao Li. Four years ago, this person was quite famous in Jingwu. Fuck him. He was almost 30 years old at the time, but he couldn't show his ambitions, and soon spent all his savings, so he could only work as a waiter in a restaurant, doing the things he despises the most on weekdays."

"He thought he would spend his life like this. After all, in Jingwu, the selection of officials is closely related to the background of the gentry. If a poor family like him wants to enter the court one day, he must also be attached to these gentry."

"But even if you go back to the ten generations of relatives of your ancestors, you have nothing to do with those gentry. In the eyes of the gentry, people like him are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are countless people, so spend more time watching him. The patience at a glance is owed. Wanting to get ahead is almost a fool's dream. So he just sits at ease as a waiter in the shop, with the little monthly money, drinking the spirits he brews, cursing the ruler, In a fit of anger, he even planned to burn all his books."

"But just at this time, someone came to him. When the man just entered the inn, Yao Li was still fiddling with the 'Book of Sages' that he was burning in the brazier. In despair, he just wanted to hit his head to death In the restaurant. The man said at the time that he could provide help to help him realize his ambition. Of course Yao Li was overjoyed, thinking that his good horse had finally met Bo Le, but the man's next sentence stunned him. Then People say that I can indeed help him realize his ambitions, but not in Jingwu, but in the north."

"If it were someone else, I'm afraid that this person would feel that this person was just making fun of him because he was bored. After all, when he was resting every day, he would always speak loudly about 'political codes' and 'arts of war' that others could not understand. Neighbors say he is a 'talking prime minister', and even the owner of the wine shop calls him 'the heart is higher than the sky, and the fate is thinner than paper' from time to time, and it is no secret that he is depressed."

"When he heard the man's words at the time, he immediately thought that the man was just trying to make fun of him. It happened that he drank a lot of alcohol, and immediately wanted to quit drinking and go crazy, and fight with the man. But maybe looking at the burned Those books, maybe the persistence in his heart hadn’t really died yet, and he didn’t act rashly. He asked: If he is willing to go to the north, can he get what he wants? The man replied: As long as you go, what you get will be More than you think."

"That day Yao Lizhen left everything behind. He didn't even ask for the monthly payment for working in the inn for half a month. Since then, he has never appeared in Jianye City again, and there is no news of him in Jingwu."

"No one knew where he had gone, but a few months later, there was another soldier named Yao Li on the Great Wall. Although this soldier came from a humble background, he had read military books thoroughly, was bold and careful, and was quickly recruited by his superiors. In less than a year, his position was actually promoted to Captain Shesheng, and then his talent was gradually valued by Lu Ming, and after another year, he became Lu Ming's deputy."

"At that time, Lu Ming was already an effective subordinate of General Mulan, leading the rank of general guard, and could participate in the military administration of the Great Wall. Being valued by him was enough to prove that Yao Li was indeed a man with a strong chest. And because of this, Lu Ming Every time we talk about the military affairs, he will be called to discuss with him, the relationship between the two is so close that they can be called brothers."

"At that time, the supply of food and grass on the Great Wall was running low, and General Mulan sent Lu Ming to visit my country first, then the Mohist family, and even went as far as the Tang state. However, apart from our country, the Mohist family was busy with internal strife, leaving Lu Ming alone. For three days, he didn't even have the intention of calling him into the palace, although Tang Guo said he treated him like a guest, he never mentioned anything about food assistance."

"Lu Ming returned to the country in a fit of anger, and that's why General Mulan went south in person. Lu Ming was not dissatisfied with the world's indifference to the Great Wall, so he drew up a plan with Yao Li, hoping to cause chaos in the world again, so as to speed up the speed of unification Lu Ming is the mastermind, and this Yao Li is the executor." Liu De took a deep look at Zhuge Wanling when he said this, "This plan eventually led to Lu Ming being exiled by General Mulan, you know that ?”

This plan, of course, is the answer Gao Changgong got from Mulan.

"I've heard of some." Zhuge Wanling said calmly.

Chapter 164 Your Person

"Then... above the main hall, those two assassins came from the Great Wall, do you know?" Liu De asked again, his narration just now was like a cannonball, one sentence after another, without giving anyone a chance to breathe.

Once these words of his are spread, I am afraid that there will be another big storm in Jingwu immediately!

"It's just a guess, but both of them are dead." After all, Zhuge Wanling is not an ordinary person, and others may have a gap in their defenses because of this, but he didn't even change his eyes at all, and replied calmly again.

"They're all dead?" Liu De paused, and suddenly laughed. He first laughed softly, and then laughed heartily, even laughing so hard that his whole body trembled violently. Suddenly, his eyes froze, but already No more smiles, full of chills!

"Of course they will die. Because they are alive, they may leak the secret." Liu De looked at Zhuge Wanling, "I just thought this matter was a bit weird at first, why did the people from the Great Wall participate in the assassination of you? But I searched along the way, and I happened to find this Yao Li..."

He slapped the table suddenly: "Others may think that Yao Li is just following Lu Ming's orders, but I found out that the person who appeared in the restaurant and took Yao Li away was none other than your right-hand man. Zhou Gongjin! He belongs to you! And Yao Li...he also belongs to you!"

He lowered his voice and roared: "You are using the Great Wall, General Mulan, and Lu Ming... In order to suppress the gentry, big and small, in Jingwu, you let Yao Li gradually influence Lu Ming in the companionship day by day, and finally Let him make a shocking assassination act on a whim. The power of the Great Wall has nothing to do with Jing Wu, so naturally no one can find you along this road. And when they find General Mulan, they will only think that they are Someone in the family wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of General Mulan's visit to Jingwu to pour dirty water on her, but no one thought that this matter was originally your handwriting!"

The atmosphere in the teahouse was stagnant for a while, and the military exercise field inside the palace wall was full of fighting spirit and swords were on the verge of breaking out.

Qin Ke shook the battle sword in his hand vigorously. This is a wooden sword used for training, but it is made of exquisite materials. After soaking in medicinal materials, it is as heavy as iron stone. If it really hits someone's body, it will not be seriously injured , and at least it will hurt the bones.

However, what he was worried about was not whether he would throw someone out of the way, but the bigger worry was that he saw the army formation like an iron barrel on the opposite side, and he didn't know how to break through this formation for a while.

The number of both sides is controlled at 500, and the number of infantry and cavalry is also the same. The only difference is some subtle differences in formation, but even though there are only 500 people, the army trained by Gao Changgong is in such a situation. They also showed their strong will.

Perhaps they were not the elite of the Jingwu army, but their fighting spirit was equally high. When the bottom of the shield hit the ground, they gave a low cry, but they intertwined like a lion roaring at each other.

Both sides were waiting for the signal, the horse neighed amidst the interweaving of steel, already feeling excited because of this invisible murderous aura.

"It seems that both sides have high fighting spirit." On the city wall, Sun Jian'an, the current Patriarch of the Sun family, laughed softly.

"That's natural. Although this thousand troops are not considered to be the elite troops of our country, they have been trained by the general for several months after all. They have been swayed by their ears and eyes, and they should learn something." Beside Sun Ji'an is the young minister Liu Yi, in terms of blood, he can be said to be the uncle of the little country master, but once the distant house is far away, the relationship will be far away.

Of course, his ability still allowed him to become one of the Jingwu Jiuqing, holding the money bag of the Jingwu royal family in his hand, and his status was noble.

"However, Master Sun... this time, the son was able to take command of the military exercise, and he personally commanded a troop, which is enough to prove... that the son is indeed not someone in the pool. If we win this game, we all have to go How about a wedding wine at your house? Hahaha."

Hearing what Liu Yi said, several officials around him also laughed together, saying yes, and many people took advantage of the situation to flatter them, most of them were "Master Sun teaches his son well", "The Sun family Complimentary sentences are often used in official circles such as "Sure enough, talents come forth in large numbers" or "Your son will definitely make a lot of achievements in the future".

Sun Jian'an didn't have much thought, just smiled softly, and immediately responded with a standard sentence: "Where is that? It's just a small fight between 500 people and 500 people. How can there be any meritorious deeds involved?" Well, the dog doesn't deserve this kind of praise, it doesn't deserve it! It's even more embarrassing to say that I teach my son well... that child, Sun Qing, grew up under my father's lap since he was a child. Competent."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" Liu Yi fanned his fan and laughed, "500 people vs. 500 people is a small fight in the eyes of adults? Oh, then in the eyes of adults, your son should have a bigger achievement... Mr. Sun has a lot of things to do every day. , it is reasonable to not be able to take care of the children for a while, but to be honest, I was the one who was abrupt and abrupt, and Mr. Sun taught it, how can we people have the qualifications to judge?"

All the officials burst into laughter again. They respected Sun Zhong from the bottom of their hearts. Naturally, praise poured out like a sea tide. This made Sun Ji'an, who has always been calm and prudent, a little ashamed for a while, and he didn't know how to deal with it. .

Qin Ke looked at Sun Qing, who was riding a horse and sitting firmly in the army, and saw that he still had that indifferent expression. Although the two looked at each other from a distance, he felt that he was condescendingly looking down at a group of tiny ants.

Qin Ke frowned, feeling uncomfortable.

In fact, he still remembers the scene of how Sun Qing rescued himself and Abu when they were besieged that day, but for Sun Qing, his action was only to maintain the dignity of the Imperial Academy, but It's not because of the friendship between classmates, so it's hard for Qin Ke to have any feelings of repaying him.

But now he was going to fight face to face with him, he still felt it was very strange.

Thinking of the four "seven-advance swords" that I had learned so hard from Mulan's teachings, I wonder if the current self can support a few more rounds under Sun Qing's men?

As for the changes in the army formation and the deduction of the battle situation, Qin Ke could only sigh in relief. He knew that he was a complete layman and could not help at all.

Not only did he have a short period of time to study in the Imperial Academy, but he was not very interested in it at all. If he were to come to direct the scene, he would be more and more helpful.

He looked at Abu, who also frowned, and it could be seen that both he and Xiaoqian were not at peace at the moment.

After all, for them, the usual deduction of the battle situation of the army is just a matter of paper. This is the first time they have come into contact with such a large-scale battle, and there are so many famous figures in Jing and Wu standing and sitting on the tower. Thinking of this, they My palms couldn't help sweating.

"Abu!" Qin Ke shouted.

Abu turned his head and saw Qin Ke hammering his chest hard, then clenched his fist and raised his right arm above his head.

The expression on his face relaxed, and for some reason, the pressure in his heart seemed to be much less all of a sudden.

"It's okay, it's okay." He said softly to himself, and at this moment, the horn to start the war finally sounded, and the sounds of armor rubbing and horseshoes stamping on the ground gradually became denser and clearer.

Qin Ke opened his mouth, and what he said to Abu was drowned out almost instantly by the sound of the two armies charging.

Even though the total number of people on both sides is only more than a thousand people, when these more than a thousand people formed a formation with each other and charged forward with shields and long wooden poles in their hands, Qin Ke seemed to be surrounded by thousands of troops. Like a tidal wave, the dust on the field was rolled up rumblingly, and then there was a loud bang, countless shields collided with each other, and the soldiers roared into the sky in unison.

These voices hovered in his ears, echoed, drilled into his eardrum, and beat his heart.

His blood boiled, and the laughter of those dignitaries on the city tower was no longer important. For a moment, he even felt that the whole world was left with everything in front of him.

It was as if something had trapped him, preventing him from moving.

The remaining strength was only enough for him to hold the training sword in his waist, he pulled it out, felt its weight, as if he had no other support besides this thing.

Chapter 165

The horse under his crotch had already rushed forward, and he heard the sound of countless swords being unsheathed beside him.

He tried to see the battle formation clearly, but there seemed to be a white light in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

This battle has just begun, and it has already entered the hottest stage. The front rows of the two armies have been intertwined, and the long wooden poles collided with each other. The soldiers in the front row gave up, which is not suitable for close combat. The long wooden poles drew out the knives at their waists, put their shields against each other, and slashed down fiercely.

The arrows with the arrows removed shot out from the hands of the archers, climbed to the highest point, and then fell from the sky, like a torrential rain falling on the local body.

Looking down from the city wall, the entire army formation looks like two wolves that have been hungry for a long time, opening their sharp canine teeth and biting each other.

The army under Sun Qing's command was like a steel knife, piercing fiercely into Abu's army formation in a cone-shaped posture, and heading straight for the Chinese army.However, the formation of the Chinese army remained stable, and it seemed a little difficult to intercept this sharp-edged army.

When the two armies confront each other, like the east wind overpowering the west wind, once it becomes powerful, it will be able to swallow thousands of miles. Sun Qing obviously has such thoughts, and wants to go deep into the hinterland, go straight into the ground, and seize the chance of victory as quickly as possible.

Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage from the very beginning, Xiaoqian was a little uneasy. It was also his first real use of troops, but seeing such a scene, he trembled and said: "This will not work. If Sun Qing and the others are allowed to press in, we will Sooner or later, the formation here will be cut off, and then it will really become fish on the chopping board."

Abu also understands this truth, but he swept across the audience with heavy eyes, looked at Sun Qing who was opposite with a bit of disdain on his face, and said in a low voice: "In terms of the art of war, we are not Sun Qing's opponents, we must win , you must use some extraordinary methods.”

The front formation of the infantry was completely chaotic, but the formation of the infantry under the command of Sun Qing was still struggling to maintain its basic shape. On the other hand, the infantry under the command of Abu, whose Liangyi was cut off, was like a mess. Only relying on instinct to fight among the chaotic army.

The building was clad in iron armor, and still roared in the midst of the chaotic army. The long wooden pole in his hand stabbed continuously, passing through the gap between the shields, and stabbing the sergeant behind him forcefully.

There were a few long wooden poles trying to poke towards his face, but he turned his head sideways, and the long wooden poles passed by his ears. He didn't wait for the long wooden poles to press against him again, and rolled on the spot. Kick on a shield.

At this time, the students in the Imperial Academy played a role. Although they can't say that one of them is a hundred, but they can dodge in such a chaotic army formation, which is really helpful. The other party caused a lot of trouble.

But just as the building wanted to take advantage of the situation to give the sergeant in front of him a nice meal, a wooden knife slashed at him fiercely.

The complexion of the building changed, and he stretched out his hand and raised the long pole to seal the wooden knife, but the wooden knife cut along his long pole towards his fingers. Looking in the direction of the wooden knife, a familiar face was smiling contemptuously at him.

"Wang Zhu!" The building shouted viciously.

The son of the gentry who was also in armor smiled and said, "Why, do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"I beg your father!" The building roared, holding a long knife and slashing at him.

The two were fighting among the chaotic army. The wooden knives collided with each other and there was a loud and crisp "slap" sound. The vest of the building was hit by a long wooden pole protruding from nowhere, and the burning pain in the vest was like It penetrated into the marrow of his bones, but he looked at Wang Zhu in front of him, but his hand did not slow down in the slightest. He hit Wang Zhu's wrist in a fight, and Wang Zhu let out a muffled grunt. Hidden in the army formation.

"Don't run if you can." The building sneered, he wanted to chase, but countless long wooden poles rushed over, he threw away the shield, held Wang Zhu's wooden knife in one hand, and held his own wooden knife in the other. Long wooden poles, but more sergeants came towards him.

With a strange cry, he avoided them and stepped back.

There are quite a few people in the same situation as the building. In this chaotic army, there were already many students from the Imperial Academy mixed in, but this time the military exercise put the children of the noble family and the children of the poor family in different camps, which made them even more confused. There is a place to vent the full hatred.

Naturally, there would be no "classmate friendship" in their hands. Both sides wanted to knock down their opponents to the ground faster and harder. For a while, it was unknown how many people were injured in such chaos.

But this also coincided with the interest of the dignitaries below the city tower. From the beginning of the infantry charge, these people were already amazed by it: "It's just that the tall general has led the infantry for several months, and he has such a demeanor. It's really unexpected."

The knowledgeable Sun Ji'an saw some clues: "These two armies are recruited from the beginning. They are young and strong. Although they are still lacking in stamina, they will definitely be one of the main forces of our army in the future. To have such an atmosphere, It's normal."

Liu Yi laughed: "Looking at this, it must be Sun Qing who won. Sure enough, when it comes to knowledge, the Taixuetang is still not as deep as the Sun family. Sun Qing's cultivation level can be called the first among the young generation of Jingwu. A handsome man, if he wins, it will be normal. I heard that this victory or defeat is a lottery, I wonder if Mr. Sun knows?"

"It's nothing new." Sun Jian'an smiled, "I heard that the prime minister plans to arrange a position as a partial general to reward the best performer. However, there is no conclusion on how to evaluate the best."

"It's nothing more than General Gao's evaluation. In our Jingwu, he is the person with the most say."

"That's right." Sun Ji'an tilted his head slightly, just in time to see Gao Changgong who was sitting opposite Mulan. He seemed to be in a good mood. The breeze blew his robe, and a flower petal came from nowhere and fell gently on his shoulders. In the wine bowl, it is like a dragonfly on the water.

He picked up the wine bowl and drank it down.

Mulan looked at the army formation, and said softly: "It seems that your students are going to lose. Once the army formation is divided into two teams, they cannot respond to each other. When the formation collapses, the combat power will inevitably be greatly reduced. Even the Chinese army may lose their strength." Can't keep it."

"The students in the Taixuetang are all my students." Gao Changgong replied with a smile. This is not a lie. After all, he is well-known in the Taixuetang. It's just that he is busy with military affairs on weekdays and rarely goes to the Taixuetang to hold classes. "It does look like Abu is about to lose, but it's not certain who will win..."

"General, so you have made up your mind?" asked the little king who sat on the chair and rubbed his hands excitedly, "That Abu...or Sun Qing, who is stronger? "

Gao Changgong sat on his knees and cupped his hands, and said with a smile: "My lord, just wait and see. If Chang Gong easily speaks out about this kind of thing, it will be boring. What's more, the battlefield is changing rapidly, so how can I easily come to a conclusion?"

"Oh." The little king looked a little disappointed, but he also agreed with Gao Changgong's "can't tell the truth", reached out and picked up a grape from the plate in the old eunuch's hand, and threw it into his mouth indiscriminately.

Chapter 166

Sun Qing looked at the chaotic situation in front of him, sneered slightly, and said, "Keep advancing and tear apart the enemy's formation."

The entire army moved forward like a giant steel beast. Even though the long wooden pole wouldn't really hurt life, getting stabbed was still not a pleasant thing.And when Sun Qing's infantry moved forward, the formation on Abu's side became more and more precarious.

This kind of sharp sword piercing into the heart is like the knife in Sun Qing's eyes. When it is really revealed, it is sharp and unstoppable.

Xiaoqian worriedly said: "Abu."

"Wait." Abu interrupted him, as if he was giving an order to Xiaoqian, but also as if he was giving an order to himself, "Wait a little longer."

Xiaoqian didn't know what he was waiting for. Before, he and Abu deduced tactics overnight, and the result was that the two of them had only a [-]% chance of winning if they wanted to fight Sun Qing.

The tactics they deduced were to show the enemy weakness, shrink the battle line while maintaining the formation, and wear down the enemy's momentum. Wait for the right time, and then wait for the opportunity to break through like a sharp arrow and directly pierce the enemy's army formation.

At that time, as long as a small group of troops can press in front of Sun Qing and seize the fiery red flag, no matter how the overall situation collapses, it can be regarded as turning the tide of defeat.

It's risky, but worth a try.

But at this moment, Abramovich has no intention of shrinking the front line at all. After a few orders from him, the whole army has become more scattered, and even has a tendency to spread to both sides.Xiaoqian frowned tightly. In just a few moments, his army formation would be cut off, and the Chinese army would collapse. What kind of tactics is this?

And when he was still in a daze, the sharpness in Abu's eyes flashed, and he shouted loudly: "The Chinese army retreats, and the whole army changes into a wild goose formation!"

Just after his words fell, the war drums rumbled, which was a signal for a change of formation, and amidst such a sound, the entire chaotic infantry under Abu's command changed accordingly, and the originally collapsed formation was gradually replaced. Stabilize again.

Abu closed his lips tightly. He knew that if it wasn't for the soldiers trained by Gao Changgong, even if he was beating the drums and changing his formation now, the whole army would have already been scattered into a mess, and they would even interfere with each other hastily.

He actually took a small advantage, but whether this small advantage can be converted into an advantage in the situation is still hard to say.

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Ke who was full of daze, and clenched his fist unconsciously.He knew that if the situation was to be reversed, the cavalry army that Qin Ke belonged to could be said to be the top priority.

"Goose formation?" Xiaoqian was stunned for a moment, but suddenly said in shock, "So you want to lure them in?" For him, the wild goose formation can be said to be a very familiar formation. The conical array used is one of the "Ten Arrays" taught by Taixuetang.

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