"It's not interesting. Just talk about your feelings." Wang Xuan said slightly.

Ding Mo frowned. He really didn't understand the purpose of Wang Xuanwei's sudden question, but he still carefully recalled Qin Ke's face, and said slowly: "Young...pure...innocent?"

Wang Xuan smiled slightly: "Do you know what he came to see me for?"

Ding Mo looked at Wang Xuanwei, puzzled, "Didn't he come to deliver food to the general?"

Wang Xuanwei's right hand shook lightly, a bright silver light drew an arc, and finally landed in Ding Mo's hand.

"Silver?" Ding Mo asked.

"He came to pay me back the money. To be honest, I dare not accept it." Wang Xuanwei said, "It's really interesting. The money that was obviously given away can still be returned to me."

Ding Mo was still puzzled: "Maybe it's because he's timid? After all, it's not uncommon for people to be afraid of officials going back on their word."

But Wang Xuanwei shook his head, and said: "I don't know about that. But there is one more interesting thing. A clerk in a small inn is actually a practitioner."

Ding Mo was stunned, confirmed that Wang Xuanwei was not joking, and said in shock, "How is it possible?"

"At first, I thought I had misread it. After all, the first time I saw this guy at the entrance of the inn, I didn't think he was any different. But the second time I met, I found this The boy's breathing is long, and there may be no difference between his every move and every move, but in fact, every step he takes is the most labor-saving way. Although he still can't feel the breath in his body, these living habits But you can’t fake it.”

There was a "plop" sound in the big tent, but it was Ding Mo who knelt on the ground in an extremely decisive manner, and said forcefully, "This subordinate is guilty. I failed to notice the strangeness of this young man, and let him easily approach the general. Please The general will punish you."

Wang Xuan looked at Ding Mo slightly, and closed his eyes: "Even I miss you sometimes, let alone you. Get up."

Ding Mo stood up with firm eyes: "What should I do with this little guy?"

"This person. Maybe it is related to people from Jingwu, or someone from the other side. But no matter which side it is, it is necessary to find out." Wang Xuanwei said, "He has my 'Xuanweizi' on him now. , as long as there is any change in him, I will sense it in advance."

At this time, a black knight came in from outside the big tent: "General, those two people in the inn... have gone out."

Xuan Weizi's eyes were as cold as a knife, and when he stood up, he looked like a towering mountain: "Whether it's a game or not, since we're here, we're going to break the game. Ding Mo, call your troops."

Qin Ke, who was bouncing and walking on the road, still didn't know that he had shown his feet in front of Wang Xuanwei. After all, although his special skills could hide his cultivation in front of others, some details were his fault. Such an inexperienced young man couldn't think about it.

If you can return the money back, Uncle Ji won't be worried anymore, right?Although it is a pity that such a large ingot of silver is gone like this, it is always right to be content and happy.

Qin Ke was walking while thinking this way. There was a cool wind in the field at night. Although it was a bit chilly, Qin Ke didn't feel cold, but felt his spirit was shaken.Looking at the full moon in the sky, he closed his eyes, and the air mass in his dantian slowly expanded again.

In a breath, the air mass released wisps of smoke like a cocoon. At first, the smoke was small as if it hadn't been blown by the wind, but soon, the smoke became thicker and turned into large clouds like clouds. smokescreen.

It is very light, gathering and dispersing, as if without any rules.

And when they were walking around in the body, Qin Ke's originally very light footsteps completely lost the sound!

The breeze blew Qin Ke's hair, he took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly.

And when he stretched out his hand, countless winds circled and swirled between his fingers as if they had found a nest.

Qin Keping stretched out his right hand, clenched his fist, stretched out a finger, and gently touched the weeds on the side of the road at a distance of several inches.

The leaves of the weeds swayed slightly, then left the stems and floated in the air.

Qin Ke walked all the way, so many blades of grass floated into the air, and when he stopped, there were countless blades of grass circling around him.

Qin Ke opened his eyes, looked at the grass leaves and wild flowers fluttering in the wind, and smiled slightly.

"Master, Ah Ke has to do homework every day... After you leave, Ah Ke will never dare to be lazy again."

In the night, only the wind responded to his words, but Qin Ke felt the power in his body, and suddenly felt that he was not alone.His practice method comes from his master, and whenever he uses the power in his body, it seems that the figure of the master will appear in front of him.

"Master?" Qin Ke suddenly stopped in his tracks, but found that he was not mistaken. On the narrow path not far from the inn, there was indeed a figure from the back, and that figure was so familiar and yet so strange.

Tsingshan people.

Behind him, followed by the burly Abu, and the two of them followed the road up the mountain and disappeared into the dense forest.

Qin Ke stood there blankly, and the weeds that were blown up by the wind fell down one after another, but he didn't seem to notice it.Is it hallucination?

If it is not an illusion, how can there be a person in this world who is so similar to his master?

By accident, Qin Ke gritted his teeth, lowered his body slightly, and walked up the mountain along the field road.

But what he didn't know was that on his shoulder, under a leaf of weed, there was a special beetle with a golden shimmer, slowly showing its head.

Chapter 7 There is a hole in the mountain

This is a natural cave, and only the erosion of flowing water for countless years can create such warm rock walls and stalactites of various shapes.But in it, it is full of traces of artificial excavation.

These traces are obviously very old, and some places close to the flowing water have already become very smooth and difficult to recognize. Perhaps these traces appeared decades ago, or even hundreds of years ago, but because they are hidden deep in the mountainside and away from the light of the sun, everything is still there. Stay in the past time.

But today, these traces that had been dusted by time were reawakened by the man in green shirt and his entourage, plus Qin Ke.

Following the man in the green shirt into the cave, Qin Ke looked at the wide cave, and then at the back of the man in the blue shirt who was walking steadily forward step by step. The night could not completely hide his green shirt, only because Qin Ke had With night vision beyond most people's imagination.

After continuing to walk a few hundred steps, his amazing night vision ability gradually lost its effect. This cave was as deep as the throat of hell, as if he kept walking, and even any light would be swallowed by darkness.

Without light, it is easy to give birth to ghosts and ghosts. If the sound of running water is still ringing in my ears, I am afraid that Qin Ke will retreat immediately.

Qin Ke knows that his night vision ability comes from the fact that he can magnify the faint light around him ten times in his eyes, but after going deep into the cave, the moonlight from outside has disappeared without a trace, although the man in blue and the After Abu blew several times, he ignited the torch, but the light still could not allow him to see the situation in the entire cave clearly.

Naturally, he could only touch the rock wall, control the sound of footsteps, and follow the two of them step by step.

For a moment, he regretted that he followed the man in the green shirt up the mountain without thinking about it. He always felt that there were many secrets hidden in the man in the blue shirt. Now, when the black cloth that symbolizes secrets was lifted, some things were revealed. connected in his mind.

Rivers and lakes.treasure.black ride.Are these people and things that shouldn't appear in Daoxiang Village related to the Qingshan people?

Although it was just a guess for no reason, Qin Ke felt a little apprehensive, did he touch something that shouldn't be touched?

Going forward, the entire cave becomes more and more open.Up to now, Qin Ke has no idea where he is in the mountain.

In the icy water, some palm-sized fish gradually emerged. Unlike the fish outside, these small fish were actually transparent. Under their shells, their internal organs could be seen clearly with the naked eye.In the dark, there is a faint light on their bodies. They have no eyes, but they can swim flexibly without bumping into any obstacles, which is amazing.

Qin Ke knew this kind of fish, and remembered that there was a book that said that the bones of this kind of fish were usually used as props for divination in many sacrifices. Although these fish could not see things, it was because of this that they could see clearly beyond what the eyes could see. Things, such as misfortune, such as good and bad.

The man in the blue shirt is obviously very familiar with the caves. Facing these fish, his pace did not even slow down. On the contrary, Abu behind him was a little curious about these fish. The cobblestone almost fell down.

Follow the water flow, keep moving forward, at the end of the water flow, there is a spring, which is constantly gushing out water.

Qin Ke leaned against the rock wall, only feeling that the breath around his body became more moist.It's just... In addition to the heavy water vapor, he also smelled an unpleasant smell of rust.

In the shadows, there seemed to be a figure in white, holding a spear, walking slowly.

Qin Ke squinted his eyes. Although the light from Huozhezi could not allow him to see the whole picture of the cave clearly, he could still see clearly that the person in white clothes was not a ghost from hell, but a figure A well-proportioned, broad-shouldered man.

But for some reason, Qin Ke was frightened, and with just a jump, he climbed up a sloping rock wall. Following this place, he continued to go up and found a high raised rock wall. The rock, one turned over, and lay on it.

"Coming?" The man laughed, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

The man in the green shirt nodded: "Here we are."

"You're not mistaken. Although the "Cuiwei Collection" is cryptic, the mausoleum here cannot be faked. That thing must be sleeping soundly in the deepest part of the world. I'm afraid it doesn't know where its lair is coming from right now. We are uninvited guests." The man said, stretching out his hand to light the torch, and a moment later, a ball of fire ignited from the torch in his hand, and the fire light illuminated the cave, drawing their shadows into long pythons , looking in the blink of an eye, it looks like a ghost lurking in this cave.

Fortunately, Qin Ke was lying in a high position, three feet away from the man in green shirt and Abu. Although the light of the torch below him flickered, such light could not really illuminate the huge cave, so naturally it was impossible. Light up his mouse in the dark.

Because of this, Qin Ke had more time to think.The dew dripped down on his shoulders along the stalactites, bringing a bit of coolness, but he didn't have the heart to enjoy it at all, but tried to restrain his breathing as much as possible, letting his heart beat as lightly as possible in a deep sleep.

"Cuiwei Collection"?The voice of the man in green shirts talking in his ears weakened, Qin Ke felt a little relieved, but the doubts in his heart swelled up. In fact, he has never liked reading very much. Half of the two have put their heart into it, and they should have been familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics long ago.It's just that today, there are very few poems and essays he can recite in full.

But "Cuiwei Ji" is an exception, it was Master's favorite book during his lifetime.

When a person loves books to the extreme, he can't put them down, and he grew up watching his master hold "Cuiwei Ji" in his hands, so he naturally knows a lot about this book.

If there is a time when he is elated in front of the master, it is probably the time when he recites the poems of "Cuiwei Collection" in a serious manner, right?It's just that the deceased is gone, and now thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little sour in my eyes.

However, the entire text of "Cuiwei Collection" is just some verses, at most it is a bit of local customs, so what secrets can it hide?What is that thing?And...why does the man in blue shirt have so much in common with his master?

"Don't call it 'something'." At this moment, the man in green shirt spoke again, "If it is a thing, then what are we?"

Abu looked around, but felt that he couldn't see anything, so he could only sigh: "It's a pity to think about it, such a god is hiding in such a dark place."

The man with the gun smiled: "If he wasn't forced to hide in this kind of place, where would we have a chance? I personally dislike any sentimentality at this time, which makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong Roast chicken confession at the dinner table."

Qin Ke's mind became even more chaotic, fetish?What it is?

But no matter what, this group of people must not have come for the stone lion buried in the soil, otherwise... He should not have heard these people talking in this cave, but saw them holding shovels and raging at the entrance of the village Just dig three feet into the ground.

"Don't be poor. Chang Gong, you go first." The man in the green shirt said again.

And the man named Chang Gong smiled, and waved the torch in his hand, the light flickered on and off on his body, revealing the fine steel spear in his right hand: "Of course..."

Qin Ke heard his voice disappear completely, and the fire light also disappeared.

The sound of footsteps receding in the darkness, Qin Ke slowly breathed a sigh of relief. He had been hiding in this place to eavesdrop on their conversation for a quarter of an hour. During this quarter of an hour, he controlled his body to be as quiet as possible, but it was difficult to maintain this state. It takes a lot of energy. At this moment, he is so tired that he seems to have run back and forth several times from the mountain to the mountain.

But he didn't dare to relax in the slightest. As the footsteps gradually receded, he could finally be sure of one thing.

The man named Chang Gong was the scariest person in the group.

When he was a teenager, he practiced his sense of hearing under the guidance of his master. Now, he can hear many things clearly from a long distance.And in such an environment, many sounds would be amplified countless times, and he could hear the continuous beating of Chang Gong's heart every moment.


He had no doubt that if his whereabouts were discovered, the deep heartbeat like a drum would instantly turn into the roar of a lion and swallow him whole.

Chapter 8 Mr. Zhuge

And when the sound of Chang Gong's footsteps gradually disappeared, Qin Ke finally felt a little more at ease. Thinking of this, his fingers bent slightly, as if grasping a rock wall, and slowly turned over, like a gecko. Lie firmly on the stomach, quietly revealing a head.

In the shadows, the ray of light rising from the fire and the vague smoke erratically erratic below, and with that faint ray of light, Qin Ke had some difficulty seeing the terrain clearly. In front of them was a deep The unfathomable gap is like a big mouth, and those sharp stones are like sharp teeth, which may close at any time.

The cave is cold and damp. I don’t know if it’s a psychological hint. There are a few mournful cries coming from the crack, like a hungry baby or a woman who has lost a loved one. A chill keeps rushing up Qin Ke’s abdomen. , he trembled: "Amitabha... the old man in the sky..."

Qin Ke's heart beat faster, he touched his chest, exhaled, and kept telling himself that it was just the sound of the wind whistling in the cave.

But obviously this kind of self-comforting effect is very limited. From the moment he entered the cave, he always felt that the cave was full of a strange atmosphere.This is not an illusion, it is the instinct he has trained all year round.

In the darkness that surrounded the surroundings, even though it was as peaceful as an endless night, there seemed to be hungry monsters hidden in it, and they would poke their heads out at some point and open their bright red eyes.

Just as he was thinking this way, a drop of hot and humid stuff fell on his back, and the warmth almost made Qin Ke's hair stand on end.He turned his head suddenly, but he could only catch a pair of small eyes, which were restrained but did not conceal the light of bloodthirsty animality.

He raised his hand subconsciously, in the sweaty palm, the sharp dagger that was completely painted black was his only reliance.

After a while, the bat passed over his shoulder, flapped its wings, and disappeared in the darkness.

He subconsciously retracted a little, although he felt that there was definitely more than one bat above his head, but he was in a situation where he had no choice but to "get along well" with these "neighbors".

"Is there any sound?" Abu looked towards the top, a little vigilantly protecting his green shirt, and said humanely.

"It's a bat." The man in the blue shirt quickly came to a conclusion, but then he was a little puzzled, "But these things shouldn't appear here..."

"What do you mean?"

"If 'it' is here, these things shouldn't be close. But..." The green-clothed man paused for a while, as if muttering to himself, "Is it really so weak?"

At this moment, a hoarse and unpleasant sound came from the entire cave, as if thousands of teeth were rubbing against each other, or as if a huge door was slowly collapsing, and the stalactites in the dim light were shaking in pain , as if it might fall at any time.

A group of bats stopped their sleep, whirring and flying in the air, with a sharp cry, and the smelly feces fell like raindrops.

The howling sound seemed to be getting closer, and sometimes, it seemed to be hiding behind people.

"What bastard thing?" Qin Ke hid in the darkness, only feeling that he was almost submerged in the feces of these bastard bats, and the palm that was holding the dagger became sticky and wet.

Qin Ke moved his body slowly and appeared again. The green-shirted man and Abu were obviously a little embarrassed in this "feces rain", but compared with Qin Ke, they had uneven rocks to block some falling bat feces, so the situation better.

Qin Ke frowned slightly, looking along the right side of the light, he finally knew what the violent noise was.Although it landed like a huge monster in the faint light, Qin Ke could still see the outline of the half-decayed suspension bridge from the outline of the thing. The wooden boards on this suspension bridge made of cast iron have long since rotted away. Even though there are still a few pieces of black debris stuck to it, I'm afraid it can't be used to step on it at all.

But after all, under this suspension bridge, there are multiple iron chains as thick as the thighs of adults intersecting with each other, and it may not be impossible to step on these iron chains.

Obviously, the strong smell of rust that Qin Ke smelled came from this suspension bridge.

And when it descended slowly and hit the rock wall heavily, it became a wide passage on the countless "fangs and sharp teeth" in the gap.

And the man with the gun held the torch, walked across the bridge on the iron chain as if strolling in the garden, walked back, and said with a smile: "It's been so long, this mechanism is still working?"

The man in the blue shirt also smiled: "Of course. This is the Mohism's mechanism technique. I even doubt that even after a thousand years, these mechanisms can still work again. After all... the owner of the tomb does not want to be able to enter the tomb but not out."

Abu was puzzled, and thought to himself, isn't the mausoleum a hope of being separated from the world forever?


The man with the gun smiled playfully: "Abu, don't you understand? Who will be the one who most hopes to get out of the mausoleum?"

"Tomb robber...or a craftsman?" Abu thought of a possibility.

But the light words of the man in blue made Qin Ke in the shadows shudder: "No, it's the owner of the tomb."

Qin Ke wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only whisper to himself: "Oh my god...this is really a tomb, and according to what they said, it seems that the dead ghost lying in the coffin is planning to run out of the tomb... What on earth am I going to do here? To seek death?"

Regarding the matter of gods, gods and ghosts, Qin Ke had read "Spiritual Test" on the master's bookshelf before, and his memory is still fresh. Strictly speaking, if someone asks who is the most superstitious in Daoxiang Village, it probably can't be counted as those who live in the ancestral hall every day. On the contrary, it is a young and innocent boy like Qin Ke.

It is precisely because of his innocence that he believes the records in the books.

And the ominous thing like the mausoleum, combined with the strange wailing sounds in the caves before, made countless illusions of strange power and chaos in his heart.If there is really a dead person lying in this big tomb, and this dead person is still trying to get out of the tomb to see the light of day again, what kind of terrible scene will it be?

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