After a long time, Jiang Buku shut down with a speechless face and deleted all related videos.

"Hey, I don't know how many times it's been. I'll just clean up the mess for you two. Hey, I'm born to work hard."

Thinking so in his heart, he immediately made special treatment for these [-] banned videos.

When his consciousness was withdrawn from the Purple Mansion, and he returned to the present world again, he held down his throbbing heart, and it took a long time before he slowly regained his strength.

"Hey, I don't know that the old man can't stand the stimulation."

Up to this moment, there was actually a fish tail thumping desperately in his mind.

The more I want to get rid of it, the more I can't get rid of it.

Hey, that picture is poisonous.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Collection Pavilion.

Houshan courtyard.

Jiang Buku sat cross-legged on the bed.

His consciousness has completely entered a state of emptiness, whether alive or dead, vaguely present.

The vast and boundless Zifu space is empty, and the screen representing the power of humanity has disappeared without a trace, leaving only an empty and boundless Zifu space.

Suddenly, a tiny ray of spiritual power appeared, and it slowly wandered in the Zifu.

At first glance, it seems that its walking is irregular. It walks straight for a certain distance, suddenly makes a [-]-degree turn, immediately undulates like a wave, and then goes back to the straight line area before walking parallel for a while, and then suddenly an oblique. corners cross it.

Can not see the slightest pattern.

And wherever it passes, there is a ray of spiritual power left behind, just like the traces of strokes left by the pen tip, and like a thread dragging the thread ball under the control of a force, every time this ray of spiritual power moves, The spiritual thread that is connected with it is stretched a little.

Sometimes intersect with the original spiritual thread, sometimes parallel, sometimes overlap, and sometimes intertwine, just like knitting a sweater, like interlaced warp and weft.

Gradually, with more and more lines, the outline became clearer and clearer. An ancient city wall like a stick figure appeared in the Purple Mansion.

And the irregular undulations are the texture and shape of the rocks. This section of the ancient city wall stands on a mountain.

As a section of the city wall gradually took shape, it seemed that the warm-up was over, the thread formed by the spiritual power suddenly split into two, one of which continued to drag the spiritual thread to weave the city wall, while the other dragged the spiritual thread to weave the city gate.

The speed of both of them also accelerated a bit, a section of city wall and a city gate slowly grew under their weaving.

Then, the two strands of spiritual thread split again and turned into four strands. Among them, two strands continued to weave the city wall, and the other two strands went deep into the city and began to weave other buildings, yamen, and military camps.

The four mental threads moved faster, and the interactions between them became more frequent, subtle, and complicated.

Then, the four mental threads split into eight again, at an even faster speed.

They are like eight flower-piercing butterflies that swim flexibly, dragging their lingering trails, and the woven objects of these trails gradually take shape, and the outline of an ancient city standing on the top of the mountain is gradually revealed.

Then, eight becomes 16, 16 becomes 32, and 32 becomes 64.

In the end, 64 split into 120, and since then, the mental thread will not continue to split, and this number will remain unchanged.

Under the staggered weaving of 120 eight butterflies wearing flowers, an ancient city was quickly formed in Zifu.

Not only the shape, but also the color, as well as the traces of time that have been eroded by wind and frost. Touching the "wound" on the city wall seems to smell the smell of iron, blood and gunpowder. Facing the invasion of barbaric forces, for the sake of Guard the root of civilization, the unyielding belief that the whole city will never yield.

When such an ancient fishing city is completely condensed in Zifu, it seems that the impact of weapons and the shouts of killing echo in this quiet and empty Zifu.

not end yet.

120 Eight flower-wearing butterflies drew 120 eight trails in the Zifu space, and came to another place.

This is Jiangnan.

They began to weave together again, and an ancient town gradually took shape, with small, curved rivers, row upon row of houses on both sides, stone-built steps that have been walked for many years with natural ups and downs, arched small bridges, from time to time There are some small wharves near the river, and some have Uppong boats tied beside them.

Next to the road, the weeping willows on the bank are shaded.

More than 100 flower-wearing butterflies are wandering wantonly, and their wakes weave a small town with ancient charm.

When it is fully formed, it seems to come alive immediately.

The water of the small river seems to be rippling gently, and the Uppong boat tied to the small pier seems to be slowly rising and falling with the rippling water.

It seems that in the next moment, there will be a few women in common clothes squatting in a row on the small pier with a wooden basin slung across their shoulders, washing clothes while gossiping and gossiping, or in a winding alley, there will be a woman supporting her. The graceful girl on the oil paper passed by a scholar who covered his face with his sleeve under the fine spring rain.

Weaving an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River, more than 100 flower-wearing butterflies did not leave, and continued to swim not far away.

Rockery, corridors, pavilions, pavilions, ponds, lotus ponds, trees, flowers and plants.

One step at a time, with great ingenuity.

Beside the low wall undulating like microwaves, there is a green apricot plant and a swing.

When this garden in the south of the Yangtze River took shape, time seemed to return to late spring. There was a beautiful woman sitting on a swing giggling, and there seemed to be a passerby outside the wall who was attracted by the laughter, stopped and raised her head to listen.

Weaving the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, 120 eight butterflies wearing flowers continue to work hard.

The water is bright and clear, and the mountains are empty and rainy.

The beauty of the West Lake is in March, and the spring rain is like wine and willows are like smoke.After ten years of cultivation, we can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of cultivation, we can sleep together.

A West Lake, a broken bridge.

When they take shape, the beauty of Jiangnan and the love of Jiangnan seem to have gathered together.

But it wasn't enough, 120 eight flower-wearing butterflies continued to swim, and the ones that existed only in the historical imprints were restored in Jiang Buku's Zifu.

There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Qiantang River, Kuaiji Mountain.


I don't know how long it took, but 120 and eight flower-wearing butterflies finally weaved a Jiangnan that combines historical sites and written memories with dense spiritual threads.

Then, it started to swim in the wider Zifu.

When it passes by, there will always be something left behind, or a mountain, or a city, or a river, or a wonder.

After a long time, it seems that they finally broke free from the lingering misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and 120 butterflies plunged into the north full of wind, sand and iron blood.

Yanmen Pass.

Yumen Pass.

Yang Guan.


Great Sanguan.

Hulao Pass.

Hangu Pass.

It's just that when the names are dropped, the murderous aura and dense battle clouds seem to have risen in people's hearts.

I don't know how many bones and blood there are, Wang Tu and hegemony revolve around them. It is very likely that the gain or loss of a small pass will determine the rise and fall of the luck of the entire hot summer.

Then there is Beiman Mountain, where many emperors and generals are buried.

Monuments appear one after another in the Purple Mansion. They are based on real visions and monuments, and are perfected by the records in the vast classics. In terms of momentum and completeness, they are even better than those visions and monuments. After all, many visions Like the historic sites, they did not completely retain their most dazzling moments. Later generations destroyed and built, built and destroyed, and the historical sites that were preserved until the sky changed did not know how many times they were repaired.

Taking advantage of Zifu's visualization, Jiang Buku naturally wanted to restore them to the greatest extent.

Even many natural landscapes are restored according to their peak and most prosperous postures. For example, it was called Yunmengze in ancient times and Dongting Lake in later years. Use this as a model.

His visualizations range from easy to difficult, from shallow to deep.

When those monuments appeared one by one in the Purple Mansion, they were distributed in an orderly manner, ten, twenty, fifty, sixty...

120 The eight butterflies wearing flowers seem to be tireless, still working hard.

All of this seems to be very slow, and it is indeed very slow on the spiritual level of Jiang Buku. After all, these picturesque landscapes, picturesque rivers and mountains, and beautiful mountains and rivers are all woven by him with spiritual threads. Every turning point, every interlude, All have his designs and ideas.

But in reality, this is very fast, and the speed of the appearance of every visionary monument is no slower than other people who practice the concept of thinking.

However, when there were eighty visionary monuments, Jiang Buku's speed gradually slowed down.

When the No.80 five anomalous monuments took shape, 120 eight flower-wearing butterflies suddenly began to merge in twos, becoming 64.

Starting from the No.80 six anomalous monuments, their speed of presentation suddenly slowed down many times.

Not only has his output slowed down, but also because it is becoming more and more difficult to shape these anomalous monuments themselves.

During this process, 64 butterflies fused into 32, 32 into [-], [-] into [-], [-] into [-], [-] into [-], [-] into [-].

Not because of success, but because of exhaustion.

When a man-made river called the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs from north to south and connects the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River with the autumn wind in the north of the Great Wall, the last bit of spiritual strength completely disappears.

With the disappearance of this bit of spiritual power, it seems that the end of the thread is not completely perfect, looping back and forth, the stroke it wove a moment ago suddenly loosened, and then the previous stroke of this loose spiritual thread also began to loosen, thus, As if a chain reaction had been triggered, more and more spiritual threads began to loosen and began to collapse.

When a visionary monument disintegrates, first all the colors and textures that seem substantial disappear, and become an empty frame composed of some simple lines, and then even these frame lines fall apart, and finally disappear.

Finally, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which was visualized spiritually, was the first to disintegrate and disappear.

Then the second anomalous monument faded, collapsed, and disappeared.

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

The tenth, No.20, one...

In the end, the ancient fishing city that was condensed together with the initial visualization also collapsed as the spiritual power dissipated.

According to the "intermediary" theory he revealed to Li Weixi, in addition to the sun, moon and stars in the sky, one hundred and eight visionary monuments can also be used as objects of spiritual visualization, and because they stand there clearly, it is easy to observe , On-site evidence collection, the difficulty of cultivation is less than that of visualizing the sun, moon and stars.

After the visualization is completed, naturally there is no such thing as disintegration. Unless it is actively dispelled, otherwise, the spiritual scene will take root in the Purple Mansion forever. This is also the root of many powerful and unique spiritual abilities. If the visualization scene disappears or Being scattered by others, his strength will inevitably be damaged as a result.

At the beginning, when everyone was exploring, although most people subconsciously chose the sun, moon and stars as the foundation of visualization, some people also chose to use the [-] visionary monuments as the foundation of visualization.

Then, in the practice of confirming each other, using visionary monuments as the foundation of visualization showed more and more shortcomings and deficiencies compared with the former.Compared with the idea of ​​star view, the single view of monuments lacks change and imagination.

As more and more excellent people join the field of star visualization, the rapid optimization and maturity further highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the two. In the face of such general changes, they all changed their schools one after another, and embarked on the path of practice based on the visualization of the sun, moon and stars.

Countless practitioners have made choices with their feet, and the idea of ​​visionary monuments has been left to history as a failed attempt.

Jiang Buku also has no intention of reversing the failed ideas of the conception of historical sites. Strictly speaking, although they all have the common foundation of "visualization of historical sites", they are completely different in terms of the most basic techniques and the core core.

Other people's visualization is like painting with a paintbrush, but his visualization is turning spiritual power into longitude and latitude threads, weaving little by little to present beautiful mountains and rivers, not to mention the core, a single historic site In his Violet Mansion visualization, it is not the final result, but a basic unit, which is the cornerstone of his higher intention.

Because of the different expectations and positioning at the beginning, for others, it is considered a success to successfully visualize a visionary monument. Those who are ambitious will choose several monuments of the same nature or opposite nature or complement each other to visualize. In order to increase the intensity of spiritual power and the diversity of means, he wants to visualize all [-] visionary monuments in the Purple Mansion at once.

Among them, the difficulty is more than a hundred times the difference.

Of course, this is not a challenge for the sake of challenge. The fundamental purpose of doing so is to make the [-] monuments scattered and integrated, and to separate and integrate.

Instead of wanting to get a pile of one hundred and eight simple monuments.

With his majestic and vast spiritual strength, if he really wanted to collect all [-] visualization monuments in the Purple Mansion, he would be able to do it in the Purple Mansion without too much effort.

This simple stacking has long been unable to meet the expectations in his heart.

And in this way, the most intuitive manifestation is that his visualization is more difficult.

As long as he can't fully visualize the [-] visionary monuments at one time, no matter how many monuments he visualizes in the Purple Mansion, they will soon disintegrate and disappear.

This time, he persisted until the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was formed, running through the north and south, and then his mental strength was exhausted, which is already the best achievement.

Compared with the previous one, there is no doubt that there has been a huge improvement. The most intuitive manifestation is that he visualized two more miraculous monuments.

But he wasn't too happy either, he was very calm.

He is very clear that passing this hurdle is not a smooth road, but means that higher and more hurdles are waiting for him. He can clearly see that there are bigger projects and greater challenges ahead. waiting for him.

Five Sacred Mountains, the ancestor of Wanshan Mountains, the first peak in the world, two great rivers that run through the Yanxia territory, and also run through the history of Yanxia civilization, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, the Great Wall, the ancient city of the imperial capital...

Whether it is the demand for spiritual power itself or the complexity and profoundness of weaving techniques, the difficulty has obviously stepped up to a new level.

He is confident that he will overcome these problems one by one and solve them all. The only troublesome thing is time.

"There's no rush, there's plenty of time anyway." Jiang Buku's mind was calm.

Ever since Dai Yanxia Shenlong took over the authority of Yanxia Humanity, personal power is temporarily dispensable to him. Anyway, before the authority of Yanxia Humanity is taken away or entrusted to him on his own initiative, the power of the world can no longer harm he.

The pursuit of strength is not so urgent, so he wants to try some new ideas instead of rushing to revise the new law. Anyway, all the new laws are in his mind, and he can "change clothes" at any time as long as he wants.Although he has not formally started practicing the new method, even in front of the pioneers of the new method, such as Chen Zhongxia and Li Weixi, he can pat his chest and say "know a little bit" without humility.

Having realized the "freedom of power" early, he can of course make some new attempts according to his own temperament.Anyway, there are human rights and new laws around, and the worst result is "failure to start a business, and go back to be a veteran of a listed company."

When the world became unrecognizable little by little, the one hundred and eight visionary monuments that barely retained the last traces of the old era were also pulled into individual caves.

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