Although it is still the same blue star, in Jiang Buku's mind, this world has become completely unfamiliar, and there is no trace of familiarity.

He has traveled to this new world many times. He has witnessed higher mountains, more magnificent Grand Canyons, and more beautiful scenery. They are indeed beautiful, but for an old antique like him, nostalgia may It is the ultimate belonging of all aesthetics.

Listening to songs like listening to old songs, the stars must be the best ever, and the world should be the most attractive in the original mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

Since the expansion of the planet, the old world has been completely torn apart.

For the world that has disappeared for more than 100 years, Jiang Buku feels that no one will miss it except for the few old antiques like him that are still strong and refuse to fall. People will read about it from textbooks. Everything about it, but nothing more.

Jiang Buku felt that since he had "freedom of power", he should follow the calling of his heart and make some commemorations for the old world, even if it was just a spiritual visualization in his Purple Mansion.

As far as his heart is concerned, no matter how the visualization world that took him a long time and a lot of energy will eventually manifest, deep in his heart, his first reaction must be to feel happy, seeing them standing in his Zifu world, Just watching, you can already feel the ultimate satisfaction, so why hesitate?

Seeing that the last ray of spiritual threads in the Zifu also disintegrated and disappeared, the Zifu became empty again. The bustling scenery before, the beautiful mountains and rivers were like a dream, and the hidden authority screen appeared again in the Zifu. , Jiang Buku's thoughts sank into it again.

Through the authority link, he is in a special dimension, he can see one hundred and eight caves, and a giant dragon is entrenched above them, sleeping with his eyes closed.

With his breathing, all the caves seemed to be slowly sinking.

He focused his attention on the interconnection of Qi and Qi between the [-] caves and the heavens, as well as their inner cores, the original appearance and charm of the ancient monuments.

This is his biggest capital for being so "reckless" in the choice of cultivation. Others practice meditation thoughts, mostly relying on brain supplementation, but he cultivates meditation thinking mostly by seeing with eyes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Weaving a beautiful mountain and river in the purple mansion with spiritual threads will consume a lot of energy and energy.

After every attempt that he knew was bound to fail, his mental strength would be exhausted to the point where it would take a long time to recover and recuperate.

Moreover, although he has repeatedly observed the changes in the qi mechanism of the [-] ancient monuments, combined with countless dictionaries to restore the grand scene of the peak period of those ancient monuments in his mind, how to weave them with spiritual threads, how to combine them with other The existing and future pictures of historic sites are connected into a cohesive whole, which requires him to carefully conceive and design until he is sure that this time the construction will be significantly improved compared to the previous one. He will inevitably fail, but he will use this to discover more new problems, and he will act again when his exhausted spirit and mental strength are fully recharged.

On average, he only tries three to five times a year.

At other times, even if he stayed in the Dianzang Pavilion, others thought he was squinting and taking a nap, but in fact, he spent more than half of the time reviewing and formulating a more optimized design in his heart.

Whenever he is mentally and mentally exhausted to the extreme, he will sink his consciousness into this special dimensional layer.

Not only can you clearly see that the Yanxia Shenlong is entrenched on the [-] ancient monuments, but with them as the core, it gathers the human spirit of the entire Yanxia, ​​making them more complete, and you can clearly see the [-] ancient monuments in this cave. Under the influence of power, the air flow of each other is optimized and improved.

These have intuitive benefits for his practice.

In addition to this, there is another benefit.

That is, his depleted spirit and mental strength will recover far faster than normal, not only can he return to the original peak period, but also break through the original limit and reach a new limit height.

It is extremely difficult for practitioners to do this by themselves. The individual limit is not so easy to break through. Every time the limit is broken through, it is not known how much suffering has been experienced before it is exchanged for that moment of rebirth from the cocoon. If you can break through the limit simply by exhausting your mental and physical energy, this method has long been a rotten street in the practice world. The reason why there is no such method is that this method is useless.

But here, when his consciousness merged with Yanxia Shenlong to a certain extent, it was as simple as eating and drinking water.

In his feelings, he is like a mobile phone whose power has dropped to 0%, and it is connected to a fast charging plug in an instant. The charging progress visible to the naked eye can make people feel so refreshed that the tip of their hair curls up.

The most outrageous thing is that it will not stop immediately after the battery is charged to 100%, and it will soar all the way to 108% or even 120%.

This is also a major reason why he would immediately regain his strength after making a new design and planning after each failed attempt. Even though he knew that it was bound to be a new failure, he would not have the slightest fear of difficulty.

Let’s take it easy, and one day I will completely restore the [-] historic sites in the Purple Mansion—with their most prosperous and dazzling moments.

If you have such a rich wealth and so many unique advantages, but you dare not make some new attempts, and only circle around within the framework of practice you have explored, then you will really live up to the gift of this body.


With the ability of Jin Yuner and her team, she has complete experience in developing the way of transformation. As long as she has a clear idea, it is not too difficult to create a new aquatic human race.

Jin Yuner did not keep this project hidden. After learning from Chen Zhongxia, she and the team determined the characteristics of the new race in all aspects. Starting from the basic premise of being able to live freely in the water, other things should be as close as possible to those of the Yanxia people. The image is close, including internal organs, tendons, appearance and body shape.

In addition, just like what they are best at, even an ugly, sticky, wet tentacled aquatic species, as long as they practice according to the transformation method they researched, they will become male when they reach the purple mansion. The man is handsome and handsome, the woman is quiet and elegant, and there are no less than dozens of styles to choose from. For example, handsome can be divided into sunny, domineering, evil, weak, and charming...

There are even more choices for women. There are dozens of basic choices, and then you can customize the assembly and matching of various basic models according to your own preferences. Or four points for Yujie, three points for first love, two points for neighbors, and one point for maternal brilliance. In this way, dozens of basic models can be made into countless matching models.

She already had mature experience, coupled with the extraordinary enthusiasm shown by the female nun team led by Jin Yuner in this matter, it can even be said to be fanatical. It took only one month to complete the framework.

Then it is to enter the practical operation stage, discover and solve problems in the actual operation, and finally form a most universal practice system.

This is also not difficult. They directly recruit volunteers from all aquatic students in the school. Although Liuyi College has the least proportion of aquatic students among non-ethnic students, it is not without them.

What Jin Fairy and her team have done has long been rumored in the school. To put it mildly, this is likely to change the fact that they are the most weakened under the existing transformation system and lack competitiveness compared with other students. Disadvantages, speaking to Dali, are likely to change the future and destiny of the entire aquatic species. Almost all aquatic species students participated in this experiment.

The other students also kept a high degree of concern about this, and kept an expectation of 12 points. It is true that Jin Xianzi's reputation in this regard is full.

And this experiment with a large number of participants has just begun, and a large group has settled on the campus.

They are the top team formed by Yanxia officials temporarily and urgently.

Although I know that Liuyi College often magnifies the news, the Yanxia officials are happy to see this and fully support it.

But they have never been so speechless this time.

What?The academy wants to create a new species?This is because we think we are too leisurely, so we deliberately get a competitor out?

Oh... don't compete with us on land, but help us fight in the water, and complement each other with us, it's a brotherly relationship...

This is still awkward.

Moreover, the positioning of the relationship between this new race and us, and how to communicate in the future, these are all complicated, serious and very huge issues, which involve all aspects of human society, and can be decided with a single tap of the head ?

Shouldn't such a major matter be carefully considered and repeatedly argued?Who dares to make a decision without holding a hundred meetings!

But Jin Yun'er and her group of women's soldiers don't care about this. Once they decide on their ideas, they will start to work vigorously. If it weren't for the principal of Liuyi College and others who had more dealings with Yanxia officials, they would have more perspectives on issues and secretly reminded the officials , the official may still be kept in the dark.

Even so, when they reacted, Jin Yuner and others had completed the theoretical construction and started a large-scale fine-tuning of practical operations.

At this time, it is too late to call a stop first, not to mention that there are many voices in the government that firmly support this. For example, the Division of Shinto firmly approves of this matter, and the Division of Supervision is also on the side of support.

The official could only hold his nose to accept this established fact, and began to urgently form an ultra-luxury top-level team, stationed directly on the campus, follow up at any time, and after conducting sufficient inquiries and surveys of the aquatic species students participating in the experiment, they took A general opinion paper is issued, mainly discussing the relationship between Yanxia official, Yanxia folk, Yanxia practice circle and this new ethnic group.

After all, there are many big rivers and lakes in Yanxia territory, and the most densely populated areas are around the large rivers. If the cultivation methods specially created for aquatic species are popularized, then the aquatic human race and the Yanxia human race will inevitably have a very close relationship. interactive.

For example, if a fisherman casts a net for fishing, what he catches may not be a single net of fish, but a family of three.

Another example is that the aquatic human race has needs for many things on land, and the hot summer people on land also have needs for things in the water, so commercial activities will naturally arise.

Another example is that the boy on land fell in love with Miss Mermaid. Is this an interracial love between them?Is there reproductive isolation?Can I get married?Is it a human fetus or a pile of fish eggs?

Will the aquatic human race be directly brought under the jurisdiction of nearby state capitals, or should the central government set up a separate agency for direct management, or use other models?

If you really look into it carefully, there are problems everywhere.

Jin Yuner and the others had a great time playing, but right beside them, there was a group of people whose hair became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The aquatic species students of Liuyi College are also monstrous in the outside world, and their talents and understanding in practice are top-notch. They have already practiced the original method of transformation, and their cultivation bases are basically in the middle and late stages of the Purple Mansion. There is not much difference between the modification, but the new method is tailor-made for their aquatic species. It is really not too easy. After the initial learning and running-in, it is quickly conquered by the high compatibility between the new method and itself, just like a switch When a person with a manual transmission switches to an automatic transmission, every aspect of his body tells him that he is comfortable.

In the process of their experiments, some small problems were constantly exposed, solved and corrected.

A month later, a new race officially named Merman was officially announced to be born.

The aquatic students of Liuyi College are also the first batch of members of the newborn human race, the mermaids. Their talent potential, which had been slashed the most, has been improved to varying degrees. The only disadvantage is that they will be accompanied by a kind of "water addiction". .

They will have a thirst for water that comes from the blood of their bodies, and they will not be completely suppressed because of their powerful cultivation in the purple mansion.

The longer the time away from the water, the stronger the thirst, and the strength, emotion, and mental state will be affected. To alleviate this situation, it is best to soak in the water for more than an hour every day.

The new mermaids said that this is not a problem, because according to their plan, except for studying and practicing with other students, they will soak in the water at other times, dig a pool directly at home, sleep, practice, and party all in the water Solution, some mermaids are already discussing how to decorate this new style of underwater room. After all, the decoration style of many ground buildings cannot be moved underwater.

For the mermaids in the Purple Mansion, soaking in water for an hour a day can eliminate water addiction, while the mermaids with lower strength must soak in water for longer to relieve this disease. According to estimates by Jin Yuner and others, practicing Qi It is best not to leave the water for more than six hours each time. If you really want to travel far away from the water, it is the best choice to carry a large wooden bucket with you and soak for an hour or two every five or six hours. , if it is inconvenient to carry, then you must consider the water source in advance. The mermaids in the foundation environment can soak in the water for two or three hours a day.

If you want to completely eliminate this water addiction, you can only wait until the golden core is condensed and your body completely transforms into a real person.

There are gains and losses.


In the picture, Kim Yoona and others clapped hands to celebrate, declaring the project a complete success.

Another generous Humanity Value reward arrived in the account.

In terms of difficulty alone, Jin Yun'er and others said that it was many times easier than when they groped out the way to transform themselves from scratch.

But Jiang Buku received more humane rewards than that of [Teaching the Way of Transformation]. It was the first time he gained 7847 humane points when he instructed the Tao of Transformation. It is not directly counted in the way of instructing transformation, but a new item [Birth of the Merman Clan] has been added.

Two rewards were given back and forth. The first time was Jin Yuner's first fierce battle with Chen Zhongxia with her powerful cultivation and ever-changing supernatural powers. In the records of Yanxia Humanity, Jin Yuner is the first mermaid;

The second time is this time, the transformation method of the Mermaid Race has fully matured, and the Mermaid Race has officially been established.

The total of the two humane rewards is 14752 points, which is about a thousand points less than the establishment of the Shinto system. The value of the Shinto system he founded is slightly lower, and it can even be said that the value of the two is basically the same.

The increase of Yan Xia's humanity is not completely proportional to the amount of effort she puts in.

After the successful creation of the merman form method, the first batch of people to enjoy it were the water gods granted by the Shinto priest and the aquatic students of the Vice Capital Special Grade and the State Advanced Practice Academy. The absolute number of these two groups is already very large. There is no prohibition on the dissemination of this technique, so this mermaid transformation method spreads quickly in a series of water systems, large rivers and lakes.

All aquatic species that have awakened wisdom, except for a very few, actively learn and transform into mermaids, which does not reduce their strength much, and can formally embrace the big thick legs of the Yanxia Qi training and visualization system, and the Yanxia civilization Quan's recognition of the mermen is obviously higher than the appearance of their native race, and they are truly integrated into a big group.

There is no need for any force to force it, the intelligent aquatic species of the world's water system have made their own choices.

According to the latest decree announced by the Yanxia official, newborn mermaids must go to the nearest relevant institution to file and register, and obtain the corresponding identity certificate, in order to enjoy the official policies specially formulated for [Yanxia mermaid]. Even if a wild mermaid with an ID card is killed, he can only be blamed morally and not punished by law.

Therefore, after the spread of the merman transformation method to the world, from two months later, mermen began to go ashore to register and record in Yanxia, ​​so the center can immediately know the daily increase in the number of merman in the whole Yanxia territory.

The relevant departments of the central government have followed up and analyzed this in detail. They have even drawn various curve icons since the first mermaid landed and registered, which can not only clearly reflect the current growth situation, but also speculate on the future growth of the mermaid. The trend is born, and finally the final number of mermen is predicted.

It can be clearly seen from the icon that the number of mermaid registrations is increasing every month or even every day, because there is a time for the spread of mermaid transformation, and there is also a time for learning. Hurry up, those with less talent and weaker strength have to learn slower, this is also a normal phenomenon.

But starting from the sixth month when the mermaid form method was widely spread to the world, a curve that was almost at a right angle caught everyone who paid attention to this matter off guard.

This growth trend far exceeds any of the most exaggerated and outrageous expectations.

Because there are countless aquatic species that have awakened wisdom in Yanxia. Although the data Yanxia has cannot be accurate to each individual, there are always some slipping through the net, but the data is probably not wrong. The number of sharks born cannot exceed the number of intelligent aquatic species. Quantity, this is everyone's default.

And the number of sharks born in just the sixth month far exceeds the total number of Yanxia wisdom aquatic species!

Where is it?


Jin Yun'er stepped into the Dianzang Pavilion again, unlike the previous time when she brought newborn mermaids to announce the good news, she now had some strange and inexplicable expressions on her face.

Jiang Buku took the initiative to ask: "What's the matter? What happened?"

Jin Yun'er came to Jiang Buku's side, picked up the little Mazha next to him, sat down on the opposite side of him, got closer to him, winked and whispered: "Jiang Ye, let me tell you a rare thing, this is today It was only reported from the relevant official department, and I was notified by them because I was directly related to this matter, and no one else knew about it."

Jiang Buku asked: "What rare thing?"

Jin Yun'er didn't answer and asked instead: "Do you know which group is most suitable for the mermaid transformation method?"

Jiang Buku asked, "Which group?"

"Man!" Jin Yuner said firmly.

"Ah?" Jiang Buku stared.

"Yes, it's easiest for humans to switch to this method! Think about it, the mermaid was originally designed with a human as the standard template, but with the basic feature of aquatic life added. If a human practitioner wants to switch to the mermaid form method, it can be compared with those who have all kinds of strange things. The aquatic species are much more convenient!"

Jin Yun'er clicked her tongue again and again: "I only realized it after hearing them say this. At that time, I didn't think about it at all when I created the mermaid form method. Originally, everyone thought that the aliens should rely on people. Who would have thought that people would take the initiative to become a different kind!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jin Yun'er asked: "Do you know how many mermen were registered in Quanyanxia last month?"

"How much?" Jiang Bu asked bitterly.

Jin Yuner raised three fingers, shook them in the air, and said, "300 million!"

Having said that, she raised another finger and said, "According to the estimates collected by the authorities from various sources, the total number of registered and unregistered intelligent aquatic species in the entire hot summer territory is absolutely unprecedented." It will exceed 100 million!"

"And there must be a large number of them who haven't practiced the mermaid transformation method or don't want to practice this method at all. In other words, just last month, more than 200 million mermen came from non-wisdom aquatic species. It is also impossible for the number to be borne by other intelligent non-human races. After a simple analysis, the official has determined that more than 200 million metamorphosed mermen must have been transformed from humans."

Jin Yun'er analyzed the situation clearly in one breath, and then said: "The authorities are now investigating this, and it will take a while to get a detailed conclusion and the reasons behind it, but I heard a saying before, At that time, it was thought that it was just a small number of people’s bad taste, or it was a joke, but now it seems that this is probably not a simple bad taste, but shows some potential trends.”

"What did you hear?" Jiang Buku asked.

Jin Yuner smiled and said:

"Whether it is the previous human transformation method or the current merman transformation method, we are the most diligent in appearance, unless the appearance is too bizarre, otherwise even the [Illusion Realm] is very capable in appearance.

After these merman transformations are successfully formed, don't they have to go ashore to register and apply for ID cards immediately? Naturally, many human practitioners are in the eyes.

In addition, the appearance of the mermaids is an extremely sensational event. Every time a mermaid goes ashore to register, there are many practitioners from around to watch. Crazy, rarely seen to take actual action.

But those male cultivators are different. They often boldly strike up a conversation with female mermaids, and even ask for a date. There are quite a few successful dates.

And all male cultivators who have had a date with the female shark will express their admiration for the female shark in public or private occasions, and are willing to form a marriage relationship with the female shark, and they will be married forever.

He threatened that even if he didn't want to be a human being, he would be willing to follow the other party to live in the water. "

Speaking of this, she stared at Jiang Buku, as if you said this is outrageous.

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