Turning to Zhuge Wanling, Shenlong sighed and said, "You have found the wrong person. If there is anyone in this world who can answer your question, it is definitely not me who is lingering in this mountainside."

Zhuge Wanling asked, "Who is that?"

"I don't know." Shenlong's eyes were tired, "If you are really unwilling, then follow your 'enlightenment'. Perhaps, the answer is there."

Zhuge Wanling stood quietly where he was, as if he was thinking about something, but also as if he was too disappointed.Gao Changgong stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, Zhuge Wanling smiled at him: "I'm fine."

Shenlong looked at Gao Changgong and said, "Mortal. You are very strong."

Gao Changgong stood with a gun and smiled proudly: "Of course."

For some reason, Shenlong's eyes showed a bit of pity, but he didn't say anything to Gao Changgong after all.

"Maybe I can give you some little help." Shenlong looked at Qin Ke gently, and called softly, "Come here, child of the gods."

"The child of the gods?" Qin Ke stood behind, feeling that there was too much meaning in that eye, which made him feel as if he was transparent and had nowhere to hide.

"Come here. I won't hurt you." Shenlong said again. He stretched out his claws and moved slowly. The light on his body flickered, and in his throat, there was a dark red The light, like a black hole, Qin Ke took a look at the ray of light, and felt that his soul was almost sucked in, and when he was frightened, he immediately ran back.

"Are you afraid of me?" Shenlong's voice was old and tired, "Or... afraid of it?"

Qin Ke bit his lip and didn't speak, because he retreated, his back was already attached to the rock wall, which made him hope that a big hole suddenly appeared in the ground or he would fly away with his wings now.

"Come here. Child of the gods." Shenlong's eyes were gentle, and he comforted Qin Ke softly, like a kind grandfather, "I will not hurt you."

"Why do you call me the child of the gods?" Qin Ke looked at the huge eyes of Shenlong, and felt that the dark golden light inside was speeding up. He didn't know what kind of change this performance represented. Unknown things, the stone in his heart can't fall down for a long time.

There was a slight smile in Shenlong's eyes: "It's okay, you don't understand now, but you will understand in the future. Compared with me, an old man, you are still young, and time will make you grow. When you can bear the revelation, You will see the mountains, the rivers, the sea, the sky. They will guide you, Shadora... Ulam... Hudira..."

It was the kind of words that Qin Ke couldn't understand at all, but for some reason, he could hear an unspeakable sadness from Shenlong's deep words, that kind of sadness... like, death.

Chapter 39 Death and Rebirth

The fear in his heart subsided slightly, he took a few steps forward, approached Shenlong slowly, and asked, "What does that mean?"

"This is the language of our Dragon Clan." Shenlong said kindly, "Maybe one day, you will also understand the meaning of these words. Come on, child, I am very old, and the magic circle locked me, and I can't leave. "

Qin Ke looked at Zhuge Wanling with calm eyes, at Gao Changgong who was thoughtful, and at Abu who was bewildered beside him.

Zhuge Wanling turned his head and nodded slightly to him.

Qin Ke walked forward slowly, and the huge head of Shenlong was as thick as a mountain. Whenever he took a heavy breath, the airflow he exhaled would turn into clouds and mist, with thunder shining in it, and it slowly converged.

Qin Ke finally stopped. At this moment, the distance between him and Shenlong was less than five steps away.

Shenlong retreated a little, and he stood up. Instead of looking at them with one eye, he raised his body. His powerful figure shone with the thunder in the darkness, and he lowered his head and exhaled softly: "Ah!" Du..."

Shenlong just said two words, and the voice shook the whole mountainside!Many stones became loose due to the erosion of time, even crumbling. Under such vibrations, these boulders naturally couldn't try their best to maintain their stability, and fell down one after another, falling into the seemingly bottomless abyss.

Qin Ke's face was pale, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

Shenlong's old eyes were calm, and every time he uttered an incomprehensible word, the whole mountainside trembled, and amid such vibrations, his body gradually emitted a bright dark golden light, illuminating the It illuminates his sharp claws and illuminates his stalwart and majestic body.

It was a scene Qin Ke had never seen in his life. Even though he was in the middle of the mountain, he thought that he had broken through the sky and reached the legendary kingdom of God, and everything became solemn and solemn.

Shenlong's voice became louder and louder, he roared loudly, the sound of the dragon's chant pierced through the sky, and the whole mountain seemed unable to suppress his body!

Zhuge Wanling had no cultivation base, so he was naturally unable to stand still in such a shock, while Gao Changgong stood with a gun, but stood still like an old tree with roots, and at the same time stretched out his hand calmly, supporting Zhuge Wanling and Abu , squinting at Shenlong.

Qin Ke had already squatted on the ground because of the shock and couldn't stand still. With his hands on the ground, he raised his head and squinted his eyes, trying to see the magnificence of the light source clearly.

When the vibration slowly stopped, Shenlong's eyes were fixed, and the light on his body almost made people unable to open their eyes.Shenlong opened his mouth, and a ball of light was almost like a swift bird. In the blink of an eye, it crashed into his chest, causing him to fly backwards!

Gao Changgong's footsteps moved slightly. Although he seemed to be moving slowly, he still reached behind Qin Ke before he landed. He gently raised his right hand and grabbed his vest.

Qin Ke, who had just landed, didn't care much, and hurriedly lowered his head and reached out to touch his naked chest, only to find that the light was still shining on his heart at first, but after a while, it gradually went out on his chest. , as if it never existed.

"Akado... I'm not sure when it will wake up again, but maybe on the way forward, he will help you and help you overcome some difficulties." The light on Shenlong's body faded, and his upright body was weak Falling to the ground, his claws clung to the rock wall, his head drooped, and his chin was placed in front of Qin Ke.

"What is that?" Qin Ke asked.

Shenlong didn't answer, but looked at Zhuge Wanling: "After I die, you can take what you want."

Zhuge Wanling took a deep breath and bowed respectfully: "Thank you, Your Excellency."

Shenlong sighed contentedly, but this time, no clouds and mists were formed anymore.Qin Ke felt a little sad inexplicably. He felt that Shenlong might really be dying, but standing in front of him, he couldn't help at all.

Shenlong saw Qin Ke's sadness, and there was a bit of elder comfort in his eyes. He said softly: "Don't feel sorry for me. My spirit will feel the call of heaven and earth again, and return to the place where I should go. For the dragon Death is not the end, it's just the beginning."

"Start again...what is it?" Qin Ke asked.

"Death. But it is also rebirth. The past me will disappear, but the new existence will be reborn." Shenlong's eyes were soft.

"What do you mean?" Qin Ke really didn't understand what those old pedants would say, but after he thought about it, the dragon in front of him was indeed very old, so old that he couldn't count how many times he had seen the tide rise. The tide ebbs and the wind rises.

Zhuge Wanling came over, looked at the huge body of Shenlong, and slowly explained: "Dragon will not die, they are the rules that exist between heaven and earth, when they die, their spirits will return to the sky, Reborn there...but all his experiences and memories will disappear because of this. A new dragon will grow up, but to a certain extent, that is him."

Qin Ke stood where he was, drooping his head.So, is that so?But why didn't he feel relieved?He remembered that his master once told him that memory is the proof of a person's existence. These memories teach a person how to behave and how to do things. Everyone will remember him, like him or hate him because of this.

But whether it is good or bad, because of the existence of memory, people can define themselves, he Qin Ke can be Qin Ke, and his master, the man named Zhuge Wolong can be called Zhuge Wolong.

And will the reborn Shenlong still be the elder in front of him?

Shenlong closed his eyes, he was indeed too old, so old that he no longer wanted to live any longer, he just wanted to let his own life disappear: "Someone once said to me that everything in this world is insignificant, whether it is the withered growth of plants or trees. , the drying up of water, the collapse of empires, and the lives and deaths of people are all insignificant. If I must be obsessed with these, I will only harm myself in turn.”

He recalled that person's cheek, and smiled wryly: "Unexpectedly, he was a prophecy. I entered the world, turned into the appearance of countless people, experienced countless dynasties, followed the mission, and searched for something that can carry that great will. people. The more people I meet, the more I feel that there are too many people in this world who deserve to be killed, and I did. Jianghu people bully the weak and rob the people of their meager property. I killed him and his body Torn into pieces and moistened the soil of the farmers. After the general won the victory, he plundered the wealth of the whole city, and let his subordinates burn, kill and loot. I killed him and hung his body horizontally on the top of the city. The famine caused countless people to leave their hometown , and finally starved to death by the roadside and was devoured by wild dogs. I killed the greedy magistrate and opened the granary..."

Shenlong recalled the past, although his words were plain and did not deliberately exaggerate, but every sentence contained the word "kill".Qin Ke was shocked by the bloody smell, and didn't know what to say for a while.

And every time Shenlong uttered the word kill, the bloody smell on his body became stronger, and after reaching the back, everyone seemed to have smelled the bloody smell that shouldn't have existed from nothingness.

Qin Ke smelled the strong smell of blood and almost vomited.

"At the end of the killing, I can't tell what the original intention of this killing is, or is it because I like the feeling of killing?" Shenlong sighed dejectedly, "Some things, when you are so persistent When you become attached, you gradually forget your original intention.”

"In the end, I didn't keep my heart, so I started to indulge myself and kill people."

"Kill those who can be killed."

"Kill the unkillable."

"In my opinion, there is no difference between these people. Since people are always going to die, what difference does it make if they die of old age or are killed by me?"

"When a person walks on the road and accidentally tramples to death a few ants, he will not feel any guilt. Since I am a dragon, if someone dislikes me, I don't have to feel guilty if I kill him."

Chapter 40 A thread

"That's how it should be."

"I think that's how it should be."

"That's right...it should be like this."

"These people are nothing but ants to me, so it's only natural for me to trample them to death. Why should I feel guilty?"

For some reason, Shenlong's voice gradually changed from doubt to certainty, and then from certainty to even fanaticism: "That's right, this world is originally a battlefield created by the gods, why should I pity anyone?"

He changed his sharp voice and murmured: "No pity, no pity..."

Qin Ke was the closest to Shenlong, watching Shenlong's tired eyes open again, the dark golden light inside seemed to be gradually smudged by a glass of water dripped with red paint, stepped back a few steps, and looked at Zhuge Wan Ling said, "There seems to be something wrong with him."

"It's better to go far away, his body strength is beginning to fail, and the inner demons that he suppressed for hundreds of years are beginning to control him." Zhuge Wanling's voice was rare and dignified, "He took off the reverse scale, It's not because he died, but because of his inner demon, which made him grow a new bloodthirsty reverse scale."

"Hey, hello. I've never heard that scales will grow after giving birth to a demon. If I give birth to a demon, will my hair grow longer?" Qin Ke couldn't help but say a bad word from the market, but his body was very honest. Hiding behind Gao Changgong in a hurry, only one head popped out like Abu, looking at the dragon that seemed to be gradually going mad, trembling.

Gao Changgong said softly: "What should I do?"

Zhuge Wanling shook his head: "When the demon residing in the bloodthirsty reverse scale is released, no one can stop him, not even you. Now I can only hope that he can control himself."

"Leave my own life to him to decide? This feeling makes me a little uncomfortable." Gao Changgong's hand holding the spear tightened. At that time, he would never be willing to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Shenlong was still talking to himself, but this time, the deep and old voice seemed to come back again: "It shouldn't be like this. In this world, everything has a meaning. If you modify it purely with your own desire to correct it , is undoubtedly disrupting the balance.”

"Balance?" The sharp voice smiled coldly, "Death is the real balance, and the fairest thing in this world is death, isn't it?"

"It's still too persistent." Shenlong replied to himself again, "Tao follows nature, this is the way of existence of the world, even if you can kill everything in this world, dead things are still within nature. , Stubborn stones, metals, and iron are also part of nature, can you erase them? If you do nothing, you will do everything. You have forgotten what that person told you back then."

"That dead old man has the right to make irresponsible remarks in front of me?" The sharp voice was furious, Shenlong's pupils were blood red, the smell of blood was strong, and even Gao Changgong felt a little uncomfortable, "If I can go out, pretend to be crazy, pretend to be foolish, if I can go out, first He was the one who killed."

Almost as soon as the words fell, Shenlong's eyes were full of brilliance, and blood red covered the entire pupil. He stood upright and raised his majestic head. It is almost impossible to imagine that he is just old, tired, and almost dying. His.

With a violent dragon chant, the entire mountainside vibrated again, even more violently than before!

"Mom..." Qin Ke hid behind Gao Changgong, saw this scene, and thought that he didn't know what was stuffed by the dragon, and didn't know if this thing could come out to help him now?

"Are we going to die?" Qin Ke asked timidly.

Zhuge Wanling said calmly, "I don't think I will die here, at least not here."

"Your words that are completely unfounded but so firm that people feel inexplicable really make people suspect that you are a lunatic." Gao Changgong held the gun horizontally in front of him, and slowly inhaled, his blood was surging again, and this time In one breath, he sucked more slowly and harder than usual. If Qin Ke looked at his lower abdomen now, he would even find that his lower abdomen was slightly bulging at this moment.

At this moment, all his strength actually gathered in Dantian, he bent his knees slightly, bent over, his elbows and wrists completely formed a line, a perfect prelude to attack.

The red light band slowly flows along each scale of the Shenlong, like magma, releasing a scorching breath.And when the dragon screamed again, it almost broke through the mountainside!

But this is just his wish.

When his figure climbed to the highest point, there seemed to be countless ripples in the entire mountainside. It was a very simple power, one black and one white, pure enough to make people intoxicated, but it was so powerful unimaginable.

Qin Ke's pupils shrank, and he seemed to see countless invisible hands spewing out from the bottom of the abyss crazily, catching up with Shenlong's body, and clinging to every one of his scales!

Shenlong's figure froze, he howled, and tried his best to move upwards, but he still couldn't break free from these invisible hands, and when his castration was exhausted, he also fell back like a kite with a broken string.

The giant claw slapped fiercely in front of everyone, splashing countless gravel.Qin Ke's face hurt, and a small cut was made under his eyes.

"Ni Chen! Ni Chen!" Shenlong roared angrily towards the sky, his voice was like thunder, "How dare you do this!"

He lowered his head slightly, his huge eyes saw Gao Changgong who was waiting in full force, and said disdainfully, "Even if I'm trapped now, what can you do?"

He raised his paw and snapped it suddenly!

Qin Ke has already seen the terrifying power of Shenlong's huge eagle claws. Even Gao Changgong can only remain invincible against him. Now, Shenlong seems to be reborn. how to win

He didn't even finish the thoughts in his head, the shadow covered his face, and the giant claw came in front of him.

Gao Changgong took a long breath and fired his gun!

Unlike the previous few times, his shot was truly unreserved, and even Gao Changgong felt that he might not be able to shoot such an impeccable shot in the future.

It didn't shake at all, it was as straight as a line running through the sky and the earth, but it was silent. The air flow that should have been roaring because of his strength seemed to have become dumb at this moment.

"That's... a thread..." Qin Ke murmured.

So Shenlong's claws were penetrated, as if it was a matter of course, and everyone felt that this shot should be like this.What can block such a perfect straight line?Big balls of blood poured down like rain.

With a howl of pain, Shenlong retreated in disbelief: "Mortal..."

He became angry: "How dare you hurt me!"

"You have no chance." In his rage, he suddenly smiled, tiredly, as if the old man had returned to his body, "It's time to go back. I've been away from there for a long time."

"What did you do? What did you do!" Shenlong yelled in pain, "You gave your life to mortals! You madman!"

"Perhaps." Shenlong laughed again, "I haven't been able to defeat you, maybe it's because I wasn't crazy enough before. Now I'm crazier than you. Naturally, you can only fail."

"Impossible! Impossible!" The sharp voice finally began to panic, "How could you make such a decision! You understand, we are one!"

"It's one." The old voice said tiredly, "So you will walk with me. I am very tired. I have fought with you for hundreds of years, and I don't want to continue fighting. Maybe I should thank you, you let me I understand some truths, although it's a bit late, but I heard it in the morning, you can die in the evening, let alone..." He lowered his head, the blood red in his eyes faded, and he showed a soft look again, he looked at Qin Ke, "I met the man I've been waiting for a long time."

He closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Gula...Taras...Usha...Kabasha..."

The mountainside didn't tremble, everything was peaceful, on the contrary, Shenlong's body trembled, his eyes and cheeks tightened, as if endless pain went down his torso and went straight into his brain, he opened his mouth, and let out a low moan of pain .

The sharp voice trembled: "Reverse Zhouliu Liuxu...you bastard! You die if you want to die, why drag me!"

Howling angrily, he raised his bloody paw and wanted to slap it again, but the pain made him fall backwards, hitting the rock wall with flying stones, and he begged in fear: "No...don't , I can always hide, stop...our fate should not be like this!"

The old voice was too lazy to argue. He was so tired that he just exhaled lightly and said quietly, "Go back. You've been away for so long, don't you miss me a little?"

"Who wants to miss that place! I'm not like you! I don't come from that place! I belong here, I belong to the world, I should be the emperor of the world!" The sharp voice shouted, and the pain made him howl again, he whimpered, "You coward!"

"Perhaps. I'm cowardly, that's why I have you. But this time, I have to choose myself." The old voice sounded for the last time, almost in his voice, his powerful body seemed to be drained instantly When his faucet head fell completely on the rock, the light from the scales on his body faded away inch by inch, and at the back, his surface almost withered in pieces, like a A plant that has lost water, shrivels and curls up.

Chapter 41 Gone

Shenlong's eyes finally did not open again, and he died quietly.Perhaps he has been waiting for this moment for too long, and from him, he did not see resentment or resentment, but a kind of relief and peace.

Looking at it this way, he is like a baby returning to its mother's womb. Although it is huge, there is only peace and joy left.

He was such a powerful existence, yet so gentle.Qin Ke quietly looked at the layer of gray stained on Shenlong's body, and the light in his heart also shone, as if he was mourning, a wave of sadness welled up in his heart, and big tears accumulated in his eye sockets .

Zhuge Wanling was silent for a long time, looked at Shenlong, and finally sighed: "Although I have expected it, it is really touching to witness the passing of a great existence with my own eyes." He patted Gao Changgong on the shoulder and looked at him who was also silent. , said, "Go. Don't let his death be in vain."

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