Although he also knew that his scolding was unreasonable, but thinking of the huge vortex he was in, Qin Ke still felt extremely wronged.

However, after thinking carefully for a long time, Qin Ke still found a breakthrough.

Chapter 66 The Man in Hiding

"That's right! You can find Abu! I remember that they live in Jingwu Tai Xuetang, as long as you find him and ask him to hand in the bamboo slips, wouldn't it be fine?" Qin Ke clapped his hands and said to himself, "How stupid! , just thinking about looking for Zhuge Wanling and Gao Changgong, but you can't think of a big living person dangling in front of your eyes."

With an opening in the joint, the whole thing is much easier to handle.Qin Ke packed up the slips of letters, stuffed the small pieces of silver on the bed back into his purse, and tidied it up. He felt that everything was ready, so he encouraged himself and stood up.

Something seemed to move in the baggage, and a "small mountain" rose from it, and then this small mountain kept moving, sometimes rising high and sometimes sinking, as if something wanted to come out of it.

Qin Ke froze for a moment, untied some of the burden, and then a shadow flashed, and there was something cold on his shoulder.

Qin Ke turned his head, looked at the little lizard that came to Jingwu from Daoxiang Village, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you awake?"

I don't know what the habit of this little lizard is, since he left Daoxiang Village, this little lizard has been drowsy every day, and even crawled into his arms, motionless like a hibernating frog .

At first Qin Ke thought that the little lizard was sick and dying, and couldn't help feeling sad, but later found that although the little lizard didn't move, its abdominal breathing couldn't be faked. He didn't know how To feed the lizard, I put it in the bag well. Up to now, it has been sleeping for a full month and a half.

"I can really sleep." Qin Ke sighed, "You are just like the blind bear on the mountain. You can't even wake up when you fall asleep. I don't know how long you will not starve to death."

But when it comes to hunger, the little lizard seemed to sense something, its big eyes flashed, and seeing some yellow croakers left on the table, it jumped out all of a sudden.

With a "click", his petite body landed on the rough table, and began to bite the bowl of yellow croaker continuously.

In fact, the yellow croaker has been eaten by Qin Ke until there are basically only fish bones left, but he did not expect that the little guy has no teeth, but the bite force is amazing. Not only the fish meat attached to the fish bones, but even the fish bones, he bit them with a click. After a few strokes, the fish bones were bitten off and swallowed.

Qin Ke was amazed when he saw it, thinking that if it could eat fish bones, then he could save a lot of money for food.This little guy seems to be very small, but in fact he has an amazing appetite. During the two-month journey to Jingwu, he was only awake for half a month, and he ate almost as much as he himself.

He is already a pauper who is about to spend money on CDs. If there is another ancestor who can eat, he really doesn't know where to find his next meal.And since it can even eat bones, it can always be solved by going to restaurants and inns to find some leftovers.

After a while, the little lizard ate all the fish bones in the bowl, and even the fish head was eaten up. Qin Ke stretched out his hand and waved towards it. into his chest clothes.

Qin Ke only felt that there was such an itchy thing writhing in his chest, so he couldn't help laughing a few times, and said, "Stay there, don't move around."

Feeling that the little lizard gradually fell asleep peacefully on his chest, Qin Ke took the burden and went downstairs.

The number of customers downstairs has increased again. Those who drink tea drink tea, and those who eat dim sum eat dim sum, but there is no sign of the waiters, which makes the shopkeeper very busy cleaning the table and serving food. Khan, cursing in a low voice: "Come back later, see if I don't deduct all your monthly money."

Looking up, he saw Qin Ke, with a smile on his face again, and said, "Have you finished eating?"

Qin Ke nodded, put on the bamboo hat again, so that his cheeks were less exposed, and asked the location of Taixuetang while the shopkeeper was finishing the dishes, then walked out of the inn and blended into the crowd.

Hiding in the inn for a few days, Qin Ke almost forgot the prosperity of Jingwu, and when he saw the dazzling array of goods on the side of the road and the strong and sweet maltose exuding amidst the shouting, he couldn't help feeling a little excited again.

There was an old man sitting in front of the table pinching a clay figurine. His broad and rough hands were dazzlingly dexterous. Just pinch a few fingers in turn, and a human figure appeared in front of a group of eagerly watching children.

Qin Ke was also fascinated, and while he was in a daze, he felt a few eyes sweeping over his body.

He turned around vigilantly, but found that in the crowd, where could he find the person who was spying on him?

Qin Ke's heart tightened suddenly, knowing that he might have attracted attention. Although he didn't know where his flaws were, it was not a good choice to stay for a long time at this moment.

Going against the crowd, Qin Ke kept walking in the direction the shopkeeper said. The Imperial Academy was in the west of the city. With the scale of Jianye City, he would have to walk for at least two hours to get to where he wanted to go.Looking at the sky, Qin Ke made a rough calculation. Maybe it was dusk when he arrived?

Pressing the bamboo hat on his head, Qin Ke felt his heart beating a little faster. The east of the city happened to be within the jurisdiction of the Yulong Gang, so he had to be careful.

However, Qin Ke was a little surprised that the county government office was not far from the inn. After walking for a while, he saw the majestic county government office. Two stone lions watched quietly. Looking at the street, it seems that it may come alive at any time to bite the criminals.

Qin Ke looked at the crowded crowd, and quietly squeezed up, moving forward like a fish swimming in the crowd, with some strength from his practice, he finally saw the picture with his own portrait on it. notice.

"It's really similar..." Qin Ke whispered to himself, the man in white still remembered his appearance just by taking a glimpse, and the painter of the county government office was not mediocre. , It's amazing to draw such an effect by relying on one person's memory.

It's just that the more amazing the memory of the man in white, the sharper and sharper the painter's brushwork, the closer he is to danger.He was deeply aware of this, and knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he quickly slipped out of the crowd.

"You can't walk in small alleys... It's easy for people to see that I have ghosts..." Qin Ke squinted his eyes and looked up at the bustling crowd on the street. He couldn't tell which people were members of the Yulong Gang. Taking a breath, he continued to walk forward slowly.

It's not that he doesn't want to walk faster, but at this time, the more ordinary he is, the less likely he is to be noticed.

Along the way, Qin Ke walked slowly along the crowded streets, even pretending to stop and go, looking at the goods on the side of the road from time to time, and bought a wooden comb by the way, doing what a commoner should do. look.

Although he still has a bit of northern atmosphere, after all, Jianye City's business routes are prosperous and wealth is gathered. It is not uncommon for northerners in this city. In addition, Qin Ke is among the northerners. Already thinner and weaker, it looks even more inconspicuous.

Those eyes that swept over him still exist from time to time.I don't know how many people the Fish and Dragon Gang has placed in the various streets in the east of the city. This kind of thing seems to be endless, and when Qin Ke's heartstrings just relax a little, he will tighten it again arbitrarily.

Several times, Qin Ke felt that he might not be able to make it through, but maybe it was God's blessing, or maybe it was because he should not die, but there was no danger.

It's just that after walking for so long, many troubles are still sticking up like tarsal maggots.

"Old man, how do you sell this mask?" Qin Ke asked with a smile, pointing to the monkey face mask.

"Five baht is enough." The old man looked a little sleepy, sitting on a chair smoking a pipe, drowsy.

Qin Ke threw down the money, took off the bamboo hat, and put on the mask again. The monkey face matched his not tall figure, which looked very funny.

And Qin Ke also felt that the eyes on his body became more and more sharp. Even though he was in a noisy street, once his vision opened up, he captured all the subtle sounds.

The eyes under the mask moved, and he saw the middle-aged man standing in front of the butcher shop bargaining with the butcher but looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, and saw the wolf-like man with leisurely eyes who was punting a boat in the river. A strong and strong man, he also saw the philistine peddler with a thick callus on his right hand who was walking around selling wonton picks on his back.

Chapter 67 Buns and Oranges

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the rivers and lakes are as muddy and sticky as paste, and it is difficult to get rid of them once they stick.

Feng Vision kept giving him feedback on the surrounding situation in silence, while he was wearing a mask and walking forward against the crowd, only felt those gazes slowly following up and walking together in a low voice. whispering to each other.

The distance between Qin Ke and them was not far, only twenty paces, and through his wind vision, he heard their words clearly: "Is it him?"

"It's hard to say, the portrait is drawn from memory, and no one can guarantee its accuracy, but we have been following for a few days, and this kid is the most like him, especially the blue cloth bag on his shoulders..."

Qin Ke frowned, and looked at the burden on his body. He really didn't expect such a detail to betray his identity. Maybe it was the burden on his back that was seen by the man in white when he escaped through the hole?

Although it seems a bit stupid to use the color of the burden to judge whether a person is the person he is looking for, but the man in white had no choice but to tell this matter out of desperation.It happened that Qin Ke was an accident among those accidents. He had no experience as a spy, let alone an intuition of being a spy, so he could be regarded as a wrong hit, and he was doomed.

Qin Ke, who was wearing a mask, was bouncing and walking on the road, looking like a boy who was playing around, but his forehead was already covered with sweat.

Although the wind vision technique is powerful, this is a noisy street, and it is still very exhausting for him to hear the voices of those people.Of course, what's more important is that at this moment, his heart is so tense that it seems like a string that has been pulled closer, and it may break at any time.

Qin Ke thought for a while, but still didn't throw away the burden on his shoulders.One of the reasons was naturally that the letter carrying the blood of Master Jiu and several people in the oil shop was still inside, and after the shopkeeper knew its importance to the people affected by the disaster, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.

Moreover, these people have not yet fully confirmed their identities. If they let go of their burdens rashly, they may immediately cause a burst of intense suspicion.

So he continued to walk, taking every step as freely as possible, but he wondered in his heart whether his body had become another person's toy, and it didn't feel like it belonged to him at all.

"Look, look, look!"

"Steamed buns! Steamed buns! Freshly baked meat buns!"

The sky in the distance has gradually turned gray. Although it is not dusk yet, the sun hangs its head like a sleepy child and is drowsy.But the excitement on the street was not affected by the weather at all, and it was still full of people.

Qin Ke probably felt that the three gazes followed him for about half a street, then slowly disappeared, and then replaced with the other three. His heart tightened, knowing that he could not get rid of the entanglement of these people. If this continued, when the three people who had left moved in for reinforcements, there would be no chance for him to escape.

Qin Ke stopped in his footsteps and turned his head to take a look.Those three eyes immediately moved away, as if nothing had happened.But Qin Ke had already determined his goal. He pretended that he was just suddenly hungry, and walked slowly towards the bun shop.

On the way, he passed one of them. It was a middle-aged man wearing a cap standing in front of a rouge booth, rubbing his chin with his right hand, his eyes resting on the rouge for a long time, as if thinking about which one to buy to satisfy his wife.

Wearing a mask, Qin Ke stretched out his left hand slowly, with his fingers together like a knife, he stabbed hard at the man's waist.

The man looking at the rouge was shocked, then softened, and threw himself on the rouge stand.

The rouge seller was a woman in her twenties, who had never seen such a situation before, she was startled, and then panickedly helped the unconscious man, shouting: "What's wrong with you, customer?"

Qin Ke didn't stay where he was, the crowd covered up the comatose man and the flustered female boss well, then stood in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop, bought a big, round stuffed stuffed bun with meat, but didn't eat it, but Taking advantage of the heat, he put it into his arms, then turned around and walked a few steps, passing by the farmer who was selling a basket of oranges, and asked, "How do you sell the oranges?"

There was a strange light in the eyes of the farmer selling oranges, but his expression was flawless, and he said kindly: "Buy oranges? You should try it first. We farmers are honest, and you can just give us a suitable price. If it's not sweet, you don't need money."

Qin Ke nodded, with a slight smile on his face, but he knew in his heart that this man was clearly not a farmer who really sold oranges. It is estimated that if he talked about the price of oranges, the price might come up, but he remained calm on the surface.

Qin Ke tasted half of the orange and clicked his tongue, but after a while, he suddenly asked in surprise: "Why are there insects in this orange?"

"There are insects?" The farmer was stunned. "How is it possible? I just bought...uh... these oranges for sale. They are fresh."

Qin Ke pointed and said, "Look at it?"

The farmer turned his head to look, and asked doubtfully, "Where is there?"

Qin Ke said stubbornly: "Of course you can't see it when you stand so far away, come and have a look."

The farmer moved closer, stood side by side with Qin Ke, stretched his neck, and looked at the half-eaten orange in Qin Ke's hand.

When Qin Ke felt that the farmer beside him had softened silently, he turned his head slightly, glanced at the old woman standing on the bridge looking at him from the corner of his eye, turned slightly, squatted down, and slowly lifted the farmer set it up.

In this way, even if the old woman saw the farmer jumping on the oranges, she would only think that he was checking the oranges or something, and would not suspect that he had fainted.

But Qin Ke thought about it before leaving, and took a few more oranges from the basket, secretly said: "Anyway, it's ill-gotten wealth, take it if you take it."

It's just that when he put the orange in his arms, he felt something strange in his arms. He touched it, but found that the buns wrapped in wide leaves disappeared from his arms.He opened the clothes on his chest and looked, only to see that little lizard was looking at him curiously with its eyes open.

How could Qin Ke not know what happened?

"Who told you to eat it?" Qin Ke said angrily, "Do you know how expensive a meat bun is? Prodigal son."

The little lizard didn't bother to pay attention to him, curled up into a ball, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Qin Ke was helpless, but he didn't dare to put the oranges in again. Although he felt that the little lizard didn't like to eat fruits and vegetables, he really didn't want to take the risk. Playing with the oranges, he walked onto the small arch bridge and looked at the river.

"Ouch." Qin Ke's hands trembled inexplicably, an orange fell down and rolled to the old woman's feet.

The old woman slowly lowered her body, picked up the orange, and said kindly to Qin Ke who was approaching: "Be careful, the orange will rot if you smash it a few times and it won't taste good."

Qin Ke nodded vigorously, lifted his mask, his face was full of gratitude.

After a while, Qin Ke got off the bridge, looked back at the old woman who was gradually attracting attention, and closed her mask.Although he felt guilty for attacking an elderly old lady, there were some things that he couldn't do without doing it.

"If you're so old, why don't you go to the rivers and lakes?" Qin Ke complained in a low voice.

I looked at the street, asked for directions, and knew that I was not too far away from Taixuetang. I felt a little excited, and I merged into the crowd again, like a fish that jumped into the muddy river and lost its trace.

Chapter 68 Fighting

The Taixue Hall was originally located in a secluded alley, surrounded by willow trees and the water flowing slowly, which is suitable for students to read quietly in it, but as long as the place in the world is closely related to power, status or wealth, most of them cannot stop the bustle. crowd.

Only a few months after the completion of the Taixuetang, the housing prices in the surrounding area have increased several times. Many wealthy businessmen even want to sell shops in the surrounding areas but cannot. The children in the school did not get into the school in the end, but as long as they can get a little relationship with the students who go to the Tai Xuetang, they may not have a bright future in the future.

After all, many people know that the talents who can go out of this school in the future must be the pillars of Jingwu's country in the future. Which family doesn't want their children and grandchildren to be able to glorify their ancestors in the future?Things like money are always less important than face.If it is really possible to leave a legacy in the future history, it will be worth it even if it exhausts the wealth of the family.

In the end, the land prices around here have risen to the extreme, and it can even be said that it is hard to find.It wasn't until Zhuge Wanling personally issued a notice that the nearby houses were requisitioned, under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, and sold to ordinary people at ordinary prices, and this matter came to an end.

The current Tai Xuetang has returned to its former peace, and the sound of reading is blowing in the wind, which makes people feel inexplicably happy.

During the few days in Jianye, Qin Ke also heard a lot of anecdotes about the Taixuetang, but today is the first time he has seen the Taixuetang from afar.Compared with his imagination, the Taixue Hall on the other side of the river is undoubtedly much simpler. There is no vermilion gate, and no stone lions at the gate, only blue brick and wooden doors. Word.

However, Qin Ke quickly accepted this kind of Taixuetang, even when he looked at the simple wooden door and the word "Taixue" written on the simple plaque from a distance, he was inexplicably fascinated.

This is a place to study, why do you need jewels?

"This looks like a school." Although Qin Ke had never seen a few private schools in his life, he still made a judgment in his heart.

Now the sky is getting darker, the sunset glow is like a burning flame in the sky, and the clouds are like wild galloping horses, galloping fast in the fire.There are few pedestrians around the school, probably because the nearby residents are worried about disturbing these "big scholars" and "generals" in Jingwu's future.

Qin Ke walked forward slowly, now there is only a small river between him and the school, hundreds of steps away from him, there is a stone bridge, made of fine stone materials, the eaves are gently routed, and the eaves beasts on it stand solemnly, as if Looking into the distance.

However, it is this seemingly short distance, but no matter how difficult it is for Qin Ke to cross it easily.

Because there are people sitting on the bridge.

A blind man who is blind.

Qin Ke's face was pale, and he didn't expect that he couldn't hide in the end, watching the blind old man slowly pulling the erhu, whimpering, there was sadness in it, but it was more of a lonely person far away from the world.

But he wasn't alone either.

"The fish and dragon help to do things, the idlers wait to go away!" As a loud shout exploded in the crowd, there was a sudden commotion. Going silhouette.Some vendors are even surprisingly quick with their hands and feet. They just roll up the cloth, hold the things on the stall, and run away without a trace.

Qin Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking why all these people seemed to be very experienced. Could it be that this kind of thing is common in Jianye City?

But soon, he could only smile wryly.When the crowd gradually dissipated, the man in white was standing a hundred paces behind him with a smirk on his lips, blocking all the routes he planned to retreat. Although it was the first time he had seen the whole picture of the man in white, But judging from the sounds of fighting on the day of employment, the man in white is obviously a practitioner of qi and blood, and such a person is by no means easy to get rid of.

"Is the mouse really a mouse? It's really hard to find it." The man in white opened his folding fan and flashed the wind, "Should we catch it without a fight, or should we do it ourselves?"

Qin Ke still wore the monkey face mask, but from the determination of these people, he knew that his appearance had been seen through, so he didn't hide anymore, but took off the mask and said helplessly: "I surrender."

The man in white looked at Qin Ke with playful eyes: "Where's the thing?"

With some difficulty, Qin Ke reached out and took out the bamboo slips from the bag, put them under his feet, and then said something that even he himself thought was a little funny: "This really has nothing to do with me, I'm just passing by."

The man in white smiled and said: "You can still talk nonsense at this time. Among the spies I have seen, you can be included in the top few. What's more, you are so young. It is really rare."

What is nonsense?What I said is obviously true, okay?Qin Ke thought helplessly in his heart, but he also knew that the white-clothed man and the blind old man would never believe that he had only met Jiu Ye once, so he said in another way: "I hand over the things, can you let me go?" ?”

The man in white looked at Qin Ke. He didn't expect him to say such a sentence. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Why are you leaving? Maybe I can set up a banquet and invite you to have a good meal." ?”

"No." Qin Ke looked down at his toes, "I still have my business, I appreciate your kindness."

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