Looking up at the door of the inn, he couldn't help laughing.

Several households in Daoxiang Village have suspended farming and opened inns, but after all, there have been as many rivers and lakes people in the village this month, no matter how many inns there are, it is impossible to meet such a huge demand.

During the day, these quacks were looking for clues to treasures in the mountains, and the inn was not too crowded. When it came to Youshi, it was getting dark, and these quacks were unwilling to explore in the dark, so they naturally returned to the village one after another.

At such a time, the inn is naturally full of guests, and even countless people from the rivers and lakes, because they failed to grab the seats in the hall, sat at the door of the inn with the small bench specially prepared by Uncle Ji for them, holding sea bowls in twos and threes to eat With noodle soup or lasagna.

It was supposed to be people from the rivers and lakes who drew their swords and looked around, but now they are sitting on a small bench and eating dinner like a farmer. How can this kind of scene not be interesting?

But Qin Ke soon had no chance to watch it anymore.At the entrance of the village that had finally calmed down, there was a violent sound of horseshoes like raindrops!

Although the roads in Daoxiang Village are simple and rough, it is impossible to enter the drum cart, but it can't stop the horses. Although Qin Ke also saw the county magistrate's grandfather riding the short and thin horse into the village to observe the people's sentiments, it was like a thunderstorm. The sound of hooves, how could it be a poor horse raised by ordinary officials?

"War horse!" Countless quacks couldn't sit still when they heard such a voice, they all stood up and looked around.Even many tenants in the inn came out of the inn one after another at this moment, looking towards the direction of the village entrance, thinking silently.

And in just a few breaths, on the country road criss-crossing the fields, a cavalry team lined up like a centipede came galloping straight like this!

These war horses are all black, and their bodies are as strong as beasts. Each head is as tall as a man. While running, their noses are full of majestic breath, and their eyes are as black as the long night.

Every time they rise and fall, their manes vibrate violently, and when they land on all fours, it sounds like thunder on a flat gravel road!

The strong wind blows the wild flowers in the field, and the knight above has sharp eyes. He is also dressed in black, with a layer of black leather armor on the outside, with a saber on his right waist, and a knife that is different from the ordinary standard on his right waist. The hand crossbow, the iron arrow of the arrow, shone with black light in the twilight.

Chapter 4 Friends from afar

"Black knight! It's a black knight!"

"How could the black knight of the Mo family appear in such a place?"

Qin Ke has never seen a black knight, but he knows what the name represents.Although he is not a native of the Mohist family, after being adopted by his master and brought to Daoxiang Village, he has naturally heard many glorious deeds about the Mohist black cavalry - such as running thousands of miles, burning hundreds of thousands of stones of food and grass overnight Well, or to compete with other cavalry, under the same strength, the black cavalry will kill the enemy with a few charges.

In the territory of Mohism, the common people naturally regarded the black cavalry as the patron saint of the country.Even Uncle Ji felt satisfied in his life when he saw Wuqi Heiqi scouts in the county outside the mountain, which shows the status of Heiqi in people's hearts.

"Wait!" Following the leader's order, the entire horse team stopped in front of the inn.

If there is a general who leads troops all the year round, he will probably be silently amazed in his heart.The black cavalry went from running to resting, but in a short while, the cavalry team fell into complete silence, except for the occasional snorting of the horses, there was no other sound.

The quacks inside and outside the inn were all speechless. In their feeling, this team came like thunder and was still like a long night. It had a cold aura on it, and now it stopped in front of them like a sharp knife. If they are allowed to stand in front of this cavalry, they will be torn to pieces in just a moment, right?

Different from other cavalrymen, the leader riding on the tallest horse did not wear armor, did not straddle a saber on his waist, his hair was slightly gray, but his waist was as straight as a javelin. He drifted past the crowd coldly, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the guest room, the man in the blue shirt didn't even look out the window, but the corners of his mouth curled up, and he whispered to Abu, "Here we are."

Abu was young, and he was still curious about the rumored black cavalry, but he didn't dare to go out to watch it openly. He only dared to lean against the bed and look at the well-trained cavalry through the gap, exclaiming : "This is the famous black knight of the Mo family?" He saw the crossbow from the top and the saber, and frowned, "This crossbow... seems a bit strange."

The man in the blue shirt smiled and said: "The Mohists are good at mechanics. Their Mohist hand crossbows are drawn by the Mohist giant himself. With the mechanism, they can launch arrows at the fastest speed. The range has reached 250 steps. Arrows can easily pierce ordinary armor, even a strong man like Brother Chang Gong cannot do whatever he wants in front of this black cavalry."

Abu couldn't help but be speechless: "So powerful? Then how can our Qingzhou Ghost Riders from Jingwu fight against the Mohist Black Riders?"

The man in the green shirt lightly tapped the table with his fingers, closed his eyes and said, "The black cavalry of the Mo family, the tiger and leopard cavalry of Canghai, and the Qingzhou ghost cavalry of my Jingwu are rivals to each other, and each has its own set of training methods. Let’s not talk about the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, but the Mohist Black Cavalry and the Qingzhou Ghost Cavalry, who are also known for their speed, are both taking the path of avoiding reality, not to mention that there have been few wars in these years, so naturally there is no What a chance against you."

Abu was still a little curious: "But there will always be a time when there will be a direct battle in the future, right?"

The green-clothed man laughed and said, "That depends on the Mo family's willingness to part with it. Compared with the Qingzhou ghost cavalry, the expenditure of the Mo family's black cavalry is five times higher. The hand crossbow alone will take a year to polish. Such a cavalry Army, I'm afraid the Mohists are not willing to let them be easily compromised in a face-to-face confrontation."

"Sir, are you waiting for this black knight?" Abu asked.

"I'm waiting for that person." The green shirt said.

Abu carefully observed the leading old man at the front, thought for a moment, and couldn't help exclaiming: "General of the Mo family, Wang Xuanwei?"

Wang Xuanwei stared at the crowds of people inside and outside the inn for a while, his eyes showed a bit of disgust, these quacks who came here for the treasures were just a bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimps, but if there were too many rotten fish and rotten shrimps, the smell would not be good , and at times like this...

After thinking for a moment, Wang Xuan said coldly, "Let them go away."

Of course, he didn't say this to Qin Ke, who was standing beside his horse holding half a bowl of beef noodles. When he finished speaking, the two people behind him dismounted, and the sabers around their waists flickered: "The imperial court is doing things!" , the idlers are waiting to go away."

The oppressive force of the Mohist black cavalry has already made these quacks who are used to bullying the weak and fear the hard-bodied tremble with fear. Although they are a little dissatisfied with the official authority of the black cavalry, they dare not really speak out except to slander them. Naturally, they can only scatter.

It's just that Qin Ke suffered a lot this time. These quacks held the inn's bowls and chopsticks and ate the food cooked in the inn, but most of them ran away without paying.

With a mournful face, he completely forgot that the black cavalry was still by his side, chasing the guests and shouting: "Hey, guest officer, pay the money first before leaving, the food has not been paid yet!"

But at a time like this, how could he get a few coins out of the hands of these gangsters?Looking at the guests who scattered away and were still holding food, Qin Ke wanted to cry but had no tears.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, dismounted slowly and handed over the reins to his subordinates, just as soon as he stretched out his hand, someone put a silver coin into his palm.

"Little brother." The address was intimate, but Wang Xuanwei's voice revealed the indifference of being thousands of miles away. On the contrary, Qin Ke took a step back in fear, and he took a step forward, reaching out and stuffing the silver into Qin Ke's arms.

Qin Ke was holding the big ingot of silver ingot, and was dazzled by the white light for a moment. He stood there blankly, only to hear Wang Xuanwei's deep voice saying: "When you are on errands, it is strictly forbidden to disturb the people. You rest assured."

It's just that Qin Ke looked at this group of terrifying black knights, and couldn't feel at ease at all, so he could only nod numbly.Wang Xuanwei didn't intend to say a few more words to Qin Ke, so he put his hands behind his back and walked slowly into the hall of the inn.

The quacks in the hall did not leave, they just stood up and looked at Wang Xuanwei with some horror.

And Wang Xuanwei's eyes were like knives, as if piercing through the bodies of these people, piercing the wall of the inn room, and penetrating straight in!

Abu, who was peeping by the window, felt as if he had been pricked by a needle, and quickly shrank back.

And Wang Xuanwei stood downstairs, raised his head slightly, looked at the closed window, and said in a low voice: "It's hard to say that a friend comes from afar."

Abu's heart tightened suddenly, and he almost shouted out.Their trip was very secretive, but since Wang Xuanwei came here in person, could it be that they have already been caught?

The man in the green shirt was still sitting on the chair, drinking tea, leisurely, shaking his fan from time to time, as if he wasn't too worried.

"Sir..." Abu's lips trembled, trying to say something.The man in the green shirt shook his head and smiled comfortingly.

And downstairs, Wang Xuanwei looked at the guest room for a long time, seemed a little disappointed, and finally shifted his gaze to the restless quacks in the inn, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone. My Mo family has always persuaded people with reasoning, and I won't force you to leave. Go. It's just... these days, there are a lot of girls from good families in nearby counties and towns who have been harmed by others. I hope you will remember that the people of my Mohist family are protected by Mohist laws. If you do anything out of the ordinary..."

"Of course we don't dare..." When it came to this point, the quacks naturally didn't dare to say much, and they all bowed in agreement, but in most people's hearts, they still slandered Wang Xuanwei, and only felt that making a fuss out of a molehill was just for this kind of thing , the Mo family dispatched black cavalry?Could it be that the Mohist army is too idle to find something to do?

But at the same time, they have some admiration. What country can take care of their own people so far?

After finishing speaking, Wang Xuanwei didn't hold back either, but simply turned around and walked out of the hall, got on his horse and turned around and said, "Camp at the entrance of the village. Don't disturb the people, start cooking."

The black cavalry seemed to be rolling in like thunder, and then rolled away. When the rain passed and the sky cleared, Abu, who was in the guest room, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside the inn, Qin Ke looked at the back of the black knight, but always felt that Wang Xuanwei looked back, and that look seemed to see through something.

Chapter 5 Take it and give it back

"You will take it if I give it to you? That's a black knight!"

"I was in a daze at the time, how would I know to refuse... and no matter how I looked at it, I didn't look like I was qualified to refuse."

The sky gradually darkened, but in the inn kitchen there was a quarrel between an old man and a young man. Of course, it might not be accurate to say that it was a quarrel. Most of the time, it was the elders who complained, while the younger ones argued aggrievedly.

After Qin Ke stupidly accepted Wang Xuanwei's money just now, Uncle Ji, the shopkeeper who was hiding in the kitchen, watched the black cavalry leave like a black tide, and finally let go of half of his heart, but the other half was still hanging in the air , looking at the silver in Qin Ke's hand, just think what is it called?

Only the officials dare to accept the benefits of the people. When did you see the officials give money to the people on their own initiative, and give them so generously?

Such an ingot of silver can cover the expenses of an ordinary family for nearly ten years. What if the official master turned his face and rushed into the inn with his subordinates carrying knives and gave him a white knife in and a red knife out?

In Daoxiang Village, most of the people have relocated from outside, and Uncle Ji has witnessed the chaotic times with his own eyes outside. What can't be done by soldiers burning, killing and looting?

Even though the Mo family has never raised taxes in recent years, Uncle Ji still dare not place too much hope on the world's dignitaries who really love the people like their sons.

Looking at the dim light of the oil lamp, Qin Ke took a deep breath and said, "Uncle Ji... I think that lord really gave us money."

Uncle Ji opened this inn in a fit of anger because his mother-in-law disliked him for being incompetent. Although he made a lot of money, his cautious temperament remained unchanged. Qi Qi was already scared out of his wits, and couldn't agree with Qin Ke's statement: "That can't be accepted either. Who knows if the official will change his mind in the future?"

"Then I'll send it back?" Qin Ke hesitated for a long time, and this was the only way to think about it.

Uncle Ji nodded and said, "That's the only way to do it. Later, I'll bake some pancakes, and you can bring some wine and meat to the official. It will look more sincere."

Qin Ke nodded helplessly. He just felt that Uncle Ji's courage hadn't grown a bit. No wonder his mother-in-law gave him bad looks. But in the final analysis, he was also a little afraid of black knights.

It's just different from Uncle Ji, the reason he's afraid is because he can feel the terrible smell on Wang Xuanwei's body. This noble man who doesn't have any armor on his body seems defenseless, but I'm afraid ordinary people won't be able to get close to him. ?

At least he thinks he can't do it, and most of the quacks who are not even as good as him have nothing to say.

And the black cavalry behind him, everyone has the taste of a cultivator, although it is not strong, it also brought him a lot of impact.

Such a cavalry army, what army in the world can compete with it?

Thinking of this, he thought of Cang Hai and Jing Wu mentioned by the man in green shirt. Can they compete?

Of course they can compete.Otherwise, the Mohists should have ruled the world long ago, and there would have been no wars in this world.

After a while, Qin Ke walked out of the inn amidst the nagging, carrying wine and meat and the big cake baked by Uncle Ji himself.

The night was getting darker, but he didn't need a candle. He just walked on the field road so lightly. For many years, he had been accustomed to practicing breathing while walking. The reason might not be because of his diligence, but he just felt It is very interesting to do so.

And after the air mass in his body grew stronger day by day, he also gradually discovered that no matter how dark it was, he couldn't see things clearly.

His cat-like eyes have always secretly amazed the uncles and aunts in the village. After all, they have only seen a person who becomes blind at night, and they have never seen someone who can see clearly at night without a candle. A person with a human face.

Daoxiang Village is very small. After a while, Qin Ke heard the neighing of horses and a few majestic shouts.

The Mohist black cavalry is well-trained, not only reflected in the rush and attack, but also in the orderliness of the camp.

After getting off their horses, these black-armored riders were equally nimble, without even needing Wang Xuanwei to say a word, they consciously commanded their subordinates to dig pits and build stoves, and then sent out a team of ten to cut wood nearby to repel the horses. Within half an hour, a simple but orderly camp appeared at the entrance of Daoxiang Village.

"Hu Cheng, Liu Ruo!" Wang Xuanwei's deputy, Zuo Wei Ding Mo, looked at the horses eating horse grass quietly, and then looked at the gravel road overgrown with weeds, which was as tall as a person, "Both of you, take the sickle, Clean up the thatch nearby, and return to the camp to feed your horse within half an hour, without any mistakes."

"Yes." With a sonorous answer, the two black riders trotted away.

Clearing thatch is of course not only for fodder, but also to ensure that there is no dirt around the camp. Soldiers and horses will go first before the food and grass are moved, but who knows, those scouts and spies will be like beads before the food and grass scattered around?

It's just that Ding Mo looked thoughtfully at the not-so-large fields in Daoxiang Village and the towering mountains in the night.

As for the news about the existence of treasures in the village, the General had received the information as early as half a month ago.But if there are only treasures here, the Mohists may not intervene in this way.

After all, there are only [-] black cavalry in the Mo family, and [-] of them have been guarding the border all year round. Their status is far superior to other armies. If it is not a serious matter, how can they be easily used?

"Uh... this general..." It was also the first time Qin Ke had to deal with an officer, and he was a little nervous when speaking.But fortunately, he has learned a lot about official titles and etiquette from his master, so he doesn't call Heiqi "jun ye" or "official lord" like Uncle Ji.

As for whether this soldier whose armor is no different from that of a black knight is a general...he doesn't care, after all, which soldier doesn't want to be a general himself?As long as he sounds comfortable.

Ding Mo recognized that this was the clerk in front of the inn. A smile appeared on his scrupulous face, but his voice was dignified and majestic: "The military camp is an important place, and the common people are not allowed to approach it. What's your business?"

Qin Ke wanted to scratch his head, but he held the food in both hands, looked at Ding Mo and said, "My shopkeeper asked me to bring some wine and meat to that lord, I wonder if I can..."

He didn't say anything about repaying the money, but in the final analysis, he still kept his mind on it. Since the money is to be repaid, the money must be delivered to the adult himself, otherwise the officer said "I will help you to the lord." Where would he cry if he swallowed money in private to buy wine?

Ding Mo looked at the meat and wine on Qin Kemu's plate, then at the pancakes that were steaming just out of the pan, frowned, and said, "My lord has a strict order that black riders are not allowed to accept anything from the common people when they go out." .”

"It's just wine, meat and food..." Qin Ke didn't expect to get such an answer. Thinking about paying back the money, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "I promise to bring the things to the adults and leave. After all... the adults take care of the people so much, and the people always want to be grateful." Give back something meager."

Speaking of this, Ding Mo couldn't help but think a little more.After thinking for a long time, he looked at the meat and wine on the plate and sighed: "I can have someone take you in to see the general, but I can't guarantee whether the general will accept it or not."

Hearing Ding Mo's answer, Qin Ke was elated: "Thank you General, whether you want it or not, I will always remember the kindness of the General."

Ding Mo just smiled and waved his hands: "I'm not a general, it's best not to call me that next time."

Chapter 6 Game and Break

After a while, Qin Ke walked out of the tent with ease.Looking at the bright moon above his head, he couldn't help laughing.

Just send the money back so simply?

"This lord doesn't seem to be so difficult to speak." Qin Ke snickered in a low voice, but in the barracks, countless black knights passed by him. He covered his lips, not daring to laugh out loud. He walked out quickly.

Ding Mo watched Qin Ke leave with a smile, lifted the sackcloth of the tent, Wang Xuanwei sat in the shadows with his eyes closed and meditating, the table in front of him was the wine and meat of Qin Ke just now, but he didn't move at all.

Ding Mo respectfully said: "General, everything has been arranged properly."

"Did the inn send someone?" Wang Xuanwei asked softly without opening his eyes.

"We have already sent scouts dressed up as Jiang Hu people to watch the inn. If there is any movement in that inn, we will be the first to get the signal."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly, and said: "Send two more people. Don't send people from the black cavalry, half a Rong 25 people, if there are fewer people, you will be noticed. Send out a signal to let the dark hall outside the mountain send people in. Also, Tell Chao Chu to take the remaining half of Rong guards to guard the pass, anyone who enters or exits must find out the reason, and anyone from Jingwu is allowed in, I will only ask him."

"Yes." Ding Mo cupped his fists, thought for a while, and asked cautiously, "General, why didn't we just rush into the inn and capture those two people alive?"

Wang Xuanwei's eyes opened, and that cold and stern gaze looked up and down Ding Mo's body, making the latter frightened: "Caught alive? In what name?"

Ding Mo lowered his head, and said, "Of course it's in the name of stealing state affairs. Although Jing Wu has been friends with my Mo family these years, he is still an enemy country after all. Now they are sneaking directly into our country. Isn't it plotting something wrong?"

Wang Xuan snorted coldly: "What's the point of going in and arresting people before the matter has been found out? My Mo family really dares to kill that person easily? Tang Guo and Cang Hai have been imminent in recent years, and if they turn against each other again, the three families will join forces Come on, who is responsible for this?"

Ding Mo remained silent, he was not as far-reaching as Wang Xuanwei, so he naturally didn't consider such consequences. He was a little ashamed to be pointed out by Wang Xuanwei at this moment, so he could only keep silent.

Wang Xuanwei raised his head and looked at the top of the large tent, thinking, "This matter is interesting. He took good care of Jingwu, but suddenly spread the news that a treasure was about to be unearthed in the Daoxiang Village area in the Mohist territory. If it weren't for our Spy, I really can't connect this matter with him. Now it seems that he probably wants to muddy the pool of water so that he can get something from it, but what exactly does he want to get..."

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, and said uncertainly: "If I'm not mistaken, the stone lion at the entrance of the village is not a stone lion, but a mythical beast 'suanni', and it has the dragon pattern of the previous dynasty on its body... Could it be that there is one in this mountain that is related to the previous dynasty? mausoleum?"

Ding Mo nodded, feeling quite close: "There is news from the black crow. It seems that Gao Changgong, the general of Jingwu, is not in the army now. If there is really a mausoleum full of treasures, it is not surprising that Gao Changgong came in person gone."

"Gao Changgong. He is a troublesome character." Wang Xuanwei was a little playful, but he looked at the wine and meat on the table, and suddenly changed the subject, saying, "Let's not mention him for now. What do you think of that inn clerk just now?"

Ding Mo was taken aback: "General... what do you mean?"

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