"Oh... that's true..." Everyone came to their senses immediately, and sighed in unison.Compared with the Feigong Momen of the Mohist school, where there are as many practitioners as a cow's hair, the practitioners in Jingwuli either serve the gentry, or follow the Jingwu God of War who wears white and leads the Qingzhou Ghost Rider.

Therefore, although there are many gangs and gangs in Jingwu territory, they are more of a motley gang.

And the blind master can also be called the top figure among the four enshrined members of the Yulong gang. Although most people have never seen him make a move, they have heard that he even died under his flying sword. For the two practitioners who were helped by Dapeng in the west of the city, the people sitting in the inn only felt yearning for such a record.

At this moment, a chubby fat man ran in from the door of the inn, panting, "Brother...brother!"

The tall and thin guest was looking around just now, very satisfied that he had finally made a splash. He closed his eyes and took a sip of green tea, feeling more enjoyable than drinking strong alcohol.Hearing the dull voice because of obesity, the tall and thin guest turned his head. Isn't this his fat brother-in-law?

"Ah Liang, why are you here?" The tall and thin guest rushed forward and hurriedly supported his brother-in-law, but he almost fell to the ground because of the weight of his brother-in-law.

When Ah Liang finally breathed heavily, sat on the bench, gurgled the tea into the teapot, finally heaved a sigh of relief, looked at his brother-in-law and said, "Brother-in-law, there is something important!"

"What's the big deal?" The tall and thin guest was shocked, he had rarely seen his brother-in-law so flustered, "Your sister gave birth?"

"My sister... bah... not my sister, my sister didn't have a miscarriage, what are you talking about!" A Liang's eyes widened, "I mean, there is new news about what I told you last time gone."

Hearing his words, everyone in the inn subconsciously pricked up their ears.

The tall and thin guest laughed, and reached out to pat his brother-in-law's chubby shoulders: "Stinky boy, brother-in-law loves you so much, tell me, what's the matter?"

A Liang looked around, then looked at the tall and thin guest, hesitantly said: "Should we talk here?"

"Say it, why don't you say it." The tall and thin guest looked around arrogantly, thinking that you still didn't believe my news before?Now my brother-in-law is right in front of you, what else do you have to say?

Ah Liang nodded and didn't think too much about it. Now that his brother-in-law said so, he said, "Three days have passed, and the little thief has not been found. Gang leader Pang Hu is angry. , and he also said in Jiang Hu, no matter who it is, as long as it can give clues or traces of that little thief, a reward of [-]!"

"Reward...reward...what the hell?" The tall and thin guest trembled, and the hot tea spilled out of the tea bowl, wet his thighs, but he was shocked and cursed, "he Damn! What did you say?"

"No matter who it is, as long as they can give clues or traces of that little thief, the bounty is [-]!" A Liang repeated heavily.

Almost as soon as the words were finished, Ah Liang noticed in a daze that the tall and thin guest ran out of the inn as if the soles of his feet had been oiled.

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do?" He was a little puzzled, but his mouth was still a little thirsty, so he poured tea and prepared to have another drink.

Just as he was holding up the tea bowl, the tall and thin guest rushed back from the door of the inn. Because he was walking in such a hurry, he almost tripped over the threshold and ate shit.He grabbed Ah Liang, widened his eyes and said, "Tell me, what does that man look like? How old is he?"

Ah Liang realized what his brother-in-law was trying to do in such a hurry.He thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know? What do you mean? Damn he doesn't know what a person looks like, what else are you looking for?" The tall and thin guest was furious.

"It's true that no one has seen it." A Liang looked at his teacup with tears in his eyes, and replied with difficulty, "Since he is a thief who can enter the lord's mansion to steal things, how can anyone easily see his face? Master Blind... I did 'see' it, but he..." He stopped talking suddenly, but everyone understood that in this kind of thing, is it possible to expect a blind man to see clearly?

Even though the blind old man is a master of practice,... it doesn't mean he can see without eyes.

"But..." Ah Liang suddenly thought of something, and said loudly, "There is a portrait from the government, saying that it was drawn according to the description of the priest in white, but... the priest said that he was also in the dark. At a glance, it’s not real.”

"Enough!" The tall and thin guest's dejected expression was swept away. It was better to have a portrait than nothing at all. He pulled Ah Liang and ran out in a hurry.

Behind him, countless inn guests couldn't sit still anymore, they got up and threw down their silver taels and went out.

Chapter 64 Causes of Levee Breaks

The amount of one hundred gold can make a lot of noise even in front of those big merchants, let alone those ordinary people who may not have seen what it looks like to put a hundred gold in front of them in their entire lives?

Anyway, it's not that they don't want them to capture the little thief with their own hands, so what's the problem if they just make a notification?

After a while, there was no one in the inn, leaving only a mess, and even Xiao Er couldn't help but join in the fun, leaving only the shopkeeper standing at the counter.It's not that he doesn't want to go, it's just that if he leaves, no one will guard the store, and the thief who stole the secret books will not be found, and his heart will be distressed if there are fewer things in his store.

But when he raised his head, he saw a young figure sitting in a corner with his head lowered and drinking water slowly, and he gave him a strange look.

"Guest officer, why, are you not interested in the one hundred gold?"

The corner of Qin Ke's mouth twitched as he slowly raised his head, and he pretended to answer calmly: "In such a big Jianye City, how can it be so easy to find a thief whose face is not clear?"

"That's right." After Qin Ke said this, the restless heart in the shopkeeper's heart calmed down a lot. Although it is difficult for him to see a hundred gold in front of him in his life, there is such a small inn , is enough to make a family have no worries about food and clothing, why should he worry so much?

Thinking of this, he smiled and said to Qin Ke: "This guest officer, although young, can see things thoroughly."

Qin Ke laughed, but it was a pity that the smile was uglier than crying, but he lowered his head in time, but he didn't show the strange expression on his face to the innkeeper.

Where is he thinking thoroughly?He just didn't know how to answer, so he threw out such a seemingly thorough answer.As usual, I'm afraid he would go out like those guests noisily, right?After all, the amount of one hundred gold is enough to blind him by reflecting the sunlight.

After living in this inn for a few days, he also felt the importance of money more and more.

"Shopkeeper, I'm going upstairs." Qin Ke put down his tea bowl and said softly.

The shopkeeper nodded, not feeling anything strange about Qin Ke: "Okay, slow down, guest officer."

Following the sound of footsteps, Qin Ke went up the stairs, looked at the rows of guest rooms, and found the one he lived in, which was also the smallest one. He opened the door, looked around, and then Hide in like a cat.

The price of this inn is not very cheap, at least compared to a country bumpkin like him, it is definitely an expensive place.But he had no choice but to live here because there were enough people in this neighborhood named Jinhe, so he could also hide his tracks.

It's just that this arrest seems to be far from over. Qin Ke originally thought that this group of people would stop after a few days of no harvest. However, from today's point of view, this arrest against him turned out to be intensified!

"What is a thief who steals?" Qin Ke frowned. Lying on the bed with his shoes on, he only felt a splitting headache, and he even got involved with the government...

He obviously just came to find Zhuge Wanling, what happened to turn everything into this scene?

After thinking for a long time, he didn't have a clue, he turned over, reached out to find the bamboo slip from under the pillow, and checked it again with the light from the window.

These days, he has checked this bamboo slip more than once. Unlike the tall and thin guest, this bamboo slip doesn't contain any secret manuals of the blind old man's exercises at all, it's just an accounting book.

The names copied by Fangzheng's lower script have a bit of ink scent, and behind these names are different numbers, for example, "Sun Li" is followed by a "180", followed by a "Lin Chuan" ", followed by a "five hundred and four", the numbers are large and small, and some of the names are circled with cinnabar pens.

Qin Ke read it over and over again, but still couldn't find the meaning in it.

"What exactly is this recorded? These people want to kill people for this thing?" Qin Ke frowned, only feeling that the numbers above were full of bloody smell.

He sat up cross-legged, threw the slips of paper aside, touched his purse that was originally bulging but had now shrunk by half, poured out the silver inside, and took out the remaining broken silver in the pocket, piled it in the Together.

There are only eight taels left.

Qin Ke was inexplicably confused. If this matter continues, when will he find Zhuge Wanling?What's more, the uncles and aunts in the village pooled up the money and gave it to him, and every piece was hard-won, which made him feel extremely guilty.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Ke hastily rolled up the slips, stuffed them under the pillow, covered the money with a quilt, stood up, straightened his messy hair, and said, "Come in."

The door opened, Qin Ke loosened his hands behind his back, relaxed his shoulders, smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, what's the matter?"

There was a smile on the shopkeeper's face, probably because he thought Qin Ke's immature cheeks were very amiable, inexplicably reminded him of his nephew who likes to run wildly in the countryside every day, and said with a smile: "It's just right, I just now The special products from my hometown, I think you are the only guest officer in the store, so I bring you to try."

"Special product?" Qin Ke happened to be a little hungry. After all, people who practice qi and blood have a much higher body demand for food than ordinary people, but he is not willing to spend money to buy it. This local product is like giving charcoal in a timely manner. timely.

When the big bowl was put on the table, Qin Ke's eyes lit up: "Fish?"

The shopkeeper smiled kindly, looked at Qin Ke who couldn't wait to hold the chopsticks, and said: "It is the yellow croaker that is abundant in our south. It tastes very delicious. It is said that it can benefit the five internal organs and is good for the body."

Qin Ke took a sip and felt that his mouth was full of fragrance. The soft fish melted in an instant after entering his mouth, but the taste kept lingering on his tongue and never left.

Qin Ke spat out the fishbone clumsily, and praised: "It's delicious."

The shopkeeper's smile grew stronger: "Just like it."

Qin Ke took another chopstick into his mouth, and the deliciousness made his stomach growl. Thinking about the fish raised in the rotten fish pond in Daoxiang Village, the taste was sour and sticky. Compared with this fish, it was like The difference between white flour and rice bran is general.

Maybe take some back for the uncles and aunts?Qin Ke had a whim, so he asked a question: "Shopkeeper, is there a lot of fish in the south?"

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "It's almost the time when there are the most yellow croakers. In the past years, I would ask my hometown to deliver fish to the inn. The yellow croakers in our inn are also the best in this street. It's just that earlier this year, Lin'an There was a flood in the city, and many tributaries were washed away, and the dams have not been completely repaired until now. If the dams are not repaired, it will be difficult to catch fish. This year, our inn may not have a few yellow croakers."

"Floods?" Qin Ke was stunned. The Mo family is located in the north, which is a place prone to drought. He has seen many droughts, but he has not heard much about floods.But it seems that when the tomb of King Ye was released, Zhuge Wanling mentioned the flood?

Qin Ke was curious and asked, "Why did the flood happen? Is it serious?"

"Serious, why not serious." The shopkeeper no longer stood, but sat beside Qin Ke, and said, "The downstream is the fields of the common people. This flood flooded thousands of hectares of fertile land, and countless hectares of good land were flooded. People have nothing to eat. As for the reason for the flood, it is said that the upstream dam broke under the heavy rain for half a month, and it couldn't be blocked immediately. I really don't know how many people will die in such a flood. !"

Qin Ke was stunned. He had only seen people dying from drought, locust disasters, and wars, but he never thought that floods would have such power.

"Has the court provided disaster relief?" Qin Ke also became concerned.

"A lot of disaster relief food has been allocated. Our prime minister is still wise. In the early years, Wu Guo fought every year, and it was difficult to find a way to survive. In the end, the prime minister was really a genius. Somehow, he persuaded those big families to no longer After fighting the war, and then establishing Jingwu, life got better." As he spoke, the shopkeeper suddenly lowered his voice, "But I heard that this disaster relief is not easy. The superiors are going to kill people!"

"Murder?" Qin Ke raised his head sensitively and looked at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper looked around and knew that there was no one in the inn, so he dared to speak: "Some people say that the reason why the dam broke this time is because a group of corrupt officials deliberately broke the dam because they wanted to embezzle the imperial court's relief food. bad."

"Broken?" Qin Ke was startled, and his voice was a little uncontrollable, but soon, he lowered his head under the eyes of the shopkeeper, and whispered, "Why are these people so bold?"

"That's not surprising. Since ancient times, corrupt officials have always supported the bold and starved to death. I have seen a lot of corrupt officials. Just thank God." The shopkeeper's expression was calm, as if he was not surprised, "Anyway, the imperial court is said to have sent people to investigate, and it is said that a list has been drawn up based on the amount of money corrupted by corrupt officials. Hmph! Just wait for Prime Minister Zhuge to see that A list, all these corrupt officials will die!"

There was the sound of chopsticks falling on the ground.

The shopkeeper turned his head and bent down to pick up the chopsticks. He also showed a little more tenderness towards this child who looked like his nephew, and slightly blamed him: "Ah. You child, why are you so messy? I'll go and give it to you." Take another pair of chopsticks."

Qin Ke watched the shopkeeper leave slowly, but his heart beat wildly.

Chapter 65 Inside the Fish and Dragon Gang

Pang Hu's mansion is so big that even countless dignitaries can't help but stare at it, as can be seen from the golden nanmu plaque on the red vermilion lacquered gate.

Passing through the gate, the bonsai placed in the yard are lush and lush under the care of special personnel. The sun shines on them, and they dance gently in the wind.

However, in the hall behind these bonsai, there was a crackling sound, followed by a few clear curses of "idiot" and "idiot", which startled away a few birds that quietly landed and devoured the fruit.

"A big living person, even if he dug a hole and hid in it to be a mouse, how come you guys who are born to be cats can't smell a bit of fishy smell? Idiots! Idiots! You are like a clairvoyant when you claim to be in the east of the city on weekdays." Shunfenger, in the end, you were asked to find someone, and all of you became blind, and now I even suspect that all of your eyes have grown into the crotch, and they were all eaten by those stinky girls in Yihonglou!"

In the center of the hall, Pang Hu was panting, feeling that after this round of cursing, his body, which had not used swords and soldiers for many years, felt a little weak. He looked around, and then looked at the official kiln porcelain that he had smashed on the ground. Bowl, thirsty.

The subordinate next to him had followed him for many years, so he naturally knew the nature of his "big brother" best, so he hurriedly handed over the tea that he didn't dare to take a sip of.

Pang Hu took the tea bowl, took a sip in a hurry, but was suffocated by the hot tea, and then took a breath, and took a sip cautiously.

The blind old man sat on the chair calmly, with the erhu lying on his lap, as if the three people kneeling on one knee and unable to lift their heads in front of Pang Hu had nothing to do with him.

Pang Hu scolded those three people for being blind.

And he was really blind.

But in the Yulong Gang, except for the man in white, no one would dare to tell him about this... including Pang Hu.

"Old Yao! Tell me!" Pang Hu suppressed his anger and continued, "Usually you are the most stable in doing things, how did you arrange it?"

Lao Yao, who was kneeling among the three of them, was no longer very young. Judging from his somewhat old face and his slightly gray temples, his eyes were indeed full of stability: "The portrait has already been sent to the brothers. I also arranged a group of six people to distribute in every street under my jurisdiction. Whenever suspicious targets are found, they will be reported immediately. Even if the young man is a practitioner, he must walk on the road instead of flying in the air. Appear, there will always be some signs."

Pang Hu nodded: "Where are those places? Have you sent someone to watch them?"

Where is there? This question in Lao Yao's mind doesn't need any time to think about it.He looked up at Pang Hu, and said in a deep voice: "People have dispersed, including the remaining three oil shops and five rice shops. As long as anyone approaches there, our people will immediately collect the nets." Said At this point, he frowned, "But... for so many days, not to mention that the oil store has no customers, the rice shop is also normal, and even the rice buyers are basically regular customers. We have checked the details of those people, and they are all clean .”

Pang Hu's eyes were slightly comforted: "Old Yao, you are still rigorous in your work."

He thought for a while, then asked: "Then... what about the barracks and the palace gate?"

Lao Yao lowered his head slightly, and said: "We have also arranged manpower, but...the brothers have been a little slack recently, and this is a problem."

He raised his head and glanced at the parrot that was usually cherished hanging outside the hall. The unidentified flat-haired animal was rolling around in the cage like a mangy dog, although he was attracted by the interesting character of this parrot at the beginning. He spent a lot of money to buy him, but at this moment, he feels upset at this moment.

If you can't catch that kid, the whole Ichthyosaur Gang will be finished. Sooner or later, you bastard will be plucked and roasted. Let's see if you can still be so heartless.

In the end, if that Mr. Yu had condescended to chase after him through the hole, he might have killed that kid on Antai Street. How could he have gone to another oil shop?The hawks and dogs of these gentry families pretend to be suave and suave when they are dogs, which is disgusting.

Looking at the blind old man, he felt sad. After all, at the beginning, he also felt conceitedly that the blind old man would be able to solve this problem, but he didn't expect that this kid was really evil, and he could fly from the blind old man's flight. Under the sword, there is a way out.

Practitioners who practice spirituality have a limited range of flying swords after all, and their bodies are not as strong as those who practice qi and blood, which made that kid escape from life.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help cursing: "Where did this kid go? He didn't even see a shadow for a few days. Could it be that he really turned into a flat-haired beast and flew into the sky? But even if he flew, he should Find a place where it lands, is it possible that this is a fool who can't even remember where the head is connected?"

At this time, the blind old man who had been silent for a long time said softly: "It's hard to say. After all, two oil shops have accidents, and it is not impossible for him to have doubts about the third shop. What's more, with the young man's ability to hide , and even escaped from my hands without leaving a trace, it is really not easy for ordinary people to catch him."

Pang Hu was silent for a long time, knowing that the blind old man was right, but finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, he stretched out his hand and threw the tea bowl in his hand, and it fell into pieces all over the floor.

He gritted his teeth and said viciously: "This matter can't be solved well. It's up to me whether the Fish and Dragon Gang will survive at that time. Send out all the brothers in the gang. If anyone dares to be lazy or go to the brothel to drink at night Playing with women with wine is not my Pang Hu's brother, the gang will cut off his hands and feet!"

Qin Ke took out the bamboo slips under the pillow again, looked at the names on it, and was at a loss for a while.

What Pang Hu didn't know was that he was really a so-called "fool", but he was a fool not because he forgot the joints, but because these joints had nothing to do with him from the beginning to the end.

Before Master Jiu died, he only had time to tell him the location of the oil shop, but what about the other places?

However, no matter how stupid Qin Ke was, he could feel the silk thread hidden in the darkness from the innkeeper's words, and his eyes on the bamboo slips were not as puzzled as before, but this made him even more flustered.

During these days of hiding in the inn, he managed to find out the whereabouts of Zhuge Wanling and Gao Changgong from the mouths of various guests through insinuations.

Although Zhuge Wanling had his own prime minister's mansion, but because he had all the important military and government affairs in his hands, and there were too many things to deal with every day, the young Lord Jingwu simply sent someone to cancel Zhuge Wanling's private residence. He moved all his belongings into the palace.

Although this act of usurping has been impeached by countless veterans of the family for the crime of "surpassing" and "deceiving the emperor", the young king sat on the throne with the support of Zhuge Wanling, so naturally he would not care about such unnecessary things .

And Gao Changgong...Although he has his own mansion of the general, he is a man who hangs around in the barracks all day long and even dismisses most of the servants of the mansion of the general who devotes himself to running the army. Even if Qin Ke sneaks into the mansion of the general, he probably won't see much A person who can really take charge.

One is not easy to enter in the palace, and the other is in the barracks, which is like being in an iron wall. Qin Ke found that the difficulty of this matter has completely exceeded the scope of what he could predict.

Even if he has the Xunfeng Technique, a thaumaturgy that can hide breath, no matter it is a palace or a military camp, there must be countless hidden masters. If he rushes in rashly, he will be the same as the mouse that ran into the owl's sight in the dark. What's the difference?

"So, what does it matter to me?" Qin Ke looked at the bright red circles drawn with cinnabar on the bamboo slips, and felt that these reds were not only cinnabar, but also the blood and tears of the people who had been flooded with fertile fields. He couldn't help cursing, "Two bastards! Can't you just stay at home?"

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