Gao Changgong nodded, and handed the spear to Abu. Seeing that Abu was holding the spear with some difficulty, he smiled, and tore off two pieces of fabric from his cuff that were enough to wrap his palm, and walked forward slowly.

Shenlong's body slowly changed from off-white to warm again, and his body was forming jade like suet. This change started from his claws, spread to his entire torso, and ended up on the patch facing him. Inverse scale extension.

Gao Changgong knew that he still didn't have much time, so he jumped and stepped on Shenlong's neck. The scarlet inverse scales still maintained a black and red color. At first glance, it looked like a deep and greedy nightmare, eager to want to absorb the soul of man.

And Gao Changgong raised his leg, and with the surge of energy and blood in his whole body, he suddenly exerted his strength and stepped down hard.

The junction between Ni Lin and Shenlong's body cracked, and when Ni Lin left Shenlong's body, it began to shrink, nearly doubling in size every time it snapped a finger, and when it fell to the ground, the Ni Lin It's no bigger than a palm.

Zhuge Wanling looked at Ni Lin and said softly: "Dragon, dragons can be big or small, they can rise and hide; big ones make clouds and fog, small ones hide their shapes; rising ones fly between the universe, hidden ones hide Within the waves..."

Qin Ke finally understood why the dragon's reverse scale in the coffin was no bigger than a palm, but he didn't feel any surprise in his heart now. In his feeling, it would be difficult for a fetish like a dragon to have any special abilities. Not surprisingly.

Gao Changgong picked him up with his cloth-wrapped hands, and took advantage of the situation to wrap him up. The bloody smell immediately diffused invisible as the bloodthirsty Nilin was wrapped in the cloth.However, Gao Changgong still wrinkled his nose, looked at the dragon blood all over his body, and shook his head: "Look at the blood we drenched, is it said that dragon blood washes the tendons and cuts the marrow? If it is really possible, maybe Maybe your poor body will get better in the future."

Zhuge Wanling shook his head with a smile: "Unless it is the blood essence of Long Meixin, which condenses the essence of his whole body, it will have this effect. What's more...haven't you seen King Ye's body? Washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, but after washing I don't want to be a half-human, half-dragon monster."

Gao Changgong nodded, turned around and looked at Shenlong's body that had been completely transformed into jade, and sighed: "Your Excellency Shenlong is also a true gentleman. He is strong and unwilling to bully the weak. He lives above the nine heavens, but he can still pity the world. If there are more people like this in this world, maybe this troubled world will end sooner."

Zhuge Wanling closed his eyes and said, "Whether it's you or I are very small. People in the world are even more so."

"What do you think is really powerful?" Gao Changgong asked meaningfully, "In your opinion, even this Lord Shenlong may not be really powerful, right?"

"Although he is very strong, he is powerless to control his own destiny. It's hard to say he is really strong." Zhuge Wanling just said this and fell silent.

Qin Ke looked at Shenlong's body, and it was hard to imagine that his appearance like a huge jade carving was once a living god.

But Qin Ke thought about it, maybe this is in line with the dignity of Shenlong. For Shenlong, even if he dies, he should not become a rotten corpse like a human or animal. His majesty will still be sealed here. As if he never died.

"Snake?" There was a hissing sound coming from under his feet, Qin Ke's ears moved slightly, and he lowered his head in a daze.

It is indeed a snake, but it is not the huge and strong python in the tomb of King Ye, but a scarlet snake covered in black and red, which slowly crawled past his feet without much effort. Staying with a clear purpose, he didn't even look at Qin Ke more.

Qin Ke has seen a lot of this kind of snakes. In the mountains, the old people often catch them back to soak in wine when they meet them. Because they are non-poisonous, many times, even children will try to catch them. It will be praised by the elders, and it has even become a side activity for children.

But there shouldn't be such a snake in the belly of the mountain.

Maybe because there is a small opening to the outside, the snake got in?Qin Ke thought.

"Snake!" When Abu yelled out in surprise, Qin Ke suddenly turned his head, and countless hisses intertwined together, already overwhelming!

Qin Ke's heart tightened, and he looked around.

I don't know when it started, but a large number of snakes sprang out from the mountainside, where there was nothing but corpses and dragons.

The jade-like corpses of the dragons illuminated their bodies, and Qin Ke had never seen so many snakes gathered together: Rock Agkistrodon, Ussuri Agkistrodon, Belly Chain Snake, Yellow Ridge Snake, Chilian Snake, Group Snake, etc. Flower snakes, white snakes... It seems that the snakes in the entire mountain range have gathered here, and even from the cracks in the rocks, they are still gushing out.

Some snakes are bigger, some are small and exquisite, but even so, the big snake didn't try to climb over the small snake, but guarded its position very dutifully, and slowly moved forward.

It is obviously a beast that does not understand human nature, but at this moment, it is like an army under command, just crawling forward as if possessed by a demon. Originally, Qin Ke was a little worried that these snakes would become troublesome things to bite them, but these snakes When passing by their feet, it seems that they are completely transparent.

They approached the dragon, coiled into a formation of snakes, and watched quietly, as if they were waiting for something.

"They are..." Qin Ke said in a low voice, "What are they waiting for?"

Zhuge Wanling's eyes brightened, and he said: "The barrier leading to the outside has disappeared. This formation was originally used to trap the dragon. Now that the dragon is dead, he has lost its original effect."

"Even if the passage is opened, what are these snakes... for?" Abu sighed, "I have never seen such a scene. When I was a child herding cattle, I saw groups of snakes gathering together to mate. But that is just one kind of snake, here... there are at least dozens of kinds..."

Just as he was speaking, the faint light of Shenlong's body gradually brightened. It was only a dim light at first, but within a few short breaths, it illuminated almost the entire mountainside.

Qin Ke looked at this magnificent space, and Shenlong's dead but still majestic body. The light was so bright that he felt a little uncomfortable. He squinted his eyes in astonishment and remained silent, not knowing what would happen next.

Snakes have no eyelids, and they naturally cannot squint their eyes like Qin Ke to avoid the bright light, but they silently stared at the source of the light, and a bit of fanaticism gradually appeared in their eyes .

They bowed their heads, as if a courtier was meeting the king for the first time, they humbly prostrated themselves on the ground.

"This is... pilgrimage?" Qin Ke was slightly stunned, but saw that the light gradually began to condense. Although the light was still astonishingly bright, Qin Ke inexplicably felt that the light was no longer dazzling, but like the sun in the morning , Gentle and warm.

These rays of light intertwined in midair, as if they were woven together by a pair of invisible hands, and gradually formed the outline of a dragon.He stared down quietly, but nodded slightly.

Zhuge Wanling, Gao Changgong and Abu cupped their hands and bowed respectfully.

Qin Ke's heart was surging, and he couldn't help but want to say something, but the light didn't stay longer, but raised his head as if swimming in the water, rising up, getting higher and higher, and finally penetrated the mountainside, slowly disappear.

The entire mountainside returned to darkness again. If Qin Ke lost something, he lowered his head and thought, that's fine.He went back, and everything in this world has nothing to do with him.

However, the snakes on the ground gradually began to become agitated. After Shenlong really left, these snakes that were crawling on the ground were no longer respectful and solemn. Their beastly eyes were full of greed and desire.

Chapter 42 The Road to Heaven

I don't know which snake couldn't bear it first, and jumped on the jade-like corpse of Shenlong and bit it fiercely. Suddenly, a group of snakes rushed up frantically!

For snakes, they are not naturally good at biting. Their teeth are much weaker than those of wild dogs or bears. After all, most of their eating methods are swallowing and do not need to grind food.

But they still didn't care, even though their gums were dripping with blood due to too much force, they still bit off countless pieces from Shenlong's jade body after all!

And when these fragments fell off from Shenlong's body, the group of snakes became more and more crazy. The snakes in the back row no longer cared about the order, but frantically rushed forward. The corpse, hoping to tear off even a tiny bit of fragments from it, and some... even go directly to bite the same clan that has successfully swallowed the fragments!

For a moment, the group of snakes churned, and the blood mixed with the corpses of the snakes, like a wave.Among them, there are even some small snakes that after devouring their companions, still want to fight, until their stomachs are swollen and they die, their internal organs flow out, scattered all over the ground, and are swallowed up by other snakes.

Qin Ke's stomach churned, and he frowned and said, "What are they doing?"

Looking at the group of snakes, Zhuge Wanling snapped the fingers of his right hand regularly, as if he was calculating something, and replied while calculating, "This is their way to heaven."

"The road to heaven?" Qin Ke was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Gao Changgong's eyes were complicated, he looked at the group of snakes who gave up their lives, and said: "They come here, on the one hand, they are paying homage to Shenlong, and sending him off respectfully, and because of this, they have obtained the permission of Shenlong to devour his body." Flesh body... This is the flesh body of Shenlong, even if it is just a little bit, they can draw enough power from it to give birth to spiritual wisdom, even if it is impossible to become a demon, it can still make them a leader among their own race."

Qin Ke was stunned for a moment: "Just for this?"

"Of course." Gao Changgong looked at Qin Ke, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Do you think it's unreasonable?"

Qin Ke looked down at his toes: "Just to be stronger... so I have to fight with my life. Is it worth it?"

At least Qin Ke felt that it was not worth it. He was one of the few people who survived the famine. This Daoxiang Village was also a village rebuilt by countless refugees after the famine. How precious life is, when they gnawed on the bark When eating loess and enduring severe pain and dryness in the abdomen, it is already clear.

Gao Changgong laughed hahaha: "If everyone in the world could think like you, there wouldn't be so many disputes. The Mo family, Cang Hai, Tang State...even Jing Wu, isn't that family fighting? People in this world, This is stupid, even if they only have a little thought, they will take out their hearts, livers and lungs, and sit on the gambling table where they gamble with their lives. Some people win the bet and finally return with a lot of money, some people lose, even His life is gone. The founding emperor of the former dynasty was just a street gangster at the beginning. Compared with those clans, nobles, and huge families, what did he have? But in the end he still ruled the world and established the foundation of the Ji Dynasty for hundreds of years. If he If you don't risk your life, I'm afraid that he will live a life of humbleness like an ant, steal money, goof around, and finally die in an alley in ragged clothes, and may not be able to wrap his body in a straw mat when he dies."

Qin Ke couldn't answer, he could feel the fierce breath in Gao Changgong's words, as if wrapped in the ancient history hundreds of years ago, it swept over his chest, making him a little out of breath.

And Gao Changgong's next words made him even more gloomy: "Besides, even if the snakes who want to come here grab that little bit of flesh, they will never be satisfied with such a little gain. Cannibalize their own species until they are eaten or become one of the last remaining strongest."

Gao Changgong sighed: "How similar is it to this world? Perhaps, as Shenlong Xinmo said, this world is originally a battlefield established by the gods."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and asked Zhuge Wanling, "Is the time coming?"

Zhuge Wanling closed his eyes and kept snapping his fingers: "Hurry up."

Just at this time, there was a violent impact sound from the mountainside, and as the rock cracked, at a distance of tens of feet from the crowd, the one-horned python broke through the rock wall and crawled in like this .

But compared to the previous appearance, it can be said to be very miserable.

The scales on its body were cracked inch by inch, and from the gaps in these scales, bright red blood continuously oozes out, and there are many crossbow bolts of black cavalry stuck in its body, penetrating into the gaps in his flesh and blood, one of his eyes has completely disappeared. It was bloody and bloody, and one of its fangs was broken off. I really don't know what kind of cruel battle it has experienced before.

But when it rushed into the mountainside, it was still extremely ferocious.

Facing the group of snakes, he was fearless, the remaining one eye was full of fanaticism and longing, it suddenly lowered its head, almost devoured dozens of small snakes of various colors in one bite, and when his long tail curled, Countless small snakes slapped on the rock wall, and countless snakes rushed up and devoured them.

And the one-horned python didn't look at it, but clung to the Shenlong's body, opened its bloody mouth, tore off a piece suddenly, and swallowed it!

"Zhuge Wanling!" Qin Ke suddenly heard Wang Xuanwei's voice, and Wang Xuanwei walked out of the hole made by the one-horned python. His original Xuanwei was gone, replaced by him. There was a palm-sized beetle on the shoulder, it seemed to be transparent, and its internal organs could be seen through the carapace, but when it buzzed and fluttered its wings, the one-horned python trembled, obviously a little frightened.

Zhuge Wanling turned his head slowly, facing Wang Xuanwei's eyes in the air. The remaining black cavalry came out neatly from behind Wang Xuanwei. Although everyone was wounded, they were full of murderous intent. After the bloody battle just now, They lost several Paoze brothers, and naturally hated Zhuge Wanling who led them into the game. At this moment, they also raised their heads, and there seemed to be countless steel knives piercing Zhuge Wanling's heart in their eyes.

Zhuge Wanling didn't say a word, just remained calm for a while, the distance between him and Wang Xuanwei was so far, but at this moment they seemed so close.

When Wang Xuanwei saw Shenlong's body, he understood everything. At this moment, the anger that was being toyed with by the applause burst out in an instant. With the flash of light in his eyes, the transparent beetle on his shoulder seemed to be sensed. Flapping its wings, it caught up with the one-horned python that was constantly gnawing at the corpse of the dragon like a bolt of lightning.

The one-horned python had just gnawed a big mouthful of the dragon's jade-like corpse, and the bleeding from the cut on its body stopped immediately, and even those scales began to fade gradually, and new and complete scales appeared from below.

However, Wang Xuanwei's beetle didn't care at all, it buzzed loudly, and jumped on the body of the one-horned python almost arbitrarily, biting the body of the one-horned python fiercely, its seemingly short insect mouthparts were sharp Like a famous blade in the world, it tore a gap in the blink of an eye!

The one-horned python howled in pain, but didn't dare to turn around and bite the transparent beetle. Obviously, it had fully felt the hardness and strength of this beetle along the way.

It writhed on the spot, twisting his huge body, trying to break free from the bite of the transparent beetle. As he writhed, the small snakes approaching around him were thrown away one after another. Under the body, he was directly crushed to death.

But even so, it still couldn't get rid of the transparent beetle's bite. Even though the new scales were harder than the original ones, under the bite of the transparent beetle, it became like soft tofu, and it took a short breath. In the meantime, its body, which had recovered a lot, became scarred again.

"Zhuge Wanling!" Wang Xuanwei shouted again, but this time it was a little hoarse, but the emotion contained in it made people shudder.

Qin Ke even felt that if Wang Xuanwei really wanted to kill him at this time, as long as he could catch up, he might not end well.

Zhuge Wanling looked calm, raised his hands lightly, and slightly cupped them: "Mr. Wang."

At this time, Qin Ke heard the sound of being bitten by something from the rock wall behind him. Qin Ke turned his head suddenly, and the rock wall broke, and an ant as tall as half a person broke out of the wall.

Chapter 43 The Mountain-eating Ant

"Mom... How much does this guy like raising bugs?" Qin Ke hurriedly hid beside Gao Changgong, like a frightened rabbit.

Gao Changgong looked at Qin Ke helplessly, and said, "Can you stop being so timid? How many times have you called your mother along the way?"

"You don't care about me." Qin Ke looked at the ant the size of a calf, gnawing on hard stones, and there was foul-smelling yellow saliva near the mouthparts, which made him feel sick, "I'm just a small man , you are great generals and prime ministers, you are not afraid of death, I am afraid of death!"

"Then please figure out where this ant is from before you are afraid, and please don't use my clothes to wipe your nose, thank you!" Gao Changgong said angrily.

"That's nausea..." Qin Ke was about to answer that it was something that came out of his stomach, but thinking about Gao Changgong's overwhelming strength, he immediately closed his mouth, but because of doubts, he couldn't help asking, "Where is it?" side?"

Gao Changgong rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him. He was as keen as him, and somehow felt a strange smell from his clothes, but his body was covered with blood gushing from the dragon's claws, which had now turned dark. Red, condensed into pieces, interfered with his sense of smell, so he didn't think much about it.

Zhuge Wanling approached the huge ant that could only reach his waist, patted its head like a puppy, took out a shiny spar from his bosom, and threw it at the ant's feet.

But the ant didn't realize it, and just stared blankly ahead.

Zhuge Wanling turned his head and took a look. Shenlong's body that had turned into jade had been gnawed beyond recognition by snakes. Among them, a few snakes had been gnawed so much that their bodies had swelled countless times. Even a bamboo leaf green , now almost a boa constrictor too.

"Seeing this, don't you even want diamonds? The road to heaven may not be suitable for you." Zhuge Wanling said softly.

He lifted his steps lightly, and slowly walked towards the cave where the ants gnawed out: "Go, you don't have to obey me anymore."

"What kind of monster is that?" Qin Ke asked Zhuge Wanling while walking in the cave, "You just throw him in the cave and don't want it?"

Zhuge Wanling also hunched over his body. His health was not good. He had obviously struggled a lot during the journey, and panted slightly: "It is an ant that eats mountains. It can break mountains and crack rocks. I have raised them for three years and fed them with diamonds for three years. That’s why he is so obedient today. But since he also wants to compete with those pythons for the body of Shenlong, I don’t have to restrain it anymore. As for life and death... it can only depend on its fate.”

"That king... Wang Xuanwei must be so angry now, he is down there, even if he wants to come up, it will take a lot of time." Qin Ke couldn't help but feel a little happy when he escaped from the mountainside so easily, thinking that he would soon be able to leave this darkness It was a gloomy place, which lifted his mood even more.

Probably because of his relaxed mood, along the way, he asked many questions that he still didn't understand, and Zhuge Wanling answered them one after another, but even if he didn't answer, Qin Ke wouldn't Why do you care, as long as you can get out of the hole, even if you are still confused about some things, what is the importance?

After one night, when I go back to the village, I can probably go back to the original day, right?Although it was not his original intention to help Uncle Ji, after all, it is always good to do something at Uncle Ji's place and occasionally have a meal.

Now that the matter here is over, after a period of time, when those quacks lose interest, they will naturally leave, and he can take care of the flowers and plants left by the master in the thatched cottage with peace of mind. Enjoy the cool breeze in the field.

He laughed, looked at the long cave, and asked casually, "How long have you prepared this cave in advance?"

"It's very early." Zhuge Wanling replied softly, "But before the death of the dragon, the barrier in the mountainside will not disappear, even if there are loopholes, we will not be able to enter the interior. Otherwise, we don't have to enter the tomb of King Ye, and we can go directly from this place." The cave leads straight to the place where the dragon sleeps."

"It seem to have everything ready." Qin Ke asked curiously, "Are these things found in the classics?"

Zhuge Wanling didn't answer, but just walked forward.

Gao Changgong walked at the end, but he was a little dissatisfied and said: "You have been babbling all the way, can you stop for a while, I have a headache."

At this time, Qin Ke's detached temperament was also released, he turned his head and made a face: "If you don't say it, you don't say it."

Abu smiled bitterly and said, "Ake, you'd better stop talking."

Qin Ke was taken aback, and said, "Why, you also think I'm noisy?"

"No...I'm afraid that you will really be beaten up by Brother Chang Gong...I don't know who to help then."

Gao Changgong raised his voice and said: "Abu, okay, you have already betrayed him within a few days since you came out, how long have you known him, Brother Changgong, I will teach you martial arts, take you to play polo, and let you know What kind of place is the brothel, and this is how you repay me?"

Abu said with a sad face: "Brother Chang Gong, I now suspect that if you continue to talk like this, you will be beaten by your husband..."

Gao Changgong shrugged his shoulders, looking very casual: "Come on, just his little arms and legs, it's not enough to rub his legs."

Zhuge Wanling said calmly, "I won't hit you."

Gao Changgong flamboyantly said to Abu, "Look at it?"

But Zhuge Wanling's next words made Gao Changgong's face look ugly: "But your father asked me last month if I could arrange a marriage for you, saying that you were idle in the military camp all day long, and it happened that the favorite of the Lin family This year is sixteen, it is the age like flowers and jade..."

"Flower like jade? Put your mother's shit on!" Gao Changgong couldn't help but yelled, "The whole city knows that the little daughter of the Lin family is a fat girl who is too tired to be carried on a horse! Let me marry her, I might as well say goodbye I took the position of the great general to raise sows and become a butcher! Also, why am I idle in the barracks? I am exhausted from daily military training. Without me, where would I be one of the three major cavalry armies in the world? ?”

The corner of Zhuge Wanling's mouth was smiling: "Your father has long since stopped asking about court matters. The only thing he worries about is that you are still unmarried. Even if you are doing your best for Jing Wu, this is the idleness in your father's conception." , He is anxious to have a grandson. He is in a hurry to go to the doctor, not to mention that the Lin family is well-established and worthy of you. "

Mentioning this, Gao Changgong suddenly seemed like a discouraged ball. It is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework. Even if it is him, there are some things that cannot be stopped.

He knew that after his old father resigned from the position of Taiwei of Jingwu and went home to take care of his life, apart from reading and playing chess and fishing with those old buddies, what he cared most about was his lifelong affairs.

His older brothers and younger brothers who are old enough to get married have already married, and those who are not married have already arranged an in-law agreement.

But even though his fourth son was not an idler, he could even be said to be a rare talent in the world, but until now he has not had a suitable marriage partner.

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